Just sent in the update request to FTB for 2.6.0:
Forge Version:
Added Railcraft: CovertJaguar, open, spreadsheet
Added Ships Mod: Cuchaz,
Added Fastcraft: Player,
Added FPSPLUS: abendenz,
Add Rails Of War: neitan,
Added Streams: delvr,
Added Hardcore Darkness: Lumien,
I now include Fastcraft in this pack, you must make mod authors aware of the use of Fastcraft when submitting crash/bug reports!
I also have added FPS++ to help with FPS lag, but (this goes for Fastcraft as well), results may very. Disable it if hurts more than it helps!
Upon the loading of an old world, Streams will prevent you from proceeding. If you do not want to reset your world, simply disable the Streams and Farseek mods
The ships mod by Cuchaz will
most likely be replacing Archimedes Ships. If this continues as planned, I will slowly be phasing AS out. This is due to the multiple duplication bugs and exploits that AS creates; however, Cuchaz's ship mod also comes with some issues. His ships are interactive in-world entities of which you can walk on, and interact with blocks placed on them. This works by intercepting certain tile-entity calls and rerouting them.
This does not work with most mod blocks that have a GUI it will crash you (well minecraft's internal server, or any server you are connected to). Even with this arguably worse flaw, it does allow for realistic physics, actual propulsion, and items actually be transported on ships. With AS, you could not use chests (duplicates players inventory), you could not use barrels (infinite source of oak barrels whenever a ship is docked/undocked), and you could not use placed vessels (occasionally crashed). Personally, I like to transport more than just logs and the occasional player on a ship, and as a means of transport, AS was very buggy and exploitable. I hope that this crashing issue does not become a problem, for now, it is up to the individual server owners if they want include it (enabled by deafualt). You also cannot dock them in any direction other than that which they were originally facing (basically, build a ship facing North, park it facing North). If requested, I may post a quick and easy large-ship construction tutorial ('cause physics OP).
Railcraft is currently WIP in terms of this pack, I am awaiting TFC water support, but portions of it are usable.
Rails Of War adds those trains that you saw before (and many more). They are fueled by
vanilla coal, and therefore I have added a coke-oven recipe (cook TFC coal into vanilla coal). Currently, only the tracks can be crafted. This mod is "not survival ready" which means that all of the recipes you see for it are from me, for the purposes of this pack. They are subject to change, derived from feed back. I have set one blocks length of track to be worth 4 steel ingots. This is because when I compared the models from the ingot pile to the tracks, 4 ingots appears to be the amount used. From a game-play perspective, this is a very unrealistic value. To have a single track going 100 blocks it would take 400 steel ingots. TBH, that is far to much (especially for TFC, can you image getting that much steel legitly? *shudders*); however, I am at a loss on a balanced recipe for this. As always, I am open to suggestions.
Various other tweaks were made, fixed air quality, and other stuff I don't remember...(waited far to long on mod updates...still waiting for a semi-surprise one

TL;DR: Thing happened, reasons were given, you really should read that massive wall of text.
I will post when the update as gone through. The official Public Server for this pack will update sometime after FTB does, when it does so, I will be resetting the map (different seed this time, I already changed it).
For servers: I now include all of the neccary files to start a Windows server, simply run launch.bat and enjoy! (Must accept Minecraft's EULA)