Building on this; 166666Eu/UU (IC2) or 16666666Eu/UU(Greg). 5UU makes 4.4 iron (induction smelting*), giving 189,393 or 1,893,398Eu/steel.
Totalling 18,794,925 or 187,499,925Eu/turbine.
(If you get smart with Direpack, you could average 4,499,982Eu/turbine)
As for how much you get per boiler? about 225Eu/t on turbines, or 144Eu/t via magma crucible. (
thread- next couple of posts and top of next page are relevant)
Iirc the turbine recipe actually produces 2 turbines, but let me run the numbers real quick:
K, for the iron ore I'm going with the simple 16,666,666 EU for 2 ore > 4 ingots, due to rich slag not being guaranteed and you' have to reprocess it to get the extra ingot anyway.
So for the recipe you'd need 99 ingots, which comes out to 50 ore needed per recipe. However, each recipe makes 2 rotors last I checked, so aboout 50 ingots, or 25 ore per rotor (rounded up of course).
That makes 1 rotor equal to about 416,666,650 eu in gregtech to resupply if only using UUM.
Each rotor can now run for 60 hours at 100 eu/t, this comes out to 432,000,000 eu/rotor.
So using only Gregtech matter fabs to restore the steel needed for the rotor nets you a gain of about 15,333,350 eu per rotor.
I haven't tried the other methods of gaining iron yet, so I'm not sure if they could be considered viable yet or not and thus not sure of about how much energy you would need to resupply the rotors.
Now to run numbers on the system I plan on using: Let's go with a steam boiler fully supplying eu by itself - so 144 mj/t, of which 140 mj can be used for 7 magma crucibles, feeding cobble lava into thermal generators for 24 eu/t each. This comes out to 168 eu/t. Over the course of 60 hours this becomes 725,760,000 eu for a boiler's worth of MJ. You can use the 4 MJ extra to run a rubber tree farm and then use the EU from the system to feed a boiler. To turn rubber logs into methane requires 25,000 eu over 250 seconds, and you would need 2 centrifuges for the first boiler, so 50,000 eu over 250 seconds, or 10 eu/t. This comes out to an upkeep of 43,200,000 eu from the system, so a net gain of 682,560,000 eu over those same 60 hours. Even for Geothermal Generators it's 604,800,000 eu over 60 hours, for a net gain of 561,600,000 eu.
Using those numbers you can probably see no matter how you slice it the steam boiler > lava conversion has a much higher return rate than turbines can at the moment due to the simple fact you can produce more eu by turning mj into lava than if you turn steam directly into eu. This is why lava power is difficult to balance as well :X
Edit: I did leave out a liquid transposer there, but tbh I'm not even sure if the steam boiler consumers the cells so I might not even need it. Considering how long each cycle is though I'd say that you could limit the rubber farm to 2 mj/t and use that to power the liquid tranpsposer and not see any significant difference in the system. I also forget to mention the plantballs > dirt cost, but I can't be sure how much I'd need to do that, and the eu cost comes out to iirc 100 eu per dirt with no upgrades on the macerator.