1.7.10 Total Meltdown [HQM][Tech][Space] - ABANDONED

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Ok, so the sacred rubber sapling needs a bigger warning label. I made it grow and it's unplayable now lol.

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Ok, so the sacred rubber sapling needs a bigger warning label. I made it grow and it's unplayable now lol.


I agree, a sapling of that magnitude should never be obtainable. I don't even know how you could even grow something like it w/o it destroying any world for that matter.
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Yeah I ended up having to use one of the backups. Size comparison for the worlds showed the sapling doubles the size of the map file.

I think the best thing would be a bright red "If you grow this sapling you'd better be running a sixteen core computer"
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Ok, so the sacred rubber sapling needs a bigger warning label. I made it grow and it's unplayable now lol.


I guess you have never played with minefactory reloaded thats the mod that adds the rubber saplings. a sacred and a mega (is even bigger than sacred) aswell as the normal sapling and if you dont have a really high end system i suggest to stay away from the sacred and mega sapplings or better yet throw them away lol. Glad you had a backup ;)
I guess you have never played with minefactory reloaded thats the mod that adds the rubber saplings. a sacred and a mega (is even bigger than sacred) aswell as the normal sapling and if you dont have a really high end system i suggest to stay away from the sacred and mega sapplings or better yet throw them away lol. Glad you had a backup ;)

Yeah aromabackup is amazing, I'm glad so many modpacks include it nowadays.

And yeah, I've never really PLAYED much minecraft or its mods, I'm usually adminning. Hell if you ask me how to build even basic vanilla minecraft recipes I'll probably just look at you with a blank stare.
How i can power advanced genetics machines with RF? i tried using a energy cell directly, leadstone fluxduct and Ender IO conduits but i can only power the machines with a combustion generator from the mod.
Cant start the server download... anyone have any solutions?

C:\TM-Server>java -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -XX:permSize=256m -jar forge-1.7.10-10.13.
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; suppor
t was removed in 8.0
We appear to be missing one or more essential library files.
You will need to add them to your server before FML and Forge will run successfu
lly.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.run(ServerLaunchWrapper.j
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(ServerLaunchWrapper.

Press any key to continue . . .

I had the same problem when I downloaded the server files. My fix was to copy the library folder from another server download. (I used my BlastOff server installation.) It will exit again, and make the eula.txt. You just have to change false to true, and it should start right up.

How i can power advanced genetics machines with RF? i tried using a energy cell directly, leadstone fluxduct and Ender IO conduits but i can only power the machines with a combustion generator from the mod.

You can use a combination of rednet cables and enderio conduits. That's how I've done it in the past. Rednet on the machine attatched to conduits running to the power supply.
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I had the same problem when I downloaded the server files. My fix was to copy the library folder from another server download. (I used my BlastOff server installation.) It will exit again, and make the eula.txt. You just have to change false to true, and it should start right up.

You can use a combination of rednet cables and enderio conduits. That's how I've done it in the past. Rednet on the machine attatched to conduits running to the power supply.
Thanks, the rednet cable worked for me.
I guess you have never played with minefactory reloaded thats the mod that adds the rubber saplings. a sacred and a mega (is even bigger than sacred) aswell as the normal sapling and if you dont have a really high end system i suggest to stay away from the sacred and mega sapplings or better yet throw them away lol. Glad you had a backup ;)

I have read awhile back people complaining/having trouble with them, but I never had any issue with them.lol The thing I have to do when growing the sacred tree is wait a few min, then relog. Then I have a nice place to start a base. The mega tree are not that bad in my opinion.
Is realy the only good way to optain iron to grow it?? I am not that far into the pack but a few hours of afk'ing has been done. And now i got to go again!!

I know that mob hunting can be done but i like my dome too much for that.
It is all about reward and risk. An autonomous activator can do it passively if you supply the power for it. Loot bags from mobs give a ton of ingots. Build a mob grinder :)
It is all about reward and risk. An autonomous activator can do it passively if you supply the power for it. Loot bags from mobs give a ton of ingots. Build a mob grinder :)
That is an good idea, to build a mobspawner. I will think about how to do that.
I do not understand the autonomous activator thingy? A harvester works better, and a autonomous for the watering can, destroy's the watering can.

But overal i do not you should change this. The pack is quite balanced, I like that. But the pack is amazing and I think this could be the first pack I would compleate. I do not like those packs with 200+ quests.
Right at the start of the game I farmed the ore berry bushes to gather the materials to set this up, first the extruder (manually hammering the cobble and manually sieving), then the pulveriser and finally the AAs. It has supplied all the metals I have needed:


1 igneous Extruder feeds into 1 pulveriser (which you cannot see) which feeds into two autonomous activators. It was powered in early game by a Stirling Generator which used buckets of lava as fuel.

This produces extra sand which I manually move into one of the pair of autonomous activators on the right. The other AA in the pair is full of iron hammers which breaks down the sand to dust.I then manually place the dust into the left hand activator. I also manually place the gravel and sand ores into the AA pair to have them broken down into dust before smelting. I also place soul sand into the left AA manually when I need to.

The only resource I have been short on so far is redstone. I have used Minechem to produce literally a stack of redstone blocks and redstone is still my limiting resource.

Have fun, and
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I've made it about halfway through the modpack and was wondering if there is a quest or something for getting ME presses since AE meteors only spawn on the overworld and I have not seen any quests yet that offer the presses.

Was just wondering if this was intentional or if it was an oversight or if I just haven't made it to them yet since ME systems are pretty much useless if limited to just the one drive and a few storage cells.
Since version 1.4.2 the "Filling Cabinet(Advanced)" makes my world shut down when i look at it(no crash log).
I have only Genes in there.
It only happens on a specific filling cabinet that I hooked up to a few dna machines.
Could it be that the Cabinet is full and somehow breaks down because of that?
Which mod shows the inventory on chests when you look at them?
Maybe its the source of the problem.

It shows me "A fatal error has occured, this connection is terminated." and then it sends me to the multiplayer menu of minecraft.

This is the setup:

(The stones are there to hide the bugged Cabinet so I dont accidentally look at it)
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Since version 1.4.2 the "Filling Cabinet(Advanced)" makes my world shut down when i look at it(no crash log).
I have only Genes in there.
It only happens on a specific filling cabinet that I hooked up to a few dna machines.
Could it be that the Cabinet is full and somehow breaks down because of that?
Which mod shows the inventory on chests when you look at them?
Maybe its the source of the problem.

It shows me "A fatal error has occured, this connection is terminated." and then it sends me to the multiplayer menu of minecraft.

This is the setup:

(The stones are there to hide the bugged Cabinet so I dont accidentally look at it)
i dont use the cabinet but for the inventory showing on chests and stuff is the holo inventory, removing it wont hurt the game :)
i dont use the cabinet but for the inventory showing on chests and stuff is the holo inventory, removing it wont hurt the game :)

Thanks! That saved my Filling Cabinet. :D
The Holo Inventory mod seems to crash the world when there is way too much to show(around 550 items if I'm correct).