[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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OneWolfe, would you be willing to list the blocks that you say will corrupt the world so that if we do find one, we can tell you about it? Just having a world go corrupted with no idea why won't help anyone help you figure out why :)
Ooookay, new problem. I guess I spawned too far north in a new world (still 1.9 I believe, it didn't prompt me to update) and there is absolutely zero stones for me to pick up. Running around in the High Hills, Plains, and Swamp biomes, and the soil type is Chalk. My Zed Coords are like 13K plus. Plenty of sticks, but none of the stuff that makes tools.

I mean, on the other hand I'm having far more luck finding food and crops than the last world, I've gotten myself a handful of pepper seeds, berry bushes and onions. If I found a clay deposit that'd be great, but the faster I can get a home built the better. I might end up just /time day it and sacrifice the food I've found until I can find stuff for tools, cause this just isn't right xD
Is 2.0 released already? If yes - how I can get it? I see only 1.0.99 at launcher.


Also I found a bug. In dungeon on first floor I found vanilla workbench. And when I tried craft something on it - it corrupted my world.
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Ummmm I can't run anymore, now I only walk like I'm sneaking all the time, and there doesn't seems like anything is wrong with me, is this a bug? Thanks.
Ooookay, new problem. I guess I spawned too far north in a new world (still 1.9 I believe, it didn't prompt me to update) and there is absolutely zero stones for me to pick up. Running around in the High Hills, Plains, and Swamp biomes, and the soil type is Chalk. My Zed Coords are like 13K plus. Plenty of sticks, but none of the stuff that makes tools.

I mean, on the other hand I'm having far more luck finding food and crops than the last world, I've gotten myself a handful of pepper seeds, berry bushes and onions. If I found a clay deposit that'd be great, but the faster I can get a home built the better. I might end up just /time day it and sacrifice the food I've found until I can find stuff for tools, cause this just isn't right xD
If you look at the ground and see someplace with no grass and no stick, look. If it says Debris then there is something wrong because that should be rock and means you'll find no rocks.

Ummmm I can't run anymore, now I only walk like I'm sneaking all the time, and there doesn't seems like anything is wrong with me, is this a bug? Thanks.
this happened in a sp world but when I tried recreating the world to replicate the result it was fixed.

by adding a new pack with the pack code : terrafirmapunk you get the pack with 2.0 avaible
says private pack already added.

so it turns out that you may have to remove then add the pack code in which you do get two versions in the launcher but hey, at least you can play.
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I finally got a chance this weekend to play. And I had the same problem. However, when I used the code it loaded the new version. Question though: why is it loading a NEW entry instead of overwriting the old one? I have TWO TerraFirmaPunk entries on my FTB launcher now.
Ummmm I can't run anymore, now I only walk like I'm sneaking all the time, and there doesn't seems like anything is wrong with me, is this a bug? Thanks.

Do you need a drink? :) In vanilla TFC at least, you can't run if your thirst level goes below half.
Hi everybody,
I just registered just because of this beautiful pack - just have to say i enjoy it very much.

Now i read about 10 pages ago about problems creating the summoning altar from the necromancy mod. I tried everything i could, but was not able to create the altar - so i wonder if anyone has found a solution or if the dear creator would be so kind to do some fixing, since the mod is included. Many thx in advance, keep up the good work, as a plain player i can hardly imagine how much work you have gotten into this. Hope you will be able to finish it completely.

Enjoy your time everybody, Greetings
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Word is that the mod causing the servers' time to run backwards when no one was logged on is TFCTech. It's also been addressed in version 0.2.5-A10. Testing it now on my server.
Word is that the mod causing the servers' time to run backwards when no one was logged on is TFCTech. It's also been addressed in version 0.2.5-A10. Testing it now on my server.

That would be amazing if that is the fix. Holding off doing a server series until that is fixed.
Hi everybody,
I just registered just because of this beautiful pack - just have to say i enjoy it very much.

Now i read about 10 pages ago about problems creating the summoning altar from the necromancy mod. I tried everything i could, but was not able to create the altar - so i wonder if anyone has found a solution or if the dear creator would be so kind to do some fixing, since the mod is included. Many thx in advance, keep up the good work, as a plain player i can hardly imagine how much work you have gotten into this. Hope you will be able to finish it completely.

Enjoy your time everybody, Greetings

Yes the Necromancy stuff is still WIP. I intend to have the altar available as either a boss drop or in a rare loot chest. But for now the only way to do it is with vanilla cobble an oak plank and the Necronomicon.
Word is that the mod causing the servers' time to run backwards when no one was logged on is TFCTech. It's also been addressed in version 0.2.5-A10. Testing it now on my server.

You can fix this in 1.0.99 without updating any of the mods in the pack by adjusting a configuration value.

There is a setting in TFCConfig.cfg called simSpeedNoPlayers. In the stock pack this is set to the maximum value (2^31 or about 2 billion). After playing around with this extensively I found that if the value is reduced to 10 (yes, all the way from 2 billion to 10), the server time is effectively paused when no users are logged in (as intended, I think, by the creator of the pack) but no longer moves backward.

Now if only I could find kaolinite, graphite, and cows... :/
I can confirm it is the fix. I downloaded the lasted version, disabled the older version on the server and the client, then added the latest. Time stays constant on the server now when I log off.

Very cool!

Thank you to Tat45 for the information, I'll use that until I grab the update to TFCTech. It's bound to have other fixes as well...

So... I've been finding that living on the coast is rather boring when it comes to monsters.
The issue that causes time to run backwards on server was fixed in TFCTech 0.2.5-A10. There was also the problem of the missing anvil recipes (pipe frames, gears etc.), which has also been fixed in this version.
Have fun! =)
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Yes the Necromancy stuff is still WIP. I intend to have the altar available as either a boss drop or in a rare loot chest. But for now the only way to do it is with vanilla cobble an oak plank and the Necronomicon.

Thank you for your quick reply. I guess i will notice the changelog you post here once it is done. Keep up the good work!
Now if only I could find kaolinite, graphite, and cows... :/

For Graphite, grab stacks of Gneiss Gravel, Marble Gravel, Quartzite Gravel or Schist Gravel.... use Ex Hilio's Sieve.
For Kaolinite, grab stacks of Chert Gravel, Conglomerate Gravel, Dolomite Gravel, Limestone Gravel, Rock Salt Gravel, and use them on Ex Hilio's Sieve.

Whatever ores or minerals that you want, find out where they normally appear, grab huge stacks of the gravel from there and use the Sieve. It's much better than gold-panning, or the sluice.
I've been referencing the wiki page - http://wiki.terrafirmacraft.com/Ores_&_Minerals

I'm still looking for a cow... and chicken.
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For Graphite, grab stacks of Gneiss Gravel, Marble Gravel, Quartzite Gravel or Schist Gravel.... use Ex Hilio's Sieve.
For Kaolinite, grab stacks of Chert Gravel, Conglomerate Gravel, Dolomite Gravel, Limestone Gravel, Rock Salt Gravel, and use them on Ex Hilio's Sieve.

Whatever ores or minerals that you want, find out where they normally appear, grab huge stacks of the gravel from there and use the Sieve. It's much better than gold-panning, or the sluice.
I've been referencing the wiki page - http://wiki.terrafirmacraft.com/Ores_&_Minerals

I'm still looking for a cow... and chicken.

Additional survival guide.
If you find Gabbro Mark it as that is your source of nickle, otherwise you have to sacrifice iron at a ratio of 25/4 iron units to nickle units. Cows are in plains, never seen a horse, Chickens are within 8k of the equator which is at 0. Certain fruits will not grow if you are too close to the equator.

Carpenter chests safes are best for storing food as it will not rot in there and as long as you trim it quickly after pulling it out you won't lose but a couple of oz's. Turtles can be killed by falling dirt and gravel but will not cause cave ins.
Invest levels into a nicely enchanted TFC bow as it will do wonders.

When it comes to Archimedes ships, don't use any SC2 blocks on the ship, or wear a flaxbeard jetpack while piloting as it will crash your client. Any slowing and maybe even speed effects on you while piloting has a chance to crash it. For fast mining, locate ore, fly up really high, attach windmills and use a quarry. Goes quickly and at 250+, nothing is going to hurt you. For high storage on your ship again use carpenter safes. As you can get 9*3*4*16 per chest if you put stacks in pots in the safe. And don't use animal crates. They suck, use reinforce haversack.

I would use trains if planes weren't so much cheaper, mobile, doesn't require refueling, and much easier to generate power on. The most expensive part is the silk which as soon as you climb to the first spawned airship is quickly remedied as the steam pirates aren't even aggressive unless you hit one. So I don't even know why trains are in this pack unless balloons become harder to make..

If you ever get 3 wither skulls, the wither takes one swing from a redsteel warhammer to kill, and make a soul binder so you can move spawners.
Redcap spawner = free coal for your forge, steam boilers, everything.
Spiders spawners = infinite silk.
minotaur spawner = inifinite lives, brass, and bits of copper.

you can go to the nether, but you better have fire protection and it's extremely dangerous. But you'll have access to lots of netherrack which can be turned into soul sand which can be sieved for ghast tears which can be brewed into regen potions. To get vanilla water bottle craft empty bottles into vanilla empty bottles and use on a lake or ocean. To get redstone to augment, get a lava source and put it somewhere with a bunch of walls. Clean off the sulfur that generates and use it to make redstone. Use whenever you take damage as they don't do a lot.

IMO living up high near a forest is the way to go providing early lumber/charcoal, safety, and a great place for your windmills. Transport water using clay bucket, only take 3 water in a line for infinite water with a screw pointed at the center. Segment your base using open fence gates as mobs will sometimes spawn in the base but can not pass through open fence gates.

I would use trains if planes weren't so much cheaper, mobile, doesn't require refueling, and much easier to generate power on. The most expensive part is the silk which as soon as you climb to the first spawned airship is quickly remedied as the steam pirates aren't even aggressive unless you hit one. So I don't even know why trains are in this pack unless balloons become harder to make..

If you ever get 3 wither skulls, the wither takes one swing from a redsteel warhammer to kill, and make a soul binder so you can move spawners.
Redcap spawner = free coal for your forge, steam boilers, everything.
Spiders spawners = infinite silk.
minotaur spawner = inifinite lives, brass, and bits of copper.

you can go to the nether, but you better have fire protection and it's extremely dangerous. But you'll have access to lots of netherrack which can be turned into soul sand which can be sieved for ghast tears which can be brewed into regen potions. To get vanilla water bottle craft empty bottles into vanilla empty bottles and use on a lake or ocean. To get redstone to augment, get a lava source and put it somewhere with a bunch of walls. Clean off the sulfur that generates and use it to make redstone. Use whenever you take damage as they don't do a lot.

IMO living up high near a forest is the way to go providing early lumber/charcoal, safety, and a great place for your windmills. Transport water using clay bucket, only take 3 water in a line for infinite water with a screw pointed at the center. Segment your base using open fence gates as mobs will sometimes spawn in the base but can not pass through open fence gates.
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also here is a script I made so you can color your balloons using liquid dye which is made in a barrel. All you have to do is on the server, navigate to file called scripts. Add a script called zSomething.zs and then paste this code in it. Dunk any color and number of balloons in and it will dye as many balloons as you have dye for.
// coloured balloons

val whiteballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:0>;
val orangeballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:1>;
val magentaballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:2>;
val lblueballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:3>;
val yellowballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:4>;
val limeballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:5>;
val pinkballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:6>;
val grayballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:7>;
val lgrayballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:8>;
val cyanballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:9>;
val purpleballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:10>;
val blueballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:11>;
val brownballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:12>;
val greenballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:13>;
val redballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:14>;
val blackballoon = <ArchimedesShips:balloon:15>;


mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(whiteballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.white>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.white> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(orangeballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.orange>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.orange> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(magentaballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.magenta>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.magenta> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(lblueballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.light_blue>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.light_blue> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(yellowballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.yellow>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.yellow> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(limeballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.lime>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.lime> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(pinkballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.pink>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.pink> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(grayballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.gray>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.gray> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(lgrayballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.silver>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.silver> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(cyanballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.cyan>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.cyan>*200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(purpleballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.purple>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.purple>*200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(blueballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.blue>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.blue>*200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(brownballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.brown>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.brown>*200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(greenballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.green>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.green> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(redballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.red>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.red>*200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
mods.tfptweaks.Barrel.addItemFluidConversion(blackballoon , <liquid:liquid_dye.black>*200, <ArchimedesShips:balloon:*>, <liquid:liquid_dye.black> *200, 0, false, 0, true, true);
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