[1.7.10] RusticCraft

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Just as a prewarning, Tinkers mattocks break when right clicking grass to get seeds with hunger overhaul installed. I agree with holding off until at least one hotfix is released. Good call. Otherwise. -goes on a harvesting spree with right clicks-
Just as a prewarning, Tinkers mattocks break when right clicking grass to get seeds with hunger overhaul installed. I agree with holding off until at least one hotfix is released. Good call. Otherwise. -goes on a harvesting spree with right clicks-
In my settings, I have modifyHoeUse from the "Seeds" section disabled.
Also, by default it disables the ability to plant Harvestcraft food directly. I changed that so seeds shouldn't be necessary.
In my settings, I have modifyHoeUse from the "Seeds" section disabled.
Also, by default it disables the ability to plant Harvestcraft food directly. I changed that so seeds shouldn't be necessary.
I reported it on the mod thread, but that sounds good to me. I wish I had the config so I could test all that for myself...
Replicated it twice, and it annoys me because mattocks are a pain to level up.
I reported it on the mod thread, but that sounds good to me. I wish I had the config so I could test all that for myself...
Replicated it twice, and it annoys me because mattocks are a pain to level up.
Yeah, no good to have Tinker's Tools being destroyed.
Here's my config folder as it is now. I'll have the update submitted tomorrow or the day after depending how long this issue takes to fix.

Also, I noticed today that my MineTweaker script to remove ore smelting in vanilla furnaces makes the Tinker's Autosmelt modifier useless. I'll probably remove the modifier rather then the furnace script, but it's a shame because Autosmelt would be useful for repairing iron tools while mining.
Also, I noticed today that my MineTweaker script to remove ore smelting in vanilla furnaces makes the Tinker's Autosmelt modifier useless. I'll probably remove the modifier rather then the furnace script, but it's a shame because Autosmelt would be useful for repairing iron tools while mining.
I'd prefer not losing autosmelt myself either, but whatever works.

When you make a new world with the updated harvestcraft, food is so much harder to find.

Also, I noticed treefruit for harvestcraft is not able to be right clicked off the tree, like ground crops. Is this also a config thing?

I'd prefer not losing autosmelt myself either, but whatever works.

When you make a new world with the updated harvestcraft, food is so much harder to find.

Also, I noticed treefruit for harvestcraft is not able to be right clicked off the tree, like ground crops. Is this also a config thing?

I may be able to fix Autosmelt, but I think the only way would be disabling Furnaces. There's the Harvestcraft Oven, Witchery Oven, and Tinker's Fryingpan to replace it. All three can cook food but not ores. However, it may be a problem that they require iron and it may be a problem if items other then food and ores need cooking. I'll look into the details tomorrow. Also I think a good guide/into for this pack just jumped a few notches on my Todo list.

I think you may be right. I just raised I:gardenRarity from 2 to 4 and it seems better.

Harvestcraft trees were never right-clickable, at least not in 1.7.10. Punching them does work a lot like right-clicking ground crops does with HungerOverhaul.
I may be able to fix Autosmelt, but I think the only way would be disabling Furnaces. There's the Harvestcraft Oven, Witchery Oven, and Tinker's Fryingpan to replace it. All three can cook food but not ores. However, it may be a problem that they require iron and it may be a problem if items other then food and ores need cooking. I'll look into the details tomorrow. Also I think a good guide/into for this pack just jumped a few notches on my Todo list.

I think you may be right. I just raised I:gardenRarity from 2 to 4 and it seems better.

Harvestcraft trees were never right-clickable, at least not in 1.7.10. Punching them does work a lot like right-clicking ground crops does with HungerOverhaul.
There's a harvestcraft oven now? Interesting...
Have you disabled the smeltery for Tinkers? Thats a possibility, or the High Oven from Tinkers Steelworks. Um...
If there's a way to get netherrack before the nether, there is the Natura furnace, made with netherrack.
Does Autosmelt and fortune work together to double ores?
The only problem I see is without furnaces, you cannot cook the grout into seared brick. It would require seeking out a village with a smeltery in it to at least start, or make smeltery blocks part of dungeon chests or something.
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There's a harvestcraft oven now? Interesting...
Have you disabled the smeltery for Tinkers? Thats a possibility, or the High Oven from Tinkers Steelworks. Um...
If there's a way to get netherrack before the nether, there is the Natura furnace, made with netherrack.
Does Autosmelt and fortune work together to double ores?
The only problem I see is without furnaces, you cannot cook the grout into seared brick. It would require seeking out a village with a smeltery in it to at least start, or make smeltery blocks part of dungeon chests or something.
I mistyped, I was thinking of the Furnature Mod Oven.
I wouldn't disable the Smeltery. I'm trying to make the Smeltery more central.
The Natura furnace just copies the Vanilla furnace functionality. Disabling any furnace recipe effects both.
I just tested, and Autosmelt + Fortune do combine to multiply ores. Another reason to keep Autosmelt in my book, that's just cool.
Good point about the Smeltery. I was just throwing out an idea I had before going to bed; I'm not surprised completely disabling furnaces wouldn't work.

I think the best thing to do is remove the NoOreFurnace script. It was a cool tweak, but not cooler then AutoSmelt and not worth the trouble it would cause to have both.
I may or may not turn Smeltery ore doubling back on too. Without it, it may not be worth the trouble to pour molten metal into molds and whatnot.
Edit: Fun fact, if you set I:"Ingots per ore" from the Tinker's config to "1.5", it rounds up to 2 ingots.
Also, probably won't wait for this issue to be fixed after all. Turns out the issue was in Natura and had be patched in August. Considering there has only been one 1.7.10 release of Natura so far, I'm not going to bet on a release within a day or two.
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I just submitted 1.1.5 for approval.
Besides everything talked about since the last update, I added Biomes 'o Plenty back. Because of a bug in the way Forge weighs biomes, Thaumcraft Magical Forest biomes were way too common. The only way to fix it was to add more biomes, and any complaints I had with BoP were fixed with the last Harvestcraft update.
This will not break world-gen of existing worlds (somehow). I only had one preexisting world to test with though, so backup anything you care about.
Use of the BIOMESOP world-type is recommended because Magical Forests are equally abundant as Vanilla biomes.
-Hunger Overhaul
-Biomes 'o Plenty
-Bibliowoods BoP
-Removed NoOreFurnace script (broke Autosmelt)
-Set Smeltery Ore to Ingot rate to 2.
-Disabled Cotton
-Disabled Barley
As always, this will take between 15 minutes and 2 days to appear on the launcher.

And with any luck, this is the last time I need to update this pack for a long time.
I just submitted 1.1.5 for approval.
Besides everything talked about since the last update, I added Biomes 'o Plenty back. Because of a bug in the way Forge weighs biomes, Thaumcraft Magical Forest biomes were way too common. The only way to fix it was to add more biomes, and any complaints I had with BoP were fixed with the last Harvestcraft update.
This will not break world-gen of existing worlds (somehow). I only had one preexisting world to test with though, so backup anything you care about.
Use of the BIOMESOP world-type is recommended because Magical Forests are equally abundant as Vanilla biomes.
As always, this will take between 15 minutes and 2 days to appear on the launcher.

And with any luck, this is the last time I need to update this pack for a long time.
Well, that'll simplify/make string production harder.

Am I crazy, or did.... Oh right. Biomes o plenty wasn't in this pack. I play two other packs with Biomes o Plenty, and its hard to balance it. Flower field = SOMANYFLOWERS

I'll see what I can do with finding a world I like.
Well, that'll simplify/make string production harder.

Am I crazy, or did.... Oh right. Biomes o plenty wasn't in this pack. I play two other packs with Biomes o Plenty, and its hard to balance it. Flower field = SOMANYFLOWERS

I'll see what I can do with finding a world I like.
I disabled Natura Barely and Cotton because Harvestcraft has both of them only not conflicting with Hunger Overhaul. I assume that's what you were talking about with string.
Biomes 'o Plenty was in the Beta for a few versions, but Harvestcraft Gardens weren't spawning in any of it's biomes. That's been fixed.
Also, flower field is a vanilla biome. BoP has the Garden biome with the giant fake flower things, maybe you're thinking of that. I disabled that a a few other biomes. Dem flowers were ugly.
I disabled Natura Barely and Cotton because Harvestcraft has both of them only not conflicting with Hunger Overhaul. I assume that's what you were talking about with string.
Biomes 'o Plenty was in the Beta for a few versions, but Harvestcraft Gardens weren't spawning in any of it's biomes. That's been fixed.
Also, flower field is a vanilla biome. BoP has the Garden biome with the giant fake flower things, maybe you're thinking of that. I disabled that a a few other biomes. Dem flowers were ugly.
I'm trying to balance out between BoP and vanilla so I have an a nice world.
One pack has everything enabled, but the flower biomes are so common its crazy. The other one is 'exploration based', with a couple disabled. Very confusing.
I'm trying to balance out between BoP and vanilla so I have an a nice world.
One pack has everything enabled, but the flower biomes are so common its crazy. The other one is 'exploration based', with a couple disabled. Very confusing.
You can still play with a non-BOIMESOP worldtype. If you were playing with an earlier version of the pack, you can keep using that world with no worldgen hiccups.
However, you will have this issue which in short makes 10 the lowest valid biome weight; equal to vanilla biomes.
Interesting error I'm getting. Hunger overhaul's config is crashing for a rendering screen when I'm adding something to the smeltery. I had mariculture bait in my inventory... maybe I'll check the configs and see if I can troubleshoot this myself. I don't know java well, but I'll give it a shot.
Edit: I took a look at Hunger Overhaul's page, and theres an error with Mariculture, so I went into Modules config and made "hunger overhaul = FALSE" instead of true. If it fixes, I hope it does.

Waila isn't showing Mariculture right either, but I'll check for an update. Either that, or bug Joshie to fix his mod (and get the zephyrfish)
Interesting error I'm getting. Hunger overhaul's config is crashing for a rendering screen when I'm adding something to the smeltery. I had mariculture bait in my inventory... maybe I'll check the configs and see if I can troubleshoot this myself. I don't know java well, but I'll give it a shot.
Edit: I took a look at Hunger Overhaul's page, and theres an error with Mariculture, so I went into Modules config and made "hunger overhaul = FALSE" instead of true. If it fixes, I hope it does.

Waila isn't showing Mariculture right either, but I'll check for an update. Either that, or bug Joshie to fix his mod (and get the zephyrfish)
That probably all stems from this issue. Let me know how disabling the HO module works, I started testing for myself but it's nearly 4 in the afternoon here and I have to be up at the crack of midnight.
That probably all stems from this issue. Let me know how disabling the HO module works, I started testing for myself but it's nearly 4 in the afternoon here and I have to be up at the crack of midnight.
Looks to be so. No crash yet from the same issue. I think what I did fixed it, disabling the HO module. You should fix that in the config for the next release, should there be one.
I'll keep looking around. Haven't found a swamp or jungle yet for some of the Pams plants. I spawned in a cinnamon tree out of sheer frustration.
Is there any way to enable the ability to use native metal clusters from Thaumcraft? I made up a ton of them without checking whether or not they were usable.
Is there any way to enable the ability to use native metal clusters from Thaumcraft? I made up a ton of them without checking whether or not they were usable.
I don't understand, can't you smelt them for two ingots?
I don't think I've done anything to change them.
Is there any way to enable the ability to use native metal clusters from Thaumcraft? I made up a ton of them without checking whether or not they were usable.
I don't understand, can't you smelt them for two ingots?
I don't think I've done anything to change them.

^^ I mean, barring all this.....
Can you not cheat back the original items? And then throw away the clusters you made? (not withstanding the time and effort of course)