[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For some weird reason I always start without the quest book too, but my friend doesn't.... and not only in this mod pack. idk what's the deal :s

I am also having the same problem with new worlds. The HQM is not getting set and the player does not start with a questbook in hand. All the configs should be set correctly to start Quest Mode and Hardcore Mode when a new world is created so I really dont know what is causing this. :(

For now the only way I know of to get around this issue is to make sure to leave cheats on when generating a new world, or to open a LAN and turn cheats on from there. Then type in the command "/hqm quest" and spawn yourself a book. The questbook crafting recipe isnt very hard if you dont want to spawn one in, but you still have to manually start the Quest Mode.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After a long weekend of struggles I think the pack is almost ready to go. Will try to shoot for a final test upload on Friday that will include the new questbook plus the super secret mod that has been the major key to getting 2.0 released, and the biggest pain in my backside at the same time. :p So I hope you all enjoy the next update and have fun with the pack :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are any of the next few updates gonna require a world restart?

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

A full map wipe might not be a bad idea but should not be absolutely required. There will be some new world gen items, but exploring new chucks should be enough to find them. However the change in the Questbook could cause some problems, but ive not fully tested what happens to the player data when the HQM file is swapped out half way through.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Mate I just wanted to chime in an show you my support. I discovered minecraft back in its early beta days and have been playing it on and off ever since. Although I knew about Terrafirmacraft, it wasn't until discovering your pack a awhile back that I really gave it a solid shot and absolutely fell in love with everything it had to offer along with your steampunk themed additions. I CANNOT go back to the original style of tech heavy modpacks anymore as everything just feels so bland and cheese.

My brother and I thought about starting a fresh playthrough of Terrafirmapunk recently and realized you were in the process of compiling version 2.0. Since then we've been holding off until the pack is ready and I wanted to let you know that we (and I'm sure a lot of other people like us) extremely appreciate the time and effort you put into working on this pack. Many of the posts in the forum are likely bug related, which is great! But I just wanted to let you know that at the end of the day you are doing a fk'n bang up job! Really love your style. Please keep it up buddy!

Can't wait for the release of 2.0 (maybe this Friday), but take your time of course.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can't wait for the release of 2.0 (maybe this Friday), but take your time of course.

Thank you very much :D

It has been a long struggle getting this large list of mods to work inside of TFC and its always great to hear when someone is enjoying the mod pack. The pack is of course still in a Beta state while I work on getting some of the Key mods before I go ahead and release the initial 2.0 version. However I will continue to be working on the settings and configurations in order to adjust the game balance as I convert more recipes and tweak mobs stats. But there should not be any more world changing adjustments or mods added to require anyone to create new maps after this next update. In fact I may actually upload 1 more beta version first before the full release just so players have a chance to test the new questbook and dungeons first.

Do you plan to make videos or post screenhots because I would love to follow along with your progress through the pack :rolleyes:

Thank you,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you very much :D

It has been a long struggle getting this large list of mods to work inside of TFC and its always great to hear when someone is enjoying the mod pack. The pack is of course still in a Beta state while I work on getting some of the Key mods before I go ahead and release the initial 2.0 version. However I will continue to be working on the settings and configurations in order to adjust the game balance as I convert more recipes and tweak mobs stats. But there should not be any more world changing adjustments or mods added to require anyone to create new maps after this next update. In fact I may actually upload 1 more beta version first before the full release just so players have a chance to test the new questbook and dungeons first.

Do you plan to make videos or post screenhots because I would love to follow along with your progress through the pack :rolleyes:

Thank you,

Great to hear it, I have enjoyed this pack for about a year and am excited to see what else you can do. Sorry I didn't/don't post more to say so but you are doing an amazing job.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I was pretty sick over the weekend as well as had some technical issues with my PC so I was not able to get the pack ready and posted to FTB, so I am going to have work on it today and try for a mid-week upload.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The latest update should now be available! This is going to be the last pre-release before the full version. There will not be any more major changes to the pack so for everyone waiting on the finished pack please feel free to use this version to begin any LP's or play throughs.

Changes in this version (1.0.95) include:
1) A newly finished quest line that IS very different from previous version so restarting the questbook will be required.
2) Roguelike Dungeons has been added and converted to work with TFC! Watch out for some extremely dangerous mobs and cool new loot!
3) Various bug fixes and mob balancing
4) Most of the major world gen issues have been resolved, primarily the rougelike dungeons. However several of the older ruins are still bugged or simply not spawning in the world. These are minor issues and will not effect gameplay but may make it difficult to find specific boss mobs in your world if their specific buildings never get generated. Which is why killing every single Twilight Boss is optional and not necessarily required.

Thank you for your patience, and all the help getting the pack back up-to-date :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can anyone confirm that the cellars are working?

I cant seem to get mine to complete or chill...

i have destroyed the ice bunker 3 times not trying to reset it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can anyone confirm that the cellars are working?

I cant seem to get mine to complete or chill...

i have destroyed the ice bunker 3 times not trying to reset it

They seem to be working on the TFC Tuesday Live Stream. I am certainly not an expert on them so feel free to stop by and ask Firedale how he got it to work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They seem to be working on the TFC Tuesday Live Stream. I am certainly not an expert on them so feel free to stop by and ask Firedale how he got it to work.

i managed to get it to work, i broke the whole thing down and moved it from where i had it and it seemed to solve the problem lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i managed to get it to work, i broke the whole thing down and moved it from where i had it and it seemed to solve the problem lol

Thats great!

All I do know is that cellars are very very picky and any block out of place will cause it to stop working, even having the door open :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude, no rush, but know that at least one guy sits here just waiting for 2.0... :)

Version 1.0.95 is essentially the 2.0 pre-release. As I stated above you can feel free to start using it early if you wish. The questbook is ready and any changes are going to be minor or just game balance related.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing v95 with my friend, a few random comments:

The new quest line seems better and interesting.

Mob dmg is insane... with full steam armor or full bronce enchanted armor most mobs can kill us in 3 hits, some in 2. Without armor a goblin knight can kill us with 1 hit... I like some challenge but limited amount of lives and 1-2 hit kills is way too much...

Basic machines (have not checked the advanced ones) have really costly recipes, like... 1 stack of bronze and some more things for 1 machine. Are mobs dropping bronze/brass sheets? if not I think it will just too boring to farm for that amount of metals in a terrafirma based world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing v95 with my friend, a few random comments:

The new quest line seems better and interesting.

Mob dmg is insane... with full steam armor or full bronce enchanted armor most mobs can kill us in 3 hits, some in 2. Without armor a goblin knight can kill us with 1 hit... I like some challenge but limited amount of lives and 1-2 hit kills is way too much...

Yeah, I might want to reduce the goblin knights a bit, they still do a lot of damage even with TFC armor. By the way, any of the armor that the mobs drop is pretty much worthless. Once your armor smithing skill is above novice anything you craft yourself will be a lot better than most of the loot and pretty much all of the mob drops. I have not done a great deal of testing of all the custom mob damage and vanilla vs TFC armors but im pretty certain that at the level of damage most TFC mobs do the vanilla stuff might as well be paper. However the only redeeming feature of the Steam Suit is the flying mods you can attach to it.


Damage with fists is a little wonky, no? doing 200+ damage to unarmored zombies with only fists. 60 damage with axe.