[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, this leads me back to my original problem. Most days I can only get out a few mins at a time because of Twilight Forest mobs that aren't despawning. Good tip about using planks from a house, I was able to upgrade my crafting table last night. But I simply don't have time to explore because of the mobs. If I can't explore, I can't find pheasants. Thanks for the tip.

Yes the Bow is probably the best weapon you can have early on, but there are also a lot of other strategies available. The walls are a good start but tend to leave you trapped early on. Try thinking about other kinds of defenses as well, maybe even some traps. For some good examples check out some Crashlanding LP's. Running away is good too ;) And feel free to look into how the Zombie Awareness mod works, there may even be some clues for how to take advantage of the mob AIs.

Once you have a source of food that can last through the winter, farming mobs can actually be profitable so don't get too discouraged if you find yourself spending all day and night killing endless hordes :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Once you have a source of food that can last through the winter, farming mobs can actually be profitable so don't get too discouraged if you find yourself spending all day and night killing endless hordes :D

That's fair. Just because the game isn't what I wanted or expected doesn't mean it isn't fun. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OneWolfe, two questions:
1. Is there a reason why you list multiple types of rock in the beginner quests, but then require only specific types? For example, the "Rock - Igneous Intrusive" quest says there are three types: Diorite, Gabbro, and Granite. But the quest only accepts Gabbro.
2. Are the dungeon chests bugged, or is the loot supposed to be junk? All I've found are Steamcraft 2 Lore Books (which are empty) and Floppy Disks from ComputerCraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else have problem with water being undrinkable? It's fresh water source, obviously, but many times will find cannot drink it... using open hand etc. Seems to be a bug.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else have problem with water being undrinkable? It's fresh water source, obviously, but many times will find cannot drink it... using open hand etc. Seems to be a bug.
Update: relogging fixed this. (though yesterday it didn't seem to fix same issue. weird.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else have problem with water being undrinkable? It's fresh water source, obviously, but many times will find cannot drink it... using open hand etc. Seems to be a bug.

I have not heard of this one before :(
Are you certain it is 'Fresh' not 'Salt' or 'Spring' water? Is there anything else in the water that might be clickable, Fish or Cattails?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have not heard of this one before :(
Are you certain it is 'Fresh' not 'Salt' or 'Spring' water? Is there anything else in the water that might be clickable, Fish or Cattails?

It's happened several times to me. Running water, standing water... not salt water. With cattails etc... anyway it seems like relogging usually fixes it. I am enjoying the pack otherwise, though I should post a diary of all the ways I've found to die in first day :)


Anyone else had issues with making the wooden cogwheel? 4 wood and the saw just brings up the framing sheet recipe. Am i missing something here?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else had issues with making the wooden cogwheel? 4 wood and the saw just brings up the framing sheet recipe. Am i missing something here?

I'm having this issue, as well as nearly every spawned chest in the world contains the same handful of items: a few empty lore books from steamcraft, and some disks from computercraft.


Hey OneWolfe,

I really like the concept of this modpack, but like others have said, the Twilight Forest mobs make it nigh-unplayable. They don't seem to obey the Terrafirmacraft spawn modification where enemies don't spawn near areas you spend lots of time in, and don't despawn during the day. Do torches prevent them from spawning? I consistently seem to have to fight about 6 mobs every morning, burning through all my sticks and rocks, and then having no time left to make any progress during the day.

It's been mentioned that a strategy is to find some wood blocks and make a crafting table, but isn't this just an exploit of the system in place? If this is the intended strategy, why not just have an early starter quest to give the character a bow? And walls are handy, but there are a number of ranged enemies, and they barely even slow down spiders.

The Twilight Forest mobs also seem to skew the consumption of lives. I've died a few times now from the goblin knight attacking me through walls, by the pinch bug leaping several blocks and then chain-hitting me to death, lack of water (one map no fresh water spawned anywhere within a 3-day walk), minotaurs spawning on the roof of my house and then chasing me down in the morning, and any number of types of starvation.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there some smarter way to approach this? I want to get into this pack, but the Stone Age is proving impossible for me.
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Hey OneWolfe,

First of all, thanks for making this pack. It's pretty nice to have a TFC based modpack.

I have been having lots of fun, but I feel like most of the mods in the pack feel like they don't actually do anything, like none of the flaxbeard tools work (drill, shovel, etc), none of the armors from the various mods do anything (exosuit offers no protection, lots of stuff like brass armor drop from mobs but don't do anything, steeleaf and knightmetal armor mats drop, etc). Would be nice if the mob drops were modified so they didn't drop useless items, and all the twilight forest mobs actually drop useful things (many mobs like goblin knights and trolls don't seem to drop anything). Also, there are hundreds of ravens everywhere. I'm surprised my game isn't lagging to death.

Also some of the quests are buggy, like the pottery one. I read from the earlier posts that you have to take out all clay pots at the same time for them to count or something. I gave myself an OP book to deal with it. I also had problems with several other quests, like the silver / nickel coated copper rod quests from the udary chapter. Can't even start the "about time" chapter, since the recipe for wooden cogwheels makes bibliocraft framing sheets instead.

Speaking of which, would removing bibliocraft break the pack? I never use it and it adds hundreds of recipes bloating NEI.

I'm playing version 1.0.97 from the FTB launcher. I wonder if that's really outdated or something?

PS. what is meant to be my the first source of power? I got quests asking me to make rolling machines and such now, but I haven't gotten anything to power them yet. I got a bit of a flaxbeard setup, but it doesn't actually seem to be useful for anything. Maybe I'll try the thumper.

Oh, speaking of flaxbeard, you can smelt put pipes into the forge to get one brass double sheet per pipe, and then craft 4 pipes out of 2 brass double sheets, doubling your brass. Not really a big deal since you already have unlimited brass from scavenging all those pipes from structures you come across, but still I thought I'd mention it.

Anyway that's all I can think of for now. Thanks again for making the pack. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you very much for the recent comments I will be taking everything into consideration for the next updates.

Mob spawns are being tweaked all the time, but please remember that most of the settings are intended for multiplayer. I will however not be releasing a cheat-sheet or single player strategies for this version of the pack. I had hoped that the players would find their own tricks, tips and solutions for the various puzzles and problems I have tried very hard to bring to this pack. I just dont want to hand out the solutions yet.

And thank you Obuw for pointing out the recipe bugs and exploits. I will be sure to fix them in the next update and hopefully have it ready this weekend.

The questbook is still a work in progress and HQM really does not play nice with TFC items. My guess is that TFC adds alot of meta-data to things that HQM just dosnt like. Also, any of the detection quests that require a certain number of items will only work if you have ALL of those items in your inventory at the same time. The pottery quest should work as long as you have 4 freshly baked items in your inventory at the same time, if you do anything else with the vessel,jug, or bowls it WILL change the meta-data and invalidate the items :( Picking up all 4 fresh baked pottery items at once is just the easiest way to ensure that they are all the same. If there are any other quests that are buggy, can you give me the specific details of exactly which quest has an issue and its exact behavior?

The first source of RF power should be the Clockwork Engine. I see that its not apparently obvious in the current questbook layout so I shall have to rearrange things a bit. I am begining to rethink my decision to gate all the early power sources behind the Rolling Machine.


Good to hear you're updating things, though unfortunate that it's not so feasible in SSP.

I've been thinking about it, and one thing that might really help with the early game is if the quest rewards were more relevant to the early game. A single piece of charcoal, or a sapling, or the reward bags that don't tend to yield anything useful to the Stone Age aren't terribly useful when you're constantly starving to death. Why not give the player food? Or walls? Or javelin heads? Or even a jug of water? Any of those would be very useful, and would really help with the single player experience. (And probably multi too, honestly.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good to hear you're updating things, though unfortunate that it's not so feasible in SSP.

I've been thinking about it, and one thing that might really help with the early game is if the quest rewards were more relevant to the early game. A single piece of charcoal, or a sapling, or the reward bags that don't tend to yield anything useful to the Stone Age aren't terribly useful when you're constantly starving to death. Why not give the player food? Or walls? Or javelin heads? Or even a jug of water? Any of those would be very useful, and would really help with the single player experience. (And probably multi too, honestly.)

Food is doable. Thanks for the suggestion.

EDIT: With rocks and sticks you can always make more weapons ...
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That is true, and food (or seeds even!) is definitely more useful, though if you're fighting a bunch of mobs that have mysteriously gathered right outside your house every night, you tend to go through them pretty quickly, especially when they only last 1-3 uses each, and enemies have several thousand HP... I was going through 10+ javelins/day on average.


Hey OneWolfe, thanks for the reply!

Yeah I think I opened one of the pottery pots before picking up the rest of them, which must have changed its metadata. Anyway, the names of the other two buggy quests I couldn't complete were "Think Nickel Plating" and "Silver Fauxe Fur" in chapter 7. Once again, I think it's a metadata issue. I had the rods collect silver / nickel, but I guess since they take damage in the process, and/or they can have a variable amount of flakes on them, the book doesn't recognize them?

Also, the inability to make wooden cogs blocks the whole chapter 3 questline, that's probably a pretty major problem.

Clockwork Engines huh? Hmm that sounds doable. Is there a reliable way to get slimeballs though? I haven't seen any slimes yet and I'm in year 3. I just have a couple slimeballs in storage which I think I got from reward bags or quest rewards or something.

@ColdComfort, I play SSP and I haven't really had much of a problem. I ran away to a small island to escape the onslaught for the first few night or two. Most of the enemies seem to despawn when the sun comes up. Whatever remains can easily be taken care of using several stone axes. But if you run into those ridiculous pincer beetles or annoying mountain trolls you better turn tail and run. I think the biggest advice I can give is to live near a coast, or better, on a small island off the coast. After a couple days spawn protection will kick in, and hostile mobs won't even spawn anymore.

If you desperately need a wall, you can use dirt/sand/gravel for the first layer, and put log piles (with a single log in each) on the second layers. That way you can easily remove the logs by hand later. Or well, you could use cobblestone walls like the questbook suggests. (I didn't realize I could make them with just 6 stones, I was looking at the vanilla recipe which requires 6 cobblestone so I didn't use them for a really long time). Either way I haven't really needed to wall in though.

On starving: I had serious hunger problems especially since I couldn't find any crops for the first few weeks. Luckily you don't actually die when you run out of hunger. After running around with an empty stomach for a day or so, I noticed I could eat seaweed, so that's pretty much what I ate for the next couple weeks until I found other food sources.

Edit: Ahh, you are trying to use javelins. That explains why you're having so much trouble, lol. Javelins are worthless, don't even bother with them. Just make a bunch of stone axes and whack them in the face! You could make a couple walls or fences at your house entrance to make it easier to kill the enemies safely rather than fighting them at your door.

As for the food suggestion, perhaps some early quest rewards could also be saplings for things that you need for later quests? Like, a red apple sapling, and a chestnut sapling would be really useful. I got a bunch of willow saplings from reward bags, dunno if I was lucky.

Or perhaps the reward bags could drop small quantities of common vegetables or something. That would support the early game hunter/gatherer lifestyle.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey OneWolfe, thanks for the reply!

Or perhaps the reward bags could drop small quantities of common vegetables or something. That would support the early game hunter/gatherer lifestyle.

Thanks for the great suggestions and awesome strategy tips :D

Its my fault that the wooden cogs recipe isnt working correctly, but it might be awhile before a fix is posted. So feel free to do what is needed to get past that point. The pack is still in beta so often some fixes may have unexpected consequences and end up breaking others :(

There are rewards that give berry bushes and fruit tree sapplings, but I will be adding some more food choices to the early quests. Seaweed is a great starter food, but have you tried collecting fish or squid with your stone tools? You dont need a fishing pole to eat well. Also deer and bear can make a good meal :D

After much trial and error I am unfortunately unable to get non-TFC mobs to drop TFC food. I might be able to have them drop seeds or bushes tho...
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@Obuw - Thanks for the tip on the log piles! I didn't realize that was an option you could use outside of specific contexts. And thanks for the advice on the axes... I tried using knives first, then stabbing with javelins, and then finally progressed to throwing them, but would end up spending too much time kiting them around.

@OneWolfe - Seeds/bushes would also be super useful! I did take a couple swings at a fish, but it didn't really seem to have any effect, so I left to go pursue something more effective, thinking it wasn't really an option. I'll give that another shot though!