Mod Feedback [1.7.10] RFDrills - for all of your mining needs!

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Nice one!

Feel sorry every time I see or hear someone still using TiCo tools. :p
Glad to see someone finally copied the GraviSuite tools functionality to RF.

A somewhat must have however is the "Rightclick to place Torches" functionality however. Preferably from any inventory slot(not like TiCo where it needs to be next to the tool).
Don't say "someone still using TiCo tools." They're still useful!
These aren't so much better as they are different, which is exactly what makes them so great. Right now, TiCo weapons are better, and they have more controllable enchantability. On the other hand, these combine multiple tool slots.
I'm not saying one is better than the other; I'm saying they're best used together.

On the other hand, I have no qualms saying: "I feel sorry every time I see or hear someone using Redstone Arsenal tools." Those bug me because they're just vanilla, but electric power. Nothing unique.

The only thing this mod lacks from IC2/GraviSuite's functionality are a mining laser (gun drill is planned, so excited!) and actual armor (no definite answer).
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Don't say "someone still using TiCo tools." They're still useful!
These aren't so much better as they are different, which is exactly what makes them so great. Right now, TiCo weapons are better, and they have more controllable enchantability. On the other hand, these combine multiple tool slots.
I'm not saying one is better than the other; I'm saying they're best used together.

On the other hand, I have no qualms saying: "I feel sorry every time I see or hear someone using Redstone Arsenal tools." Those bug me because they're just vanilla, but electric power. Nothing unique.

The only thing this mod lacks from IC2/GraviSuite's functionality are a mining laser (gun drill is planned, so excited!) and actual armor (no definite answer).
Way to overact on a joke :p
I still use TiCo tools, but my GraviSuite tools are on permanent slots on my hotbar, TiCo tools are in my tool enderpouch >99.% of the time. And TiCo serves as a nice bridge between vanilla tools and "Endgame" tools. But tbh they don't have the functionalities to compare, I need 5-7 of them to compare and I cannot spare that much inventory/hotbar space when building.
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Way to overact on a joke :p
I still use TiCo tools, but my GraviSuite tools are on permanent slots on my hotbar, TiCo tools are in my tool enderpouch >99.% of the time. And TiCo serves as a nice bridge between vanilla tools and "Endgame" tools. But tbh they don't have the functionalities to compare, I need 5-7 of them to compare and I cannot spare that much inventory/hotbar space when building.
Ah. I overreact easily (really). :P
That's what makes the TiCo tools good, though: these drills are all-purpose, while TiCo tools are precision. It's actually pretty cool. :)
A somewhat must have however is the "Rightclick to place Torches" functionality however. Preferably from any inventory slot(not like TiCo where it needs to be next to the tool).

Any slot as in you choose the slot via a keybind? I really don't like keybindings and shift+right click is already taken up by mining modes.

Besides, TorchTools are a thing:
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Here's a cute idea... right click to consume a glowstone dust to place a light source level 15. Or maybe consume one glowstone dust to give ten uses of a light source, consuming RF to place them. That way you aren't just spamming torches, it is fairly balanced because you are consuming glowstone to provide light sources, and it makes sense within the context of the mod.
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Any slot as in you choose the slot via a keybind? I really don't like keybindings and shift+right click is already taken up by mining modes.

Besides, TorchTools are a thing:
No, any slot as in it will automatically detect if there are torches(of any kind, the TiCo? ones with stone rods work too. OreDict maybe?) in the inventory(hotbar or normal inventory) and place them if you rightclick on anything with the drill. Really handy when branchmining/clearing out space as you don't have to constantly have to swap back and forth to place torches.
No, any slot as in it will automatically detect if there are torches(of any kind, the TiCo? ones with stone rods work too. OreDict maybe?) in the inventory(hotbar or normal inventory) and place them if you rightclick on anything with the drill. Really handy when branchmining/clearing out space as you don't have to constantly have to swap back and forth to place torches.
OK, that is a better way to do it. I'm pretty sure torches aren't oredicted, but I might make a config option to say what item id counts as a torch, and have TiCon torches in there by default.

Here's a cute idea... right click to consume a glowstone dust to place a light source level 15. Or maybe consume one glowstone dust to give ten uses of a light source, consuming RF to place them. That way you aren't just spamming torches, it is fairly balanced because you are consuming glowstone to provide light sources, and it makes sense within the context of the mod.
It is a decent idea, but IMO it would probably fit better for a seperate tool and not a drill. So I think I'll probably go for the torches in hotbar idea instead.
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It is possible, but I'm not exactly sure if I want to implement that. Also, how would I call it?
Kinda have to agree. If the mod is based on mechanical mining/digging/sawing, I am having a hard time figuring out how you would realistically implement a tool that would saw wood as well as dig earth. The mechanical challenges are just so incompatible. Like in RL the worst thing you could ever do to a chainsaw/disksaw/whatever is to get it near dirt/sand/gravel.
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It is possible, but I'm not exactly sure if I want to implement that. Also, how would I call it?
Maybe it could be like a sharpened mechanical spade, that cuts trees "like a woodpecker" if you understand what I mean.
Call it a mechanical woodpecker, or a digging woodpecker, or a woodpicking shovel, a cutting shovel, sharp shovel, a wooddigger. That's what I can think of for now.
Sorry for the lack of updates, guys. School is ending soon, so I have quite a bit of non-Minecraft work to do. Hopefully I'll be able to make more updates in summer.

Anyways, here's a quick update:
1.3.1 changelog said:
  • [ADDED] Tooltips explaining what can this tool mine (e.g. "Works as a pick and a shovel")
  • [ADDED] "Shears: on/off" tooltip for chainsaws
  • [CHANGED] Unbreaking enchantement now reduces RF usage (uses the Vanilla formula: energy usage = 100% / (unbreaking level + 1)
  • [CHANGED] "Energy per block" tooltip now displays energy usage according to the mining mode and enchantements
You should be able to get it here in a few minutes.
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Sorry for the lack of updates, guys. School is ending soon, so I have quite a bit of non-Minecraft work to do. Hopefully I'll be able to make more updates in summer.

Anyways, here's a quick update:

You should be able to get it here in a few minutes.
Yay! You updated the mod BEFORE I updated my pack! :D
And I totally understand about school ending. You an' me both, man. :)
So, RF drill based quarry somehow?

I'm sort of thinking of a block that accepts power and an RF based tool, and then uses the tool (left click or right click, configurable) and charges the tool from the power it's given.

Put the chainsaw in it on damage mode and let it kill the mobfarm.

Put the drill in it and let it drill anything placed before it.

Silk touch enchant one of them and put it at the end of the ice farm to break the ice.
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Just released a quick little update. It's taking forever to get approved on Curseforge, though.
1.4.1 changelog said:
  • [CHANGED] CoFHCore is now required! Delete the CoFHLib .jar file and replace it with CoFHCore to launch the mod!
  • [CHANGED] Switching mining modes is now done using the CoFH "Empower" and "Cycle modes" keys instead of sneak+right-click
  • [FIXED] Tools not being able to mine while they were recharging
  • [FIXED] Waila tooltips being all kinds of wrong

Hopefully all the bugs are out of the way and I can start working on the EnderIO crushers in the future.
Aaand another update.
1.4.2 changelog said:
  • Fixed drills mining a lot slower than usual when not empowered
  • Changed Leadstone tool textures to be more... ThermalExpansiony?
  • Updated Portuguese (Brazil) localization (thanks MrKunji!)
Also, now I'm not using the [ADDED] and [CHANGED] tags for my changelogs. Yaay!

Now, here's my plans for the nearest future:
I'll try to implement compatibility with Dynious' VersionChecker. Mostly because I'm tired of posting changelogs to many places at once. :p
Speaking of changelogs, I will no longer update the changelog in the main post. If you really want to see the changes, you can use Curseforge.
Looks cool, I like the icons too but I think they need a little less color saturation. Its good to see the Tinkers Construct monopoly on RF- powered tools finally be ended. Although TiCo will always have a place in my pack because of all that can be done with the liquid metals and a little minetweaking. Also glad to hear that you've implemented a 5x5 radius because otherwise Id be hard pressed to replace my Ichorium pickaxe. And personally, I'd be disappointed if the recipes for the higher end ones werent so complicated and tedious as to pretty much require an AE autocrafting setup. Theres only a few things in Minecraft worth working for and the ultimate mining tool is one of them. Regardless, Im going to add it to my pack today.
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Looks cool, I like the icons too but I think they need a little less color saturation. Its good to see the Tinkers Construct monopoly on RF- powered tools finally be ended. Although TiCo will always have a place in my pack because of all that can be done with the liquid metals and a little minetweaking. Also glad to hear that you've implemented a 5x5 radius because otherwise Id be hard pressed to replace my Ichorium pickaxe. And personally, I'd be disappointed if the recipes for the higher end ones werent so complicated and tedious as to pretty much require an AE autocrafting setup. Theres only a few things in Minecraft worth working for and the ultimate mining tool is one of them. Regardless, Im going to add it to my pack today.
Thanks for the feedback!
About icons: I used to draw pixel art for Terraria, and that's probably why my textures can be too saturated for Minecraft. I'm not planning on changing them though.
About the ultimate recipe: it can be a big pain if you're trying to make it from scratch, because each tool requires a lower-tier tool in order to be crafted (sorta like Simply Jetpacks). However, if you progress with the mod from the beggining of the tech tree properly, most recipes won't be nearly as hard.

A bit off-topic: the VersionChecker integration is done! Get the update here:
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1.5 is done!
1.5 changelog said:
  • Added the Dark Soularium Crusher for EnderIO! Unlike it's Flux counterpart, you have to upgrade it to unlock its true potential.
  • Changed config value names to be more user-friendly. Delete the old config file to see the changes!
  • Changed a lot of recipes, mainly the Crushers.
  • Retextured motors and some lower-tier drills.
  • Fixed some Flux-Infused Crusher tooltips.
Also, hopefully VersionChecker will work and let you update the mod in-game.
Note: I'm not adding my own Dark Soularium, I'm using the Simply Jetpacks items. If you don't have SJ installed the recipes will be a bit different.
The next update won't be all that big and (hopefully) won't take that long to make either: I'm going to add an RF hoe+sickle tool. It won't have all the different tiers, because let's be honest: why would anybody ever make an Enderium Hoe?