[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as a side note, while testing stability for a server, we found that the multi-tiered dungeons, the amount of enemies spawned can destroy fps pretty quickly.

Ok, thats good to note. Its probably the lycanites, they seem to do that even without all the dungeon spawners.

Feel free to change the roguelike.cfg and reduce the levelMaxRooms, levelRange, and spawnFrequency to make them generate smaller and less often. If that dosnt help you can just remove the mod as it wont break anything or make any quests incompletable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Last night I started doing some cost comparisons for the Tech tree and I was very shocked to find that some of the raw material costs were extremely high especially for some of the low end tech like Cogs of the Machine. So I am going to try to rethink almost all of the tech recipes. Unfortunately I am unable to add any of cogs and gears to anvil at this time, but there are plans for creating a tool that I can use in the future. But for now I am going to try to incorporate more of the handheld tools to craft the low level gears and parts.

Because this is going to be a huge overhaul to the tech tree, and could take most of the weekend, I am going to have to push back the release date again. Hopefully these new changes will be worth the wait.

Thank you,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, thats good to note. Its probably the lycanites, they seem to do that even without all the dungeon spawners.

Feel free to change the roguelike.cfg and reduce the levelMaxRooms, levelRange, and spawnFrequency to make them generate smaller and less often. If that dosnt help you can just remove the mod as it wont break anything or make any quests incompletable.

Ya this seems to be a issue what ever these dungeons are set at need to be halved the entity count im getting is like 1400 drops the fps way to much.

Last night I started doing some cost comparisons for the Tech tree and I was very shocked to find that some of the raw material costs were extremely high especially for some of the low end tech like Cogs of the Machine. So I am going to try to rethink almost all of the tech recipes. Unfortunately I am unable to add any of cogs and gears to anvil at this time, but there are plans for creating a tool that I can use in the future. But for now I am going to try to incorporate more of the handheld tools to craft the low level gears and parts.

Because this is going to be a huge overhaul to the tech tree, and could take most of the weekend, I am going to have to push back the release date again. Hopefully these new changes will be worth the wait.

Thank you,

Ya the brass cost for this stuff was way to high, Cant wait to see what you come up with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Question. trying to set up a LAN to play with my roomate. Can not get it to work. Both on same router. both turned off firewalls on computers and the firewall on router is disabled. tried it where i was wired and wireless to router. connection always times out but had it also say that some mods are rejected. any tips on how to make this work or if it can work over a LAN? thanks lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
update. regular MC works on Lan but now im getting an error message that the mods are conflicting... but we both have the newest version out...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
update. regular MC works on Lan but now im getting an error message that the mods are conflicting... but we both have the newest version out...

That is interesting, I have never actually tried a local connection before. I was about to try to see if I could get both my PCs to run the pack, but I have a full server in the cloud to use.

I wonder why your getting conflicting mods ... I have seen that every once in a while on the server when the config files are not exactly the same. Once it was the Railcraft configs and the other was due to HQM. Is the error saying specifically which mods are conflicting? If it isnt telling you which mods than its most likely not the mods but the configs instead.

Also, was the world created using the same version or an older one?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is interesting, I have never actually tried a local connection before. I was about to try to see if I could get both my PCs to run the pack, but I have a full server in the cloud to use.

I wonder why your getting conflicting mods ... I have seen that every once in a while on the server when the config files are not exactly the same. Once it was the Railcraft configs and the other was due to HQM. Is the error saying specifically which mods are conflicting? If it isnt telling you which mods than its most likely not the mods but the configs instead.

Also, was the world created using the same version or an older one?


one thing was that he didnt have the same version as me. but when i got the versions to match it always times out. I have tried to locate it when i hit multiplayer and it shows up and then would time out when i select it. also when i direct connect to it, it would do the same thing...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
we just moved into the new place and comcast is being comcast about the time they can get out here to set up the internet so i am using my modem/router combo that comcast gives out. Could that be it causing the problem?

im actually on the phone with comcast trying to figure out how much longer im going to be with out proper internet lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a slightly older version running in MultiMC - some quests do not register in the HQM. Specifically, of note, is the steam locomotive quest. I can't detect it manually, I can't seem to bind it to the QDS block, and even after updating to the latest in the FTB launcher, it still does not detect.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a slightly older version running in MultiMC - some quests do not register in the HQM. Specifically, of note, is the steam locomotive quest. I can't detect it manually, I can't seem to bind it to the QDS block, and even after updating to the latest in the FTB launcher, it still does not detect.

That's strange, I wonder if there is some different meta-data attached when you craft it manually. :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried with a manually crafted one AND one I got from NEI, no difference in what happens.

what's weirder is when I try to bind it to the QDS, the quest that actually gets bound is

EDIT: It's actually a little funny how a vanilla bucket can milk a TFC cow indefinitely
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried with a manually crafted one AND one I got from NEI, no difference in what happens.

what's weirder is when I try to bind it to the QDS, the quest that actually gets bound is

EDIT: It's actually a little funny how a vanilla bucket can milk a TFC cow indefinitely

Yes, most Vanilla items do not work correctly with TFC at all. By the way, where did you get the vanilla iron bucket?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't remember where I got my first one, but I've been using the ooze exploit for more, I made about ten cheese wheels before stopping with the milking with iron buckets.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick update on my progress so far:

If you have been following the Live Streams on Tuesdays you will know that a lot of the Tech recipes are now broken :( They were working fine on my Client last weekend, but when we loaded them up on the server they all just broke. So I am waiting for the recipes code to get updated. It usually takes a day or two at most so I am not terribly worried about it getting fixed.

Another set back involves issues with NEI, BuildCraft, Forestry and the Questbook. For some reason when I try to update any of these mods I just get fatal errors, so I have not updated any of them in several versions. However I have just discovered that early this month Forestry has added TFC support and I am really interested in trying it out. I do expect that if I try to update Forestry in the current version of the pack it will just break so I think if I start with a fresh instance I might be able to figure out what the compatibility issues are with these 4 mods. Tomorrow I get a whole day off so I am going to give it a try, and hopefully I can have everything ironed out over the weekend and ready to post another version to FTB sometime next week.

I will try to leave a message here on my progress this weekend.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a slightly older version running in MultiMC - some quests do not register in the HQM. Specifically, of note, is the steam locomotive quest. I can't detect it manually, I can't seem to bind it to the QDS block, and even after updating to the latest in the FTB launcher, it still does not detect.

Ok found out why the Steam Locomotive quest isnt working. The quest was created with an older version of Railcraft, and the new version changed some of the block id's and metadata. That quest is looking for only an Exact match to the one it was given. I have now switched it from Precise Match to Fuzzy Match so it should ignore any metadata from now on. If you find anymore of these please let me know :D

Thank you,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok found out why the Steam Locomotive quest isnt working. The quest was created with an older version of Railcraft, and the new version changed some of the block id's and metadata. That quest is looking for only an Exact match to the one it was given. I have now switched it from Precise Match to Fuzzy Match so it should ignore any metadata from now on. If you find anymore of these please let me know :D

Thank you,
I know the armour quest don't detect I assumed it had something to do with smithing bonuses.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you OneWolfe for updating this awesome modpack. Trying to update my old world to the new version, but not having much luck and I really would like to keep my progression (I know starting over can be fun, but I've had 3 master level skills and teched all the way up to Rotarycraft and that takes a while :p )

Edit:OK. Got the world to load. Quite a mess with all the changed ID's . Deleted unused chunks to prevent weird blocks in already visited locations and replaced everything I could remember. Too bad about the stuff in chests, but having my blacksmithing area (with ingots) and my trees and animals is still a ton better than staring anew (plus I can always revisit those deleted chunks). Just gonna pop into the old version to check my barn and chicken coop materials (carpenters blocks) and I'll be done :D.

PS. Once again, thank you OneWolfe for your work on this modpack
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you OneWolfe for updating this awesome modpack. Trying to update my old world to the new version, but not having much luck and I really would like to keep my progression (I know starting over can be fun, but I've had 3 master level skills and teched all the way up to Rotarycraft and that takes a while :p )

PS. Once again, thank you OneWolfe for your work on this modpack

Glad you were able to get the map loaded. I was going to mention that I really don't think it can be done with out a great deal of work and the ID conflicts could break a lot of your base. You might try adding DragonAPI back into the pack or even RotaryCraft as well. I could also suggest, for anyone else struggling with updating an older version, would be to try incremental updates instead of making a huge jump all at once. Version 1.0.90 was ment as a crossover between the old 1.0 and the newer 2.0 version so it might help to use that as starting point when updating.

The other issue that might be a problem is that a lot of things have changed in the questbook so removing the HQM mod might also make the transition easier, but of course you will loose all of your quest progression in the process. But sometimes HQM just refuses to work with certain mod updates and WILL cause the game to just crash.

Lastly, TFP 2.0 was really never ment to be an update from 1.0 but as a separate experience entirely. I do wish you luck with your endeavor and would like to hear how you were able to pull it off :D

Thank you,