100% self sustaining peat Bog setup?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys over the first few days of me learning buildcraft and a lot of the other mods ( the only mod i had ever used before was RP2 ) I was able to design A self supplying Peat Bog machine. I also then expanded on my computer craft code a little to automate the Fertilizer creation.

Here Is a video showing the system.

And here is the tutorials I made on how to build it. The tutorials were tricky as to make so I hope that they are followable.

Part one:

Part Two:

Any questions or info you want just ask I am also open to feedback on things I can do better as well I am a Noob at the mods but I know my server stuff :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the Bucket is filled right under the automatic crafting table with a 4 second timer connected to a deployer. The timer is connected to a Not Gate and the not gate is connected to the main White wire from the bundled cable so that it turns on/off with the system


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I gotta look into how you got the bucket based bog earth recipe to work in the autocrafting bench, because I couldn't get it to work before.

Cool build, though I think you can do without all the computer stuff and still have a fully automated setup. Though if you want to hook up other farms the control a computer gives might be nice to have (I dunno, I have never used them), but for the Peat farm alone I don't think you really need it.
Also, consider using an Igneous Extruder instead of a traditional cobblestone gen, it causes less lag, is more compact, more reliable and can be controlled with redstone. It doesn't use any power either, so it's not like you need any extra power lines or engines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea I was trying to make the sand generate in the right amount but its hard to do when there is 6 dirt coming in and you need to only make 4 sand i tried using a timer counting to 6 and then doing some stuff but never could get it to work. and yes i think it could be more compact with out the computer stuff but the redstone even with redpower is Hard and tricky to make happen. I was thinking last night while trying to get to sleep.

maybe I can do the whole sand creation with two counters and a Tflip Flop. The counters would both be connected to the item counter one set to 4 the other set to 6.
when the counter counting to 4 activates it could Switch a Tflip flop to stop the item counter pulse reaching the sand creator the counter counting to 6 could reset the Tflip Flop.

Might need a Not gate in there some where so the Tflip Can stop the pulse Idk Might play around with it see if i cant come up with some super simple system.

The water creation is simple the water bucket never leaves the deployer the auto crafting table just empty's it and leaves it in the deployer thats why the deployer is right under the autocrafting table.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I get it now, basically if I would have a chest with water buckets next to crafting table it would also work. Before I tried inserting water buckets using pipes, but they kept popping out of the pipe.

I had a very compact setup using the GregTech electric crafting table, but with this I think I can remove the need for IC2 power and I'll be able to make a really compact setup. I'll try to post a few images if I get it to work as I've got it in my head right now (ideas sometimes don't turn out so well in reality though xD).

nick stillman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i think that if you use a diamond pipe then you could pump six sand out, send four to the machine and 2 to a recycler or an energy condenser to just get rid of the sand and slowly build up to something you need. or have the sand produce more sapplings


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suggestion: If you are tracking inventory levels with a CC computer anyway, you might as well display them on a monitor. It wouldn't be too difficult to code, and would add quite a bit of polish to the build.

A reasonable facsimile of intelligence...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is the setup I came up with:


The Redstone Conduit represents a power source, you can easily replace that with an engine of some kind (it's just to power the Pulverizer). I think a Peat engine or something would work fine here, I'm not sure though.

The Gold chest represents the Dirt output from your Peat farm.

The Deployer underneath has a full bucket constantly and I discovered (by accident) that if you put a half slab opposite of it it won't empty a bucket (so you won't have to worry about timing or anything and you can have up to 9 full buckets in there).

The Igneous Extruder is set to output cobble into the Pulverizer, the Pulverizer puts the sand it creates into the Buffer behind it. Once the Buffer is full of Sand (4 stacks) the Pulverizer will fill up and stop once the Sand can't go anywhere, so it'll take some power or Sand to start up, but after that it will only work when sand is used.
You need the Pulverizer and Buffer stuck to each other for this to work though, any piping and you need to regulate flow/output. Though I think RP2 tubes can handle it as well as they can't leak (I don't have much experience with them though).

The Buffer faces the Crafting Table, that way the table can pull from all 5 inventories/sides/inputs/whatever they're called. You can't replace this with any chest because those would just fill up with Sand and prevent any other resources from getting to the table.

The Bog Earth is pulled out and stored in the Iron chest, in a Peat Farm it would probably first go to a Peat Bog and then perhaps to an overflow chest.

A Diamond pipe could work to take out 1/3th (or 2/6th) of the Dirt coming out of the farm, it's slightly random, but in the long term it should be balanced enough to keep the system going.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am not really tracking the inventory with the computer craft I am merely just using it to keep track of that "BATCH" the actual amount in the chest is unknown unless i was to count the items going out of the autocrafting table.

@whythisname I can see your current setup is going to create more and more Bog Earth and eventually over flow you must remove the 2 dirt exactly else this will happen. I may play around with this for a little while Im sure i can make a super simple system but the size might be bigger than I like will try to keep it inside the 9x9 :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good news Guys I have just finished developing a Super Simple way to do the logic work that the computer does.

this means that the whole thing can be done 10x more simple and just as effective.

Here is an image of the system that takes the dirt counter and handles sending a pulse to the sand Creation 2/3 of the time.


lets explain what is going on here:

The Pulse from the Item counter ( top of the image) enters the system and connects in 3 places ( Both A and B as well at the Stone Block ( aka output))
Both A and B are Counters From RP2 they have 3 settings inside them.
Counter B is the system reset counter its settings are: (Max 3, Incitement 1 , Decrease 3 )
Counter A is the No More sand Counter its settings are: (Max 2, Incitement 1 , Decrease 2 )

Ok so lets do a test run of 3 pulses and I will explain what happens on each pulse.

Pulse one:
Both counter A and B count to one. Output is Turned off ( requesting one sand)

Pulse two:
Output is triggered asking for another sand. Counter A reaches its max setting and outputs to its left ( in this image ) thus Holding the Output off stopping and Further sand being made. Counter B increases its count to Two

Pulse Three:
the stone block is Pulsed and dose nothing Due to Counter A Holding it off. Counter B Reaches its max count of 3 and outputs to its left ( in this image) that wire then connects to the negative sides of Both Counter A and B resetting them. this Wire can also be connected to the system to remove a Dirt from the dirt chest.

Improvements Worked into this system:
The Wire ( right most in the image) can be connected to the dirt removal system as it pulses once every 3 items instead of 6 like my older systems we no longer need to turn one pulse into Two pulses this saves a great deal of space. In fact the whole system is much much smaller than my first few designs.

here is an image of the new and improved 10x more compact and simple to make design.


The system in the above image has 2 very easy to connect to pipes. A power supply and A peat output.
other Features include.

disposal of Excess Dirt ( into lava under the dirt chest :p )
Creation of the correct amount of sand for the dirt coming out of the peat bog
Crafting of Bog Earth to Refill the system and maintain Its working state.

Features Coming Soon:

use of peat To Power its self. Timer? Any body know how long a peat takes to burn?
Disposal of Ash Created from Peat engines ( or piped out some where else upto you really )
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Peat burns for 5000 ticks in a Peat engine, aka 250 seconds, at 1 MJ/t. You can also just fill up the Peat engine to 64 Peat though and then output the excess, it'll take a little while longer to start up (because it needs to fill up with Peat), but once it's full it's just as efficient as using a Timer to supply Peat.

That's also kinda what I said with the Sand, once the system is filled up with Sand you don't need any Timers or anything and it'll be just as efficient as with Timers. It just takes some resources and/or time to get there.

A Peat farm should produce enough to power 10 Peat engines, if you use 2-4 for powering the farm (I think 1 would be a little weak, but might work). So it should produce plenty of Peat to power itself and then some (which is what I like about Peat farms, great source of fuel and has a very efficient production process).

And yeah, I know that setup would produce more Bog Earth than I need, but the gold chest represents the output of Dirt from the farm after you've taken out 1/3rd of the Dirt :D That setup it mostly a mock up to show you how small you can make it and that you don't really need any redstone logic to efficiently produce Bog Earth ;)

You can also use Railcraft for sorting out the 1/3rd Dirt. All you need is 1 loader and 2 unloaders, the loader takes in all the Dirt and puts it in a cart until there's 3 Dirt in there. Then one unloader takes out 1 Dirt and the second takes out 2 (or the other way around, it doesn't really matter). I don't have much experience with Railcraft, but a system like that could fit in a 1x2x3 I think (1 wide, 2 high, 3 long, 6 blocks in total). I don't know if that's more or less compact though as you still need to hook up piping of course.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You may of noticed i did not use the Igneous Extruder due to the fact it needs a water and lava supply that would take up more room IMO than its worth when my simple little system fits in there quite nicely

The issue with making more sand more peat etc is that you then have to deal with the leftovers that takes space and resources I would much rather it only make what it needs. Bog earth has no other use to me besides the Peat farm why make more than I need?

Railcraft might me a more compact way Iv never used it yet to be honest But I plan to in the future.

Regarding the amount of peat engines to power the Peat Bog Pulverizer and Turbary Its a matter of wait and see Its hard to know because there is no info on how much the Peat Bog and turbary need supplied to work at Max Speed. I think what I will do is just keep adding them until the Bar in the pulverizer keeps full nicely.

I think the system i have sitting there now ready to expand on tomorrow is plenty compact enough.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You may of noticed i did not use the Igneous Extruder due to the fact it needs a water and lava supply that would take up more room IMO than its worth when my simple little system fits in there quite nicely.

This is not true. The Extruder just needs 1 bucket of water and 1 bucket of Lava. After you have those in it runs infinite, just like you cobble gen does. So this would reduce the size of your setup, as you would no longer need: Lava source block, Block Breaker, Water Source block + 1 space to let it flow and you would not need any encasing blocks for the fluids anymore.

The extruder only needs a constant supply of one(or two in case for Obsidian) fluid if you want to create Obisdian or Smooth Stone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you use an extruder and pulverizer combo to supply the sand, then all you need to do is use buffers and an overflow system to remove excess materials trough a restriction tube once the buffers are full. That is a single restriction tube and whatever device you choose to use for destroying the item.
Also, you can throttle the sand creation system by starving the pulverizer of power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What Lathanael said :)

If you use an extruder and pulverizer combo to supply the sand, then all you need to do is use buffers and an overflow system to remove excess materials trough a restriction tube once the buffers are full. That is a single restriction tube and whatever device you choose to use for destroying the item.
Also, you can throttle the sand creation system by starving the pulverizer of power.

You don't have to do any of that... That's what I'm trying to tell you guys.

If you look at my setup cobble goes from the Extruder to the Pulverizer, the Sand goes from the Pulverizer into the Buffer and the Buffer goes straight into the Auto Crafting Table. Once the Buffer and the Pulverizer are full of Sand (6 stacks) the Pulverizer will stop, because the Sand can't go anywhere (at that point the Buffer is full and the 2 output slots of the Pulverizer as well). If you have pipes between the Buffer and the Pulverizer this would be an issue (as items would leak out), but because there are no pipes, it isn't an issue.
That way you don't waste Sand (you're not burning, voiding or storing it or anything, just the 6 stacks in total, that's all you can and have to store) and you don't waste energy (the Pulverizer only turns on when the Buffer or Pulverizer has room for more Sand, which only happens if you yourself take Sand out or the Auto Crafting Table takes Sand out to make Bog Earth).

On a side note: I think you use RP2 tubes between the Pulverizer and the Buffer and have it work. afaik those tubes don't leak items and whatever machine you use to put the items in those tubes will stop sending those items if there is no room at the destination (in this case that would be a Buffer).

Also, as long as you take out 2 Dirt from every 6 that comes out of the Peat Bog you will never produce more Bog Earth than already is in the system. It doesn't matter how much Sand or Water Buckets you supply the crafting table, it will only do something if it gets 4 Dirt as well. As long as you allow only 4 Dirt from the Peat Bog to make more Bog Earth you can never get more Bog Earth than you started with.

I'm not sure how I can explain it anymore clearly, my setup is just as efficient as the one you've got there. The only difference is that my setup doesn't have the part where 2 Dirt every 6 get separated (or 1 every 3, it doesn't matter), but since you already realized you needed to do that I didn't bother building it in my setup (I know I need it for an actual farm though). If I add that + the Peat Bog and Turbary my system is just as efficient as the other ones on this page. No wasted energy, no wasted resources, no need for redstone logic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
extruder->pulverizer->relay->buffer->ACT for the sand (gravel from pulverizer into void tube, like you did)
dirt from turbary->filter (set to accept only dirt) buffer (other side), restriction tube to overflow chest, peat filtered off somewhere
water input to the third input side of the buffer (You use water buckets with a fed-by-deployer setup, right?)
Have the item counter in your dirt line go to a counter similar like you did above, and on every sixth dirt you produce new bog earth (and reset the counter).
This way: Dirt fills its buffer slot, overflow sorted away. Peat sorted away. Sand fills its buffer slot and production stops until more space will be freed. Bog earth is produced at the same rate it is needed.

This should be minimal setup. One peat engine each for pulverizer/peat bog/turbary should be enough. To remove the ash from the engines you could use a retriever (needs an additional thermopile with lava+water for energy), or simply pull with wooden pipes + redstone engines/autarchic gates.