32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

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Hello everyone. I just wanted to show my appreciation to all the people making mod textures. Thank you.

Back during 1.4.7 and earlier, I made/editing up some textures myself I'd like to donate to the cause. They're not the best by any means and could have used a bit more time in the oven, but if there's anything you all could use than by all means feel free.
I've made sure that everything is either edited together from JohnSmith's work (or very old work) or made from scratch (forestry trees).


Zip includes:
Forestry trees/leaves
bee hive thing
IC2 CF foam and alternative
Several different ores
Iron Chests (the current ones in the Technician pack are better imo but I made these before they existed)
Popcorn and Corn cob
2 tree bark textures for Twlight Forest (Didn't like what is currently available)
Stained Glass (a lot of mods add stained glass and I figured some variety was in order)

That's it. Everything else is edited from other people's work and sadly I probably can't share without permissions. Also please feel free to improve on anything.

Hope it helps and thanks again.

Unofficial JSTR 1.5.2

This is a whole pack update for FTB Unleashed (MC 1.5.2) from the JSTR team. Fixes 90% of the textures for BuildCraft, IC2, Forestry, Biomes o Plenty, Railcraft, MFR, Thermal Expansion, Factorization, Iron Chests, and Nether Ores.

Changelog (r10)

Previous changes: r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9

NEI - GUI update.
- Fixed ore/liquid dictionary GUI.
- Added Tinker's Construct smeltery GUI.

Factorization - Update.
- Updated Parasieve texture and some items.
- Fixed Crystallizer GUI alignment.

Steve's Carts - Port.
- Ported from JSTR 1.4, but is incomplete. Only adds hull textures, GUIs, and some components.
- Made new junction rail texture.

Twilight Forest - Fixes.
- Removed some old incorrect textures for trees and saplings.

Thaumcraft 3 - Fixes.
- Updated Arcane Bore GUI.

Magic Bees - Item update.
- Updated frames and some other item textures.
- Made new Jelly Babies texture.

Forestry - Update.
- Ported better-looking backpacks, habitat locator, cans, and tool cartons.
- New versions of the Bee House, Apiary and Lepidopterist's Chest.
- Fixed light grey stained glass colour.
- Full coverage of Forestry trees and wood.
- Updates for some GUIs.

Applied Energistics - Update.
- Updates to all monitor and terminal blocks.
- Black terminal variants have a dark frame.
- Fixed Crafting CPU texture.
- Fixed layout on Pattern Encoder and Pattern Provider GUIs.
- Updated button frame in GUIs.
- Improvements for some item textures.

Railcraft - Update.
- Updated Abyssal Stone, Dark Ores, and Void Chest.
- Updated Trackman's Goggles and Engineer's Overalls item textures.
- Updated reinforced crowbar, whistle tuner, steel shears, nuggets and lapotron upgrade textures.

Biomes O Plenty - Update.
- New gem ore textures (again), with a more consistent style.
- Updated short grass, flowers, dyes and some other items.
- New animated spring water.

ComputerCraft - Update.
- Updated screen blinking animation.
- Updated modems, cables and turtles.

MineFactory Reloaded - Update.
- Made new RedNet Cable and Precision Sledgehammer.

Underground Biomes - Ported.
- Full support, backported from JSTR 1.6.

- Fixed missing painting slot. It's now a chicken in a minecart, as it should be.

Download: Dropbox
Hi, i dont know if this has been ever answer before but can someone tell me if i can add textures to the one i already have. I used teh ftb launcher to download texture pack, but noticed here https://github.com/Glowstrontium/JSTR_MC-1.5 that there are samo other modes also already done that ftb dosent download (magic bees, tinker construct and wireless_redstone_CBR). I would like to add them and would be very thankfull if someone could tell me if possible and if it is how to do it.

Thanks for any help
Hi, i dont know if this has been ever answer before but can someone tell me if i can add textures to the one i already have. I used teh ftb launcher to download texture pack, but noticed here https://github.com/Glowstrontium/JSTR_MC-1.5 that there are samo other modes also already done that ftb dosent download (magic bees, tinker construct and wireless_redstone_CBR). I would like to add them and would be very thankfull if someone could tell me if possible and if it is how to do it.
Download my pack for an all in one solution or use the JSTR patcher to add to your existing texture pack.


Unofficial JSTR 1.5.2

This is a whole pack update for FTB Unleashed (MC 1.5.2) from the JSTR team. Fixes 90% of the textures for BuildCraft, IC2, Forestry, Biomes o Plenty, Railcraft, MFR, Thermal Expansion, Factorization, Iron Chests, and Nether Ores.

Changelog (r11)

Previous changes: r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10

IC2 - Update.
- Some new machine designs backported from 1.6.
- Added ejector upgrade item.

Applied Energistics - Update.
- Added support for new default terminals in rv13.
- Made new Quartz Glass texture.

WR-CBE - Fixes.
- Fixed rendering of Wireless Remote and Triangulator; WR-CBE does not support 32x32 texture compositing.

Factorization - GUI update.
- Fixed layouts of Craftpacket Maker and Stamper.
- Corrected the alignment of some progress bars.

Forestry - Fixes.
- Fixed soldering iron and rain tank GUIs again, old versions accidentally got into the last update.

Download: Dropbox

If there are no problems reported, this is a candidate for adding to the launcher. Please report any issues.
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R11 looks awesome! Marble and Eclogite were huge changes for me (Marble Castle on a volcano, nearly all the excavation under is into Eclogite). Only things that stood out right away were that the Diamond Brick and Fancy Diamond Brick are stock, and the Jack-O-Lantern is still dark. I just copied the brightest face from the 1.6.4 version to fix that though. Also Obsidian Totem's act oddly (not new for R11), if you place one block only the top is the new texture, the sides are stock. If you stack them the top block is textured on all visible sides and the ones below change to stock texture on all visible sides.

*Edit - Force Weapons and Tools - love the pack's look of the regular weapons and tools, would really like to see the force ones updated.
WR-CBE - Fixes.
- Fixed rendering of Wireless Remote and Triangulator; WR-CBE does not support 32x32 texture compositing.

You figured this out? Awesome. I was stumped and couldn't get any official answer on it.

At some point I will get the Magic Bees stuff out and maybe look at a port of the Thaumcraft 3 stuff to Thaumcraft 4. I've been busy with other games lately.
R11 looks awesome! Marble and Eclogite were huge changes for me (Marble Castle on a volcano, nearly all the excavation under is into Eclogite). Only things that stood out right away were that the Diamond Brick and Fancy Diamond Brick are stock, and the Jack-O-Lantern is still dark. I just copied the brightest face from the 1.6.4 version to fix that though. Also Obsidian Totem's act oddly (not new for R11), if you place one block only the top is the new texture, the sides are stock. If you stack them the top block is textured on all visible sides and the ones below change to stock texture on all visible sides.

*Edit - Force Weapons and Tools - love the pack's look of the regular weapons and tools, would really like to see the force ones updated.
Thanks for the feedback. The diamond bricks from Tinker's Construct will take a while, because there are so many structural block additions in that mod that require different styles, and we are still only working on the items. I should be able to fix the TC3 totems right now though. DartCraft will have to wait for someone who plays the mod to come up with a consistent art direction for the items.

You figured this out? Awesome. I was stumped and couldn't get any official answer on it.

At some point I will get the Magic Bees stuff out and maybe look at a port of the Thaumcraft 3 stuff to Thaumcraft 4. I've been busy with other games lately.
I'm waiting for your Magic Bees hives, they were pretty cool.
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Reactions: Jiri Starrider
I don't know if this belongs here, but I'm having font problems when I install this resource pack on MC 1.6.4.
The font is unreadable for the most part, and I have no idea why, I thought having Optifine(newest version) installed solves this kind of problems?

Edit: Pic:

I don't know if this belongs here, but I'm having font problems when I install this resource pack on MC 1.6.4.
The font is unreadable for the most part, and I have no idea why, I thought having Optifine(newest version) installed solves this kind of problems?
You should post at John Smith Legacy forums, it's where the person in charge of the fonts is most likely to see it.
I don't know if this belongs here, but I'm having font problems when I install this resource pack on MC 1.6.4.
The font is unreadable for the most part, and I have no idea why, I thought having Optifine(newest version) installed solves this kind of problems?

Edit: Pic:


Yea, we noticed that. And as of now we have no idea what's causing it and how to fix it. Unless you want to feel like a cryptographer, I recommend turning off the custom fonts option in Optifine.
What's needed as I use the mod as part of Unleashed (and wish I had found it earlier)? And, is this a conversation that should go over to John Smith Legacy forums?
Yeah, post in the Technician's Remix section there.


Unofficial JSTR 1.5.2

This is a whole pack update for FTB Unleashed (MC 1.5.2) from the JSTR team. Fixes 90% of the textures for BuildCraft, IC2, Forestry, Biomes o Plenty, Railcraft, MFR, Thermal Expansion, Factorization, Iron Chests, and Nether Ores.

Changelog (r12)

Previous changes: r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10

Biomes O Plenty - Update.
- A few plants updated.
- Fixed Tanzanite gem item.

Thaumcraft 3 - Fixes.
- Fixed obsidian totem base blocks.

EnderStorage - Added.
- Just noticed this was in FTB.

GregTech - GUI update.
- Updated Electric Workbench GUI to correct layout.

Download: Dropbox

If there are no problems reported, this is a candidate for adding to the launcher. Please report any issues.
I always delete the font files in resource packs, I like the vanilla font better

That was someone else with the font issue, for me the JSTR kerning is a bit off, but I don't use optifine as it ate the textures for the installed modules on my Power Fist, regardless of texture pack.
Mojang changed the font handling in 1.6 and it's still kinda broken (I don't have the link but there was a thread about it in Jira that Grumm was posting in). I played with an attempt at a custom font for a while some time ago and only got it moderately better, still too broken to put out, so I gave up and put in Faithful's in the pack I use for playing. 1.7 might be better but haven't checked.
Minecraft 1.6 HD fonts are just broken. I did figure out how to make an update - just tested with Optifine for MC 1.6 - that temporarily fixes it. It's not perfectly the same kerning as before, but it works. Install by extracting the assets directory in the zip then adding it to your resource pack.
Download: JS Font for 1.6

That was someone else with the font issue, for me the JSTR kerning is a bit off, but I don't use optifine as it ate the textures for the installed modules on my Power Fist, regardless of texture pack.
You can fix this by turning off the custom font engine and pixel shaders in mmmPowersuits.cfg.
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Reactions: Jiri Starrider
I've whipped up a few new things and organized everything to the 1.5.2 file structure.

Actually, I have no idea how I'd do this . I'll just try to list the things I made from scratch and everything else is edited and modified from what is already available in the remix pack or JohnSmith's textures.

biomesoplenty - algae cragrock cactus drieddirt glowflower log_pine_side log_pine_heart
Everything else in this folder is either very old JohnSmith stuff like the berry bush and hardice or very quick edits to things like the mushrooms deadbloom and such.
extrabees - the hive texture from the first upload but for all the hives (I took the nether one out for reasons)
forestry- i made all the log textures and tried to base them off their real world counterparts. A couple of these don't tile up all that well. The planks are just color edits
magicbees- same as extrabees. I consider all these hives (extrabees and foresty to) as just place holders. They're not that great and don't really make much sense.
Millenaire- Millenaire is part of one FTB pack. I was pretty sure textures for Millenaire have been done a long time ago but I guess they where cut from the mod support or something. Anyway, I only included the things I've made. I have everything done personally but I don't think I can share it without being yelled at. The stuff at the Millenaire library site hasn't been updated in a while but that's what I used for everything else for the most part.
natura- apple_bark apple_heart bloodwood_bark boodwood_heart bloodwood_leaves eucalyptus_bark eucalyptus_heart eucalyptus_leaves sakura_bark sakura_heart
I don't know if it's natura or bop but one of the apple trees have messed up leaves and I never fixed it. Luckily, I barely ever find apple trees. The bloodwood 2x2 log I left as is in the original 16x textures just resized. Nothing I tried looked as good.
tinker- It's just the ore bushes don't get excited! Good luck to anyone tackling this mod geez. 6,000 textures or something. Anyway, the bushes are kinda sloppy and rushed but better than nothing. Made using old JohnSmith leaves
twilightforest- the texture in the current pack looks like it's just the giant mushroom texture. Kinda bothered me. So I made something similar to what the default texture from the mod looks like.

Hopefully I didn't forget to delete anything from the zip that shouldn't be there. Again feel free to use edit tweak anything. Have a good day!
