@MJRLegends , I'm back again. I'm always watching for updates to this pack (one of my favorite packs of course). I notice Ztones is a possibility that's great I can get back into the pack just to be a Lair (Ztones Lair blocks).
I got more suggestions for you to ignore, It wouldn't be a post if I didn't
Did you think about readding rotarycraft/reactorcraft/electrical. I know reactorcraft might be a hassle on your public server ir everyone built a fusion reactor. You could disable some parts. Idk some people view those mods as hard. I like them plus if an endgame user has nothing left to do they can learn a few new mods
Also you can't really build a lair without something to control,view and operate it all from a single room.
Have you thought about adding Nuclear Controls 2 and possible RF Tools (I know you said no to RF Tools cause of dimensions etc) but just for the screens
Nuclear Controls 2: monitoring AE System/Crafting / 5x5 IC2 Fluid Reactor / Railcraft Tanks
RF Tools Screen: Being used as a List/ But I'm going to create another RF Tools Screen that's touch screen to turn off/on the reactor, mob spawners, emergency power, launch galaticraft cargo rockets, etc.
These mods are easy to set up as well. No super LUA knowledged needed which would be the case to do something like this in ComputerCraft or OpenComputers. Just some suggestions for your amazing tech theme pack. Please feel free to ignore