[16x] Familiar yet Different [1.6.X-1.7.X][FTB][Dead]

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In Mindcrack v6, gregtech added more stuff, including several dusts which are all missing from this texturepack. There's a few other missing things, but gregtech is the major one.
I really love this texturepack, and I hope you update it soon.
The pack is amazing. near perfect. I like how it's simplistic and still it's detiled and not flat. It's not 110% complete, but the unfinished stuff still blend in well. Great work.
Update! Sorta?
Base files for MineChem 2 and Immibis's Mods.
GUI changes/added for Nuclear Control, Myst Craft, the Default book GUI.
Additions for EnderChest, Pre 13w01a, Soul Shards, TrainCraft.
Various other changes.
The changes/added textures may be small. I have a hard time remembering what all I've changed.

Mining the right way!

Power and storage!

Chest 1.

Chest 2.

The quarries were here.
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Yay, another update for my favorite FTB texturepack!
Keep up the great work!
Only thing thats missing is some of the new stuff in the latest bleeding edge GregTech (not included with any FTB modpacks yet).
You're missing the vacuum freezer, advanced regulator, dragon egg energy siphon, and the tungensteel ingots.
retep998: I have put a Dropbox link in the op if you would like a version that has support for that version of GregTech.

The_New_Pro: Those pictures are very nice and crisp. Do you think that you could get some pictures of different biomes. If you do may I use them in the op.
retep998: I have put a Dropbox link in the op if you would like a version that has support for that version of GregTech.

The_New_Pro: Those pictures are very nice and crisp. Do you think that you could get some pictures of different biomes. If you do may I use them in the op.
Ok will do!
Hey loving the pack, but theres a bug with flax plant textures.
It looks like they are off by like 1 px so that a little purple is showing.

It's not drastic in the least, just figured I'd give you a heads up.
Sorry EliteNeet but they are right where they should be if they were off by one pixel it would be a lot more visible and annoying because this is only a 16x pack.
The small amount of purple you are getting is probably the mipmaping if your using that or the antialiasing.
Sorry EliteNeet but they are right where they should be if they were off by one pixel it would be a lot more visible and annoying because this is only a 16x pack.
The small amount of purple you are getting is probably the mipmaping if your using that or the antialiasing.

Hot damn you're right, I did have AA on. Keep up the great work, its become my favorite TP.
frederikam: retep998 is right, there are only 2 packs in the op but I separated it so it would look nicer.
Presentation is a good thing after all.
Also in the end when the Beta A pack is removed and the other packs are all using the same version of the mods I will change it to one download link for the pack.
This will likely happen around the same time the ultimate pack comes out.

Also some time after I finish support for the ultimate pack I will likely begin working on support for the other 3rd party packs not made by the FTB team.
These may be rolled into the main pack or have separate packs for each, as of now I don't know how I will do that.
They just implemented the Texture Pack Tab in the launcher. You should definitely get this added to it!