[ 1.7.10 ] SIEGED [ JamPacked2 ] [ HQM | Reikas ]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
really scary modpack. As dangerous as madpack right now, only doing short trip outside for 1 or 2 ressources (iron ingot ! woot ! or few feather/clay ...)

Samurai : 1 did a tunnel above the floor to the pylone and mine from inside, then slab on roof to the second one ...
Gather few zinc and choose cooper from the previous quest. But I will need a lot more ...

I'm not far enough but will we be able to gather ressources automaticaly ? I don't see many ressources outside.
Beginning at least is really slow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok so far this has been one of the best modpacks i have ever played but the pace seems a bit slow, currently i just made a cobble gen, does anyone have an tips for trying to mine ores without getting murdered? Also is there an easier way to obtain brass for the quests, because its quite hard to get them by mining copper and zinc.

really scary modpack. As dangerous as madpack right now, only doing short trip outside for 1 or 2 ressources (iron ingot ! woot ! or few feather/clay ...)

Samurai : 1 did a tunnel above the floor to the pylone and mine from inside, then slab on roof to the second one ...
Gather few zinc and choose cooper from the previous quest. But I will need a lot more ...

I'm not far enough but will we be able to gather ressources automaticaly ? I don't see many ressources outside.
Beginning at least is really slow.

There are stonebrick temples around that are generated randomly. There are chests in those temples and the chests may contain stacks of ores :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks.Also one more question, will adding optifine break the modpack? Because i am currently running it on tiny render distance and still only get about 18 fps


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, love your modpack and have a lot of fun playing it, but i have two questions.
First how do you get saplings for greatwood. Second what is this core it is talked about in last chapter (inside the villages??).
Thanks a lot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks.Also one more question, will adding optifine break the modpack? Because i am currently running it on tiny render distance and still only get about 18 fps

Optifine works, but a few textures might get messed up.

Hello, love your modpack and have a lot of fun playing it, but i have two questions.
First how do you get saplings for greatwood. Second what is this core it is talked about in last chapter (inside the villages??).
Thanks a lot.

Complete the tree cutter quest in the rotational quest line :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How does one advance after the steam powar quest,i cant get an iron pickaxe to get mithril for the blood alter, i cant mine the obsidian totems or tiles to purify void iron and the void iron pickaxe just seems like a slightly better stone pick. So what to do?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How does one advance after the steam powar quest,i cant get an iron pickaxe to get mithril for the blood alter, i cant mine the obsidian totems or tiles to purify void iron and the void iron pickaxe just seems like a slightly better stone pick. So what to do?
Some zombies with iron pickaxe drop them.


FTB Pack Developer
Feb 27, 2014
United Kingdom


It's a post apocalyptic world, text won't do it justice so just watch the trailer! :p

Forge/FML by LexManos, cpw
Automagy by Tuhljin
DragonAPI by Reika
ElectriCraft by Reika
MeteorCraft by Reika
ReactorCraft by Reika
RotaryCraft by Reika
ACE by Zavviasso
Agricraft by InfinityRaider
AppleCore by squeek502
Aroma1997Core by Aroma1997
AromaBackup by Aroma1997
Baubles by Azanor
Better Loading Screen by Alexj290
Blood Magic by WayofTime
CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
CoFH Core by CoFH team
Custom Stuff 2 by CubeX2
Customchestloot by FatherToast
CustomMainMenu by lumien321
CustomStuff 2 Dependancy by Unknown
Dr Cyanos Lootable Bodies mod by Dr Cyanos
EnviroMine by TimbuckTato
EpicSiegedMod by Funawayguy
Extra Utilities by RWTema
FastCraft by Player
Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
Hardcore Ender Expansion by chylex
Hardcore Questing Mode by lorddusk, Newcastlegeek, Vswe
HardcoreDarkness by Lumien
HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil, Rhodox
Hunger Overhaul by iguana_man
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
Lockdown by Adubbz
Lycanite's Mobs by Lycanite
MineTweaker by StanH
Mod Tweaker 2 by JaredIII08, joshiejack
Modular Systems by pauljoda
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Integration by Tonius
NEI Plugins by mistaqur
Netherless by Hilburn
Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
NotEnoughCodecs by Mikeemoo
OpenComputers by Sangar
OpenModularTurrets by Poenjabiesous
Perfect Spawn by lumien
Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod by Flaxbeard
ResourceLoader by lumien231
Ruins by AtomicStryker
SmartCursor by asaskevich
Sound Filters by Tmtravlr
Special Mobs by FatherToast
Thaumcraft by Azanor
Thaumic Horizon by TheKentigton
The Spice of Life by squeek502
Thermal Dynamics by TeamCoFH
Thermal Expansion by CoFH team
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
Utility Mobs by FatherToast
Xaero's Minimap by Xaero
Yampst by bilde2910

Wow man, looks like an awesome pack, love all the custom sounds and textures really well done. We've got some serious competition it seems... ;)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How does one advance after the steam powar quest,i cant get an iron pickaxe to get mithril for the blood alter, i cant mine the obsidian totems or tiles to purify void iron and the void iron pickaxe just seems like a slightly better stone pick. So what to do?
You can get void mithril from the stone temple or you can go to the bedrock trees generated randomly and try your luck at getting diamonds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the early game how do you light up the place besides torches?I cant afford to make glowstone and cut them up to nooks and travelling around is almost impossible as its pitch dark.Also do gorgomites still drop iron ore?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the early game how do you light up the place besides torches?I cant afford to make glowstone and cut them up to nooks and travelling around is almost impossible as its pitch dark.Also do gorgomites still drop iron ore?
Make a 3-4 block high cobblestone pillar and place a torch on the top to prevent zombies from breaking it, when the fire goes out use a flint and steel to reignite it.

No gorgomites do not drop iron ores.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any tips on finishing the "smash" and "Blow me away" quests?I cant get a blood alter yet cause of my inferior pick and i cant explore without a mob killing me or flying me away.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any tips on finishing the "smash" and "Blow me away" quests?I cant get a blood alter yet cause of my inferior pick and i cant explore without a mob killing me or flying me away.
Just bring the items that you need eg. Pickaxe and Sword. Be sure to bring food and torches as well, make a run for it and you should be fine as most mobs aren't as agile as you.