A breath of fresh Minecraft
- To begin playing RusticCraft, enter the code "RusticCraft" in the FTB launcher.
- Do not click on a Statue with the hammer used to make Statues.
- If anybody is interested in creating a better Icon and Splash, I welcome all attempts.
RusticCraft is a modpack designed to provide the modded Minecraft experience while staying as close as possible to the vanilla Minecraft aesthetic. This is not a variation of the "Vanilla Plus" modpack idea; the mods included in RusticCraft include huge expansions and changes to Minecraft's four major gameplay mechanics which I've identified as Adventure, Building, Surviving, and Tinkering.
What RusticCraft is Not:Adventure
RusticCraft includes no jetpacks and no super armor. This means that when you explore the dungeons and dimensions added by these mods, you do so more or less as their authors intended.
Biomes 'o Plenty adds biomes and a Sky dimension.
Twilight Forest adds a busy forest dimension teaming with dungeons and bosses. A recent update added a progression system that requires you to defeat certain bosses to access certain areas.
Hardcore Ender Expansion completely overhauls the End with more intelligent Dragon and randomly generated islands. It's in-game guide can be accessed by pressing P.
Mariculture adds deep ocean content and the means to suit-up and explore it.
ExtraUtilities adds the Deep Dark, a dimension where light is vital to survival.
BuildBiomes 'o Plenty adds biomes and a Sky dimension.
Twilight Forest adds a busy forest dimension teaming with dungeons and bosses. A recent update added a progression system that requires you to defeat certain bosses to access certain areas.
Hardcore Ender Expansion completely overhauls the End with more intelligent Dragon and randomly generated islands. It's in-game guide can be accessed by pressing P.
Mariculture adds deep ocean content and the means to suit-up and explore it.
ExtraUtilities adds the Deep Dark, a dimension where light is vital to survival.
RusticCraft includes so many aesthetic blocks and items, even the most uncreative and inexperienced Builders can put together something good looking.
Carpenter's Blocks includes slopes as well as a variety of customizable blocks, doors, fences, etc.
Chisel adds a variety of alternate textures for most of the blocks in the game.
Statues adds statues which can be modeled after other players and placed in custom poses.
MrCrayfish's Furniture mod provides a long list of furniture for you to clutter your house with.
BiblioCraft adds additional furniture, some of which are very functional.
Malisis Doors provides several new door types as well as making all double-doors work together.
SurviveCarpenter's Blocks includes slopes as well as a variety of customizable blocks, doors, fences, etc.
Chisel adds a variety of alternate textures for most of the blocks in the game.
Statues adds statues which can be modeled after other players and placed in custom poses.
MrCrayfish's Furniture mod provides a long list of furniture for you to clutter your house with.
BiblioCraft adds additional furniture, some of which are very functional.
Malisis Doors provides several new door types as well as making all double-doors work together.
The survival mods included in RusticCraft are configured to provide enough challenge to keep the player engaged and on their toes, but not so much to create a punishing environment that might frustrate players not looking for a Hardcore experience.
Harvestcraft adds a cornucopia of food for the player to farm and cook.
Spice of Life adds diminishing returns to food to encourage players to actually collect and prepare the food provided by Harvestcraft.
HungerOverhaul allows all crops to be harvested by right-clicking, allows health to regen as long as hunger is above 3 bars, halves the growth rate of crops without sun, and decreases the speed the hunger drops.
DeadlyWorld provides dangers scattered around the Overworld, not common but just enough to keep you on your toes while caving.
TinkerHarvestcraft adds a cornucopia of food for the player to farm and cook.
Spice of Life adds diminishing returns to food to encourage players to actually collect and prepare the food provided by Harvestcraft.
HungerOverhaul allows all crops to be harvested by right-clicking, allows health to regen as long as hunger is above 3 bars, halves the growth rate of crops without sun, and decreases the speed the hunger drops.
DeadlyWorld provides dangers scattered around the Overworld, not common but just enough to keep you on your toes while caving.
Though limited by the need to remain true to Minecraft's original aesthetics, RusticCraft includes several mods that appeal to tinkers. This limitation could prove to inspire builds that lie somewhere between the redstone contraptions of Vanilla and the automated systems of Tech mods.
ProjectRed provides advanced redstone wire and circuits that should allow even players inexperienced with redstone mechanics access to fun builds.
Railcraft hugely expands Minecraft's cart system with new tracks, signals, and trains.
Mariculture adds many machines and tools for processing materials and exploring the deep ocean.
Tinkers Construct adds Tinker's Tools which are indestructible, infinity repairable, and upgradable. Vanilla tools are unusable. Iguana's Tinker Tweaks is used to disable the ability to add modifiers to tools. Instead, modifiers are added semi-randomly as players use their tools. This creates an effect somewhat like the Vanilla Enchanting system, where really good tools are hard to come by and treasured when they are.
Thaumcraft adds magical blocks and items to be researches, constructed, and used.
Witchery adds nature themed magic that fits very well with Minecraft thematically.
ProjectRed provides advanced redstone wire and circuits that should allow even players inexperienced with redstone mechanics access to fun builds.
Railcraft hugely expands Minecraft's cart system with new tracks, signals, and trains.
Mariculture adds many machines and tools for processing materials and exploring the deep ocean.
Tinkers Construct adds Tinker's Tools which are indestructible, infinity repairable, and upgradable. Vanilla tools are unusable. Iguana's Tinker Tweaks is used to disable the ability to add modifiers to tools. Instead, modifiers are added semi-randomly as players use their tools. This creates an effect somewhat like the Vanilla Enchanting system, where really good tools are hard to come by and treasured when they are.
Thaumcraft adds magical blocks and items to be researches, constructed, and used.
Witchery adds nature themed magic that fits very well with Minecraft thematically.
RusticCraft is not a Tech modpack. There is no automated Mining and no jetpacks. For the most part, things must be done manually. Clever people may create automated contraptions using redstone and pistons, but in the nature of these things building then will probably take more time then they save.
RusticCraft is not a Hardcore Survival modpack. Though it contains many of the same mods that a Hardcore Survival pack would, in this pack they are configured to help the player just as much as they hinder them. The challenges in this mod may kill you, but then they'll help you back to you feet and dust you off.
Gameplay Info:RusticCraft is not a Hardcore Survival modpack. Though it contains many of the same mods that a Hardcore Survival pack would, in this pack they are configured to help the player just as much as they hinder them. The challenges in this mod may kill you, but then they'll help you back to you feet and dust you off.
Vanilla Tools can not be used. Tools from Tinker's Construct must be used instead. Tinker's Tools are indestructible and do not despawn. They can be repaired in any crafting window, and parts can be replaced in a Tool Station as long as the Tool is fully repaired. Flint is a good starting material, check the tooltip of stencils for other options.
Iguana's Tinker Tweaks is configured to remove the ability to add modifiers. Tool Modifiers are added semi-randomly as a Tool is used. Using Tools in certain ways increases the odds of certain modifiers being added, up to 50%.
DeadlyWorlds adds dangerous surprises to caves. Don't rage-quit if you fall victim to an unfair death. An OpenBlocks grave will be waiting for you where you died.
Harvestcraft foods are not found in grass. Instead, they are now found in Gardens of various types. Breaking these gardens gives you several food items which can be planted instead of seeds. Gardens spread slowly over time, so leave some behind.
Spice of Life takes effect after you've eaten 24 food items. Make that time count and build a farm. Save inventory space by crafting a Lunch Bag or Lunch Box to hold your food.
Hardcore Ender Expansion has a menu that can be accessed by pressing the P key.
Mod List:Iguana's Tinker Tweaks is configured to remove the ability to add modifiers. Tool Modifiers are added semi-randomly as a Tool is used. Using Tools in certain ways increases the odds of certain modifiers being added, up to 50%.
DeadlyWorlds adds dangerous surprises to caves. Don't rage-quit if you fall victim to an unfair death. An OpenBlocks grave will be waiting for you where you died.
Harvestcraft foods are not found in grass. Instead, they are now found in Gardens of various types. Breaking these gardens gives you several food items which can be planted instead of seeds. Gardens spread slowly over time, so leave some behind.
Spice of Life takes effect after you've eaten 24 food items. Make that time count and build a farm. Save inventory space by crafting a Lunch Bag or Lunch Box to hold your food.
Hardcore Ender Expansion has a menu that can be accessed by pressing the P key.
- Antique Atlas by Hunternif
- AppleCore by squeek502
- Applied Energistics by AlgorithX2
- ArmorStatusHUD by bspkrs
- Artifice by Shukaro
- AsieLib by asie
- Baubles by Azanor
- Better Storage by copygirl
- BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
- Biomes O' Plenty by TDWP_FTW, Adubbz
- bspkrsCore by bspkrs
- Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
- CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
- CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
- CoFH Core by CoFH team
- CookieCore by ephys
- Craft Heraldry by Vazkii
- Deadly World by FatherToast
- Enchiridion by joshie
- EnderStorage by Chickenbones
- Extra Utilities by RWTema
- FastLeafDecay by Olafski
- Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
- Garden Stuff by Jaquadro
- Gravestone Mod by NightKosh
- Growthcraft by Gwafu
- HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil
- Hopper Ducts Mod by FyberOptic
- Hunger Overhaul by iguana_man
- Iguana Tweaks for Tinker's Construct by boni, iguana_man
- INpure Core by denoflionsx
- Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
- JABBA by ProfMobius
- Malisis Core by Ordinastie
- Malisis Doors by Ordinastie
- Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
- Mariculture by joshie
- MineTweaker by StanH
- ModTweaker by joshie
- Morpheus by quetzi
- MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod by Mr_Crayfish
- Natura by mDiyo
- NEI Plugins by mistaqur
- Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
- OpenBlocks by Mikeemoo
- OpenModsLib by Mikeemoo
- Hardcore Ender Expansion by chylex
- Project Red by MrTJP, Chickenbones
- Railcraft by CovertJaguar
- StatusEffectHUD by bspkrs
- Storage Drawers by jaquadro
- Thaumcraft by Azanor
- ThaumicNEI by austinv11
- The Spice of Life by squeek502
- TiC Tooltips by squeek502
- Tinker's Construct by boni, mDiyo
- Tinkers Steelworks by Toops, Ephys
- Twilight Forest by Benimatic
- Waila by ProfMobius
- Waila Harvestability by squeek502
- Witchery by Emoniph
-Obsidian mining level
-Added ThaumicNEI
-Fixed Forge Multipart crash
-Forge 1230
Updated all mods
Fixed Mariculture + Hunger Overhaul crash
Updated to Forge 1226
-Spice of Life
-Twilight Forest
-Hunger Overhaul
-Biomes 'o Plenty
-Bibliowoods BoP
-Removed NoOreFurnace script (broke Autosmelt)
-Set Smeltery Ore to Ingot rate to 2.
-Disabled Cotton
-Disabled Barley
Server Files fixed
-Carpenter's Blocks
-NEI Plugins
Iguana TiC Tweaks:
-Disabled Material Speed override (bugged again)
-Server actually actually works.
-Tinker's Steelworks
-Made Metal Nuggets/Ingots/Blocks all convert to Tinker's Metals
Tinkers/Iguana Tweaks:
-Updated both
-Enabled Material Speed override
-Server actually works
-Disabled Tinkers Copper Gen
-Enabled Mariculture Copper Gen
-Disabled Mariculture Bauxite Gen
-Minecraft Loader (severe FPS lag)
-Added Wood as valid handguard material
-Removed Stone as valid handguard material
Spice of Life:
-Disabled spawning with the Food Diary (server crash)
-Disabled random worldgen graves
-Hardcore Ender Expansion
-Gravestone Mod
-Storage Drawers
-Bibliowoods BoP
-Artifice 1.1.4-294 --> 1.1.4-296
-Baubles -->
-Bibliocraft 1.7.5 -- 1.8.1
-Carpenter's Blocks 3.2.7 --> 3.2.8
-Railcraft -->
-Waila 1.5.3a --> 1.5.4a
Spice of Life:
-Disabled "food history length based of hunger restored"
-Food History Length is now 12 foods, no matter the quality.
-Disabled Food History being wiped on death.
-Doubled New Player Threachold to 24.
Iguana Tinker's Tweaks:
-Disabled Paper Toolparts
-Disabled Thaumium Toolparts
-Raised max level by one.
-Stone toolparts are no longer usable
-Disabled Flint recipe/Restored flint drops
-Disabled EnderLilies
-Disabled Peaceful Table
-Disabled Destruction Pickaxe
-Disabled Erosion Shovel
-Disabled Etheric Sword
-MineTweaker'ed away Golems Branch
-MineTweaker'ed away Thaumostatic Harness
-Antique Atlas
-Bibliowoods Natura
-Biomes 'o Plenty
-Iguana Tweaks
-0,0 is always Temperate climate
-Disabled Angel Ring
-Changed research difficulty to Hard
Tinker's Construct:
-Disabled Ore Doubling.
-Removed Ore recipies from furnace.
-set disableStoneTools=false because flint sword is not a thing.
-Lowered Marble/Basalt/Limestone generation to prevent black/brown bloches in certain rocky biomes.
-Roughly halved generation of all traps.
-Obsidian mining level
-Added ThaumicNEI
-Fixed Forge Multipart crash
-Forge 1230
Updated all mods
Fixed Mariculture + Hunger Overhaul crash
Updated to Forge 1226
-Spice of Life
-Twilight Forest
-Hunger Overhaul
-Biomes 'o Plenty
-Bibliowoods BoP
-Removed NoOreFurnace script (broke Autosmelt)
-Set Smeltery Ore to Ingot rate to 2.
-Disabled Cotton
-Disabled Barley
Server Files fixed
-Carpenter's Blocks
-NEI Plugins
Iguana TiC Tweaks:
-Disabled Material Speed override (bugged again)
-Server actually actually works.
-Tinker's Steelworks
-Made Metal Nuggets/Ingots/Blocks all convert to Tinker's Metals
Tinkers/Iguana Tweaks:
-Updated both
-Enabled Material Speed override
-Server actually works
-Disabled Tinkers Copper Gen
-Enabled Mariculture Copper Gen
-Disabled Mariculture Bauxite Gen
-Minecraft Loader (severe FPS lag)
-Added Wood as valid handguard material
-Removed Stone as valid handguard material
Spice of Life:
-Disabled spawning with the Food Diary (server crash)
-Disabled random worldgen graves
-Hardcore Ender Expansion
-Gravestone Mod
-Storage Drawers
-Bibliowoods BoP
-Artifice 1.1.4-294 --> 1.1.4-296
-Baubles -->
-Bibliocraft 1.7.5 -- 1.8.1
-Carpenter's Blocks 3.2.7 --> 3.2.8
-Railcraft -->
-Waila 1.5.3a --> 1.5.4a
Spice of Life:
-Disabled "food history length based of hunger restored"
-Food History Length is now 12 foods, no matter the quality.
-Disabled Food History being wiped on death.
-Doubled New Player Threachold to 24.
Iguana Tinker's Tweaks:
-Disabled Paper Toolparts
-Disabled Thaumium Toolparts
-Raised max level by one.
-Stone toolparts are no longer usable
-Disabled Flint recipe/Restored flint drops
-Disabled EnderLilies
-Disabled Peaceful Table
-Disabled Destruction Pickaxe
-Disabled Erosion Shovel
-Disabled Etheric Sword
-MineTweaker'ed away Golems Branch
-MineTweaker'ed away Thaumostatic Harness
-Antique Atlas
-Bibliowoods Natura
-Biomes 'o Plenty
-Iguana Tweaks
-0,0 is always Temperate climate
-Disabled Angel Ring
-Changed research difficulty to Hard
Tinker's Construct:
-Disabled Ore Doubling.
-Removed Ore recipies from furnace.
-set disableStoneTools=false because flint sword is not a thing.
-Lowered Marble/Basalt/Limestone generation to prevent black/brown bloches in certain rocky biomes.
-Roughly halved generation of all traps.
Tinkers/Iguana Tweaks:
-Non-Tinker's Tools are not functional except for tools with special functions such as those added by Thaumcraft.
-Harvestlevel module disabled.
-No free modifiers. Random modifiers from leveling up is all you get.
-Repair modifier is disabled. Oh no, you actually have to spend tiny amounts of metal to repair your tools.
Extra Utilities:-Harvestlevel module disabled.
-No free modifiers. Random modifiers from leveling up is all you get.
-Repair modifier is disabled. Oh no, you actually have to spend tiny amounts of metal to repair your tools.
-Disabled Ender Quarry
-Disabled EnderThermic Pump
-Disabled x8 and x16 generators
-Disabled EnderLilies
-Disabled Peaceful Table
-Disabled Destruction Pickaxe
-Disabled Erosion Shovel
-Disabled Etheric Sword
Deadly World:-Disabled EnderThermic Pump
-Disabled x8 and x16 generators
-Disabled EnderLilies
-Disabled Peaceful Table
-Disabled Destruction Pickaxe
-Disabled Erosion Shovel
-Disabled Etheric Sword
-Generation for all traps etc are lowered to about 50% default.
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