I will get a list put together for youCan you post a list of required mods and optional mods? Basically the mods that are required by HQM and are a part of it.

I will get a list put together for youCan you post a list of required mods and optional mods? Basically the mods that are required by HQM and are a part of it.
Thanks for putting this great pack together. Had a great time over the weekend doing a space race with friends on my server. Winning team (mine) got to Nibiru in the 48 hour limit we set ourselves.
Few things we noticed which are probably bugs or balance issue (v1.1.8):
1. Some rockets cant be fueled; Tier 3, 5 and 6 (didn't get to 7 or 8) they just sit on the pad but the fuel loader wont load fuel into them (had to use creative pre-fueled rockets)
2. Better portals is linking back from space to inside a compact machine give you Whither and nausea even if there is no instability
3. Night vision in space makes you totally blind
4. Overworld ore gen has too much copper and tin (from multiple mod packs) and so iron which you need a lot of is a bit out of balance.
5. Not a bug but the T4 blueprint being on the moon is not really clear from the quest book. Despite me warning the other team the T4 blueprint is on the moon they still went off to Venus looking for it and then whined the boss was dropping the wrong key for the chest (as I did a few posts up). Unless you happen to get a T4 before the T2 a lot of people are probably going to head off to Mars.
But great pack.
Thank yougood pack, you might want to disable galacticraft ore gen/some other ore gen so there is 1 consistent set of ores though.
go into your ftb launcher, 3rd party pack, and go to "pack codes" and enter "SpaceA" then the pack should be at the bottom of 3rd party packs or somethingHi i'm new to this and was wondering where the download link is, i'm very keen to play this pack.
You need to download the ftb launcher and then click paceHi i'm new to this and was wondering where the download link is, i'm very keen to play this pack.
go into your ftb launcher, 3rd party pack, and go to "pack codes" and enter "SpaceA" then the pack should be at the bottom of 3rd party packs or something
2.BetterEnhanced portals linking back from space to inside a compact machine give you Whither and nausea even if there is no instability
Yeah it seems like a Enhanced Portals thing so maybe report the issue to the developer. And i will see what changes i can make for future updates.Thanks for the reply MJR
To clarify this; I know its really obscure and probably an issue for the Enhanced portals mod developer...
We were using Enhanced Portals to move freely between planets and our bases on the overworld. For reasons to do with the rules we'd set ourselves our bases were inside max size compact machine cubes. We found if you have a portal on a planet that links to a portal inside a compact machine it turns out you always get wither effect when travelling Planet > compact machine. It does not happen if your portal is not in a compact machine and it does not happen when going the other way. Like I said really obscure so probably wont effect anyone
As for the it not being obvious the T4 blueprint is on The Moon; maybe mention The Moon in the Obtain a Tier 4 schematic quest? I know they are connected in the quest book but its easy to miss and when you've done the Mars dungeon head off to a tier 3 planet making the assumption that's where you'll find the T4 blueprint.
Thanks and that will be sorted in the next update that's coming out very soonLiking the pack so far. One observation is that Copper seems to be added from many mods in this pack and they all seem to have a different harvest level. Some you can mine with a stone pick and others you need higher end picks. Not sure if other ores have the same issues as copper.
Yes thats correctso, when I beat the moon skeleton, the chest had a tier 4 rocket schematic. is this correct, or a bug?
Yeah im fully open to suggestionsAre you open to mod suggestions?
I'll check the mod outFeel free to say no, but in the theme of advanced technology I think Hyperioncraft would be a pretty cool mod to add to this pack. Here's a link to the mods page. http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...sp-smp-hyperioncraft-borderlands-2-themed-mod
Thank youHi guys if i may ask. I wanna setup a server for or group. And now i need to now how to setup permissions extra. Can some one explane me how i need to do that. Thanks. And i must say nice mod pack you have.