[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I reallywant to play the pack what does this mean I dont know how to read crash reports at all

Level generator: ID 02 - TFCLargeBiomes, ver 0. Features enabled: true

It also looks like Large Biomes was selected.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That quest worked fine for me, though I did make 8 of them instead of the required 4.

Good call. I should have tried that first. Thanks!

The quest was intended to have players fire four of each item at once, jug, vessel, and bowl in their own pit kilns. Because HQM cannot recognize when most TFC items are crafted I have to use the 'Detection' mode, so you have to have at least 4 of that item before it will check it off the list. If you only bake 1 jug at a time the quest will only ever see 1 jug and not check them off. Unfortunately almost all of the quests in this pack work this way. My other choice would be to turn in the items, but I figure that your going to need everything your crafting to survive and not want to waste them on a quest.


I reallywant to play the pack what does this mean I dont know how to read crash reports at all

Not sure if you are having the same problem I had. I was running jre7 when I first tried to play this pack. It worked fine, until I tried starting a world, and just as it finished generating the world, mincraft crashed on me. Tried it several times and it crashed at the same point each time.

If you have been playing older modpacks (like I was) make sure Java is updated to the latest version and change the file path under the 'advanced options' tab to make sure FTB launcher is running the latest version too. (my filepath is ...jre1.8.0_74...)

This took me an hour to figure out, hopefully it will same someone else a headache.

Also, great modpack OneWolfie, really enjoying it so far ;) especially the music choices.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The quest was intended to have players fire four of each item at once, jug, vessel, and bowl in their own pit kilns. Because HQM cannot recognize when most TFC items are crafted I have to use the 'Detection' mode, so you have to have at least 4 of that item before it will check it off the list. If you only bake 1 jug at a time the quest will only ever see 1 jug and not check them off. Unfortunately almost all of the quests in this pack work this way. My other choice would be to turn in the items, but I figure that your going to need everything your crafting to survive and not want to waste them on a quest.

It's my 4th world now, and now that I know the early quests, I fire all 4 at once in one pit kiln, as you suggested. I even drop gravel on them when they are done to save me time from picking up each one. But it still didn't complete my quest until I made a 2nd batch of vessels. FYI
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello! my buddy and i found this modpack and we both love it in single player! is there a dedicated server? or any servers that are not whitelisted out there anyone can tell us about? thanks!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have heard that there might be one soon, but I dont know any details yet so I wouldnt hold my breath.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good news: I have been hooked on TerraFirmaCraft, and want to play more.

Bad news: The difficulty of this mod is too steep for me, primarily because of the Twilight Forest mods that spawn and never go away. Even with a walled off base, I still spend every night cowering underground, and then half the day killing the half goblin armored things. Summer is almost over (in game) and I'm still stuck in the Stone Age on my 4th world!

Question: Would it be easier to build a modpack with TerraFirmaCraft and its addons, or to remove Twilight Forest from this modpack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good news: I have been hooked on TerraFirmaCraft, and want to play more.

Bad news: The difficulty of this mod is too steep for me, primarily because of the Twilight Forest mods that spawn and never go away. Even with a walled off base, I still spend every night cowering underground, and then half the day killing the half goblin armored things. Summer is almost over (in game) and I'm still stuck in the Stone Age on my 4th world!

Question: Would it be easier to build a modpack with TerraFirmaCraft and its addons, or to remove Twilight Forest from this modpack?

find spooders. kill spooders by punching spooders in face. find a house, get 4 wood, make crafting table. make bow. kill everything


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wasn't my question, but I'll bite. Where are feathers, chickens, or arrows to be found?

If you find phesants kill them and they drop feathers. arrows are super easy to make. feather, stick, and a rock. ive found that when i have the chance to make a bow. nothing really scares me any more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you find phesants kill them and they drop feathers. arrows are super easy to make. feather, stick, and a rock. ive found that when i have the chance to make a bow. nothing really scares me any more.

Yeah, this leads me back to my original problem. Most days I can only get out a few mins at a time because of Twilight Forest mobs that aren't despawning. Good tip about using planks from a house, I was able to upgrade my crafting table last night. But I simply don't have time to explore because of the mobs. If I can't explore, I can't find pheasants. Thanks for the tip.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can decrease or even disable them in the configs in the JustAnotherSpawner folder. Unfortunately to my knowledge it's not possible to configure that mod to give you any breathing space and it seems to treat the spawning as a fixed event at a fixed time rather than random way minecraft/TFC spawn their mobs. I generally have the same mobs spawning in the same place every night, but only once a night.

On a different note, is there anything in the modpack that will increase the crop temperature? My base is in a mostly cold area that doesn't allow me to raise TFC sugarcane at all. Also, any way to move hot springs in this modpack?

Edit: Also, Onewolfe. As far as HQM goes my experience (as a player) is that detection and submit quests are the only real ways to go, as crafting may not register even vanilla items in a crafting table much less modded items. Also, please tell me you don't have any "hidden" quests that require some vague item in your inventory/rare mob killed/etc. I still remember the original Agrarian Skies modpack where to unlock one of the quests you needed to have OpenBlocks flag in your inventory among over 300 items in that modpack.
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So, OneWOlfie, I know there is a lot of suggestions flying around, but I found the help that the HQM book offers you is really patchy. As someone who has never played Terrafirma craft before, the immersiveness of the game is ruined because every 15 minutes I find myself needing to go to a wiki page, or watching a 30 min tutorial video on how to do something like forge a copper ingot. I have played many HQM modpacks in the past and the best ones always use the quest line to introduce me to a new mod or concept. I know that making a pit kiln is second nature to a lot of people, but when the quest line told me to make a ceramic vessel, I knapped it out of clay no problem, thanks to NEI, but I would never think to bury it in straw and logs and drop a torch on to it. Otherwise, I am really enjoying this fresh take on minecraft.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can decrease or even disable them in the configs in the JustAnotherSpawner folder. Unfortunately to my knowledge it's not possible to configure that mod to give you any breathing space and it seems to treat the spawning as a fixed event at a fixed time rather than random way minecraft/TFC spawn their mobs. I generally have the same mobs spawning in the same place every night, but only once a night.

I still do not fully understand JAS and find myself dumbfounded and confused buy most of the issues that come up. Feel free to fully take advantage of any anomalies you find in the spawn mechanics, traps ect. I would love to hear about any tricks that you come up with :D

On a different note, is there anything in the modpack that will increase the crop temperature? My base is in a mostly cold area that doesn't allow me to raise TFC sugarcane at all. Also, any way to move hot springs in this modpack?

Move south, ambient temperatures in TFC are base on the Z and Y levels, so your farms may be to far north or too far above sea level. I have not seriously tried farming at the bottom a ravine but that might be another option for sugarcane seeds.

Edit: Also, Onewolfe. As far as HQM goes my experience (as a player) is that detection and submit quests are the only real ways to go, as crafting may not register even vanilla items in a crafting table much less modded items. Also, please tell me you don't have any "hidden" quests that require some vague item in your inventory/rare mob killed/etc. I still remember the original Agrarian Skies modpack where to unlock one of the quests you needed to have OpenBlocks flag in your inventory among over 300 items in that modpack.

Hidden quests! That does seem very underhanded! :eek:

My questbook was originally intended as a guide for players who are new to TFC or modded minecraft. However it has undergone some changes and I and trying lean towards more of a storybook. Its definitely not there yet but im working on it.

The simple answer is no, I did put any hidden quests, but there are some rare items and hard to find mobs to keep an eye out for...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, OneWOlfie, I know there is a lot of suggestions flying around, but I found the help that the HQM book offers you is really patchy. As someone who has never played Terrafirma craft before, the immersiveness of the game is ruined because every 15 minutes I find myself needing to go to a wiki page, or watching a 30 min tutorial video on how to do something like forge a copper ingot. I have played many HQM modpacks in the past and the best ones always use the quest line to introduce me to a new mod or concept. I know that making a pit kiln is second nature to a lot of people, but when the quest line told me to make a ceramic vessel, I knapped it out of clay no problem, thanks to NEI, but I would never think to bury it in straw and logs and drop a torch on to it. Otherwise, I am really enjoying this fresh take on minecraft.

Thank you, this is a really great suggestion! I never thought to try adding an explanation for the pit kiln as part of the ceramics quest. I will try to add more details like this more often :D