[1.7.10] RusticCraft

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know it was mariculture, I was looking at the ore in game when I wrote the message. :) Now that I think about it though, I did run across some ore that was colored differently in the world. Maybe the other ore colors are from artifice and the copper is dropping the wrong version? I just mined some Iron Ore from artifice that did drop the minecraft version. I would have to find some more copper to verify that though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know it was mariculture, I was looking at the ore in game when I wrote the message. :) Now that I think about it though, I did run across some ore that was colored differently in the world. Maybe the other ore colors are from artifice and the copper is dropping the wrong version? I just mined some Iron Ore from artifice that did drop the minecraft version. I would have to find some more copper to verify that though.
You're right, the ores Artifice generates in its basalt/marble/limestone become Mariculture ores when mined. Artifice doesn't seem to provide any control over this behavior.
This isn't terrible, but it is ugly having more then one Copper ore. I'm exploring a few options and checking how they effect existing worlds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update 1.1.1 - Bug Deaded
Biggest change, the server files actually work. If you don't know what I did, don't go look. I'm embarrassed.
MinecraftLoader is removed. I may re-add it if an update fixes the lag issue.
The copper generated in the world is now Mariculture instead of Tinkers. Existing worlds will be fine, no chunk boundaries.
-Server actually works
-Disabled Tinkers Copper Gen
-Enabled Mariculture Copper Gen
-Disabled Mariculture Bauxite Gen
-Minecraft Loader (severe FPS lag)
-Added Wood as valid handguard material
-Removed Stone as valid handguard material
Spice of Life:
-Disabled spawning with the Food Diary (server crash)
-Disabled random worldgen graves


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update 1.1.1 - Bug Deaded
Biggest change, the server files actually work. If you don't know what I did, don't go look. I'm embarrassed.
MinecraftLoader is removed. I may re-add it if an update fixes the lag issue.
The copper generated in the world is now Mariculture instead of Tinkers. Existing worlds will be fine, no chunk boundaries.
-Server actually works
-Disabled Tinkers Copper Gen
-Enabled Mariculture Copper Gen
-Disabled Mariculture Bauxite Gen
-Minecraft Loader (severe FPS lag)
-Added Wood as valid handguard material
-Removed Stone as valid handguard material
Spice of Life:
-Disabled spawning with the Food Diary (server crash)
-Disabled random worldgen graves

Hunger Overhaul didn't make it in this release? Is it still planned? I love right clicking harvest-able items instead of breaking and replanting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hunger Overhaul didn't make it in this release? Is it still planned? I love right clicking harvest-able items instead of breaking and replanting.
Hunger Overhaul isn't released for 1.7.10 as far as I know.

And I forgot to mention, this update will probably take a day or two to get on the launcher. Last update was a half-hour, but that's rare.
Edit: Two minutes. It was approved in two minutes... tfox83 is a champ.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A small little thing I noticed:
Crafting a copper ingot from TCon copper oreberries results in a Railcraft copper ingot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A small little thing I noticed:
Crafting a copper ingot from TCon copper oreberries results in a Railcraft copper ingot.
I just looked into it, apparently Ore Berries are now Ore Dictionary paired with Nuggets. There are a lot of Copper Nuggets, Railcraft, Thaumcraft, Mariculture, and Tinkers at least. If I start disabling the Nugget items from those mods' configs, that would probably break anything in that mod that makes Nuggets, such as Thaumcraft's Infernal Furnace.
It's ugly, but we'll probably have to live with this one.

Edit: Tinker's Construct and Iguana's Tinker Tweaks both updated today. They're working well in my test Instance, but I'm going to hold off on a Modpack update in case there are any other issues or hotfixes I can tie in.
You should check out the changelog in the new Tinker's Construct thread. Smelteries can be any size and Travel Armor actually has proper info in the book.
On the Iguana Tweaks side of things, this bug was fixed, so I can finally nerf the Mining Speed of starting tool materials.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just looked into it, apparently Ore Berries are now Ore Dictionary paired with Nuggets. There are a lot of Copper Nuggets, Railcraft, Thaumcraft, Mariculture, and Tinkers at least. If I start disabling the Nugget items from those mods' configs, that would probably break anything in that mod that makes Nuggets, such as Thaumcraft's Infernal Furnace.
It's ugly, but we'll probably have to live with this one.
I looked a little more into this; interestingly enough, it seems if you disable the recipe in Minetweaker, it defaults to making it a Mariculture copper ingot instead. It seems a bit ugly, but if you want to use it, here you go. I don't really think this would affect anything else, and nuggets craft into a Mariculture ingot fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I looked a little more into this; interestingly enough, it seems if you disable the recipe in Minetweaker, it defaults to making it a Mariculture copper ingot instead. It seems a bit ugly, but if you want to use it, here you go. I don't really think this would affect anything else, and nuggets craft into a Mariculture ingot fine.
Thanks, good thinking. I'll expand on the script so it applies to other metals and standardizes on Tinkers ingots. I'll work on it tomorrow, it's getting late for me.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick questing, where did you remove the ability to enchant TiCo tools? I found out I could enchant some but not others.

Edit: The second part was because I re-enabled paper tool parts in the config. I do still wonder about the first part though.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick questing, where did you remove the ability to enchant TiCo tools? I found out I could enchant some but not others.

Edit: The second part was because I re-enabled paper tool parts in the config. I do still wonder about the first part though.
I'm too lazy to look up the defaults before Breakfast, but if you use these settings in main.cfg you'll get a modifier slot every other level and a random bonus every other level.
#  toolleveling
  # Adds a random bonus on these levleups if 'RandomBonuses' is enabled
  I:BonusesAtLevels <

  # The amount of modifiers new tools have. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 0]

  # Adds an extra modifier on these levleups if 'ExtraModifiers' is enabled
  I:ModifiersAtLevels <

#  tweaks
  # Removes the ability to add modifiers with Gold, Diamond, Netherstars etc. [default: false]
The reason I configures Tinkers/Iguanas to use only Random Bonuses was so Tools remained an interesting part of the game. Normally, Tinker's Tools are really easy to abuse even in the early game, then you never think of them again. With the Random Bonus system, you have a good reason to make multiple sets of tools and even trade tools on a server. It also gives you something to look forward to while mining.
Also, there's a little known feature in Boni's version of Iguana's Tinker Tweaks, using a tool in certain ways increases the chances of getting certain Random Bonuses. If you always sprint at mobs to knock them back with your sword, you're more likely to get Knockback. If you only mine "fortunable" ores with a pick, you're more likely to get Fortune. I used the BonusModifierOverride.cfg to limit this to at most 50% chance for any Bonus.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks a ton. I have a split opinion on that one so I decided to add the ability to have a modifier slot at level 5. I agree, early game the modifiers can be way too op. But on the other hand, when you reach manulyullyn level a single tool costs 27 ingots, and if you don't get repair or something else really good it isn't a good investment. And to get that much manyullyn it takes over an 2 hours, so you can't really make a ton and just use the one that gets the enchantment. I do play on a server, but it runs on a dedicated server in my LAN, and since my brother just left to Brazil to help as a charity worker I can't really trade tools with anyone. This would not be so bad if one could still use default tools, but having default tools with TiCo installed doesn't make much sense. Overall I don't think you should change the config, but it would be nice if the dev of Iguana would add the ability to have slots tied to mining level. That would nerf the early game while still keeping the late game strong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just submitted Update 1.1.2
It will be on the launcher in a day or two or more or less.
-Server actually actually works.
-Tinker's Steelworks
-Made Metal Nuggets/Ingots/Blocks all convert to Tinker's Metals
Tinkers/Iguana Tweaks:
-Updated both
-Enabled Material Speed override

Thanks a ton. I have a split opinion on that one so I decided to add the ability to have a modifier slot at level 5. I agree, early game the modifiers can be way too op. But on the other hand, when you reach manulyullyn level a single tool costs 27 ingots, and if you don't get repair or something else really good it isn't a good investment. And to get that much manyullyn it takes over an 2 hours, so you can't really make a ton and just use the one that gets the enchantment. I do play on a server, but it runs on a dedicated server in my LAN, and since my brother just left to Brazil to help as a charity worker I can't really trade tools with anyone. This would not be so bad if one could still use default tools, but having default tools with TiCo installed doesn't make much sense. Overall I don't think you should change the config, but it would be nice if the dev of Iguana would add the ability to have slots tied to mining level. That would nerf the early game while still keeping the late game strong.
You can replace parts on Tools if you fully repair them. So the trick is to level up tools with cheaper materials like bronze and then upgrade the materials of the good ones.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you considered Resonant Induction ? Cool stuff with gears, windmill and actual mechanical power. You can even disable higher tech tiers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Highlight of my morning, apart from a homemade breakfast
Hunger Overhaul is released for 1.7.10! Requires Applecore API
Just letting you know
Right? I was all over it even before I finished my toast.

I got everything configured nicely in my test instance.
In short:
  • All crops Right-Click harvestable
  • Hunger drops at 75% speed
  • Crops take 2x as long to grow without sunlight
  • Crops take 2x as long to grow in the wrong biome
  • Health regen is active as long as you have at least 3 Hunger Shanks
  • Cow Milking timeout set to 1 minute
Most other "features" added by the mod are disabled.
  • No instant death on starving
  • No respawning hungry
  • No constant hunger
  • No debuffs when hungery
Also, all the Iguana Tinker Tweaks issues seem to be fixed, so Material Mining Speed Override will finally be in the next release.
I'm not submitting the release just yet though because it looks like there may be a hotfix on the way for Spice of Life and Hunger Overhaul. Launchboxes are causing crashes and Natura crops are dropping wheat seeds.

Have you considered Resonant Induction ? Cool stuff with gears, windmill and actual mechanical power. You can even disable higher tech tiers.
Nope. Out of beta and done adding mods. Besides...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's the electrical tier, just keep the archaic and mechanical then, you got the point.