[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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Theres another pack out there (TechNodeFirmacraft) that has TFC and IE and it runs, so it should be technically possible. No idea what they did to make it work though.

Heres a link to the log after it crashes http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/605b0a63

Cool! Thanks :D

My next guess would be a conflict with RotaryCraft or one of the other mods. Sometimes NEI can cause issues, I will just have to look into it.
OK, seems it's three weeks after my last post, so three more weeks playing TFP on SSP. I'm at the point now when I'm trying to leave "stone age" and about to get my hands on those technological wonders I've seen lying in the ruins. I have to say @OneWolfe this modpack has absolutely epic atmosphere and creates great sense of achievement and loss.

So just for fun here goes my TFP story...

I spawned in an area with little food and no copper. I took the 4-5 day long trek looking for better area, building wooden "rescue shacks" on the way until I finally found some surface copper. In the middle of gabbro fields there was a little hot water pool surrounded by basalt rock. Lying around were several copper nuggets and one visible copper block. Excited I finally found copper, I decided to make my home nearby. I built a larger shack, then built my farms next to a nearby lake. I even found some fruit trees - first time ever in TFC! In many worlds I tried I've never seen one growing. Late in the year I came across some full grown yute which allowed me to domesticate cows and pigs. Again in my TFC experiments I never had animals multiply. The pigs took ages pregnanting so I could not wait. And then ... they overpopulated! I spend several nights knapping stone knives, axes and javelins, looking for best way to eliminate that pink plague. I seriously considered turning vegetarian after that.

Since I was close to the ocean my first copper came from gold panning. I even managed to find some surface cassiterite, so my first set of tools was bronze. With the first pick I dug a cassiterite mine that I propicked like a boss. I could compete with Kitty and her propick tutorial video! After that I felt totally ready to attack the copper site. Went back to the pool, dug out the visible copper block... and found no more. I dug and propicked around like a madman and found absolutely nothing! I couldn't believe it! Luckily the coming winter distracted me enough from that megafail and I decided to focus on hoarding food and expanding my house. Construction went well until I decided to fire a pit kiln at my usual location... You should see the tomb raider style jump-n-click action as the house caught on fire! Lara Croft would be proud. I managed to save like half of the house. Had to improvise some unplanned windows into the design. That was the first time I almost quit the pack. Priceless experience ;).

In spring I packed some food, gathered all my courage and decided to go hunt for a real copper mine. Walked for several days and the TFC terrain generation made me feel like I'm a real prospector traveling through wild lands. I crossed some forests with streams, strange looking mountains with overhangs and fertile plains with a animals and grains where I restocked my food supplies. Sometimes I could not resist and peeked into those fancy ruins, usually to be chased away by an enraged skeleton-wizard-thing interrupted from his afternoon tea...

Finally I made it to a basalt biome with a lot of surface copper nuggets. I picked a location with tons of it it, fenced my mine and started digging. I was determined to spend my pick and get home disgustingly copper-rich. Well 3 (real) evenings into the digging I finally read the NEI labels on my three stacks of nuggets: POOR native copper. With 3/4 of my pick gone I had about 7 copper ingots. Kidding me? What a troll. But what really got me down to my knees was the propick. It was detecting "very large" on almost any block, yet I rarely found any ore blocks. And it was giving me anomaly returns, like this: 4 neighboring blocks with [nothing|very large|very large|nothing]. Repeatedly. Can someone please explain that result to me? Anyway at that moment I had enough and just quit the pack for 4 months. It was bugging me but whenever I started the world and noticed that vessel with POOR nuggets I just closed it immediately. ;)

Then I decided to try multiplayer with bro, but he kept coming with lame excuses like summer, sports and dates so we never tried. Eventually one evening I decided to start the world and spend evening trying to get rid of Reika's friendly update notifications and testing Sphax resource pack for TFC. As I was running around with Sphax enabled, my world was not rendering correctly. Suddenly at one moment I noticed I was looking at rich surface copper block. But I had no idea where I am as the world was not rendering. Of course the genius that I am I did not place a bookmark. Next day I came back determined to find that ore! Guess what. I took me good 20-30 minutes and I almost gave up again. The area has some also rich surface gold ore so I started to think that rich copper ore was gold. Then I found it. I tell you I mined like crazy that evening, finishing the last of my pick. Ultimate satisfaction.

OK, now was time to get home. So I opened the OPIS map and looked for waypoints. Nothing. WHAT?! Then I realized that when I was messing with Reika's mods I tried new Forge, broke everything and had to redownload. Somehow the bookmarks must have gone in that process. I felt completely stranded. But I was still determined to find way home, hoping to use ruins or areas I remember from my trip. It took me 2-3 days to fire a large vessel, pack my belongings and get ready for the trip. I hit the road and when I was like half day away from my copper site, I looked into my inventory ... and realized I took my water barrel instead of the vessel! Had to return back. After that I just gave up; it was clear I did not remember way home anyway so it was time to establish a new base. It was late autumn, so I scouted the area for food as I did not really farm while I was mining. While scouting I discovered a house ruin at a perfect location and called it a home. Inspired by Nemsun's series I then started scouting using boats and one night got stranded at a ghast ruin. Being camped by gazillion of zombies over night and rainy day I finally realized the TFC falling dirt offers a perfect opportunity to create mob traps. Also that ruin had quite a few sticky pistons and redstone. Came home and immediately put the loot to work. No more wasting durability on my precious tools. Suffocation FTW!

Now it is early December and I decided it's time to start mining again. I kept reading about larger veins spawning in "the second layer of stone" so I was curious if I could find any cassiterite under my basalt biome. First attempt was a failure, found Rhyolite which does not spawn cassiterite. There is chert biome close by, so I decided to dig my second shaft there. Btw just few days ago I realized I'll spawn back at my farm if I die. Unfortunately I found no animals with large hide to make a new straw bed at my new base. In the chert biome I found a cave which could save some durability on my copper pick so I decided to visit. Once again my curiosity almost killed me. Two minutes later a javelin skeleton reduced me to half HP, then distant moomoo sounds made me evacuate in a hurry. Next day as I kept on looking for a good site for a dig but then I struck treasure! Two massive flaxbeard houses with steamers, tanks, pipes, whistles, hammers... next to each other. And next to them the bibliocrafty-warehousy massive building. I had to go to loot. Second night looting, I was camping on the roof, then suddenly the red cap thing spawned next to me, I splashed on the floor, army of his zombie friends took me apart in 2 seconds and I spawned back at my old farm.

My gravestone is full of those Flaxbeard's goodies. This story is to be continued...
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Any luck getting Immersive Engineering running? I've been trying to mess around with things but have had no luck so far. If its conflicting with another mod I'm not sure how to figure out which one it is.

Maybe a newer version of Forge or something? I tried changing to a newer version and either it doesn't work (even without immersive engineering) and crashes, or I did something wrong when trying to do it.
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Any luck getting Immersive Engineering running? I've been trying to mess around with things but have had no luck so far. If its conflicting with another mod I'm not sure how to figure out which one it is.

Maybe a newer version of Forge or something? I tried changing to a newer version and either it doesn't work (even without immersive engineering) and crashes, or I did something wrong when trying to do it.

-- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Don't be sad, have a hug! <3

Time: 15/09/15 10:33 AM
Description: There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail

cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.transition(LoadController.java:162)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods(Loader.java:692)
at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading(FMLClientHandler.java:288)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a(Minecraft.java:541)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:867)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
at blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.energy.DieselHandler.addFermenterRecipe(DieselHandler.java:126)
at blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.IEContent.init(IEContent.java:392)
at blusunrize.immersiveengineering.ImmersiveEngineering.init(ImmersiveEngineering.java:77)

the crash is caused by ore dictionary see spoiler
Thanks for letting me know. I have decided to start working on a complete overhaul of the pack since all of the 1.0.x versions are just so buggy that I don't feel they are worth fixing at this point. However work is so slammed at the moment I really cant find the time, or sanity, to get a decent version ready for uploading.
Any news - or still caught up in other responsibilities that this is simply not working out at the time?
I think I speak for many others that we'd love to hear a status update on TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 ^^
Any news - or still caught up in other responsibilities that this is simply not working out at the time?
I think I speak for many others that we'd love to hear a status update on TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 ^^

he's trying his best. Doing a full overhaul takes time
he's trying his best. Doing a full overhaul takes time
Unless you have a source, you're just guessing same as everyone else.
Which is why I asked for official news - as to stop the guessing all around.

Yes it takes time. Hence asking whether he's gotten further on it or had to postpone due to other obligations.
Greetings all!

Anyone know how (I assume it's a mod?) OneWolfe is adding Twlight Forest mobs to the overworld, or perhaps OneWolfe would care to explain how it's done? I don't see anything related to mob spawn in the mods list.
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So.. is anyone else having the issue with the Cogs from cogs in the machine... where if you're holding one and you open your inventory opens fine, but if you select another item on the hotbar and open your inventory, everything except your character window disappears? if you go back to the cog and open it it works fine again, but if you place the cog it gets stuck that way. AND.. if anyone else((playing on lan with Fiancee)) holds a cog and you look at them, the graphics freak out until you turn away... and the problems won't fix until both people relog. I tested the texture packs and it wasn't it, nothing to do with drivers or anything. It's only the cogs... and it doesn't cause a crash or anything so I can't post and logs. I can't find any similar issues anywhere... so yeah... any ideas?

This pack looks great. My buddy and I have always wanted to do the Refugee to Regent challenge and this looks like it would fit perfectly.
I have been trying to get a server for it up and running. I download your server files from FTB Launcher and run it just fine. But when we try to log in it says "Incompatible FML Server Files." I am aware that this is usually an issue of the mods in one folder or the other being of a different version then the other, so I have tried with several different versions, I tried copying all my client version over to the server folders and I can't get anything to work. What kind of setup is there to get a server for this pack up? You guys have special steps I am unaware of?


hey mr onewolf. i miss your pack... but i feel some of the mods are not to my taste anymore... i noticed people talking about IE and i think that would be a great add in. hope your doing good! keep up the work. i havnt had a real challenge in minecraft for a while now. might even have to try gregtech out again for a bit. *gasp* i cant believe i said that... XD

This pack looks great. My buddy and I have always wanted to do the Refugee to Regent challenge and this looks like it would fit perfectly.
I have been trying to get a server for it up and running. I download your server files from FTB Launcher and run it just fine. But when we try to log in it says "Incompatible FML Server Files." I am aware that this is usually an issue of the mods in one folder or the other being of a different version then the other, so I have tried with several different versions, I tried copying all my client version over to the server folders and I can't get anything to work. What kind of setup is there to get a server for this pack up? You guys have special steps I am unaware of?



i believe their may be a client side mod in the server files... if those are in their the server cant run. it breaks it.
Sorry, if this questions were before - english is not my native language, 41 pages is too much to search)
I found 2 problems with quests till now:
1. Stoneage - A festive spirit:
I made from sticks in firepit torches. Found pumpinks in the world. Combine in workbench, got Jack'o'latterns. But quest did not done. Try anyway - no result.
2. Cogs and Machines - All the Worlds Ills Therein. Recipe don't want to craft wooden box. Not normally, not with vanilla chest.
Maybe I do something wrong? Then, baybe, it's better to write in quest-book how to do right - HQM is studying mod too)
Loving the modpack, I've even made a few personal additions that didn't cause conflicts and updated that scrolling bar that was outdated. Added notenoughtime, since I liked how technodeFirmacraft day progression went. But I'm finding a major issue with the twilight forest mist wolves. I need to curb their spawn rate and/or disable them entirely. I don't have a fantastic laptop and I suspect it's causing much lag from all them spawning and not despawning as far as I can tell.

:edit: attempting to see if JAS (just another spawner) mod is con figural for this goal.

Seems this is more a full blown bells and whistles option. I just need to limit ONE mob from spawning or create a condition for it to despawn after a set amount of time.

Quick fix: set mode to peaceful for a few. Run around then continue on after changing difficulty to previous setting.
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Having fun since I just now figured out the magic of the Custom NPC mod and Witchery. I can make craftable recipes from TFC items to get the needed items to craft with Witchery :D
Thankfully the necromancy mod is added as I can craft a chest with bats for the fur and an ocelot egg with some bodily bits and pieces. And those mist wolves have a purpose now!The only real issue is TFC/Farseek has an issue with generating the dream land dimension so a fix for those resources is needed.
Well hello, as i spoke to OneWolfe, i made a little LP with this modpack, you can search YT for "Ivalice UNG_God playlist" , but i dont have a good speech or writing, so be warned; since i dont know if onewolfe watched it, i will post the problems i had with the modpack, most of it is little things , that i believe just need an update to be fixed, others can be pretty bad.

Starting with the major bug:
First we can have infinite Brass from flax mod . After we get 2 brass pipes and one pipe wrench, it is possible to dismantle a single pipe for 3 brass plates, and we only need 6 plates to make 4 pipes, so we double the amount of brass everytime we make this, and since pipe wrench dont break, it is infinite, to fix this just change the output from 3 plates to a single ingot of brass, it need 4 ingots to make 4 pipes.
We can double the amount of iron when going from TFC to vanila with Railcraft and Cogs, using 5 tfc steel we can make the minecart recipe from railcraft that give two minecarts, that we can melt on foundry to get 10 iron from it(5 each).
When we advance to rotarycraft iron can be infinite, using the blast furnace from rotary (did not tested with railcraft ,if it is possible to make it) to make hsla steel, and this steel can be used to make the same minecart recipe, so every time we double the amount of iron, and can be do it until we ran out of coal (but tfc coal is huge).
Now some little mixed with other, idk wich one is more critical, i will write as they came to my mind.
Zombie awarness make the spawn of zombies way too common, making other mobs dificult to find; where to find ravens.
Alot of item for quest are not bein recognized making some steps impossible to complete, jack of latern is one, there is alot on most advanced stuff like RC, rotary, alot on the colectors tab; wich have item that cant be acquired, sequoia/acacia/kapow sapling dont drop, some brick like claystone is removed from game.
String is a constant need and there is no way to get it aside killing spider, the amount required on recipes overweight the amount you can get, we need some way to get more of it.
On the same set, wool is missing, and is required for some important recipes, the mod most cripped by it is electricraft, since from the insulated cables, to baterys and resistors (wich all of this is 80% of the mod) need wool to be crafted; we could have a recipe to make a grid of wool cloth turning into a wool block, that would also help with string problems, just remove the archimeds recipe for ballon.
And archmides ships mods crash the game everytime i try to use, so an update should fix it.
Flax drill works fine, but saw dont, shovel only work on gravel (i mean the steam tool).
Cogs of machine tools suffer from this as well, hammer can only pound soft thing like dirt/sand/cobble/stone, anything else is just too resilient; saw dont work on tfc trees, but work as fine on twilight ones; the drill work fine as a pick, but on the function that is realy interesting, it just go one or two block and stop, because tfc stone is too resilient.
Dragon mount HP reset to vanila default after some time, wich mean any stray arrow and goodbye hard work, as, when the mount is growing, at some point it will start walking on a direction and will pass everything on the path like it is clear, walls, fences, terrain, dont stop it, well aside a good tfc rope on a pole (so the lead we get from the quest is useless).
Flax beard flash boiler sometimes bug out and dont work/shown steam, most times i need to break it and change place to work again, and not every time it fixes ; i had a world corruption once, with some intereaction betwen flax screw and tubes pump.
Fighting the bosses is kind of okay if you dont wait too long, i made the best armor, and with a high smithing sword (bloodBath) , most of them are pretty easy (not 3 hours like wolfe said on his tour video), the most dificult was the lich because i did not know how to fight it ; but the minoshroom maze is very diferent, that place is too dangerous, even with the best armor, the minotaur does a crazy amount of damage and spawn very quickly, the minoshroom is even worse, they cause more damage, have alot of HP and have a tiny large range that we, so everytime, i was atacked before hiting him, and since it is a spawner, and infernal mobs, can be pretty dificult on your own ( i know i should find some friends /4everalone) .
Even bein able to place tfc ink sack on the print press, it only work with vanila ink sack.
Most recipes dont acept tfc diamonds on place of vanila, i stoped rotary craft because i need a huge amount of vanila diamonds ,but did not had a way to get/make them, and i need alot to make the machine that make diamond from coal.
On rotarycraft craft we cant make ethanol crystal, because we dont have enough leaves (tfc dont work) , and yegst thing is not possible to craft, it requires vanila sugar, and the rotary recipe require vanila sugarcane, wich dont exist on tfc.

Well that is all that comes to my mind ATM, more would probably shown up if anyone watch the LP.
Taking this chance, how about i make some sugestion.
I would like to have a tab for "help from the gods" where we could trade some steam points for things we may not find on the world, like spawn eggs for animals, saplings, very rare metal and stuff, making it requiring some steam level, like 1k+ to open, removing 100, and with a cooldown of like a year, it would help alot,without making the game too easy.
As every pack with tfc, i sugest to either increase the amount of veins on the world, or increase how much the ore give, since we are going to spend tons of tons of ore for very simple things, wich most cases dont help us getting more ore, or even finding it, doing so will make the game less grind and people would have more fun.

Well this is it, it was fun until i hit the untested part of the pack, and the problems that it caused, and some fire spread thing i realy dont get it (oh my home), Thanks for the pack!
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Reactions: OneWolfe
edit: disregard crash, it just went away...?

I have a different question! Is it possible to manually add Journeymap to this modpack? I tried adding 5.1.3, but it said something about missing Forge...

I would use AntiqueAtlas, except that half the trees and stuff don't even show up on the map, making it a lot less pretty. Eg, I stare at TerraFirmaCraft birch trees but on the Atlas I only see grass.
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