[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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Hi everybody,

i hope this is a bug, since i do not know what i could be doing wrong.
I cannot craft the clockwork mechanism - i put everything in place as shown in the NEI but no result (product) is shown on the right side - 4 cast iron shafts in the corners, a brass sheet on the bottom and on the top (tried both available types of brass sheets) - a vanilla clock in the middle (which a got a couple from zombie drops) - the block and chain in the middle left and the clockwork drill in the middle right slot (tried full steam, half full and empty)
Nothing works - am i doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Ok I found a solution. The script is trying to check if you have enough wind in the drill before letting you craft the mechanism. You can go ahead and add this recipe to the Steamcraft.zs file but its going to eat the drill if you dont have more than 100 points of wind on it.

recipes.addShaped(<steamcraft2:ItemMachinePart:1> * 4,
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Ok I found a solution. The script is trying to check if you have enough wind in the drill before letting you craft the mechanism. You can go ahead and add this recipe to the Steamcraft.zs file but its going to eat the drill if you dont have more than 100 points of wind on it.

recipes.addShaped(<steamcraft2:ItemMachinePart:1> * 4,

recipes.addShaped(<steamcraft2:ItemMachinePart:1> * 4,
Could you point me on the right track to update manually, I know how.lol I just don't see any info on where I can download the zip file? If your talking about the version 2.0.3

When the client tries to update it downloads the zip file to a temp directory. You should see it in the console output.
Does it stay even if it doesn't install? I'm having trouble finding the zip file. Could you give me the name of the Zip file? Thanks again.

Yes it stays. If you are on windows it will be in the appdata\local\ftblauncher\terrafirmapunk folder
Yes it stays. If you are on windows it will be in the appdata\local\ftblauncher\terrafirmapunk folder

Thanks, I found it, but it says that the file was downloaded on the 30th. I have tried several times to update, so it seems that it wasn't even downloading the zip file.

Ok, I had to actual open the zip file to see it was modified new. Thanks again.
recipes.addShaped(<steamcraft2:ItemMachinePart:1> * 4,

Hej, you guys did your magic! Thx @MrOneWolfe @MonkeyTown551
Just added the recipe to the Steamcraft2.zs and was able to craft the clockwork mechanism. So the problem was the script tried to reduce the durability by 100 and that´s why the drill was still working in other recipes, because it was not getting reduced there?

Anyway, good work and thx!
Any advice about mining and how to find ore? :/

I pretty much used half a bronze pickaxe (I got from a reward bag) and stacks of wood for support beams, always following the "(small/medium)Traces of Sphalerite", I went 6 blocks down doing the same (up is already gravel/dirt), but I couldn't find any trace of the actual ore to find. I didn't get further down since the 6 blocks down had alot of "nothing to be found" messages.
Same pretty much happened before with trying to find bismuth. Spending hours of playing just to find nothing at all, so I'm wondering if I'm doing it that wrong.
Beealyzer recipe does not seem to be accepted in the Carpenter.

The recipe shows in NEI.

Using Tin Ingots, Glass Panel & Cyan Stained Glass Pane, Redstone, Tried Topaz and Diamond, with a Beeswax in the other slot.

I'm in version 2.0.

Am I missing something?



Doh! Forgot to add the water to the Carpenter. It's been forever since I've used Forestry.
Any advice about mining and how to find ore? :/

I pretty much used half a bronze pickaxe (I got from a reward bag) and stacks of wood for support beams, always following the "(small/medium)Traces of Sphalerite", I went 6 blocks down doing the same (up is already gravel/dirt), but I couldn't find any trace of the actual ore to find. I didn't get further down since the 6 blocks down had alot of "nothing to be found" messages.
Same pretty much happened before with trying to find bismuth. Spending hours of playing just to find nothing at all, so I'm wondering if I'm doing it that wrong.

For getting ores in the beginning... I dig up 4+ stacks of gravel. Use the sieve to shift through it all.

I also just pick it off the floor.

I always check the sides of the mountains, where there might be exposed ores to easily pick.

Use the wiki for know where ores generally generate - http://wiki.terrafirmacraft.com/Ores_&_Minerals

For example, if you are looking for Sphalerite (Zinc), I would gather stacks of gravel from Gneiss, Marble, Phyllite, Quartzite Schist & Slate, and shift through it using the Sieve from Ex Nihilo.

There are also guides on how to find ores using the Prospect Pick, just google it or do a search on Youtube.

My preference, is to explore the world, and find it on mountain sides or exposed.
Thanks for the hints.

Did look at some tutorials for the prospect pick, but in them it always looks so easy, while for me the ore seems to hide very well *smirks*
Guess need to find better tutorials or switch to just watching lets players with this pack. (so little time lately I can spend for minecraft *sigh*)
Thanks for the hints.

Did look at some tutorials for the prospect pick, but in them it always looks so easy, while for me the ore seems to hide very well *smirks*
Guess need to find better tutorials or switch to just watching lets players with this pack. (so little time lately I can spend for minecraft *sigh*)
I've always found that a consistent and procedural approach tends to work best.
While not necessarily the 'fastest' way, if you can manage to determine rough outlines it makes it a lot easier to home in on the center.
Since most veins tend to be quite large you frequently hit early.

The most common mistake I've seen people make is making assumptions. Though it does occasionally happen that a vein is simply illusive, its more common that the player has just not been consistent in their approach.
Keeping in mind what ores spawn in what rock layers does help.
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Thanks for the hints.

Did look at some tutorials for the prospect pick, but in them it always looks so easy, while for me the ore seems to hide very well *smirks*
Guess need to find better tutorials or switch to just watching lets players with this pack. (so little time lately I can spend for minecraft *sigh*)

And not to forget - the prospector´s pick has a probability to yield wrong results, meaning that if you test a block saying "nothing found" you still might be in the right direction, just keep on testing 3-4 of the following blocks
Thanks for the hints.

Did look at some tutorials for the prospect pick, but in them it always looks so easy, while for me the ore seems to hide very well *smirks*
Guess need to find better tutorials or switch to just watching lets players with this pack. (so little time lately I can spend for minecraft *sigh*)

Not sure if you've already seen this video on the propick, but it's from one of the developers of TFC (Kitty).

She's describing how to find ore when you can see surface nuggets but aren't getting any readings from the pick, but it's the same method on the surface if you *are* reading results.

Crucial thing is, as Danjal said, is to be methodical.

If I get a reading of any kind on the surface, I then move around trying to locate the best reading I can get. Normally I whack a torch down on the first block I get a reading and then go North/South looking for when the reading changes (ignoring the 'nothing found' results). The ideal situation would be that as you go North/South you come across the 'very large' reading, but no matter if you don't. Suppose the best reading on the North/South axis you get is 'large'. Mark out where the reading changes from 'medium' to 'large' or vice versa in both directions.

That's stage 1. Stage 2 is to go to the middle of these two readings, put down another marker and then do exactly the same thing on the East/West axis. Mark where the reading goes from best to next best and then go to the center of these markers.

That'll be where I start digging a 1x2 shaft down. Hopefully on the way down you'll start to pick up 'very large' readings, but it's not always the case that there'll be a very large sample.

Stage 3. As you go down, keep checking the readings as above, marking out where they change. I keep going down until I can find the middle of the best results (for example, where 'large' changes to 'very large' above and below) and that's where I set up camp. Other people I've seen don't bother going down too far, but set up camp where they first come across the best reading.

Be sure to check on the wiki that the surface rock does actually generate the ore you're reading? If not, then you'll have dig down to the next level rock before you find anything.

I've had a pretty good success rate (in vanilla TFC) doing this, but nothing's guaranteed. :)
Hu - now this time it´s not a bug, just me can´t figure out how to use energy in this pack. I got the hobbyist´s steam engine to work, but cannot get it´s energy out - on the Inet everybody is using conductive pipes, but these seem to be disabled in the pack as are rednet cables, so what do i use instead? :)

Maybe a little quest on this right after the first rf-producing machine would be helpful?
Thanks again for all the advices!
Guess will have to be more methodical next time I try finding ore. In case of the sphalerite I had very little readings aboth ground (only the shards laying around as indicator) that's why I went underground, thinking it would be just deeper.
Guess I should watch out more for veins which I can read from the surface before wasting too much of my pickaxe. ^^"
Thanks again for all the advices!
Guess will have to be more methodical next time I try finding ore. In case of the sphalerite I had very little readings aboth ground (only the shards laying around as indicator) that's why I went underground, thinking it would be just deeper.
Guess I should watch out more for veins which I can read from the surface before wasting too much of my pickaxe. ^^"

It took me a few goes before I got the hang of it, but yes, it's much easier on your pick if you can find 'very large' readings on the surface. But Kitty's video covers the situation you describe, where you can see nuggets on the surface, but aren't getting readings from the propick.
One more question about the sieving:
I heard alot now, that "When you're unsure which rocks x spawn in, look at the gravel sieving recipe from this rock".
Now I'm confused since in "Schist"-gravel Kaolite appears to be in, but in the TFC wiki says that Kaolite doesn't appear in schist.

Is the wiki just a bit outdated (or it was changed for this pack) and I should trust more into the gravel-sieving-recipes or is there a few differences of gravel'sieving and rock'spawning?
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Just updated to 2.0.3, and me and my friends can't access our quest books on the server. I've tried cheating a new one in, but right clicking with them does nothing.

Also, thanks for this pack! So much fun has been had, hunting for ores and being seiged by zombies
Just updated to 2.0.3, and me and my friends can't access our quest books on the server. I've tried cheating a new one in, but right clicking with them does nothing.

Also, thanks for this pack! So much fun has been had, hunting for ores and being seiged by zombies

Check the editmode.cfg file to see if edit mode is set to false on both the client and the server. Also try using the command "/hqm quest"

I have seen this bug a few times before, but not entirely sure whats causing it.
Hu - now this time it´s not a bug, just me can´t figure out how to use energy in this pack. I got the hobbyist´s steam engine to work, but cannot get it´s energy out - on the Inet everybody is using conductive pipes, but these seem to be disabled in the pack as are rednet cables, so what do i use instead? :)

Maybe a little quest on this right after the first rf-producing machine would be helpful?

I just don't like the idea of how the Buildcraft pipes work or look for transporting energy so I have them disabled, but I did not realize that RedNet was even in the pack. I might have to look into them at some time.

For the standard method of energy transfer that I do have working in the pack is to use the Immersive Engineering Cables. They may require a powered machine to craft first tho, so if you haven't already made one your going to need a Clockwork Engine to get started.
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