[1.7.10] The Dark Trilogy [PUBLIC BETA]

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Just wanted to ask if it would be possible to get the Thaumcraft Tome of Knowledge sharing recipe enabled in TDT ?
Reason: progress of all mods in this pack can be shared betwene players (botania, twilight, tinkers,.. all tech mods,...) just the TC tome is disabled and for teams on MP servers this is kinda a weird problem - for ex: me and my friend usually do each half of TC and then share our research between us..

Is there any "huge" reason why the tome recipe is disabled in this pack ? or can it be enabled on MP servers without breaking game-play / progress (can't break any progress cause it's the only mod that does not allow sharing)

I need some help I cant use any commands even using the open to lan option, is that by default of the modpack or is an error??? sorry if my english is bad
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I was wondering if it was possible for you to integrate Metallurgy into the pack. It would make it even longer and add more variety to what tools to make.

Just wanted to ask if it would be possible to get the Thaumcraft Tome of Knowledge sharing recipe enabled in TDT ?
Reason: progress of all mods in this pack can be shared betwene players (botania, twilight, tinkers,.. all tech mods,...) just the TC tome is disabled and for teams on MP servers this is kinda a weird problem - for ex: me and my friend usually do each half of TC and then share our research between us..

Is there any "huge" reason why the tome recipe is disabled in this pack ? or can it be enabled on MP servers without breaking game-play / progress (can't break any progress cause it's the only mod that does not allow sharing)

Enabled in 1.0.8, oversight on my part.
Hey someone asked before but im also getting problems with the acclimatiser crashing the game. i went into creative and tried both of them and still no use. im back on 1.0.7 because on 1.0.8, you cant switch bees on the bee analyzer just by clicking one over the other which makes it really hard to compare genes. I'm going to check what other genetics/gendustry blocks crash because i remember earlier i tried one and it messed everything up and ill comment when I know.
Hi, could someone do me a favour. The extrabees Acclimatiser is crashing my game, just want to check if its me or something else. Ive done it on a new game and just given myself one in creative placed it and it causes a crash. Any Help or advice would be great.

Same here.
"Connection Lost
A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated"
whenever trying to log back on after crash.

Genepool also crashes. It also has 2 versions of itself like the acclimitiser

yeah looks like all the genetics equipment has duplicate blocks and all of them crash the game while placing. Includes tested: Isolator, Sequencer, polymeriser, inoculator, analyser, incubator, genepool, and acclimatiser. The gendustry machines seem to be placable with no problem.
Here to report,

When right clicking a Portable Tank, the one made with copper and 4 glass, on an Everfull Urn from Thaumic Exploration creates a Creative Portable Tank full of water.

Discovered this seeing if it would fill the tank by putting it next to it, accidentally clicked the urn, and it placed it down and had to give myself OP powers to remove it.

Afterwards tested to make sure it was duplicatable, it was on my end
holding a portable tank and right clicking on a carpenter will put the liquid in the carpenter but destroy the tank. you can only place it if you shift right click
Is the only way to get early game steel through the High Oven... Launched the new version today, and I can't make IC2 machines without steel...
I'm not sure what's going on but I tried running the modpack recently and the game crashes. I cleaned out my folder and everything and it still crashes. Any ideas?

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Initializing game. In the launcher option, add more memory.

Is the only way to get early game steel through the High Oven... Launched the new version today, and I can't make IC2 machines without steel...

You could also make a railcraft blast furnace.
anyway to turn off the chat spam of the "special" mobs being killed? Apparently they were added in 1.8
I'm not entirely sure if this is related but my friend has a GGserver that runs this modpack and we just updated to the latest version. I login and the oil geisers in the ocean are replaced with redstone engines and my weapon is a steel helmet along with hundreds of other weird things. Is their something he's doing wrong with updating the pack or what? Any help would be nice.
Hi i running a Server from Nitrado and the 1.07 Version runs great but after update to 1.08 the /fml confirm command will not work. but it forgemodloader has to change 7blocks and so my world doesnt load! anyone an idea?
please update the info for patch 1.0.8 as I cannot find it anywhere and the link in the OP only shows 1.0.7, I would like to know if updating to 1.0.8 will require a wipe?
1.08 crashes me on startup, it seems to hit the title screen, but instantly closes out before I can even react. Feed the beast also closes so I'm not able to get a log of what's happening.
Hi i running a Server from Nitrado and the 1.07 Version runs great but after update to 1.08 the /fml confirm command will not work. but it forgemodloader has to change 7blocks and so my world doesnt load! anyone an idea?

Looks like Nitrado uses McMyAdmin, try running the command like this. //fml confirm