[1.7.10 | Unlisted] Obscurity - Jampacked 2 Winner

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i have played this mod pack and ive loved every minute of it and ive completed all quest but one which for some reason is locked even tho ive completed all 8 quests and the 9th quest Shadowed Secrets is locked, now is that a bug or is it cuz the quests for that isnt done yet and will be available in the next update (i hope). i have really enjoyed this mod now the last quest is the only one that is bugging me
OK so the thing to understand with Quartz is this: If Snow had to fly there to place a cube, then there will be no quartz there as the chunk was already generated in the pack. Most directions have a cube in that direction which means that a lot of the map is pregenerated unfortunately. West is the direction with the shortest distance to un-generated chunks. The other directions have up to 2500 blocks that would already be generated.

Here's my view from -675, 79, 195

If you want a visual representation of what chunks have already been generated (and therefore cannot have quartz in it) then you can use the auto-map feature of JourneyMap to fill out all of the generated chunks on the map. Areas which aren't mapped aren't generated. The pre-generated area is almost a square area with corners:
X, Z

If you're outside that, the fixed ore generation will be in effect.

Otherwise you'll have to wait for the new map in 1.2 I'm afraid.

As far as shiny goes, I think it's meant to be super rare. I don't think you need it for much anyway. You can get it as a 100% secondary drop from smelting ferrous in an induction smelter with cinnabar (the TE material, not the Thaumcraft stuff) if you're not finding much in the ground.

Thanks for the reply! I went ahead and went out to some un-generated areas and found some. I really appreciate the help!
i have played this mod pack and ive loved every minute of it and ive completed all quest but one which for some reason is locked even tho ive completed all 8 quests and the 9th quest Shadowed Secrets is locked, now is that a bug or is it cuz the quests for that isnt done yet and will be available in the next update (i hope). i have really enjoyed this mod now the last quest is the only one that is bugging me
It's not done. It has zero quests in it, so you have in fact finished every single quest in the pack. Well done!
For anyone who doesn't actually double check things like I don't, when you get to the Darkness Falls part...
the portal to the deep dark quest uses 2 bedrockium blocks and not 2 octuple compressed cobblestone like I thought...so much time waiting for cobble when I had the bedrockium all along since I took the 72 septuple cobble (344 million cobble) as a reward from the Sturdy Construction quest
I'm stuck at "Open your eyes" quest for thaumium, I tried to analyze the seeds but it says I need to study the sources of life. It was the fourth one in the order of the list. Am I missing something???
I'm stuck at "Open your eyes" quest for thaumium, I tried to analyze the seeds but it says I need to study the sources of life. It was the fourth one in the order of the list. Am I missing something???
You mean the quest to scan all the things?

There are a few things that can be created in the research table. For starters, victus (the life aspect) = terra + aqua
That's no good. Unfortunately I don't really do server stuff with this pack. If you could record an issue at https://github.com/SnowShock35/Obscurity/issues with the details (crash/server logs, what you've done to troubleshoot, etc.) then I'll assign it to Snow to have a look at.

I spoke to Snow and he says to go here http://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/Obscurity and download the server file. This is assuming that the issue you're having is the same as mine which is that the "download server" button is disabled.
It's not done. It has zero quests in it, so you have in fact finished every single quest in the pack. Well done!
in two ways yeah by the look of it i have finished every single quest but with the quest book showing a locked quest i havent finished it all until that is available. damn it now i have to wait either for that last quest to be unlocked or wait for a new HQM quest mod pack to be made and to be released. Waiting Game
I'm stuck at "Open your eyes" quest for thaumium, I tried to analyze the seeds but it says I need to study the sources of life. It was the fourth one in the order of the list. Am I missing something???

If you quickly want access to all the aspects, but don't want to combine aspects in the research table (unless it's really necessary), then follow these Guidelines.

First, research these in order:
  1. Torch --> Lux
  2. Stone, Cobble --> Saxum
  3. Coal --> Potenia
  4. Bedrock, Bowl --> Vacuos
  5. Research: (Aqua + Terra) --> Victus
  6. Seeds --> Granum
  7. Gras --> Herba
  8. any Wood --> Arbor
  9. Trapdoor --> Motus
  10. Iron Ingot, Ore --> Metallum
  11. Potion of weakness --> Mortuus & Praecantatio
    • or alternatively:
    • Research: (Victus + Perditio) --> Mortuus
    • Mossy Cobble, Chiseled Sandst. --> Praecantatio
  12. Chicken --> Volatus & Bestia
  13. Soul Sand --> Spiritus & Vinculum
  14. Paper --> Cognito
  15. Rotten Flesh --> Humanus & Corpus
  16. Flint --> Instrumentum
  17. Wool --> Fabrico & Pannus
  18. Cake (Item) --> Fames, Messis & Sano
    • or alternatively:
    • Apple --> Fames & Messis
    • Milk Bucket --> Sano (not a requirement for other aspects)
  19. Obsidian --> Tenebrae
Then research these (no particular order necessary):
  • Snow, Ice --> Gelum
  • Blaze, Obsidian Totem --> Alienis
  • Diamond --> Lucrum & Vitreus
    • or alternatively:
    • Gold Ingot --> Lucrum
    • Glas --> Vitreus
  • Slime --> Limus
  • Fence Gate --> Machina & Iter
  • Ethereal Essence --> Auram
  • Zombie, Skellington --> Exanimis
  • Spider Eye --> Venenum, --> Sensus
  • Any Hoe, Farmland --> Meto
  • Arrow --> Telum
  • Leather, any Armor --> Tutamen
  • Any Pickaxe --> Perfodio
  • Tainted Goo --> Vitium
  • Research: (Aer + Aqua) --> Tempestas
Is there a way to get lilypad in this modpack?

In theory, you can get them as loot from fishing. In practice, I haven't had it happen yet in this modpack. I suspect that all the extra types of harvestcraft fish are crowding it out and making it a really slim chance. I've actually quit trying to get one.
Thanks guys I appreciate it! I don't know much about thaumium at all. Mods these days I just can't keep up with unlike the ones from classic tekkit..
Also here's what to expect in the Hell Coordination:
This is the part where you start panicking
Also here's what to expect in the Hell Coordination:
This is the part where you start panicking
Heh, I did that cube by tunneling. Was a terrible chore to block of the lava to get to the cube. I would have taken the 'surface' route had I known that.

On the upside, I filled up a drum of lava getting there :)
Heh, I did that cube by tunneling. Was a terrible chore to block of the lava to get to the cube. I would have taken the 'surface' route had I known that.

On the upside, I filled up a drum of lava getting there :)
Hope you were using a fluivac. Such a time saver.
For some reason the textures to blocks and items from Quadrum do not display correctly for me. Items are invisible and the block textures are just 4 squares of slightly different hues. Has this happened to anyone else and, if so, does anyone know how to fix it, if possible?