[1.7.10] Remain In Motion - Block-moving mod

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Theres tower (i think this is the name of the block taken out from the inside of the block to make it hollow) panel? Thats could work fine.
Thanks for the tip, I'll see if it's what I need when I get back home.

The problem is how to combine having a collision box to walk on, and having room for all the stuff I'd want to put in it (tubes down the middle and panels on the sides). I might be able to have the part unilaterally accept panels and covers despite their complaints of collision boxes full, but if not I'd have to resort to checking the stack trace and returning a solid hitbox only to the player's collision detection.
Thanks for the tip, I'll see if it's what I need when I get back home.

The problem is how to combine having a collision box to walk on, and having room for all the stuff I'd want to put in it (tubes down the middle and panels on the sides). I might be able to have the part unilaterally accept panels and covers despite their complaints of collision boxes full, but if not I'd have to resort to checking the stack trace and returning a solid hitbox only to the player's collision detection.

Falling into it when theres nothing on it sounds like a feature.
Falling into it when theres nothing on it sounds like a feature.
I don't like that idea - it strikes me as counterintuitive that what looks like a solid wood thing can be fallen through. If you want I'd be happy to make it a config setting you can turn on, but changes to the FMP carriage aren't my top priority with my 1.7 release so buggy.
Hi all,

The mod Redstone in Motion is one of my favourites since it allows moving blocks, and expands the possibilities of Minecraft vastly. Unfortunately, the original developer, JAKJ, seems to be inactive (well, he hasn't logged in to the Technic forums since January). I think the mod is too good to let die, so I am continuing to maintain and expand it.



Carriage frameworks are the base item for crafting carriage blocks.


The screwdriver is the tool used to manipulate carriages and carriage drives. It does not take damage when it is used, so it will last forever. It is used for opening and closing the sides of carriages, and for turning on and off the continuous mode of carriage drives.

You can open/close the carriage side opposite the one you are actually using the screwdriver on, if you are sneaking while you use the screwdriver. This is useful when you place a carriage against another block, and can't get to that side to use the screwdriver on it.


Frame carriages act just like the Redpower frames used to: They will connect to any block that is directly touching one of their sides, and nothing else. This allows for precise control of exactly what is picked up and moved.

To prevent a frame carriage from trying to pick up blocks on a particular side, use the screwdriver to close that side.


Platform carriages act like frame carriages, except they pick up not only what is directly touching them, but also anything that is touching those blocks, and anything touching those blocks, et cetera, until it reaches empty air (or it finds more than 5000 blocks to move, which is its maximum, to prevent trying accidentally to move an entire continent).

To prevent a platform carriage from trying to pick up blocks directly or indirectly connected to a particular side, use the screwdriver to close that side.


Structure carriages are rather special: If you place them in a cuboid wireframe (eight corners and twelve edges) around anything, they will pick up the entire structure inside that cuboid region and move it. Effectively, this lets you move your entire house elsewhere.

For the structure carriage to function properly, all sides of all carriage blocks must be closed except for the sides touching other structure carriages. To make this easier, using the screwdriver on the side of a structure carriage will properly configure the sides of the structure carriages in a straight line out from the one you used the screwdriver on. That means you need to use the screwdriver only twelve times to configure a structure carriage.

Image gallery of how to configure a structure carriage: http://imgur.com/a/jFySc


Support carriages are also a bit special: They can be only one layer thick, and they can all have only one side open at a time which for the entire support carriage must all be the same side. In the direction of the open sides, the support carriage will support the entire structure it finds, all the way out to air (just like a platform carriage), except it is limited to the spaces in a straight line from any support carriage. This means if it's against a wall, it won't try to pick up that wall, even if blocks on the support carriage are touching that wall.

Using the screwdriver will change which side is the open side, but they must be done one-at-a-time.

Image gallery of examples of support carriages: http://imgur.com/a/xHEeh


Template carriages are another special type of carriage: These let you lay out a block-by-block pattern with surgical precision, and thereafter will move those block positions (relative to itself), and only those block positions, never connecting to anything you don't intend to move.

Place down template carriages in the shape you want to have blocks move, and place down a template carriage to serve as the anchor for future movement. (The entire assemblage must be contiguous to be recognized.) Use the screwdriver on the anchor block, and it will absorb all the other contiguous template carriages into itself, and its sides will close (showing its decoration if you have applied any). Now, just move the patterned template carriage block with any carriage drive, and watch the magic happen.

If you break a patterned template carriage, it will lose its pattern, so all patterns must be assembled in-place; The only safe way to move a patterened template carriage is via a carriage drive.

Image galleries of how to configure and use a template carriage: http://imgur.com/a/nV970 http://imgur.com/a/ygZH1


Carriages of any type can be decorated/disguised to look like other blocks without otherwise affecting their function, in order to make carriages look prettier. Only closed sides of carriages will display with their decoration; Open sides will continue to use the normal texture for that carriage type.


Any block of any kind (including blocks from any mod) can be used in this recipe, as long as the block doesn't rely on special rendering or embedded information for its appearance. Note that this recipe will work even for blocks that don't make any sense, such as torches, so be sure to experiment with your desired decoration before throwing away an entire stack of it.

If you wish to change the decoration, just put it back in the crafting grid with the new decoration: You do not need to remove the decoration first.


Decorations are removed simply by putting the decorated carriage block on its own in any crafting grid.


Carriage motors are like the old Redpower frame engines, except they don't require any sort of fuel. Apply a direct redstone signal to the motor in any direction, and it will grab the entire carriage structure (determined by which type of carriage block was used) and move it one block in the direction opposite the direction of the redstone signal. So, if you want to move a carriage up, apply a signal from below, and if you want to move a carriage north, apply a signal from the south.

Carriage motors cannot handle more than one signal at a time, nor more than one frame at a time: Only one signal and one carriage may be touching any of the six sides of the motor in order for it to activate.

Movement takes one full second at normal speed: If you are experiencing lag of any kind (local or remote), it will take longer. During motion, all nearby entities (such as players, animals, monsters, ender crystals, minecarts, and loose items dropped on the ground) will be locked to the carriage and move along with it. If the chunk unloads and is reloaded, if the world is closed and reopened, or if the server shuts down and reboots, the entities will no longer be carried by the carriage, so you should not have something like a mobile chicken farm with an engine in continuous mode and no supervision. You can change which types of entities are grabbed by editing the config file.

In normal mode, the motor will move the carriage one block, then wait for the redstone signal to be removed and reapplied. In continuous mode, the motor will keep moving the carriage block-by-block for as long as it is able, without any pause between, as long as the redstone signal is being steadily applied.

Carriage motors cannot push carriages away from them or pull them towards themselves: Motors can move carriages only parallel to the side of the motor to which they are attached.


Carriage engines are exactly like carriage motors, except they can move in all six directions, and they move with the carriage instead of staying put.

Be careful! If you are standing on a carriage with a carriage engine in continuous mode, and you activate that engine, you will not be able to escape the carriage's grasp and you will not be able to stop the carriage's motion until it reaches the top of the sky or hits an obstruction. If you close the world and reopen it, or you log off the server and log back on, you will be free of the carriage's motion. You can also try to disable the continuous mode of the carriage's drive in-between motions; By default, you have 1/4 of one second of delay between motions in which to act.

Carriage engines make it super-easy to create airborne contraptions, like the famous UFO of Direwolf20. You can have more than one engine to make it easier (so you aren't trying to signal all six sides of an engine alternately): Try having one engine for N/S/E/W movement, and one for U/D, or whatever configuration suits you best. Remember: Continuous mode is dangerous while standing on engine-driven carriages!


Carriage controllers are a modified form of carriage engine/motor that interface with the ComputerCraft mod via its peripheral API instead of responding to redstone signalling. (If you do not have the ComputerCraft mod installed, these will simply not be available.)

Controllers expose one command to ComputerCraft: "move". It has three parameters: Which direction to move the carriage, whether to actually perform the motion or to just simulate it, and whether or not to move the controller along with the carriage (meaning whether or not the controller is anchored). (Simulating the movement lets you check whether a movement is possible without changing anything.) Examples:


For directions, 0 is down, 1 is up, 2 is north (-Z), 3 is south (+Z), 4 is west (-X), and 5 is east (+X). For the simulation flag, true is simulate (don't actually move anything) and false is don't simulate (actually move the carriage). For the anchoring flag, true is the controller will stay where it is, and false is move the controller with the carriage. If the command is not issued with correct syntax, or if the carriage is somehow obstructed or malformed, an error will be printed; If the carriage is not configured properly, the return code will be "false" and a plain-English error message; If the carriage is obstructed, the return code will be "false", a plain-English error message, and the X/Y/Z coordinates of the obstruction; Otherwise, the return code will be "true".

If you want wireless control of the carriage, you will need to connect a computer with wireless support to the carriage controller and interface with the network in that way: The carriage controller does not natively interact with the network, acting only as a peripheral. In addition, if the controller is instructed to move with the carriage, the computer will not be able to command it again without also being moved, so in that case, the computer would need to be connected to the carriage (and have an appropriate "startup" program that will re-connect with the controller).

Translocators: These teleport carriages. Place two with the same label in the world, and connect a carriage. Craft with up to 8 dyes to change the label, and/or a comparator to label it with your username. Apply a redstone signal to the translocator with the carriage to teleport the carriage. Teleportation moves the carriage from the translocator it is next to to a matching-labelled carriage that has space for it.

New in RemIM:

Hollow carriages: These are basically frame carriages that are ForgeMultipart parts. You can run FMP tubes down the middle, just like in the good old days of RedPower. Craft them with 8 carriages on the edges of the crafting grid.

Transduplicators: These function like translocators, except they copy blocks instead of moving them. Great for repetitive builds, especially where microblocks or machinery is involved. They're creative-only, for obvious reasons.

Hardcore mode: Requires RF energy to move. There are a few config properties that can let you balance this.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/nx48d9udpfpln/RemainInMotion
Source code: https://github.com/planetguy32/RemainInMotion

Modpack policy: Go ahead; have fun!
I'm wondering if the Computercraft lua programming would be the same as the old mod that did this (forgot its name lol)(Its the one with redstone motors)
I'm wondering if the Computercraft lua programming would be the same as the old mod that did this (forgot its name lol)(Its the one with redstone motors)
You mean Redstone in Motion? RemIM is a continuation of it, so yes, the CC Lua API should be compatible.
What this mod really needs is some 16x textures. Its a fantastic piece of work regardless. Eventually I am going to build a moving auto miner and Its very nice to have a less complicated alternative to the MFFS solution all the cool kids are using these days to move stuff around.
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What this mod really needs is some 16x textures. Its a fantastic piece of work regardless. Eventually I am going to build a moving auto miner and Its very nice to have a less complicated alternative to the MFFS solution all the cool kids are using these days to move stuff around.
There are 16x textures available through a config property.
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We're getting closer to a 1.7 release being ready. The new 1.7 build is for 1.7.10, and fixes many of the bugs that plagued earlier versions of the 1.7 port. Only support and frame carriages are currently functional. Other than that, there are no known major bugs, and I'll work on fixing the other types of carriage.
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The port's in good enough shape that I'm willing to call it stable, as of v2.0.2. Change: FMP carriages don't have a collision box - they used to be glitchy and a nuisance. Now, use a microblock to get a hitbox.
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The carrige controller works with open computers? I think that uses the same api as computer craft, not sure.
The CC integration is broken ATM. I've built some code to make CC integration extremely simple, but I haven't figured out how to neatly get Gradle to include it on the build path. Native OC integration is harder, due to the nature of OC, but it should be pretty easy with an adapter block.
New version! Better still, new features! v2.1.0 adds:
  • Support for many mods' wrenches, including Buildcraft, IC2, ProjectRed, UE, and Railcraft. Did I miss some you use? Tell me, it's dead simple to add more!
  • Support for closing sides of carriage motors/engines/etc. Sneak-clicking them will close the side, after which they will not search for a carriage in that direction.
  • Carriage adaptors. These function like carriage drives, except instead of requiring redstone or a computer signal, they pick up adjacent carriages when they are moved by RemIM. (Their sides can be closed, like other drives'.)
  • A texture for transduplicators.
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You have a little issue with project red illuminar buttons. They don't reset after being moved.and the game crashes if the blocks are being moved whitout the button. As far as i looked into it, it might has something to do with fmp.

And the carrige become carrige spectre afterwards.

Good job you are compatible with big reactors. it has no problems with being moved around.


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New version, 2.1.3, is now up! This one fixes structures getting stuck if the server exits while they're moving. It'll even fix existing stuck things. A bunch of functionality has been separated out into a library, which can be found in the folder on Mediafire. (Yes, you may use it in modpacks.)

You have a little issue with project red illuminar buttons. They don't reset after being moved.and the game crashes if the blocks are being moved whitout the button. As far as i looked into it, it might has something to do with fmp.

And the carrige become carrige spectre afterwards.

Good job you are compatible with big reactors. it has no problems with being moved around.
It looks like PR added a null check there - try updating it.
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Just discovered this mod, looks awesome!
But...if i make an airship
i want to sit on it
Bibliocraft seats are not...simple...enough
Archimedes' Ships:D
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Archimedes ships makes this mod useless soooooo
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Archimedes ships makes this mod useless soooooo
( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)