[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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After having done some testing myself on the Magneticraft Ore Processing i come to the conclusion:

The Railcraft Blast Furnace turns 1 Iron Grit into 1 Ingot which should not be like this - NEI tells me i do need 6 Grit, which would make it even to the IE Blast Furnace. So i am pretty sure this is the bug i accidently exploited for a couple of weeks now O.O

Now since i never used Magneticraft in a non-TFP Environment i have to rely on what i read:
Usually the Crusher turns the Ore into Chunks, the Grinder into Rubble, use of the Grinder for a 2nd time turns the Rubble into Pebbles and finally the Sifter turns Pebbles into Dust.
Now in TFP the Crusher produces Grit which can be smelted right away. If put into the grinder or sifter the grit gets processed but without any more output (with no change made to the Script as OneWolf suggested above)
This way 1 stack of rich ore gives me 29-35 Grits
OR the ore can be put into the Grinder which gives me 32 Pebbles plus 5 Grits (plus a chance for some Nickel Dust) - 32 Pebbles put into the Sifter give me 40 more Grit (plus ~ 2 Nickel Dust) so all in all about 45 Grit
Well what i want to say is ... the usual way Crusher - Grinder - Grinder - Sifter is replaced by either Crusher OR Grinder - Sifter
(since the Crusher yields Grit instead of Chunks, which do not exist in TFP)

Hope this makes sense ... ^^

Okay so we are on the same page and it is just a bug that is causing the issue. With the current configs the IE crusher is more efficient, but based on OneWolfe's comment that will change in a future update. That's good to know. What is nice is I've learned a lot about magneticraft in the last couple days and I have to say I like the mod a lot.

I do remember seeing this bug before. For some reason the Railcraft Blast furnace is just ignoring the stack quantity specified in the scripts and simply processes any item 1 for 1. So I am going to have to add another step to the process and create Iron Ore Lumps from 6 dust or grit and then put those into the furnace instead.
After having done some testing myself on the Magneticraft Ore Processing i come to the conclusion:

The Railcraft Blast Furnace turns 1 Iron Grit into 1 Ingot which should not be like this - NEI tells me i do need 6 Grit, which would make it even to the IE Blast Furnace. So i am pretty sure this is the bug i accidently exploited for a couple of weeks now O.O

Now since i never used Magneticraft in a non-TFP Environment i have to rely on what i read:
Usually the Crusher turns the Ore into Chunks, the Grinder into Rubble, use of the Grinder for a 2nd time turns the Rubble into Pebbles and finally the Sifter turns Pebbles into Dust.
Now in TFP the Crusher produces Grit which can be smelted right away. If put into the grinder or sifter the grit gets processed but without any more output (with no change made to the Script as OneWolf suggested above)
This way 1 stack of rich ore gives me 29-35 Grits
OR the ore can be put into the Grinder which gives me 32 Pebbles plus 5 Grits (plus a chance for some Nickel Dust) - 32 Pebbles put into the Sifter give me 40 more Grit (plus ~ 2 Nickel Dust) so all in all about 45 Grit
Well what i want to say is ... the usual way Crusher - Grinder - Grinder - Sifter is replaced by either Crusher OR Grinder - Sifter
(since the Crusher yields Grit instead of Chunks, which do not exist in TFP)

Hope this makes sense ... ^^

It is intended to run in series with Crusher -> Grinder -> Sifter, but because the Crusher also gives you back a small ore unit the Grinder also had to be set up to handle those pieces so you dont have to filter them out each time.

Also I decided to go with the Iron Grit instead of the dust used by the other ores because in TFC the iron process is much more complicated than just tossing it into a crucible and waiting for it to melt. The only other metal process more complicated should be Aluminum which requires a large amount of electricity to separate from the impurities.
Tired of grinding away alone in your SSP world? Join the Erisia-13 SMP Server!

We have achieved Tier 6 TFC metals and are inching our way into IE. Feel free to join our town or go at it alone and trade for materials and share map way points. Currently we have one main town and a few hermits out in the wilds.

Join: https://madoka.brage.info/
1) Install the Client from the "Getting Started" page.
2) Read and affirm to the rules on the "IRC" page.

Map: https://madoka.brage.info/map.html

Farming progression:

Tech progression:


Last Notes:
1) We have turned off HQM as it was causing a serious lag issues with long disk writes. http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...eampunk-adventures.53519/page-92#post-1691824

2) Electrical Age is included as an experimental part of this pack. I am not using it as it has not been balanced towards the TFP style of play. Make suggestions here; https://github.com/Electrical-Age/ElectricalAge/tree/features/tfc-compat
Does anyone else experience some severe FPS issues in 2.0.5 with the firepit? As soon as I lit it both my and a friend's FPS tanked from 60 to 12, and spiked back up to 60 once it went out... Tested in SP as well with the same problem. I backdated to 2.0.3 and don't have this issue on SP.

Edit: Some followup testing on the server running 2.0.5 - during the day I left our little hole-hut and lit it on open grass, and the FPS was fine. It must be lighting related, something that changed for 2.0.5. 2.0.3 works fine but doesn't run with the server, and I'm not sure what mods to 'revert' in the server so that we can play together, but it's fairly inconvenient for us.

Edit2: So we reset the map, on the server and decided to give it another go... We have no idea. It's fine now but the SP map I was playing on is still bork too.
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Is there a Changelog for 2.05 ?


From what I can tell there are recipe fixes (and removals like the standard IE blast furnace) as well as Malis doors and steve's carts that have been added to the pack. Also the dust conversion has been fixed for all IE grinder recipes and the Magneticraft system as been tweaked so that it is an upgrade to the IE which is now the mid-tier tech level.
From what I can tell there are recipe fixes (and removals like the standard IE blast furnace) as well as Malis doors and steve's carts that have been added to the pack. Also the dust conversion has been fixed for all IE grinder recipes and the Magneticraft system as been tweaked so that it is an upgrade to the IE which is now the mid-tier tech level.

Thanks for posting a quicky update for me :D

By the way IE & Magneticraft are ment to be top Tier tech with some bonus items in Buildcraft actually requiring IE machines. There isnt any Tier 4 tech ... yet
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My friend and I are loving the pack thusfar, OneWolfe! We had a few issues but worked them out, and the challenge... This pack is definitely not gentle, we've had to put our gameface on for a change. Keep up the great work, it's quite the adventure!
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Reactions: OneWolfe
My friend and I are loving the pack thusfar, OneWolfe! We had a few issues but worked them out, and the challenge... This pack is definitely not gentle, we've had to put our gameface on for a change. Keep up the great work, it's quite the adventure!

Thank you,
I am really glad that you are enjoying the challenge.
I have posted a quick update to fix alot of the issues I found in 2.0.5 but dont know how soon it will be available on the launcher.

really would like to play that awesome pack , seems to have most mods i ever wanted to play with tfc and even few extra but got BIG problem . I cant setup server , was trying like 10 hours now . Whatever i do server not working . I was using zip downloaded from site then i tried installing with that curse thing and manually moving files from there , each time trying after fresh install of server and trying many combinations , even trying deleting some mods i saw errors are about , all for nothing . Even spend few hours to find ( again ) that -Dfml.queryResult=confirm command which has helped me with another server in past but didnt help this time :/

Single player works but i cant play that , got 2 friends we always play together .
"Open Lan" is evil option and we better burn our computers and bash whats left with hamers than try that again :/

would be cool if someone point me to place where i can download server version of this or share working one with me .

tnx in advance
Heya. I'm not sure if you caught it yet, or not, but it might be a bug with vanilla TFC? If you place a door and then a physical block above it, the block will fall, breaking off the door and duplicating the block that fell. It can be abused fairly heavily for Ex Nihilo, so I figured I'd post about it.

I would have no idea how to fix something like this :P
where is the changelog for new version?

just bug fixes, recipe changes, some costs reduced, and carpenter crafting times reduce, things I should have had in 2.0.5, so nothing even really worth mentioning :p

Basically it was all just late game tech re-balancing of material costs.
I don't know why I thought it'd be a good idea to make a fire pit in the corner of my wooden house. Laugh at my misery.

Definitely one of the most common early game mistakes :D

I always suggest hiding under clay as a great starter house instead of a wooden one.
anyone else noticing that mobs are hitting harder? My friend and I are in full steam suits and before the update we didn't have much of a problem keeping the trolls in check. Since the update we've lost 9 lives between the two of us in course of 1 month.