Thanks for the hints.
Did look at some tutorials for the prospect pick, but in them it always looks so easy, while for me the ore seems to hide very well *smirks*
Guess need to find better tutorials or switch to just watching lets players with this pack. (so little time lately I can spend for minecraft *sigh*)
Not sure if you've already seen this
video on the propick, but it's from one of the developers of TFC (Kitty).
She's describing how to find ore when you can see surface nuggets but aren't getting any readings from the pick, but it's the same method on the surface if you *are* reading results.
Crucial thing is, as Danjal said, is to be methodical.
If I get a reading of any kind on the surface, I then move around trying to locate the best reading I can get. Normally I whack a torch down on the first block I get a reading and then go North/South looking for when the reading changes (ignoring the 'nothing found' results). The ideal situation would be that as you go North/South you come across the 'very large' reading, but no matter if you don't. Suppose the best reading on the North/South axis you get is 'large'. Mark out where the reading changes from 'medium' to 'large' or vice versa in both directions.
That's stage 1. Stage 2 is to go to the middle of these two readings, put down another marker and then do exactly the same thing on the East/West axis. Mark where the reading goes from best to next best and then go to the center of these markers.
That'll be where I start digging a 1x2 shaft down. Hopefully on the way down you'll start to pick up 'very large' readings, but it's not always the case that there'll be a very large sample.
Stage 3. As you go down, keep checking the readings as above, marking out where they change. I keep going down until I can find the middle of the best results (for example, where 'large' changes to 'very large' above and below) and that's where I set up camp. Other people I've seen don't bother going down too far, but set up camp where they first come across the best reading.
Be sure to check on the wiki that the surface rock does actually generate the ore you're reading? If not, then you'll have dig down to the next level rock before you find anything.
I've had a pretty good success rate (in vanilla TFC) doing this, but nothing's guaranteed.