[1.7.10] Post Finem (after the end) [Tech][HQM][Hardcore] version 1.1.0

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hey, just started playing this pack today. loving it (and hating those f-ing unholy ghasts, by far the most annoying mob ive seen in a while (they're most def keepers though, keeps you on your toes!))

anyways, my client is crashing on trying to move/use a certain piece of cooked meat ingot. if i try to move it from my hotbar the client crashes. i can shift click it to a chest or the chem decomposer (now its gone :) w/o crashing.
it was rotting, and had no nutrition value left since i'd eaten too many of them. dont know if thats related to the crashing or not, but wanted to give a detailed report, not just "it crashed!" ;)
FTB is still running 0.2.0 though, so this may already be fixed. dont know. here's the crash report anyways.

so far, so good otherwise!
Just wait until you run into the silverfish. The ghasts are nothing compared to them.
just noticed a mistype in the quest book:
chapter 5: extra lives; "mechs": "Even those these things look..."
pretty sure it should be "Even though these things look..."
you could also make it, "Although they look like walking human skeletons, they're really left over ..."
also, in "The creeps" (same chapter), you mention "insects could survive...". As part of the next sentence you could something about extra legs too, ie: "You never expected them to grow to this size, or extra legs! Exterminate ..."
The chargepad quest still doesn't work, I believe this has been mentioned to be fixed in 0.1.3 but its still broken, even with a completely empty energy tablet. Can you fix it soon please? I love your modpack!
hey, just started playing this pack today. loving it (and hating those f-ing unholy ghasts, by far the most annoying mob ive seen in a while (they're most def keepers though, keeps you on your toes!))

anyways, my client is crashing on trying to move/use a certain piece of cooked meat ingot. if i try to move it from my hotbar the client crashes. i can shift click it to a chest or the chem decomposer (now its gone :) w/o crashing.
it was rotting, and had no nutrition value left since i'd eaten too many of them. dont know if thats related to the crashing or not, but wanted to give a detailed report, not just "it crashed!" ;)
FTB is still running 0.2.0 though, so this may already be fixed. dont know. here's the crash report anyways.

so far, so good otherwise!
Is that by any chance the meat that was in the pod safe? It might be because of some bad NBT data, I've noticed that when the pod spawns that meat is -6/7 days meaning that because I spawned it and put it in the safe on the 6th day of the world that I build the pod in, the NBT data has it's creation date in the future when the world starts. Not sure how I can fix that other than trying to erase it's NBT tag from the pod.zip

Thanks for the proof reading, I'll get that stuff corrected next update.

The chargepad quest still doesn't work, I believe this has been mentioned to be fixed in 0.1.3 but its still broken, even with a completely empty energy tablet. Can you fix it soon please? I love your modpack!
No Problem, I'll take another look at it, hopefully fixed next update.
Just a note, for the metallurgic infuser quest, there are 2 crafting recipes, but only one will fulfill the quest. Can you remove the other recipe since its redundant?
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Just wait until you run into the silverfish. The ghasts are nothing compared to them.
Hey, the silverfish aren't terrible.
Just carry a bucket of lava, a decent sword, and some blocks, and you'll be fine :)
Besides: There really isn't a ton of need to do tons of mining (the netherrack clumps don't even have silverfish, anyways), whereas the ghasts are always ready for whenever you step outside...
Yup, I think I've pretty much finished the pack. Big reactor, a (semi-)functional AE network, and quite a few turrets to shoot down those incredibly irritating unholy ghasts.

To anyone reading this and wondering whether they should try out this pack, do so. It's fun, it's not insanely difficult to start off, and there remains new stuff to do for pretty much the entire pack. Definitely a fun experience.


I saw in one of your recent stream videos that you mentioned you don't have many/any structures to spawn in yet. I can do my best to make something; I was thinking some sort of missile silo.
In the case that I do make something, I have a couple questions:
Can the structures be spawned partly underground, or would it be an above-ground thing?
Size restrictions?
Any preferences as to how difficult it is to "clear?"
For loot, should I just put down the chests and let you set the contents yourself?
Use of bedrock to prevent players from breaking through certain walls or accessing certain things: yes or no?
Is there a way to get special mobs mob spawners?
How do you want the structure submitted? Would a link to a world download via google drive be acceptable?
Hey, the silverfish aren't terrible.
Just carry a bucket of lava, a decent sword, and some blocks, and you'll be fine :)
Besides: There really isn't a ton of need to do tons of mining (the netherrack clumps don't even have silverfish, anyways), whereas the ghasts are always ready for whenever you step outside...
Yup, I think I've pretty much finished the pack. Big reactor, a (semi-)functional AE network, and quite a few turrets to shoot down those incredibly irritating unholy ghasts.

To anyone reading this and wondering whether they should try out this pack, do so. It's fun, it's not insanely difficult to start off, and there remains new stuff to do for pretty much the entire pack. Definitely a fun experience.


I saw in one of your recent stream videos that you mentioned you don't have many/any structures to spawn in yet. I can do my best to make something; I was thinking some sort of missile silo.
In the case that I do make something, I have a couple questions:
Can the structures be spawned partly underground, or would it be an above-ground thing?
Size restrictions?
Any preferences as to how difficult it is to "clear?"
For loot, should I just put down the chests and let you set the contents yourself?
Use of bedrock to prevent players from breaking through certain walls or accessing certain things: yes or no?
Is there a way to get special mobs mob spawners?
How do you want the structure submitted? Would a link to a world download via google drive be acceptable?
It would be super awesome if you made a structure! There is not a real limit on size but for a single dungeon structure I'd limit it to no more than 5x5 chunks. Yes is can be spawned partially under ground (any level and integrated into the landscape). Yes you can get special mob spawners (have to look up exactly how but I know you can in creative somehow). Take a look at the tools offered from the Recurrent Complex mod, it offers many world edit like functions and contains all the special blocks that need to be included to have it spawn, including treasure selectors that you can put in chests. There is also ways to make named mobs and bosses and include those in the spawn. It's even possible to make a procedurally generated maze so that the the dungeon can be different every time it's encountered. As far as difficulty, the sky is the limit, but it should start out easy and get harder and hard as you progress. I don't think having bedrock in them is a good idea, maybe there is another block (like the HQM quest barrier) that would work for that.

Really I need to do a mod spotlight on Recurrent Complex and a tutorial, the mod is insanely powerful for pack makers.
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Would love to play this with my Fiance but there doesn't seem to be a server download. Tried putting one together but it didn't seem to work, were you going to make one?
Would love to play this with my Fiance but there doesn't seem to be a server download. Tried putting one together but it didn't seem to work, were you going to make one?
Yes I am planing to do a server download for the pack, I have been waiting till it I felt it was beta status which it is very close right now. I know some others have made a server of of the pack, I think it's just a matter of removing a few of the client only mods, specifically inventory tweaks and not sure what else till I get to doing it.
Ok, the dungeon thing that I'm putting together is coming along pretty well. I'm typically not a great builder, but right now I'm happy with what I've made. It's nowhere close to being complete, but here's some in-progress screenhots.


The compound as a whole, so far.


The entry area into the control building, complete with metal detector.


The main "office." Zombie spawners in each of the four corners, and the water dispenser is fully functional (having 10009 uses).


The missile. There's some stuff inside (TNT in the nose, a bit of AE stuff... Kind of representing how an actual nuclear bomb works). Blaze spawners & pyrotheum at the bottom.

-The hole in the ground in which the missile is is going to have the walls of the hole converted into several different floors for techy stuff.
-Smallish Big Reactor, to keep the various turrets powered.

I really need to figure out a way to make sure people can't just dig through a wall (or jump onto the nose of the missile) to skip a big chunk of the dungeon. Maybe just spread out a bunch of railgun turrets, so that people trying to go the wrong way get killed by the turrets.
Ok, the dungeon thing that I'm putting together is coming along pretty well. I'm typically not a great builder, but right now I'm happy with what I've made. It's nowhere close to being complete, but here's some in-progress screenhots.


The compound as a whole, so far.


The entry area into the control building, complete with metal detector.


The main "office." Zombie spawners in each of the four corners, and the water dispenser is fully functional (having 10009 uses).


The missile. There's some stuff inside (TNT in the nose, a bit of AE stuff... Kind of representing how an actual nuclear bomb works). Blaze spawners & pyrotheum at the bottom.

-The hole in the ground in which the missile is is going to have the walls of the hole converted into several different floors for techy stuff.
-Smallish Big Reactor, to keep the various turrets powered.

I really need to figure out a way to make sure people can't just dig through a wall (or jump onto the nose of the missile) to skip a big chunk of the dungeon. Maybe just spread out a bunch of railgun turrets, so that people trying to go the wrong way get killed by the turrets.
Looking good!
I really need to figure out a way to make sure people can't just dig through a wall (or jump onto the nose of the missile) to skip a big chunk of the dungeon.
Dont missile silos usually have closed roofs with clamshell doors? You might not actually have functional doors, but after all, it is a dungeon isn't it? As for tunneling through the walls, consider making them out of bedrock. This also has the added benefit of looking like the original inhabitants of the missile base had made provisions to be protected from the rocket blast when the missile launched.
Dont missile silos usually have closed roofs with clamshell doors? You might not actually have functional doors, but after all, it is a dungeon isn't it? As for tunneling through the walls, consider making them out of bedrock. This also has the added benefit of looking like the original inhabitants of the missile base had made provisions to be protected from the rocket blast when the missile launched.

I added a roof over the missile ( which also has the side effect of making it dark inside!). At first glance one may think it is made of iron blocks (because iron blocks look good as the roof); if you try to mine them out, however, you will discover that they're just painted conduit facades :)

I think that you're right: that the only way to achieve what I want to achieve is with bedrock (alas, no thaumcraft focus of warding), probably covered with some panels to make things look prettier. At this point, the bedrock use looks like reinforcement against the heat of the rocket taking off. I think that people tunneling through walls vertically is a bit of a non-issue, as they'd then be missing a chunk of loot, and additionally would be in a more vulnerable position than if they went down the ladders.

If Landstryder wants, I could set up some command blocks so that, after the player beats the dungeon, the bedrock is replaced with obsidian.

Loot-wise, I think it is going to be less chest-based, and more strip-the-blocks-for-the-parts. There are a bunch of OpenComputers screens and keyboards, mainly as decor, but personally I don't think that they are particularly game- breaking. Pretty deep in, there will be a bit of AE2 stuff, reactor parts, and probably a couple resonant-tier machines.

I kind of wish we had extra utilities, just for the cursed earth. As-is, I'm just going to have to make do with a bunch of spawners. That's fine, though.

Tyrian is a wonderful techy-looking block.
Personally, I would add a screen outside the silo entrance that says "T - 10" and when the entrance is opened, it starts a countdown giving them 10 minutes (or less because everything is supposed to be old after all) to loot the rocket before it explodes in the silo. If they steal the screen before they see the countdown start, that's their problem. They should have been more careful gathering loot. Just to give them a partial heads-up, if you want, several similar traps could be spread through the dungeon as a lesson in caution.

Too bad that the siren mod isn't part of this pack, i would say to use it instead of the screen.
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Personally, I would add a screen outside the silo entrance that says "T - 10" and when the entrance is opened, it starts a countdown giving them 10 minutes (or less because everything is supposed to be old after all) to loot the rocket before it explodes in the silo. If they steal the screen before they see the countdown start, that's their problem. They should have been more careful gathering loot. Just to give them a partial heads-up, if you want, several similar traps could be spread through the dungeon as a lesson in caution.

Too bad that the siren mod isn't part of this pack, i would say to use it instead of the screen.

That is an amazing idea. Blow up the Mekanism TNT stuff in the nose, use some block placers to set off some of those gases (nether plasma, anyone?)... Yeessssssss. (Of course, getting to the rocket in time would allow them to shut off the countdown.)
Does anyone have ideas for what I could include for interior design stuff, other than just screens, tables, and chairs?
That is an amazing idea. Blow up the Mekanism TNT stuff in the nose, use some block placers to set off some of those gases (nether plasma, anyone?)... Yeessssssss. (Of course, getting to the rocket in time would allow them to shut off the countdown.)
Does anyone have ideas for what I could include for interior design stuff, other than just screens, tables, and chairs?
Maybe a detainment area. Defiantly a cafeteria area with a freezer. Few bunks with some beds and storage. Armory maybe.

If there is an easy way to use bedrock then have it replaced afterward that sounds like a good idea then. I was thinking that using the HQM barriers was good but once the quest completes (presumably once they complete the dungeon) the barriers would just disappear completely.
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Just wanted to post to say, LOVE this pack. I can't stop playing this right now. :D Just a few notes from my play-through so far:

The good:
-Difficulty feels good. Took me 3 starts to get a grasp for how to best approach it. My 3rd start still wasn't perfect, but it was definitely good enough.
-Feels so much like Crash Landing, except different in almost every way. The starting difficulty probably isn't quite as severe, either.
-Enviromine isn't nearly as hard to deal with in this pack. I can drink directly from a 2x2 infinite water pool to quench my thirst.
-The environment is really interesting. I like the feel of being a settler on an alien world.
-Overall, the progression into tech has been pretty smooth. Right up until making a "flans" capacitor. It's almost like Crash Landing and PCBs all over again! At least these stack.
-Quest rewards are a good balance between giving you really useful items/supplies, without giving you everything you ever need.
-The quest reward selections are FANTASTIC! I love being given a choice between different helpful items, forcing me to choose one that suits my needs/style of play. LOVE IT.

The less than good: (more whiny than bad, really)
-The special ghasts are super annoying. The gun you start with is nearly useless against them. They spawn very often and are almost impossible to kill by hand.
-Getting early sand/silicon/glass was the most challenging, until I found some Diorite. That stuff was way better than decomposing stone for silicon. Needed sand/glass to get pulverizer/sag mill, wanted pulverizer/sag mill to make sand.
-Rain sucks. In my first few nights of playing, it rained through 2 days, so I had day-night-rain-night-day-night-rain-night. Ugh RNG sucks.
-Very nearly ran out of RF before getting a generator up and running. I'm very glad you didn't nerf Minechem RF costs like parcel did with Material Energy, but after moving my Minechem blocks a few times, I got DANGEROUSLY low on RF. I tried to only fill them a little at a time as needed to conserve, which is why I was surprised I got so low.

That's all I have for now. I'm only just getting where I need to dig down for better materials (netherrack, glowstone, etc) so still a ways to go, quest-wise. Can't wait!