PACK CREATED BY: PTnoobCREW (http://noobmc.com)
Please give us feedback if you play the pack, as we would love to hear from you. Please keep in mind the pack is still in BETA and may change slightly in the future. The pack will be updated when changes are necessary. The core mods to the pack are stable and run well together. RUN DIG HIDE is currently in sandbox mode and allows you to shape the game how you want to play it. We have tested single player and multiplier servers with the pack.
Updated to Version 1.4 (02/25/15)
With our latest changes, the newest version of the pack is now 1.4. You can see the list of changes below in the change log. Version 1.4 should be more stable and smooth than version 1.3.1 Let us know if you have any problems.
Added FastCraft Support (02/25/15)
This mod pack makes use of the FastCraft mod (created by Player) that improves the client and server performance significantly without any game play changes. For more info on FastCraft, visit this link - http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...ements-and-now-allowing-redistribution.62316/
RDH is based on survival in a post apocalyptic world. You have survived a recent storm of meteors impacting with earth and although you found suitable shelter, you have barely survived. The supplies you have with you are almost gone and most of the world as you once knew it are now gone and burned away in the surface fires that were caused upon impact. The intense heat changed the landscape around you.
You will start the world inside a bunker and you must find enough supplies in order to survive. If lack of general supplies isn't bad enough, you also have to deal with environmental issues such as Temperature, Hydration, Air Quality and Sanity.
You will need to run, dig and hide your way past various obstacles in order to gather supplies and find a way to survive. But that is not all …
What makes RUN DIG HIDE Hard / Different?
- Mobs Spawn during the Day / They don’t care about sunlight
- Enviromine requires you to keep an eye on Temperature - Hydration - Air Quality and Sanity - certain biomes affect temperature, most surface water is either toxic or dirty. You can cook the water in a furnace to help clean it.
- The world generation requires you to travel in order to survive (lack of water and food)
- Some mobs have a higher level of intelligence than standard mobs and will horde together
- Certain mobs may spawn with special abilities (Infernal)
- Rewards are out there, but come with some risk. Other bunkers (ruins) exist all around the map but are littered with traps and spawners
- Survivors chests can be found scattered around the map. Let us just say at this point they are no longer surviving. But their tools and supplies could be useful
- Grass does exist on the map and can be found.
Standard Mods
- Better Furnaces 4.1.2
- Better Title Screen 1.1
- Bibliocraft 1.9.2
- Carpenters Blocks 3.3.4
- Chisel 1.5.7
- DeadlyWorld 1.0.2
- DefaultWorld Generator 1-b9
- Dimensional Anchors 59.0.2
- Dungeonpack 1.0
- Elemental Creepers 4.2.4
- Ender Storage
- Enviromine 1.3.72
- Extra Utilities 1.1.0k
- Fastcraft 1.1.19
- Infernal Mobs 1.7.10
- Inventory Tweaks 1.59-dev-153
- Iron Chest
- Jabba 1.1.4
- Level Up Mod 1.7.10
- Lucky Blocks (Custom Config) 5-1-0
- Magic Crops 1.7.10_4.0.0.11b
- MobProperties 0.3.4
- NetherOres 2.3.0RC4-4
- New Dungeons 1.7.10
- Not Enough Items
- Pam’s Harvestcraft 1.7.10a
- Project Red
- Project Red Lighting
- Ruins 1.7.10 - 12/29/14
- SGS Treasure Mod 1.7.10 - 2.1.1
- Simple Achievements 1.1.0-15
- Sophisticated Wolfs 1.7.10
- Special AI 1.1.0
- SpecialMobs 3.0.2
- Starting Inventory Mod R03
- Tinkers Construct 1.6.0build293
- Tinkers Steelworks 1.0.6
- The Last of Us Mod 1.7.10
- Transport Terminal Mod 1.7.10
- Veinminer
- Waila 1.5.7a
- Waila Harvestability 1.7.x-1.1.1
- Wasteland Mod 1.3.4
- Wawla 1.0.9_1.7.10
- Xeno’s Reliquary 1.2.137
- Zombie Awareness 1.9.6
- Applied Energistics 2 rv2 - beta3
- BuildCraft 6.2.6
- Ender IO
- Extra Cells 2 2.2.20 B39
- MineFactoryReloaded 2.8.0RC5-694
- Openblocks 1.3-snapshot-433
- Solar Flux 0.4c
- Thermal Expansion 4.0.0.b8-23
- Thermal Foundation 1.0.0 RC1-13
- Armor Status HUD 1.27
- CustomMainMenu 1.0
- Damage Indicators 3.2.0
- InGameInfo XML
- ResourceLoader 1.0
- Status Effect HUD 1.26
- Journey Map 5.0.0 RC6 Unlimited
- Morpheus 1.5.26
- bspkrsCore 6.15
- CodeChickenCore
- CoFHCore 3.0.0B-40
- Cookiecore 1.3.0
- CoroUtil 1.1.2
- Forge API
- Immibis-Core 59.0.5
- JNBT (Wasteland Mod) 1.7.10
- LibSandstone (Xeno's)1.0.0
- LunatriusCore
- Malisiscore 0.9.3
- Mantle 1.7.10-0.3.1
- NEI Addons
- NEI Plugins
- OpenModsLib 1.7.10-0.6-snapshot-224
- ProjectRedBase
- ProjectRedLighting
- VersionCheckerMod 1.7.10
Change Logs
v 1.4 BETA (02/25/15)
v 1.2 BETA (01/08/15)
- Added FastCraft 1.1.19 (add description to description)
- Bibliocraft 1.9.2 (open)
- AE2 is updated to rv2b8
- Better Furnaces updated to 4.3
- Chisel 2 updated to 2.3.5
- EnderIO updated to
- Enviromine updated to 1.3.101
- Buildcraft updated to 6.3.6
- Carpenter Blocks updated to 3.3.5
- OpenBlocks on latest snapshot 1.7.10-1.3-snapshot-562
- OpenModsLib on latests snapshot 1.7.10-0.6-snapshot-312
- ProjectRed Base / Lighting updated to the latest build (
- Reliquary updated to the latest build 1.2.257
- Transport Terminals updated to 1.0c
- ttCore updated to 0.1.66
- Waila updated to 1.5.9
- Waila Harvestablity updated to 1.1.2 (compatibility fixes)
- Wawla updated to 1.1.1 (bug fixes / support changes)
- Added Ender Zoo had been added (Open Perms)
- Added ChocolateQuest 1.7.10-Beta2 (Open Perms)
- Removed Encheridion
- Removed SGS Treasure
- Removed New Dungeons
- Removed Morpheus
- AE2 updated to the new rv2b7 (bug fixes)
- BuildCraft updated to 6.3.1 (bug fixes)
- Chisel 1 was upgraded for Chisel 2-2.2.1 (multi color blocks etc.)
- CodeChickenCore updated to
- EnderStorage upgraded to (bug fixes)
- EnderStorage upgraded to (bug fixes)
- EnderIO updated to (lots of bug fixes)
- Enviromine updated to 1.3.82 (Nether fixed / GUI fixed / etc.)
- ExtraCells updated to
- Extra Utilities updated to 1.2.1 (RF APIs / Etheric sword used up when soul is crafted, etc)
- InGameInfoXL updated to
- Inventory Tweaks updated to 15.8.147 (ore dictionary fixes and more)
- Iron Chest updated to
- Jabba updated to 1.2.0a
- JNBT library updated to 1.1 (required by Wastelands)
- Lunatris Core and updated to
- Magical crops updated to beta 13a (spawn crash bug is fixed)
- Mantle updated to 0.3.2 (library required by Tinker’s Construct)
- NotEnoughItems updated to
- Openblocks changed to the latests snapshot
- OpenModsLib updated (required by openblocks)
- Pam’s HarvestCraft updated to 1.7.10f (bug fixes)
- Ruins updated to 1.47 (major config changes)
- SolarFlux updated to 0.5a (API fixes)
- Sophisticated Wolves updated to 3.2.0
- Special Mobs updated to 3.0.3 (fixed major crash with spawn entity)
- TiCTooltips for Tinker’s updated to 1.2.1 (bug fixes)
- Tinker’s Construct updated to 1.8.2a (100s of bug fixes… huge update)
- Waila updated to 1.5.8a
- Wasteland updated to 1.4.4
- Wawla updated to 1.1.0 (performance updates / dev module is gone)
v 1.2 BETA (01/08/15)
- Some configs updated, FTB fix.
- Removed Better Title Screen Mod
- Add CustomMainMenu Mod Version 1.0
- Add ResourceLoader Mod Version 1.0
- Magical Crops updated to Version 4.0.0_BETA_12 (server fix unconfirmed)
- Dungeonpack Mod had been removed (90% of the mod is biome dependant)
- Wawla updated to v 1.0.9 (fixed the mechworks spam error)
- Carpenter’s Blocks updated to v 3.3.4 (bug fixes)
- Chisel updated to v 1.5.7 (new blocks / bug fixes)
- Starting Inventory Mod v R03 added for multiplayer reasons (bunker chest is empty)
- ArmorStatusHUD updated to v 1.28 (fixed tooltip msgs)
- InGameInfoXML updated to v (changed layout as well)
- Morpheus updated to v 1.5.26 (cant sleep but its a flag in the wasteland config file)
- Changed recipes for harvestcraft
- Ruins had been updated to the latest version
- Waila updated to v 1.5.7a
- Waila Harvestability updated to v 1.1.1
- bspkrsCore updated to v 6.15
- Xeno’s Reliquary updated to the v1.2 (latest version)
- LibSandstone library v 1.0.0 (required by Xeno)
- Thermal Expansion v 4.0.0.b8-23 had been added
- Thermal Foundation v 1.0.0 RC1-13 had been added
- Solar Flux v 0.4c had been added
- Enviromine updated to the v 1.3.72 (lots of bug fixes)
- AE2 updated to rv2-b3
- Multiple config changes
- Updated because of forge update in FTB Launcher. incorrect forge loaded
- BuildCraft updated to 6.2.6 fixed problem with enderIO
- Immibis Core updated to 59.0.5 required by BC
- Made changes to mob spawns to lower the numbers of the hordes.
- Magical crops are still crashing the server if mob spawns out of them (i.e. blaze, spider, creeper, etc.). Sent messages to Mark.
Do you have a bug, question or suggestion?
If you would like to report bugs, crash reports, offer suggestions or send us any questions please visit our official forum at http://noobmc.com/forum. You can also post replies to this thread and we will respond to them ASAP.
Twitter - You can also send a message to @ptnoobcrew on twitter.
Recommended Settings
- Min Memory Allocation Recommended 2048 MB
- I use Optifine which is not necessary but does make the pack run smoother on my machine
- If you get screen freezes/lag after playing for awhile, just restart the client and it should be fixed
- If you are encountering FPS issues, you can disable mobs and animals on the minimap. (Press J for Journeymap, then config button) or
- Lower your render distance to around 6 chunks for better FPS
- Even though part of the crew, this pack is not possible without Gawri (Coding)
- Fireball1725Dev (Default World Generator & Testing)
- Gimoe (Wasteland Mod Dev)
- AtomicStryker (Infernal Mobs and Ruins Mod Dev)
- Alpha Testing by Confoundit, Leavaris, Jmushy, Uniclad and Bubba.
This section will be filled with info as it become available. To submit a link to a photo / video you have recorded please send info or links to [email protected].
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