The server is down for some reason, although I feel I had something to do with it somehow... I was placing a planter on top of an item conduit and I froze, then it said I was disconnected. Are you currently updating it?
The server is down for some reason, although I feel I had something to do with it somehow... I was placing a planter on top of an item conduit and I froze, then it said I was disconnected. Are you currently updating it?
dont think its ur fault tiger, its gone down every day for 3 days that i know of. and its been around the same time, give or take a few hours. but i got server closed message when it went down.
I wonder if this is either a side effect of the update in progress, if the update will fix this, or bg is just messing with us XD
1.) IGN: Yagasira
2.) Age: 35
3.) Been so long I forgot. Think I bought Minecraft around 2009? 2012? One of those, so about 4-6 years.
4.) I've been checking out the different modpacks, and I found the Direwolf20 modpack to have everything I need and then some. I want to join this server, because this seems to be the most popular server, and I like to have people to talk to as I'm planning world domination with my flower technology, err, I mean decorating my base![]()
1.) IGN: Gibbo3771
2.) Age: 23
3.) Since early beta, 1.4 I think? Can't remember it's been quite a while.
4.) I have been playing solo/duo direwolf/tekkit games whenever I get the MC bug, we (me and my fiance) have decided that we are probably getting bored quickly due to the lack of social interaction/community. So we want to give it a try, this server stands out for 2 reasons. One being the small capacity and two being its life time, it's been around long enough for the admin to care.
I also read past few replies and heard about a reset, are you going through with this? Is it also possible for me to apply for my fiancé on her behalf?
If so, details below:
1.) IGN: stacey93
2.) Age: 21
3.) Same as above
4.) Same as above
Hopefully that is acceptable.
Server appears to be up for me, however it claims I am not white listed.
me to
1.) IGN: A4Brogan
2.) Age: 24
3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since Alpha, but dabbled in its classic version
4.) Why do you want to join our server? Tired of being all alone, especially since Nirrius shut down.
You are already whitelisted please read the posts above1.) IGN: chimebox
2.) Age: (optional) 25
3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft? about 3 years
4.) Why do you want to join our server? i used to be whitelisted, but stopped due to personal reasons. hoping to get back into playing smp again