[1.7.10] Technofirma - The Original Terrafirmacraft Modpack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do anyone have a running server that can upload somewhere? We are trying to set one up with a friend but although it "works", the lag makes it unplayable for the remote player.
I have a quad-core I7 + SSD + 32Gb ram over a 30/6Mbps connection and Java8 last update. We already disabled DynamicLights, BetterFoliage, Stellar Sky and some others that were mentioned before.

What is the "correct" forge version for the pack?

Edit: No Acacia forest on sight :p

I take it is FPS lag? Does the lag occur in SP for the players? Is there a greatwood tree around?

Does anyone have a progression tree for this pack? I want to get into the other mods, but it seems that all the recipes that would start the other mods are disabled. We started Immersive Engineering and we have small amounts of power but nothing to use it.

Progression kinda becomes left open to the player at that point. Here are some suggestions: an arc furnace, a logistics system, a reactor, a tunnel bore/moving machine(made with Remain in Moition, not railcraft).

FYI, I don't know if destroying the hammer was the intention when making each craft of resin but the way it played felt a little off so I changed the script in ElectricalAge.zs on line 162 to:

recipes.addShapeless(<Eln:Eln.sharedItem:4096> * 4, [<ore:logWood>, <ore:itemHammer>.transformDamage()]);

If you want the hammer to damage faster you can put any number in the parenthesis of transformDamage()

It wasn't the intention, just in the past whenever this was attempted the tool would be consumed for reasons. I will update the recipe, thank you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I take it is FPS lag? Does the lag occur in SP for the players? Is there a greatwood tree around?

No no, ftps are perfectly fine. I mean server lag (tick time). It goes all the way up to 50-60 ms per tick so the server must skip a lot, throw in some network latency and we can't play at all T_T


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Progression kinda becomes left open to the player at that point. Here are some suggestions: an arc furnace, a logistics system, a reactor, a tunnel bore/moving machine(made with Remain in Moition, not railcraft).

The reason I ask is that most of the recipes to get to the next level (first level of other mods) of things are disabled. Take mekanism for example. For anything in mekanism you need a metallurgic infuser, which requires two stone heat furnaces from electrical age which have no recipe. Not to mention the amount of time that goes into everything.

I understand this is based around Terrafirmacraft but it took me an hour to get 3 ingots of steel, and all the multiblock machines in Immersive Engineering cost steel, metric-****-tons of it. It's going to take me a RL week just to get an arc furnace. The arc furnace requires (in the way of iron and steel because copper is easier), 95 iron and 126 steel. Now, if we take into account that I don't have a max height blast furnace it would require another 96 iron ingots (48 iron sheets) plus the time to work it into sheets to increase the height of the blast furnace so I can boost the rate from 3 ingots per hour plus time to work the ingots in an anvil to 15 ingots per hour (plus time to work it into steel). It's alot of time just to get a machine that's going to take a massive power system to run when i've only got two windmills, three watermills, and nothing to store the power they create in. Tedium and grindiness is not a substitute for difficulty.

Also, (last one I promise) how do you make a TBM with RIM, when the only mod that adds a block breaker requires an vanilla iron pick which, (again) has the recipe disabled...

The quest book is well written for Terrafirmacraft but with modpacks that heavily use minetweaker you have to tell players how to progress, not just leave it up to them. We can't use wiki's to find the answers, because of minetweaker changing recipes, and either the minetweaker scripts aren't finished or the nei recipe listing for items like copper wire in Electrical Age doesn't work. (honestly this wouldn't work last night but now I can see it's done in an anvil with a double ingot).

TL;DR.... Just read it...

No no, ftps are perfectly fine. I mean server lag (tick time). It goes all the way up to 50-60 ms per tick so the server must skip a lot, throw in some network latency and we can't play at all T_T

Is it winter? If it is (or even if it isn't), one word, snow... When it's winter my server keeps spamming can't keep up messages. I have a feeling it's because of the snow and ice being formed in millionths of seconds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it winter? If it is (or even if it isn't), one word, snow... When it's winter my server keeps spamming can't keep up messages. I have a feeling it's because of the snow and ice being formed in millionths of seconds.

Mmmmm I didn't see snow in my surroundings, I'll check for that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The reason I ask is that most of the recipes to get to the next level (first level of other mods) of things are disabled. Take mekanism for example. For anything in mekanism you need a metallurgic infuser, which requires two stone heat furnaces from electrical age which have no recipe. Not to mention the amount of time that goes into everything.

I understand this is based around Terrafirmacraft but it took me an hour to get 3 ingots of steel, and all the multiblock machines in Immersive Engineering cost steel, metric-****-tons of it. It's going to take me a RL week just to get an arc furnace. The arc furnace requires (in the way of iron and steel because copper is easier), 95 iron and 126 steel. Now, if we take into account that I don't have a max height blast furnace it would require another 96 iron ingots (48 iron sheets) plus the time to work it into sheets to increase the height of the blast furnace so I can boost the rate from 3 ingots per hour plus time to work the ingots in an anvil to 15 ingots per hour (plus time to work it into steel). It's alot of time just to get a machine that's going to take a massive power system to run when i've only got two windmills, three watermills, and nothing to store the power they create in. Tedium and grindiness is not a substitute for difficulty.

Also, (last one I promise) how do you make a TBM with RIM, when the only mod that adds a block breaker requires an vanilla iron pick which, (again) has the recipe disabled...

The quest book is well written for Terrafirmacraft but with modpacks that heavily use minetweaker you have to tell players how to progress, not just leave it up to them. We can't use wiki's to find the answers, because of minetweaker changing recipes, and either the minetweaker scripts aren't finished or the nei recipe listing for items like copper wire in Electrical Age doesn't work. (honestly this wouldn't work last night but now I can see it's done in an anvil with a double ingot).

TL;DR.... Just read it...

Are you using the Curse launcher, or not updated your pack in a while? A lot of these issues have been fixed. What version of Technofirma are you running?

No no, ftps are perfectly fine. I mean server lag (tick time). It goes all the way up to 50-60 ms per tick so the server must skip a lot, throw in some network latency and we can't play at all T_T

Are you certain that the server has access to the hardware you have? How exactly are you launching the server?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you using the Curse launcher, or not updated your pack in a while? A lot of these issues have been fixed. What version of Technofirma are you running?

Curse Voice launcher, v2.18.1 of the pack. Which happens to be the most recent version on Curse Voice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Curse Voice launcher, v2.18.1 of the pack. Which happens to be the most recent version on Curse Voice.

Hmm...the stone heat furnace should work in that version....Could you try a clean install? (Also, forgot to mention, but the cable recipes sometimes disappear, when this happens the client must be restarted. [if you don't see them in NEI, then they won't show in the anvil either])

Also, this pack is currently buggered on the Curse launcher: update 2.19.0 does not appear on there; however, it does appear on the FTB launcher. FTB is aware of this issue (since they're the ones that upload the pack to Curse).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After restarting, reinstalling my client, and my server and nothing working I went into the scripts for electric age and looked up the recipes myself and after finding and trying them nothing worked.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you using the Curse launcher, or not updated your pack in a while? A lot of these issues have been fixed. What version of Technofirma are you running?

Are you certain that the server has access to the hardware you have? How exactly are you launching the server?

I'm running with this params:

java \
-Xms2G \
-Xmx8G \
-XX:+UseG1GC \
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing \
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled \
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5 \
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10 \
-Xnoclassgc \
-oss4M \
-ss4M \
-XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods \
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=90 \
-XX:UseSSE=4 \
-XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 \
-XX:+AggressiveOpts \
-XX:+UseLargePages  \
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1G \
-jar server.jar

It's playable for 1 but even picking up a rock has some delay (client in the same machine).


Hi guys, i have a problem with the new version. When i start the launcher with technofirma it loads and keep locked to "Loading - Inizialized Minecraft Engine - 3/7". It loops between loading screen and the mojang screen. I give you a screen.

What is? How can i solve?



It's too long, how can i pass it?

However now i have been tried to cancel all files and redownoad and now go


i noticed that if i put my windows in icon mode it works. Very strange :S What king of log do you prefer? fml or normal?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys, i have a problem with the new version. When i start the launcher with technofirma it loads and keep locked to "Loading - Inizialized Minecraft Engine - 3/7". It loops between loading screen and the mojang screen. I give you a screen.

What is? How can i solve?

View attachment 25648

Same mine! It Loads and suddenly it STOPS!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Same mine! It Loads and suddenly it STOPS!
Hi guys, i have a problem with the new version. When i start the launcher with technofirma it loads and keep locked to "Loading - Inizialized Minecraft Engine - 3/7". It loops between loading screen and the mojang screen. I give you a screen.

What is? How can i solve?

View attachment 25648

Remove liteloader.

I'm running with this params:

java \
-Xms2G \
-Xmx8G \
-XX:+UseG1GC \
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing \
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled \
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5 \
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10 \
-Xnoclassgc \
-oss4M \
-ss4M \
-XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods \
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=90 \
-XX:UseSSE=4 \
-XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 \
-XX:+AggressiveOpts \
-XX:+UseLargePages  \
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1G \
-jar server.jar

It's playable for 1 but even picking up a rock has some delay (client in the same machine).

I honestly do not know what is causing this, I'd ty running it with no Java parameters, perhaps one of them is causing issues with a mod.

After restarting, reinstalling my client, and my server and nothing working I went into the scripts for electric age and looked up the recipes myself and after finding and trying them nothing worked.

If you are using Curse, I cannot help you until FTB fixes the issue with it. Most of the recipe issues you have reported have already been fixed.


Quick ThaumCraft Bug list for currect verison on server(2.19.0):
> Primal Charm takes processed gold (which is still only arc-furnace smeltable only)
> Suggestion: Robes should take TFC silk/burlap/woll cloth not a whole wool blocks (1536 yarn+the 94 string is overkill)
> primal staff core:
- we need all 6 cores right? So waht we can craft are: quartz core, obsidian core, reeds core, bone core, ice core (only with bloodmagic)
- The one missing: blaze core, for blazerod reasons (maybe flint and steel in the centre or fire crystal cluster)
> void seeds (vanila seeds still uncraftable)
> and thaumium caps, no recepie duh....
> physics or something
- A: brain in a jar pops off just by itself, you place it, it works, then after a time it popes
B: portable holes get stuff felt into it, gravel gollapsing into the tunnel is no fun...*
> focus of hells is magma cream, still uncraftable
> please, boost golem health... they instadie from a poke
> golem accessories: visor and chestplate tkaes vanila armor
> infusion encnating takes vanila tools
> warded blocks super weak, even a falling dirt breaks them
> alumentum needed for crafting, but research removed