[1.7.10] The Dark Trilogy [PUBLIC BETA]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've tried to launch this a couple of times and reinstalled it in the past. Since I couldn't turn up anything through Google, could anyone help me with this coremod issue that won't even launch the client?

Are you referring to the FTB Client? Or the Modpack loading?

I'd always suggest you delete any and all files current relating to both and uninstalling and re installing java to start clean if you're getting that sort of error message. Also I've noted that many people claim issues with the latest Java 8.X, I'd recommend the latest version of Java 7 for use in Minecraft.[/QUOTE]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you referring to the FTB Client? Or the Modpack loading?

I'd always suggest you delete any and all files current relating to both and uninstalling and re installing java to start clean if you're getting that sort of error message. Also I've noted that many people claim issues with the latest Java 8.X, I'd recommend the latest version of Java 7 for use in Minecraft.
I attached a pastebin from the FTB Console on my last post. The last string states that it was not able to launch.
I'm using the latest version of Java 7.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suggest adding morph and dense ore modes to this modpack

I think this is a good mod pack even without adding more mods. However if you are thinking about adding something more, the only mods missing are witchery and steve's factory manager.
And just to let you know of a mod conflict, the knife in MR. Crayfish Furniture Mod has the same recipe as the Chisel.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think this is a good mod pack even without adding more mods. However if you are thinking about adding something more, the only mods missing are witchery and steve's factory manager.
And just to let you know of a mod conflict, the knife in MR. Crayfish Furniture Mod has the same recipe as the Chisel.
1.0.3 just added the factory manager mod


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Morph to break game progression and dense ores to break custom ore gen balance, yes, these mods should totally be added to the pack.
Morph can certainly easily break progression (I don't get why people want to ask for it in a balance-oriented pack), but dense-ores is actually highly configurable, and you can set rare ores to also rarely show up as dense.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
has anyone else had an issue with things disapearing? me and another guy bot had a mana tablet vanish from our inventory and we just lost the building guide it just went poof.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ME Controller appear to have a broken texture. Does anyone else experience this or is it just me? :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry my English ist very Bad. I speak German. I Translating with Google Translate ;) .

@Crhymez : What do you mean with the 'world interaction upgrade'
Auf Deutsch heißt das "Weltinteraktions-Upgrade", benutze NEI um das zu finden - Wenn du das hast, musst du das in einen sechs Plätze stecken, damit das funktioniert.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
water is turning to obsidian. grass to netherrack and burning everything

Sounds like Thaumic Tinkerer Imbued Fire.

I'm having a weird bug where when I take damage sometimes I will instantly go to zero health.
I'm wearing the following

Terra Steel Helmet
-Unbreaking 3
-Protection 4

Flux-Infused JetPlate
-Last Stand 2
-Protection 4

Sanguine Leggings
-Repair 2

Dark Boots
-Last Stand 2
-Unstable 2
-Protection 4
-Jump boost 3

I have 10 red heart canisters, and I will be at 22.5 hearts, and go instantly to 0 only to be saved by the Last Stand after being punched by a blaze.

Anyone else getting this?

Edit: I took off the Helmet and it stopped happening. Seems like Botania doesn't play nice with more than normal health.

Edit2: Nope still happening. Guess I'll need more Last Stand.
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