Ok I found a solution. The script is trying to check if you have enough wind in the drill before letting you craft the mechanism. You can go ahead and add this recipe to the Steamcraft.zs file but its going to eat the drill if you dont have more than 100 points of wind on it.
recipes.addShaped(<steamcraft2:ItemMachinePart:1> * 4,
Wow, took a full game day to kill 2 whales by beaching them and whacking on them with MANY knives. Can I use the whale meat or is killing them pointless? After all the effort, I really wanted something I could use, hehe.
i maybe be completely noobing out on this but i cant seem to figure out how to add this pack to the curse client im not seeing the 3rd party pack tab any help
P.S: Your English is fine, but you might want to use periods to break your sentences up. Makes it read much easier... incidentally, that's why I used a list above.
- Go to the FTB site: http://www.feed-the-beast.com/
- Locate the "Download Now" button. Do not click it.
- Look underneath that button. There's a View All Downloads link. Do not click it.
- Underneath that button, there are links to the legacy client for Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. Click on the one that pertains to you. Install it.
- Once it's installed, set up your Minecraft profile so the client can log you on.
- Once you're done with that, click on the 3rd Party Packs tab.
- Click on the "Pack Codes" button.
- Type in "terrafirmapunk" without the quotes.
- Click the Add button.
- The pack should now be listed. Click on it and launch; it'll download and go from there.
A couple post before yours:
The point is im not seeing the 3rd party button inside the curse launcher
Finally figured out how to move spawnersUploaded a quick tutorial video here, for anyone in the iron age (with a lot of patience) wanting to build a redcap powered base
Thanks to MammaJamma for making me question my assumptions about vanilla mechanics and TFP.
Ohh see I was noobing it I can't read instructions fully lol my bad ty for the help
Is there any way the different TFC metal sheets can be automated with IE? For instance, I just made a metal press to punch Wrought Iron Sheets (as NEI says I can) but it only makes IE plates. This would normally not be a big deal, but I need those sheets for my blast furnace array!
Thanks in advance!
Sweet pack! (bugs and all!)
The whale meat isn't usable as far as I know, but the Blubber can be used to make things and the whalebones can be converted into regular bones.
Aaah, i am close to giving up now - this modpack makes me mess with the script and config-files which i never done before ^^ - managed to somehow solve the problems i posted before but now i am stuck at crafting the redstone board, which is just shaped crafting of a redstone in the middle surrounded by paper but it just won´t do!
And this time i cannot find the recipe of the redstone board in the script, so i cannot fix this myself.
Does anybody happen to know where to find this?
A redstone what? What exactly are you trying to do? It sounds like you are working beyond anything I have actually tested in survival. Or possibly using items I had not intended?
There are several cases where recipes that worked in single player when I tested them just dont work the same way in multiplayer so im still trying to track them all down as we come across them.
I am terribly sorry - i messed this one up completely by myself! I just deleted my post, you must have replied about the same time.
The Redstone Board is the thing you put in the programming table to specify the "base robot" to be a "specific robot". I messed this one up, as i kept on putting redstone around a paper instead the other way round *blushes* - this took me about 2 hours *aaaah*
Still the older posts are valid - like the aluminium wont come out of the mold (i removed the "mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.removeRecipe" in the TFCTechAddon Script). The Aluminium is needed in the crafting of the robot.
You did intend the use of robots, did you? Since assembly table, integration and programming table are all craftable and at least the programming table does not have any other use than for robots?
As for the robots i also included the kinesis pipes back in, as the robot seems quite useless without them.
I also changed the recipe of the Timewood Clock the same way you changed the recipe for the clockwork mechanism, as it had the same problem with the clockwork drill. Thats about the things i can remember now ...
Again - i am terribly sorry - still loving the pack, havent played any pack before for that long
Aluminum should ONLY be craftable in an ARC furnace! What are you putting it into a mold for?
Oh, I see - NEI shows 2 kinds of aluminium, the aluminium of immersive engeniering which can be obtained from the arc furnace and shurgent´s TFCTech Addon Aluminium which can be obtained the "usual way" by putting bauxite in a ceramic vessel and burning it in a pit or smelting bauxite in a crucible. The recipe of the robot shows TFCTech Addon´s Aluminium so I had put Bauxite in the crucible, smelted it in a pit and poured it into a mold and that´s where i had gotten stuck.