[1.7.10] Post Finem (after the end) [Tech][HQM][Hardcore] version 1.1.0

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I know it wouldn't follow the lore very well, but are there any servers that run this pack?
Out of the first three gun quest, what one do you guys think is the best? I noticed the AB-25(I think it was) has 4 slot for upgrades like the Sniper, but There doesn't seem to be any.

Landstryder: Do you think you could add away to break down mob armor, (Lapis, Osmium, etc)? When repaired that is.

Also, I searched to see if this was asked and didn't find anything. How come other guns in Flan's Mod are not craftable? I could be missing something, and know that there are other really cool addon packs for it. I just figured that if it was listed in NEI they would be craftable. I did read that you disabled vehicles because of crash issues, and you said there will be something in the future.

Sorry for so many question's. Great pack nonetheless! This is my second playthrough so far I decided to start over after the new update that added the worldgen. That is cool by the way, and very dangerous.lol I'm looking foreword to seeing what you have in store for this pack. More Dangers, Quest's, etc. Thanks again!!
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Landstryder, I was wondering if the updated versions of Thermal Expansion, Dynamics, etc will be in the next version? I don't know if you have seen whats been added, but here are the highlights. These are awsome!! I wonder if The Flux Chiller will help with heat exhaustion.

-FluiVac - moves fluids around!
Dual-mode tool, requires RF to operate. Can pull fluids from the world and store them in
tanks that you are carrying. Alternatively, can empty said tanks into the world. Never
use a bucket again!

-Flux Chiller - like the Flux Igniter, except cold. Makes snow, ice, obsidian.

-Flux Transfuser - moves RF around!
Dual-mode tool. Can extract RF from devices in the world and store them in chargable
items that you are carrying. Alternatively, can charge blocks placed in the world. Not
a proper substitute for Fluxducts, but it can work in a pinch.
KK so i downloaded Post Finem off of Curse today been playing a few hours everything goes great until the game start crashing repeatedly moving items from my inventory to the Chemical Synthesis Machine. Items will start disappearing if you try to remove them from the machine and crash if you try to put anything in it. I thought the first time could be just bad luck so i restarted it happened again and has repeated this 3 more times of starting over. Can anyone help with this or offer any advice as i mentioned I have restarted a few times and it happens every time im unsure of how to post a crash report here since this is my first time here on forums i tried inserting it in a spoiler but it kicked a character limit error
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Can someone explain what the -Y setting is about in the Turrets? I have set them up several times, but can't figure out what that is for. My current Turrets are on top of my base roof, so do I need to lower/raise that number for it to track mobs better?
Can someone explain what the -Y setting is about in the Turrets? I have set them up several times, but can't figure out what that is for. My current Turrets are on top of my base roof, so do I need to lower/raise that number for it to track mobs better?
According to a youtube video I watched, it controls how much above and below the turret that it will fire at targets. So, if you set it to 0 then it will only shoot mobs at the same level as the turret. Set to 1 to shoot anything 1 block below to 1 block above the turret, and so on.
I know it wouldn't follow the lore very well, but are there any servers that run this pack?
Once I get the next update out I'll be working on a server version that will allow for teams. It will have a different spawn structure and in that structure you will select what team you wan to join. Each team will have a starter base stocked with some essentials to get started. Just don't ask for an ETA :P

Out of the first three gun quest, what one do you guys think is the best? I noticed the AB-25(I think it was) has 4 slot for upgrades like the Sniper, but There doesn't seem to be any.

Landstryder: Do you think you could add away to break down mob armor, (Lapis, Osmium, etc)? When repaired that is.

Also, I searched to see if this was asked and didn't find anything. How come other guns in Flan's Mod are not craftable? I could be missing something, and know that there are other really cool addon packs for it. I just figured that if it was listed in NEI they would be craftable. I did read that you disabled vehicles because of crash issues, and you said there will be something in the future.

Sorry for so many question's. Great pack nonetheless! This is my second playthrough so far I decided to start over after the new update that added the worldgen. That is cool by the way, and very dangerous.lol I'm looking foreword to seeing what you have in store for this pack. More Dangers, Quest's, etc. Thanks again!!
The whole Flans thing was only added so I could have laser guns. If I was making the pack from start again I'd most likely use other mods that have come out since then. However all the guns are craftable using the Flans gun crafting table for now. Flans is a odd mod in that sense that it has many packages you can load with it, I just picked one that had some good futuristic guns and it came with a load of other guns and vehicles. Most of the other guns in the package have crap models, but the 4 that I feature in the quest book stand out. What I'd like to do is strip all the unused parts out and re-write those 4 and there modifications, maybe someday... If it's not too crashy there might be some vehicles used in the server download, no promises.

I think there is a way to break down those armors, but involves the open computer disassembler, but I've never tested how it works so I could be wrong. Adding the recipes to minechem could be a possibility in the future.

I'm going to attempt to update all the mods to the latest and greatest next update, but some may not be able to.. I have to make sure they remain compatible with modtweaker and do break the tech progression I've established too much or even just break the pack outright. I'm looking at your Forestry....

KK so i downloaded Post Finem off of Curse today been playing a few hours everything goes great until the game start crashing repeatedly moving items from my inventory to the Chemical Synthesis Machine. Items will start disappearing if you try to remove them from the machine and crash if you try to put anything in it. I thought the first time could be just bad luck so i restarted it happened again and has repeated this 3 more times of starting over. Can anyone help with this or offer any advice as i mentioned I have restarted a few times and it happens every time im unsure of how to post a crash report here since this is my first time here on forums i tried inserting it in a spoiler but it kicked a character limit error
This bug has popped up a few times, even happened to me once. Just break and replace the machine and that should clear the issue.

Can someone explain what the -Y setting is about in the Turrets? I have set them up several times, but can't figure out what that is for. My current Turrets are on top of my base roof, so do I need to lower/raise that number for it to track mobs better?
I believe that is has something to do with where it scans for targets.
This bug has popped up a few times, even happened to me once. Just break and replace the machine and that should clear the issue.

Results in a game restart since the machine resets its power after you break it and place it back down since you have no way to produce power yet.Even after you figure this out and try to correct it by skipping ahead and rushing a power supply you haft to sit there and keep switching the GUI for the power supply off and on to slowly seep power into the machine so when it does glitch youll still have power left in the supply to seep more power into it to continue progressing if you manage to make it to a power supply it just turns into a annoyance but before then its game breaking. Add that to the chemical decomposer having a hit and miss on getting anything out of the items you put into it makes for a rough start.I deleted the version Post Finem i got from Curse launcher and im trying the one from FTB launcher which seems to be a lil better so far as far as the Sythensis machine goes
Once I get the next update out I'll be working on a server version that will allow for teams. It will have a different spawn structure and in that structure you will select what team you wan to join. Each team will have a starter base stocked with some essentials to get started. Just don't ask for an ETA :p

The whole Flans thing was only added so I could have laser guns. If I was making the pack from start again I'd most likely use other mods that have come out since then. However all the guns are craftable using the Flans gun crafting table for now. Flans is a odd mod in that sense that it has many packages you can load with it, I just picked one that had some good futuristic guns and it came with a load of other guns and vehicles. Most of the other guns in the package have crap models, but the 4 that I feature in the quest book stand out. What I'd like to do is strip all the unused parts out and re-write those 4 and there modifications, maybe someday... If it's not too crashy there might be some vehicles used in the server download, no promises.

I think there is a way to break down those armors, but involves the open computer disassembler, but I've never tested how it works so I could be wrong. Adding the recipes to minechem could be a possibility in the future.

I'm going to attempt to update all the mods to the latest and greatest next update, but some may not be able to.. I have to make sure they remain compatible with modtweaker and do break the tech progression I've established too much or even just break the pack outright. I'm looking at your Forestry....

This bug has popped up a few times, even happened to me once. Just break and replace the machine and that should clear the issue.

I believe that is has something to do with where it scans for targets.

Thanks, I would like to add that I went ahead and updated the Thermal Expansion mods and the only issue(SO far) is I had to update Forge.

As for other great mods that could replace Flans, why would it be a big problem to dump it in favor for these other weapon mods you speak of? I know you would have to change a few quest, etc, but I wouldn't have an issue if you did that if you think there are better weapon mods out there. I understand your busy, and it wouldn't be a quick thing, and if you let me know what mods you were looking at, I would be happy to test them out in place of Flans. If not, that's ok. Thanks again,
Landstryder, you sir are evil!!:P The stuff need for a safari net is evil. lol Why are ender pearls so hard to get:( I am just trying to find one to put in a soul vile, but out of 40+ nights I have yet to see/capture one.
Landstryder, you sir are evil!!:p The stuff need for a safari net is evil. lol Why are ender pearls so hard to get:( I am just trying to find one to put in a soul vile, but out of 40+ nights I have yet to see/capture one.
I find safari nets relatively often when looking blaze nests. Might be a faster alternative =P
I find safari nets relatively often when looking blaze nests. Might be a faster alternative =P

I should have said the reusable ones.lol Unless you have found them also? I have found a few of the single use ones. I just spent a few hours trying to make a mob room for the 2 blaze spawners I grabbed with cardboard box's, but gave up and now its just an empty room.lol The spawners kept falling until I made an ugly brace for them, but after crafting the Ender IO attractor obelisk that didn't work out how I was hoping it would, so I just stripped the room. I was going to go the old faithful rout with the MFR Spawner/Grinder, However that will be awhile.
Mega Rubber Tree's are Awesome!! I finally got a Harvester made, and set it up to chop that poppy down. I will give anyone that does the same a HUGE heads up. Don't stand under it while it's coming down.lol It rains logs from the heavens and they hurt:)
How are you guys handling Radioactive chemicals? I have tried to pipe it straight to a lead chest, but since it degrades while in the decomposer it seems to just fill up the lead chest in uneven stacks.

Last(Well until the next time:p) Can the synthesizer be automated? I have hooked a pipe to all side, but can't seem to pull the target item out.

I feel Like I'm the only person on here, and it's kind of lonely:( I was wondering if anyone make the Poly Tool from Minechem? I remember a bit about it from Material Energy, but other than just making it and adding chems to it that's it. Is is worth it, and what is good to add to it.
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How are you guys handling Radioactive chemicals? I have tried to pipe it straight to a lead chest, but since it degrades while in the decomposer it seems to just fill up the lead chest in uneven stacks.

Last(Well until the next time:p) Can the synthesizer be automated? I have hooked a pipe to all side, but can't seem to pull the target item out.

I feel Like I'm the only person on here, and it's kind of lonely:( I was wondering if anyone make the Poly Tool from Minechem? I remember a bit about it from Material Energy, but other than just making it and adding chems to it that's it. Is is worth it, and what is good to add to it.

I have not really dealt with radioactive chems too much yet. I try to leave the materials intact until I need them. Another alternative is to craft them into stable materials such as enderpearls or yellorium ingots.

I know the loneliness! I hold myself back from posting too often :p

I have no clue about the Poly Tool. Also curious to know though!
Landstryder, you sir are evil!!:p The stuff need for a safari net is evil. lol Why are ender pearls so hard to get:( I am just trying to find one to put in a soul vile, but out of 40+ nights I have yet to see/capture one.
There is a special ritual that you can use to summon an enderman. Place 2 black wool in a column, put an enderman head on the top (they are craftable) then right click the wool with a vibrant alloy. You alloy will be used up and an enderman will appear (be careful not to scare it away, best to preform the ritual out of the sunlight).

FYI, the Chunk Loader can not be crafted due to the recipe requiring "Capacitor Bank (Deprecated)" which can not be crafted.
Ok, thanks for the heads up I'll fix that in the next update.

Mega Rubber Tree's are Awesome!! I finally got a Harvester made, and set it up to chop that poppy down. I will give anyone that does the same a HUGE heads up. Don't stand under it while it's coming down.lol It rains logs from the heavens and they hurt:)

How are you guys handling Radioactive chemicals? I have tried to pipe it straight to a lead chest, but since it degrades while in the decomposer it seems to just fill up the lead chest in uneven stacks.

Last(Well until the next time:p) Can the synthesizer be automated? I have hooked a pipe to all side, but can't seem to pull the target item out.

I feel Like I'm the only person on here, and it's kind of lonely:( I was wondering if anyone make the Poly Tool from Minechem? I remember a bit about it from Material Energy, but other than just making it and adding chems to it that's it. Is is worth it, and what is good to add to it.
You should be able to pull the produce from the bottom.
I just use the radioactives to craft items and store them that way, keep the small amount of left overs in a chest. Automating them is neigh impossible.
Poly Tool can be fun with all the crazy effects you can add to it (often they are just as dangerous to you as the thing your attacking ;))

Results in a game restart since the machine resets its power after you break it and place it back down since you have no way to produce power yet.Even after you figure this out and try to correct it by skipping ahead and rushing a power supply you haft to sit there and keep switching the GUI for the power supply off and on to slowly seep power into the machine so when it does glitch youll still have power left in the supply to seep more power into it to continue progressing if you manage to make it to a power supply it just turns into a annoyance but before then its game breaking. Add that to the chemical decomposer having a hit and miss on getting anything out of the items you put into it makes for a rough start.I deleted the version Post Finem i got from Curse launcher and im trying the one from FTB launcher which seems to be a lil better so far as far as the Sythensis machine goes
Yea, I know this is a horrible bug, but I've not been able to pin down the cause or reproduce it at all. I think it's perfectly fine if this happens in your early game to just delete your energy cell and spawn in a fresh full one.
I have not really dealt with radioactive chems too much yet. I try to leave the materials intact until I need them. Another alternative is to craft them into stable materials such as enderpearls or yellorium ingots.

I know the loneliness! I hold myself back from posting too often :p

I have no clue about the Poly Tool. Also curious to know though!

I with you on not wanting to keep posting, and try to figure out stuff on my own, but there are some things that are just not well documented, or out of date. Also I wouldn't think it is a big deal if we are all being civil and talking about the pack/helping each other as we can:)

What I know about the Poly Tool is you can add chems to it that do different things.. That's the easy part, but I can find out if there's a limit, or if adding different chems stack and allow multi benefits. Just like Landstryder said there are some that can harm yourself to if not careful. AOE type chems.

Something I found interesting is there is a mod that was added to another pack that I play that added AE2 support for Project E mod to allow crafting with EMC. I wonder why there isn't anything like that for Minechem? or better yet, there should be Lead lined AE storage cells:P wink, wink for the radioactive chems. Wait, do they degrade in an ME system?
We should have resource crops enabled for Agricraft.lol I didn't even know that was a thing with that mod. It seems like a great thing for this pack, you would just need recipes for the block versions of ores. The way I understand it is you have to place the ore under the plant for it to grow/mutate the resource in question. Just thinking out loud.
How are you guys handling Radioactive chemicals? I have tried to pipe it straight to a lead chest, but since it degrades while in the decomposer it seems to just fill up the lead chest in uneven stacks.

Last(Well until the next time:p) Can the synthesizer be automated? I have hooked a pipe to all side, but can't seem to pull the target item out.

I feel Like I'm the only person on here, and it's kind of lonely:( I was wondering if anyone make the Poly Tool from Minechem? I remember a bit about it from Material Energy, but other than just making it and adding chems to it that's it. Is is worth it, and what is good to add to it.
For radioactive chemicals, I have a conduit pulling out of the bottom of the decomposer set to only extract with a redstone signal and a lever next to it to turn on and off extraction. Then when I want einsteinium and such, i turn the lever off so nothing is extracted and the radioactive materials will keep stacking regardless of when they are created, as long as you don't pick them up at all. When I'm done decomposing that batch, I turn on the lever so that they go to one of my leaded chests for storage. No multiple tiny little stacks filling up the leaded chests. Just don't wander off and forget that radioactive materials are in the decomposer because they will still be degrading...

Edit: Just had a thought, if you can make steve's factory manager blocks, you should be able to use that to pull out materials only when there are specific stack sizes. You would still have to worry about left over partial stacks, so still not fully automated unless you can figure out some conditions to pull out left over stacks.
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