Yeah, it can be a pain just finding a seed that wont screw you right off the bat... that much is true. You wont find many surface metal deposits but I have seen some nice ones now and again. My advice to you is to think like a caveman at first and not like a fully developed player yet. You don't even know WHAT those shiny things are on the ground; all you know is your naked, alone, scared and hungry. So first priority for me is always to just grab any ripe food I can (mark the locations because some comes back each year), make the first basic tools, grabbing any rocks and sticks I can while walking around looking for a likely temp shelter when it gets dark. Those wooden pagoda towers are usually easy to get into and block off so I use those frequently, just don't go down the stairs... But yeah, the only other suggestion I have for living longer is make sure you stay as topped off on food and water as possible because its a slow death if one gets low or quick if both bottom out, plus it increases your total HP!