[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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  • yes, more tech

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  • no, keep it as it is

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So, according to the description, I should be able to use bonemeal to get an idea of how deep the ore is. How?
If more ore flowers appear, the ore is no deeper than 40 blocks below your level. The more frequent the ore flowers, the closer to the surface the ore is. If no ore flowers spawn, then the ore's at least 40 blocks down, and likely further.

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If more ore flowers appear, the ore is no deeper than 40 blocks below your level. The more frequent the ore flowers, the closer to the surface the ore is. If no ore flowers spawn, then the ore's at least 40 blocks down, and likely further.

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I have decided to migrate Survival Industry over to ATLauncher, in order to focus on that launcher. This decision was reached for several reasons:
  • On ATLauncher, the pack is actually listed; no pack code is necessary for play.
    • Survival Industry's place on the ATLauncher list is entirely based on its popularity; splitting the playerbase between two launchers hurts that.
  • ATlauncher allows the modpack to be installed as multiple instances.
  • ATLauncher allows the player to customize the modpack during each instance installation.
  • ATLauncher allows the legal installation of mods that prohibit redistribution (such as Mo'Creatures, OptiFine, and Mutant Creatures).
  • Updates are instantly applied, without the need for approval.
  • ATlauncher supports Linux operating systems (To be fair, so does the classic FTB launcher, but Curse's current FTB launcher does not)
That being said, I would like to thank the staff at Feed the Beast for all their help in making sure Survival Industry was updated in a timely manner. They have been very responsive and professional, and I have no complaints. It's just not the best fit for Survival Industry.

If the staff permits, I will continue to keep an eye on this thread for anyone who wishes to use this thread to communicate with the Survival Industry crew, including myself, gerb82, Rewyn, JeffPeng, and Dulciphi, in case there are any questions or problems with the modpack. I will also keep threads available on the Minecraft Forum and on Reddit.

That being said, it's time for the announcement:

Version 1.5.0: "Astral Acorn" Release

With this release comes a level of flexibility to Survival Industry that has not been present before; many of the previously-required mods can now safely be disabled, allowing a player to custom-make their own Survival Industry. Do you want a hardcore game? A line of hardcore options are waiting for your inclusion. Don't like Metallurgy? Don't add it. Think Applied Energistics is too overpowered? You can remove it. Don't really want to use ExU pipes or RotaryCraft Item pumps? Buildcraft pipes and Logistics pipes are now options, and Ender IO has been included by default into the pack!

Additional features have been added to replace lost features with the Tinker's Construct purge. The tools now no longer disappear when broken, and they can be repaired in both the crafting grid and the anvil (if unenchanted, at 0 XP cost!). Armor can only be repaired on the anvil. The flint chisel is now part of the core, and is joined by the bedrock chisel.

Pam's Weee! flowers have been added to allow farming of dyes, and several custom dyes have been added to replace vanilla dyes with multiple uses. White flowers, for example, cannot make bonemeal to fertilize themselves and other plants, and the green dye does not double as pipe sealant.

There are some mods that will remain required, due to the fact that they dictate the game's level of progression, as well as the theme of the game itself, but, for the most part, people with lower-end systems can now enjoy their very own Survival Industries, as can those who really want to bulk up.

Special thanks goes to JeffPeng for all his hard work in almost completely overhauling si.core to replace the work of several minecraft tweaking mods.

NOTE: Mods indicating a browser download will automatically install from your Downloads folder, but will first open a browser to the mod's page, and require you to download the mod yourself (mainly due to license restrictions).

Also... um... We... miiiiight have... ACCIDENTALLY ... kinda sorta... let Herobrine in... Yyyyyeah.

Mods Added:
  • Bookshelf
  • Ender IO
  • VoxelMap
  • Buildcraft (Transport, Silicon)
  • Logistics Pipes
  • Territory Zone
  • Project:Red (Transmission)
  • Ruins (Structure Spawning System)
  • Greymerk's Roguelike Dungeons
  • Realistic Terrain Generation
  • Alternate Terrain Generation
  • Climate Control
  • Mo'Villages
  • Iguana (Vanilla) Tweaks
  • EnviroMine
  • Harder Underground
  • Infernal Mobs
  • Special Mobs
  • Mutant Creatures (Browser Download Required)
  • Mo'Creatures (Browser Download Required)
  • Lycanite's Mobs
  • FastCraft
  • BetterFPS
  • OptiFine (Browser Download Required)
  • Opis
  • Perfect Spawn (for servers only)
Mods Disabled by Default:
  • JourneyMap
  • JourneyMap Server
  • Nether Ores
  • Refined Relocation
  • Special Mobs
  • Buildcraft (Transport, Silicon)
  • Logistics Pipes
  • Territory Zone
  • Project:Red (Transmission)
  • Ruins (Structure Spawning System)
  • Greymerk's Roguelike Dungeons
  • Realistic Terrain Generation
  • Alternate Terrain Generation
  • Climate Control
  • Mo'Villages
  • Iguana (Vanilla) Tweaks
  • EnviroMine
  • Harder Underground
  • Infernal Mobs
  • Special Mobs
  • Mutant Creatures (Browser Download Required)
  • Mo'Creatures (Browser Download Required)
  • Lycanite's Mobs
  • FastCraft
  • BetterFPS
  • Opis
  • OptiFine (Browser Download Required)
  • MineTweaker
  • ModTweaker
Mods Upgraded:
  • Hardlib (11.18.0a -> 12.20.0a)
  • Harder Wildlife (11.18.0a -> 12.20.0a)
  • MrTJPCore ( ->
  • Ore Flowers (2.0.0 -> 3.0.1c)
  • AE2 Stuff ( ->
  • AgriCraft (1.4.5 -> 1.4.6)
  • Antique Atlas (4.2.7 -> 4.2.10)
  • Another One Bites the Dust (2.8.4 -> 2.9.0)
  • Applied Energistics 2 (rv2-stable-10 -> rv3-beta-4)
  • Buildcraft (Core, Builders, Energy) (7.1.13 -> 7.1.14)
  • Buildcraft Compat (7.1.2 -> 7.1.3)
  • CoFH Core (3.0.3-303 -> 3.1.0B1-322)
  • Crafting Tweaks (1.0.58 -> 1.0.62)
  • Enchanting Plus (3.0.2-d ->
  • Ender Utilities (0.4.3 -> 0.4.4)
  • Extra Cells (2.3.3b162 -> 2.3.7b176)
  • Fossils & Archaeology Revival (7.2 -> 7.2.1)
  • Gendustry ( ->
  • Invasion (1.1.3 -> 1.1.5)
  • McJtyLib (1.8.0 -> 1.8.1)
  • Metallurgy ( ->
  • MineTweaker (3.0.9C -> 3.0.10B)
  • NEI Addons ( ->
  • NEI Integration (1.1.0 -> 1.1.1)
  • OpenBlocks (1.4.4 -> 1.5)
  • OpenComputers ( ->
  • Pam's HarvestCraft (1.7.10La -> 1.7.10Lb)
  • Project: Red (Base, Compat, Fabrication, Integration, Lighting, World) (4.7.0pre9.92 -> 4.7.0pre10.93)
  • RFTools (4.13 -> 4.20)
  • Somnia ( ->
  • Storage Drawers (1.7.2 -> 1.7.5)
  • si.core (1.4.0 -> 1.5.0)
  • ToolUtilities (0.0.1-10 -> 0.0.1-16)
  • Waila Harvestability (1.1.5 -> 1.1.6)
Mods Removed:
  • Java 8 Checker
  • BiblioWoods Forestry Edition (Forestry has "framed" versions of their furniture, which can have any block's texture applied to them!)
  • Wooden Buckets (si.core has more completely-implemented wooden buckets for water and milk)
Configuration Changes:
  • All tweaks are now done by the Survival Industry Core mod and Survival Industry resource pack.
  • Some of Pam's bee products were still showing up in NEI. Removed them.
  • Ore has been overhauled. Ores are rarer, but in much, *much* larger quantities. Pipe, sparse, and vertical veins have also been replaced with sparse ore clouds, which are also further apart, but also much larger than the veins. Yes, this includes rare items like diamonds and emeralds; if you find a cloud of those ores, you'll be set for a good long while... although you'll have to do some work mining them!
  • Overhauled custom item system.
    • Several materials have been added to replace anything missing if Metallurgy is removed.
    • Weapons and tools (sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel, hoe) have been made for each of the above materials.
    • Armor (helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots) have been made for each of the above materials.
      • Among the additional materials, aluminum tools, weapons, and armor have been added to the game. Now Aluminum has a use beyond just ElectriCraft wires!
    • Fully-implemented Wooden Buckets have been added using si.core (can only be used with water and milk).
    • JeffPeng added his favorite breakfast. (Personally, I worry for him. -reteo)
    • si.flintchisel has been replaced with this mod; chisels made from flint and bedrock have been included.
  • EnderIO has been integrated with RotaryCraft.
    • In particular, all alloying recipes are now handled by the blast furnace.
    • Higher-end materials are gated behind different temperatures.
  • Custom dyes for white, brown, blue, black, and green have been added.
    • These dyes do not include alternate abilities, such as fertilizer or pipe sealant.
    • Weee! Flowers recipes have been modified to use these dyes.
  • All tools now remain in the inventory when broken.
    • The tools can be repaired using the crafting grid (requires 110% material cost for full repair)
    • Unenchanted tools can be repaired for 0 XP cost on the anvil at a reduced material cost.
    • The anvil can also repair armor.
    • Chisels can also be repaired, either on the anvil or in the crafting grid.
  • Enchantment tables have been reskinned, and their US localization altered, to ensure they meet with the tech theme of the pack. The recipe has also been altered for the recommended pack configuration.
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Heya *waves*

I wanted to avoid asking here, but after spending the last three hours trying to find copper, always at the verge of starving (and three times it already happened) I'm about to just give up.

I followed the advice of looking for the flowers, found actually 2 bigger batches of the copper-flowers and started digging... well after three hours the underground is full of little tunnels, me trying to find somewhere the vein but without any luck.
Is there any hint about how deep these mines start? I looked around y'level 40 (since from other modpacks that's pretty much the y'level I usually find copper) but not sure if that actually still is valid with the ore-generation or if I have to search alot deeper.
And is there any hint of how to find coal or is it better to first plan with only charcoal? (there seems no flower for coal, Lapis I was lucky and already found a lil start of a vein)

Sorry if this question sounds like "It's no modpack for you"-player'ish. Started this modpack since it's so focused around Rotarycraft which I really want to play (and so little modpacks work with Reika's mods :/). After the initial total panic of how many zombies are around (they actually are scary again! xD) and trying to find a way to not starve all the time, copper is just giving me the rest. It's hiding so good :(
The ore in question is the Electricraft ores. For copper, motherlodes spawn somewhere between 32 and 64, as well as between 160 and 256 in mountain ranges (in other words, ore is doubled in mountain biomes). You can see the details about all the ores in Survival Industry in this spreadsheet, which is what I use to make the Custom Ore Generation configurations for Survival Industry. Any ores where "Active: no" is in the "Extra Sprocket Settings" column are disabled, in order to ensure that ores are strictly spawned once, and not duplicated all over the place.

As for finding the vein, well, that gets tricky, but there's a trick I usually do: Make a 3x3 circular stair (either with or without the central column). Once you reach the bedrock, return to the top of the stairway. Start going down the stairway. At the middle of each flight of stairs (so, on each side of the 3x3 square area), dig a 30-block tunnel straight, away from the stairwell. If nothing appears within 30 blocks, return to the stairwall, and go down 2 more steps to the middle of the next flight of stairs. Repeat. Keep doing this until you reach the bottom, or you strike the ore you're looking for. Once you find the ore, you can stop with the 30-block prospecting search, and follow the vein back to its motherlode. Just remember that sometimes, the vein will seem to stop, and you'll have to look about to see where it continues.

To have an idea what ore veins and motherlodes look like, as well as the scattered non-metal variants, I actually show you in this video.
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The worldgen patches are only guaranteed to be within 30 blocks (for most ores, redstone actually has a 10 block radius, due to the vertical nature of the veins: even knowing what chunk they're in they're still hard to find). So what I do is I use bonemeal on the area where I found the flowers and the nearby chunks, until I find a chunk that spawns the flowers I'm seeking, then I do something similar to what Reteo does, but I try to stay within in that chunk because I know its there.

If I don't find it quickly I'll start migrating grass down to a few patches of dug out 5x5 areas (this is easy with the tree decay compost block) and then bonemeal those until I find one that doesn't spawn flowers. That narrows down the vertical search space as I know the ore must be above that landing.

Note: the vertical trick is the only way you're going to be able to bonemeal for the deep ores, like diamond.
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The current version of SI has an extremely long tree decay time; I'm working on tweaking that to something a little quicker, but still lasting at least 1 "year" before the first trees start to decay. It'll be a while before HW compost is ready for grassification. Also, the vein structure has changed; all metals now use huge veins (meaning narrow, meandering tendrils reaching many chunks away from enormous motherlodes), and non-metals use the strategic cloud (huge clouds of scattered ore) distribution. And stones, which use the new strata distribution, but, well... not really the point here.
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Thank you alot for the hints about my problem :)
Guess I just need to get away from the "usual way to search for ores". Just too used to normal ore generation.

And the spreadsheet shows me again, just how much work mod'devs and modpack'devs put into these things. One more reason to not give up so easilly! :)

Now... back to fighting the hunger and trying to find this copper :]

And this video is really helpful, especially to understand more about the flowers and what I actually can expect the veins to look like. Thanks for the link!
Thank you alot for the hints about my problem :)
Guess I just need to get away from the "usual way to search for ores". Just too used to normal ore generation.

And the spreadsheet shows me again, just how much work mod'devs and modpack'devs put into these things. One more reason to not give up so easilly! :)

Now... back to fighting the hunger and trying to find this copper :]

And this video is really helpful, especially to understand more about the flowers and what I actually can expect the veins to look like. Thanks for the link!
To deal with hunger i would recommend, getting lots of seeds, growing lots of different crops with agricraft, and then slowly getting some of them to high stats. I just camped in my house for like 40-50 days and now i will never need food again. And now i can just go mining without worrying about hunger. Also plant lots of stuff and then sleep. Best way to grow stuff fast.
To deal with hunger i would recommend, getting lots of seeds, growing lots of different crops with agricraft, and then slowly getting some of them to high stats. I just camped in my house for like 40-50 days and now i will never need food again. And now i can just go mining without worrying about hunger. Also plant lots of stuff and then sleep. Best way to grow stuff fast.

That's what I'm doing right now, keeping myself alive with eating lots and lots of different things that hardly keeps the hunger away for more then a minute xD
Still of course want to make 'real' meals soon, that's why I was looking for copper so much (for making the cooking-tools)

Sadly I had no luck with finding ground-gardens yet... from another, older modpack I know that peanuts and berries can make a nice circle through the different sandwiches.
Still getting used to the new sleeping-mechanic, whenever I reach the forest (quiet a bit away) I have like 5 minutes to look around before I have to head home... or next time I dig myself a nice, cozy hole and sleep there.
Did you check all the recipes for the cooking tools? (Hint hint)

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Did you check all the recipes for the cooking tools? (Hint hint)

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Ow! Just ow! You got me there xD

Usually I click through all pages no matter which recipe, this time I just looked at the copper and thought "Okay that's what I need".
Now I can start my whole "First the farming and kitchen" alot earlier :]
Thanks for the hint!
Since getting to copper would be difficult, we decided to add recipes to simulate ceramic cookware with flint silverware. That way, the farming could truly come first, and when survival needs were met, it would then be time to begin the industry. I didn't just randomly pick a name folx! :P
After a few more hours and scary, scary nights (the minimap scares me when I look at the 30 or so zombies that always surround my house...) I have alot of fun in the modpack :D
The first modpack in a while, where I actually focus early game in creating a real house (not just a lil emergency-hut) and a farm. This sleeping-mod sure help alot in this decision *laughs*

And since I found out how amazing fertile soil of Random Things is... it makes the surviving and agricraft'ing alot easier!
Try combining the fertile soil with Vegan Option compost.

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Try combining the fertile soil with Vegan Option compost.

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Will try that, as soon as I understood this composter. NEI helps alot, but still a bit confusing... which is actually fun.
I love learning about not-so-often-used mods lately, so curious about the first steps into rotarycraft... and how much of my base I will blow up before understanding it xD

Anyone knows, if Harvestcraft has some secretive way of easier getting on "Fresh Water"?
Crafting always 1 bucket of water into 1 fresh water is quiet tedious. ^^"
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Try combining the fertile soil with Vegan Option compost.

Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

How exactly does this compost work? Made a bunch no clue how it works.

Will try that, as soon as I understood this composter. NEI helps alot, but still a bit confusing... which is actually fun.
I love learning about not-so-often-used mods lately, so curious about the first steps into rotarycraft... and how much of my base I will blow up before understanding it xD

Anyone knows, if Harvestcraft has some secretive way of easier getting on "Fresh Water"?
Crafting always 1 bucket of water into 1 fresh water is quiet tedious. ^^"

I think for now you have to feel the joy of crafting 1 by 1, but dunno maybe there is a way i am not awere of.
Anyone knows, if Harvestcraft has some secretive way of easier getting on "Fresh Water"?
Crafting always 1 bucket of water into 1 fresh water is quiet tedious. ^^"

initially, no. However, once you have an autocrafter, an Expanded Redstone pump, and some form of item piping, fresh water should be trivial.

How exactly does this compost work? Made a bunch no clue how it works.

A compost block from Vegan Option needs to be touching a farm block. Then, it increases the crop growth rate for that farm block. I usually place the compost in a layer immediately under the farm blocks.

Another option is to combine the compost with saltpeter to make fertilizer (an alternative to bone meal).