Hello Landstryder,
I wanted to thank you for putting together this pack, i think you are doing a very good job and i am enjoying playing it! I have found some bugs, the first was already mentioned the "exotic" quest would not register the mutagen but it registers the other items (i had to use the creative book to complete it). The second "bug" is that you can chisel a vanilla chest into ender chest or trapped chests, when put in a disassembler the ender chest does not take into account the ender pearl, so it just processes 8x Obsidian but allows you to turn wood into obsidian (not really that much of an advantage since you have obsidian everywhere), the trap chest however disassembles into cellulose and iron, not game breaking but i just wanted to make you aware about it.
I would also like to make a suggestion; why not add a quest involving the cave dimension?
Well thanks again Landstryder.