100% self sustaining peat Bog setup?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What Lathanael said :)

You don't have to do any of that... That's what I'm trying to tell you guys.

If you look at my setup cobble goes from the Extruder to the Pulverizer, the Sand goes from the Pulverizer into the Buffer and the Buffer goes straight into the Auto Crafting Table. Once the Buffer and the Pulverizer are full of Sand (6 stacks) the Pulverizer will stop, because the Sand can't go anywhere (at that point the Buffer is full and the 2 output slots of the Pulverizer as well). If you have pipes between the Buffer and the Pulverizer this would be an issue (as items would leak out), but because there are no pipes, it isn't an issue.
That way you don't waste Sand (you're not burning, voiding or storing it or anything, just the 6 stacks in total, that's all you can and have to store) and you don't waste energy (the Pulverizer only turns on when the Buffer or Pulverizer has room for more Sand, which only happens if you yourself take Sand out or the Auto Crafting Table takes Sand out to make Bog Earth).

On a side note: I think you use RP2 tubes between the Pulverizer and the Buffer and have it work. afaik those tubes don't leak items and whatever machine you use to put the items in those tubes will stop sending those items if there is no room at the destination (in this case that would be a Buffer).

Also, as long as you take out 2 Dirt from every 6 that comes out of the Peat Bog you will never produce more Bog Earth than already is in the system. It doesn't matter how much Sand or Water Buckets you supply the crafting table, it will only do something if it gets 4 Dirt as well. As long as you allow only 4 Dirt from the Peat Bog to make more Bog Earth you can never get more Bog Earth than you started with.

I'm not sure how I can explain it anymore clearly, my setup is just as efficient as the one you've got there. The only difference is that my setup doesn't have the part where 2 Dirt every 6 get separated (or 1 every 3, it doesn't matter), but since you already realized you needed to do that I didn't bother building it in my setup (I know I need it for an actual farm though). If I add that + the Peat Bog and Turbary my system is just as efficient as the other ones on this page. No wasted energy, no wasted resources, no need for redstone logic.

I meant to remove excess dirt from the system. that is you have 1 buffer for sand, one for dirt, the one with dirt have a restriction tube going off for destruction of excess dirt once the buffers are full.

you do know that you can use a timer and actually pulse the creation of items with the help of an autarctic gate right? just set it to create 8 bog earth whenever it is time to do so.
A single peat engine should be able to power the pulverizer enough to create more than enough sand for the setup.

Oh and wait. RP2 does have a machine that set's ratios.
A sorter can pull from a buffer and paint the items a certain color. you can have it grab 4 dirt and send it to a buffer at the table, then 2 dirt and send it elsewhere for removal. it will do this for as long as there are dirt in the first buffer, but this costs a sorter and a buffer more, as well as some RP2 power, than just doing the whole overflow thing. throttling the autocrafting to slow the bog earth creating down is cheaper to do with just a timer. it might build up some excess bog earth, but once the peat farm is full, you can just void that if you want. these items were created from nothing, so you don't actually loose anything by voiding excesses in each step.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
extruder->pulverizer->relay->buffer->ACT for the sand (gravel from pulverizer into void tube, like you did)
dirt from turbary->filter (set to accept only dirt) buffer (other side), restriction tube to overflow chest, peat filtered off somewhere
water input to the third input side of the buffer (You use water buckets with a fed-by-deployer setup, right?)
Have the item counter in your dirt line go to a counter similar like you did above, and on every sixth dirt you produce new bog earth (and reset the counter).
This way: Dirt fills its buffer slot, overflow sorted away. Peat sorted away. Sand fills its buffer slot and production stops until more space will be freed. Bog earth is produced at the same rate it is needed.

This should be minimal setup. One peat engine each for pulverizer/peat bog/turbary should be enough. To remove the ash from the engines you could use a retriever (needs an additional thermopile with lava+water for energy), or simply pull with wooden pipes + redstone engines/autarchic gates.

except counting isn't needed if you use a filter. set the filter to do roundabout pulling and have it paint the dirt. that way it will pull and paint each set of dirt the appropriate color, and all you have to do is set the ratio. between the two colors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
except counting isn't needed if you use a filter. set the filter to do roundabout pulling and have it paint the dirt. that way it will pull and paint each set of dirt the appropriate color, and all you have to do is set the ratio. between the two colors.

A filter doesn't have options to set except painting everything a certain color or pulling x amounts of y item. What is this roundabout pulling mode that you mean? Also one filter can only paint or not paint everything that goes through it. Where do you get the second color?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A filter doesn't have options to set except painting everything a certain color or pulling x amounts of y item. What is this roundabout pulling mode that you mean? Also one filter can only paint or not paint everything that goes through it. Where do you get the second color?

I was misnaming the machine. I was thinking sorter and writing filter. my bad.
I actually have a working setup going in my creative world right now. it uses no redstone logic, and is 100% stable on production/consumption
Let me make a couple of screenies to post.

ETA: Screenies as advertized:
This shows the peat bog setup.
It's a standard setup used by others before me. the only addition is the filter and buffer pair that is set up so that the output from the peat bog get's sorted and color coded according to their correct ratios.
It's set in autosort mode (the green circle of arrows symbol) with 6 peat in the first column.(white) 4 dirt in the second,(orange) and 2 dirt in the third. (magenta)
Bog earth enters the bottom of the farm trough a painted pipe. (cyan)

This is seen from the other side. just to make it easier to see how the filter is connected.

This is the bog earth factory.
as you can see there is 3 exits for the dirt and peat on the left hand side. each painted the correct color. The 4 Dirt get sent to the buffer left of the ACT. the peat is piped to one chest, and the 2 excess dirt to the third.

The ACT is set up pretty much like Rustydagger has. except is uses the jamming mechanic of the TE machines to prevent over production of sand like whythisname suggested on page one.
There is exactly one stack of bog earth in this system. no more, and no less.
You can ignore the gates on the engine to the right tho. it was just that when using a hobbyist engine it overloaded the golden conductive when the pulverizer got full of sand.
BTW. you can use cobble to jam the buffer, so that it never holds more than a single stack of sand. that way you save on power sooner.
I can maybe post screenies of the machine configs if needed, but meh. may as well make a vid instead maybe?

Sorry for posting only links to the images, but they are a bit large, and photobucket wont play nice with my isp


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I cannot see the pics in the post, had to follow the link from the html quellcode.
In your writeup you still call the sorter a filter ;-)
I assume the filter after your ACT is set to paint bog earth cyan?

Your main difference: Where others uses logic gates, you use a sorter. Is your middle solar panel producing anything? It cannot see the sky.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I cannot see the pics in the post, had to follow the link from the html quellcode.
In your writeup you still call the sorter a filter ;-)
I assume the filter after your ACT is set to paint bog earth cyan?

Your main difference: Where others uses logic gates, you use a sorter. Is your middle solar panel producing anything? It cannot see the sky.
Dunno if the covered solar produces anything. this was just a creative test. i single working solar would be sufficient to power the sorter tho, so it does not matter. i just slapped down a couple of extra to speed up the initial charge up time to get it going.
Yes. the filter after the ACT paints the bog earth. this was done so that the same pipe could be used both ways. If you wanted to run multiple farms from one factory you would switch the filter for a buffer/filter combo to split the bog earth between the different destinations the same way the dirt splitting occurs. that way you ensure an even split between all the farms at all times.

Sorry about the stupid links, but google docs don't allow embedding, and those services that do allow it don't work due to an error in a router that i have no control over. the owner of the connection has messed with the firewall config and inadvertently blocked both photobucket and imgur o_O (I'm live in a rental, and internet is "included")
Since he won't accept my help to fix it i just have to live with it. :mad:

There are some advantages to avoid using redstone logic in setups like this. one of witch is that a sorter is a single block, while the circuit for counting takes not only several blocks worth of area to build it also requires a item detector witch is almost as expensive as the sorter anyhow.

ETA: Yes i still tend to call the sorter a filter, because that is what it does. it filters items into different destinations. the filter item is not really all that filtery tbh. i usually use it to extract items from a chest. (one stack at a time in replacement of the transposer witch only extracts one at a time)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes i still tend to call the sorter a filter, because that is what it does. it filters items into different destinations. the filter item is not really all that filtery tbh. i usually use it to extract items from a chest. (one stack at a time in replacement of the transposer witch only extracts one at a time)

Well, you can use the filter also like a filter, instead of only as a stack pulling transposer. Have a line of tubes and branching of them the filters (configured via the items to be allowed in that path), so everything chooses its correct path without paints.
I believe this was the main sorting capability of RP2 before the introduction of sorters and painted tubes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, you can use the filter also like a filter, instead of only as a stack pulling transposer. Have a line of tubes and branching of them the filters (configured via the items to be allowed in that path), so everything chooses its correct path without paints.
I believe this was the main sorting capability of RP2 before the introduction of sorters and painted tubes.

Paint is cheaper tho, so once the sorting machine and paint was added nobody kept on using the filter as such. one of the few cases where a filter might be waranted is on top of the treefarm, but even in that case there is a better machine to use instead. namely the regulator. thus helping regulate the amount of saplings that remains in the farm rather than overfilling it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Paint is cheaper tho, so once the sorting machine and paint was added nobody kept on using the filter as such. one of the few cases where a filter might be waranted is on top of the treefarm, but even in that case there is a better machine to use instead. namely the regulator. thus helping regulate the amount of saplings that remains in the farm rather than overfilling it.
I haven't used redpower 2 much, but why would use a regulator when a filter does the job? When the farm is full of saplings the filter prevents any further saplings from coming down the tube and they get redirected to wherever you want to destroy/store them.

None of the RP machines are particular expensive, but the regulator uses more redstone and more metals than a simple filter.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't used redpower 2 much, but why would use a regulator when a filter does the job? When the farm is full of saplings the filter prevents any further saplings from coming down the tube and they get redirected to wherever you want to destroy/store them.

None of the RP machines are particular expensive, but the regulator uses more redstone and more metals than a simple filter.

Some of us are just a bit OCD about having needed supplies tied up inside over-sized inventories. (over-sized to accommodate manual operations without tying up the player too much. so perfectly understandable really)
Those saplings shouldn't be tied up in that inventory. they should be sitting in my fermenter being converted to sweet green gunk for powering my factories.
And as you mention. they aren't all that expensive for what they do, so why not go the extra iron bar and do it with some style right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How much more tinkering if I want to stack 3 farms into the space with one, to max out the ability of the turbury to harvest?
not much. all you need is to change the filter on the crafting output to a sorting machine and buffer, and have it paint the bog earth into 3 colors. one for each farm to ensure an even distribution.
Or you could use the same setup, but with one regulator beneath each farm to regulate the amount of bog earth in each farm so that neither farm is hogging all the bog.

Just to have mentioned it.
you don't need extra buffers and filters farmside. you only need one, and it don't even need to have it's settings changed. just add some pipe and a relay next to each of the extra farms for the dirt output. it will still maintain correct ratios in the system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is the setup I had before with 3 Peat farms. 1 Iron chest gets the Peat (the one next to the Turbary) and the one next to the Diamond pipe gets excess Dirt.

Power is still supplied from a Redstone Energy cell, set to output 5 MJ/t, which is what I found optimal to run the farms + Pulverizer. 5 Peat engines or 3 Hobbyist Steam engines can also provide enough power. In the case of Peat engines that would mean you can still run ~25 Peat engines more (assuming you can run 10 per farm), I don't know about the steam engines though. In my survival world I have a very similar setup powering a large LP Boiler though and I've even heard people say you can power a large HP boiler with 3 Peat farms. Either boiler produces way more power than this setup needs to run though :D

The green pipes are insertion pipes from Additional Buildcraft Objects. The Iron pipe on top is to prevent any Dirt from popping out the top.

Because I use insertion pipes it will first fill up the bottom Peat Bog and then the middle one and then the top, so this means you need ~9 stacks of Bog Earth in the system (that will give you 1 stack in the top Peat Bog) + whatever is already placed (6 stacks, so in total you need 15 stacks to set it up). Personally I don't mind doing it that way because I think it's still cheaper than using redstone or any other materials/machines for it, but if you can't stand the thought of using resources just as filler then I guess this setup won't work for you.
You can also replace the insertion pipes with Diamond ones, just set it up the same as I have for the Diamond pipe already there except with Dirt going down (the black side) instead of to the sides.


btw, Antice I like your setup as well, it looks pretty neat, mine looks kinda messy like this xD Pretty sure both are equally effective though ;) I also don't mind the stocked up Sand btw, I just use that instead of going to a Desert. In my survival world I don't have a Desert nearby anyway, so I pretty much always need Sand for Glass or other materials. But if you've got no need for more Sand then filling it up with something else is also a good idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
btw, Antice I like your setup as well, it looks pretty neat, mine looks kinda messy like this xD Pretty sure both are equally effective though ;) I also don't mind the stocked up Sand btw, I just use that instead of going to a Desert. In my survival world I don't have a Desert nearby anyway, so I pretty much always need Sand for Glass or other materials. But if you've got no need for more Sand then filling it up with something else is also a good idea.

Mine only looks tidy because i spaced everything out extra to make the process more visible.
In my normal worlds I would put the machinery directly below the farm(s), and try to minimize the amounts of tubes used in the setup to improve material efficiency. Doing that would make the build look extremely complex and messy.

I usually tend towards the biofuel method of energy production tho, so i actually rarely end up making the peat system this closed. I have yet to bother closing the input side by using an extruder among other things. since i don't really need one for anything else later on, and cobble is something i tend to have so darn much of anyhow. I just use some spare processing time in my "lab" setup where i process anything i need for my current build manually instead. I got plenty of spare processing capacity there once i get the metals sorted and auto processed.

I do plan to make one of these in my current world tho. because i am going to be exploiting the filler trick from etho's FTB series.
I have just used a filler to empty out a 15x15 area at bedrock level, and will be setting up my peat farm there since this setup don't need any light to function. I will then use a 2x2x2 boiler to power up a series of steam engines that will be powering the filler at max speed. I might even end up doing a double decker farm so that i get enough peat to run the setup at max power all of the time.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well guys I have my new design Done and uploaded and managed to fit the tutorial into a 20 min video. Yup thats 1/3 the time and 1/3 the blocks needed to make it. this system has been stress tested and ran for over 12 hours stable on my server.

enjoy this system I have made kicks ass.

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