[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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I replaced the files but the game still crashes...

Edit: I went into the config and saw there is only 1 number in the small common ore config file and I added another number (smaller) before it and it worked.
Edit: Edit: Put 0, that's the meta id of the block you want.

Oho, I see, I copied the file off to dropbox 'before' saving, that was silly. The dropbox file for small common ore is fixed now.
I'm going to do a short rp idea of this.

Day 1

"Join the Ferret Business." they said. "It'll be fun!" They said. "It'll make you set for life!" they said.
They must've been joking.
Took my resume, scanned it, and shoved me into the next room. Next thing I know, I'm TELEPORTED.
That's right, teleported to who-knows-where, with only what's in my uniform pockets.
String. Book. compass, a few fire-sticks called torches. And this 'quest tablet'.
It shows the CEO on its face, and it talks to me, in this voice that belongs to nothing other then a ferret.
Looks more like I signed up for the mob. I've got scales, not fur.

Its hot. Its sandy, and I have no idea where I am. I wandered southwest in attempts to pinpoint any sort of landmark. Unfortunately, I found nothing, and it was falling night.
Any creature in most cases does not like nighttime. I'm the same, monsters crave my flesh and relentlessly chase me down. I found a massive tree in the flatlands to the southwest, and burrowed my way inside with nothing by my claws. I'll be picking out splinters for days.
I managed to hollow it out so I can move a bit, being in a 1x3 hole doesn't work so well when you're my size. Strange, humanoid monsters prowl outside, I had no choice to seal the tree with its own bark, which seamlessly fits in again, like a jigsaw puzzle.
I managed to be connected through the 'quest tablet' to Bitsy, I think her name was. She wants dirt, sand and gravel.
Found some, and somehow the tablet ate it. Apparently this tablet will spit out money and pay me for my work as I go.
Too bad I haven't found a bank yet...

to be continued
I see you are having fun! =)
I'll remember to do a spoiler tag for my story from now on. My apologies.
Day 2
Never again.
Digging out the inside of a giant tree with my claws is not fun. Spent hours picking out splinters in the middle of the field so I could see what I'm doing. First item I'd like to buy out of the supply depot that was mentioned, is night vision goggles. Too many display monitors over the years have ruined my nightvision, no matter how many carrots are shoved down my gullet.
Did I mention yet? I'm a gryphon. Gryphon, griffin, whatever. Spelling doesn't change what I am. Although... I am not typical. See my paws? They're in the front, and my back legs are talons. My... feline genes are recessive, I was told. My avian genes dominate most of me, so no fur, but feathers and scales. I can't complain much, except typing... is challenging. I can see why humans enjoy thumbs.
I'm getting off track again. I earned rudimentary stone tools for giving Bitsy her bits of dirt, sand and gravel. Surprised me that she wanted wood tools next, but who can complain. Wood fells a bit slower to the claw then dirt, but money is money for a gryph.
While I patrolled the outside of my tree, seeking what Bitsy wants, I've accumulated various seeds and flora of this... place. Its relatively nice, and I can't help thinking past inhabited. Why? There's a giant freakin' straw man outside my door! With a caged monster under one foot, that keeps spinning and sparking little bits of fire that I can't help but think will like this giant straw man on fire. Not to mention little black pillars dotting the landscape here and there. It makes my pinfeathers stand on end, going near one.
Getting back on point, it appears that whenever I kill a creature or a monster here, it comes flying back at me as this haze of black smoke. Next thing I know, I have a sidebar on the quest tablet, showing me what monsters and creatures that fell to me, and I can choose to change into one. They seem to have various abilities. Green humans that moan and snarl as they walk around, and smack into you like a truck. Occasionally they have swords, or armor, or even carry random objects. Skeletons of the dead with bow and arrow, and believe me, arrows in the wing hurt like hell.
Now that I've gotten a handful of what Bitsy wanted, she sold me a 'blind bag', apparently the business' best and most popular product. I'll.. just save it for later. My pockets are spilling apart now, and I have no choice but to cobble together some boxes to keep things. Chests. Boxes, whatever. I'm considering whether or not to take the money or take the blind bags instead. There's no bank, but at least whenever I get knocked out by a monster, I can apparently find my things right where I hit the ground.
My atlas that seems to happily inhabit the right of the quest tablet fills more as I flit about, examining my surroundings. Nice flat areas, but its pretty dry here. I have wandered westward, only to encounter these... mutants that walk on their horns and you can shear their fur to make a bed for yourself. When I have the supplies, I'll lead a pair of those monsters back into the flatlands, so I can take advantage of their wool.
The deserts are harsh and covered in prickly cacti, I can't see how much survived here.
Time to make myself at home. And possibly examine that brick corridor that is twisting up the roots of my tree...

~Intern "Bandit" aka Zephyr the Gryphon
Crash on loading world - there are 2. They happened on brand new created worlds. Both BOP.
Hm, strange. Those are fairly generic crashes, I believe happen when spawning a mob, but its not telling me WHICH mob its trying to spawn that is causing the issue.

Does it still crash every time you load that world, or only on the initial load?
This looks like a fun pack. Do I have to see your, ah, character when I play or is it on the launcher only?
Hm, strange. Those are fairly generic crashes, I believe happen when spawning a mob, but its not telling me WHICH mob its trying to spawn that is causing the issue.

Does it still crash every time you load that world, or only on the initial load?
For my crashes, it seems to happen occasionally, but relaunching the pack seems to cure it. Just the initial load for me, not sure about her.
For my crashes, it seems to happen occasionally, but relaunching the pack seems to cure it. Just the initial load for me, not sure about her.
Hm, I 'may' have found the offending mob. If you don't mind editing a config file, try this :

  1. Go to /config/lycanitesmobs/ and open junglemobs-general.cfg
  2. Scroll down until you find :
    1. B:"Concapede Enabled"
  3. Change this to false
  4. Save, launch modpack, play.
If you don't crash anymore with the same error, let me know please, otherwise I'll keep researching on my end.
Checked my config, concapede are false already, so its not them. I didn't crash in a jungle biome either.

However, this might have nothing to do with it, but concapede is enabled on peaceful, but I was not playing on peaceful.
I'd like to echo the desire for veinminer to have more support added, blood magic tools, witchery tools, thermal expansion tools, elementium tools, project red tools, aura cascade tools, mekanism tools, thaumcraft tools, enderIO tools, magical crops tools, natura tools, and forestry tools all seem to be unsupported from a quick glance at the configs and NEI for pickaxes.

Other then that though it seems interesting from what I did, I probably won't play too much until it gets some more updates with less chance of something going wrong but it's definitely been interesting so far.
Hm, strange. Those are fairly generic crashes, I believe happen when spawning a mob, but its not telling me WHICH mob its trying to spawn that is causing the issue.

Does it still crash every time you load that world, or only on the initial load?
Just the initial load
For vein miner support you can add configs with commands but if you wanna save it to defoult then you will need to type another command, they all start with /veinminer and have ingame explenation, in like 3 houers i will be able to send the exact commands