[1.7.10] M.M.F Mod Pack - YouTube Let's Play and Mixture Themed Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Hello all!

I am proud to bring to you today a new mod pack that I will be using for a YouTube Let's Play soon, but also this pack offers something for everyone outside of that. I consider this a multipurpose pack with a real blend and mixture of mods for modding veterans and newcomers to modding who (like me) likes to have a lot to explore and discover.

The M.M.F pack for Minecraft 1.7.10 is built as an all purpose pack with something unique for everyone. Created initially for a YouTube Let's Play, this pack goes beyond that by appealing to many other people. I love to try all elements to the game Minecraft, but in terms of modifications I really like a lot of what is out there and want to try many different mods. Therefore when creating this pack I built it with four themes in mind, adventure, magic, technology and miscellaneous. I am sure that you will find something you like with many familiar mods available, but why not just like me try something new in this pack, you may just like it. With the four themes available, where will you begin?



This list of mods is by no means final, if you have any suggestions for mods they are most welcome, particularly if you think it would compliment something I already have in the pack. I am not an expert as far as choosing mods are concerned so all suggestions are welcome! :)

However do note that I am not going to be able to include everyone's suggestions, please don't take it to heart if I turn you down on an occasion, do know however I will look at every request before making a decision.



If you would like to play/test this pack then feel free to use the code above, if you find a problem please leave a message on this thread, or if it is a duplication/exploit in any way please direct message me on the forums and I will do my best to fix it or find a suitable workaround. I will be storing all reports in a spreadsheet which is shared below. You can then see what has been reported or marked as resolved for future updates. However any duplication or other exploits will remain private.​


If you load up this mod pack and experience performance problems such as slow chunk loading or just low FPS, give FastCraft a try. Simply download this mod and navigate to your installation directory. The easiest way to do this is to go onto the resource pack screen and tap "Open Resource Packs" folder. Then go up a step into the ".minecraft" folder and navigate to the "mods" folder. Then drag the FastCraft mod you downloaded into this directory and launch the pack, everything else is done for you!

Still having problems? It could also be worthwhile to try installing FPSPlus and Optifine with my pack, however note that support for crashes with either of these mods installed is limited. They can be installed by using the same method you used to install FastCraft.​


When starting a new mod pack you may be presented with books from some mods helping you get started. I opted to disable them to keep your inventory clean when starting this pack, but they all have a crafting recipe available. The list below shows the books, search for them in NEI to view there recipe.
  • Tinkers Construct
    • Materials and You: Volume One
    • Materials and You: Volume Two
    • Mighty Smelting
    • Tinkers' Weaponry
    • Diary of a Tinker
  • Reika's Mods
    • ReactorCraft Handbook
    • RotaryCraft Handbook
  • Witchery
    • Witchcraft (Series of six books)
    • Witches' Brews
  • MineFactory Reloaded
    • PRC Owner's Manual
  • OpenComputers
  • Factoriziation

Sometimes when playing a mod pack, or really any Minecraft game, you want a good seed to begin and can spend hours looking for one, this section is designed to show you a few of my favorites I found within testing. These feature some of my favorite biomes and have common resources close to the spawn point.


This pack has a very "open" development, I am open to all suggestions and will be checking the thread regularly for any feedback include mod additions and/or removals if required. Feedback is of the utmost importance to me to create a stable pack that we all can enjoy together. If I get lots of similar questions I may also compile an FAQ of questions as needed. Stay tuned to the thread as I will also provide updates, change-logs and news on this thread along with any extra feedback such as straw-polls and that type of thing.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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Aug 22, 2014
A place
Hello all!

I am proud to bring to you today a new mod pack that I will be using for a YouTube Let's Play soon, but also this pack offers something for everyone outside of that. I consider this a multipurpose pack with a real blend and mixture of mods for modding veterans and newcomers to modding who (like me) likes to have a lot to explore and discover.

Current Version: 0.1.1 - BETA

A more detailed description from the FTB Launcher:

You feel the winds change, a new beginning is on the horizon. A great journey lies ahead of you, many new modifications have graced the Minecraft world recently, its time for you to explore, learn and discover these new modifications.

The M.M.F pack for Minecraft 1.7.10 pack is built as an all purpose pack with something unique for everyone. Created initially for a YouTube Let's Play, this pack goes beyond that by appealing to many other people. I love all elements to the game Minecraft, but in terms of modifications I really like a lot of what is out there and want to try as many different mods as possible. Therefore when creating this pack I built it with four themes in mind, adventure, magic, technology and miscellaneous. I am sure that you will find something you like with many familiar mods available, but why not just like me try something new in this pack, you may just like it.

Pack Code:

When creating this pack I divided it up into four main themes, adventure, magic, tech, and miscellaneous.

Below is a list of mods:

Advanced Genetics
Applied Energistics
Ars Magica 2
Bibliowoods ExtraBiomesXL
Bibliowoods Forestry
Big Reactors
Binnie's Mods
Blood Magic
bspkrs Core
Chicken Chunks
CoFH Core
Ender Storage
Engineers Toolbox
Expanded Redstone
Extra Utilities
Forge Multipart
Galacticraft Core
Galacticraft Planets
Iguana's Tinker Tweaks
Immibis Core
Inventory Tweaks
Magic Bees
Mekanism Generators
Mekanism Tools
MineFactory Reloaded
Mobius Core
NEI Addons
NEI Plugins (unofficial 1.7 port)
Not Enough Items
Project Red Integration
Project Red Base
Project Red Compat
Project Red Lighting
Project Red Mechanical Beta
Project Red World
Random Things
Redstone Arsenal
Resonant Engine
Rougelike Dungeons
Simply Jetpacks
Steve's Carts 2
Thaumcraft 4
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects
Thaumic Energistics
Thaumic Exploration
Thaumic Tinkerer
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
Tinkers Contruct
Tinkers Mechworks
Twilight Forest
Universal Electricity
WAILA Harvestability

This list of mods is by no means final, if you have any suggestions for mods they are most welcome, particularly if you think it would compliment something I already have in the pack. I am not an expert as far as choosing mods are concerned so all suggestions are welcome! :)

As for plans into the future, I do not plan any sort of Quests feature for this particular mod pack, this is more focused on the individuals own imagination, I feel there is plenty to explore and do for a while. Along with this being a Let's Play pack, for myself I can find plenty to do. I am by no means an experienced modded player so I will be learning about a lot of these mods from scratch anyway.

This is still a beta release and I have much to do but the pack is fully functional after some testing, I have also bundled in a server pack for anyone who has the ability to test that if they so desire. The next step for now is to thoroughly test this pack, with specific regards to:

- locating duplicate crafting recipes
- causing the game to crash
- performance benchmarks
- any other bugs

If you would like to play/test this pack then feel free to use the code above, if you find a problem please leave a message on this thread, or if it is a duplication/exploit in any way please direct message me on the forums and I will do my best to fix it or find a suitable workaround. I will be storing all reports eventually in a spreadsheet which I hope to share with you so you can see what has been marked as resolved for future updates. However any duplication or other exploits will remain private.

To-do List:

- Disable certain biomes within ExtraBiomesXL config.
- Rewrite dimension numbers in configs to fix potential conflicts with Mystcraft.
- Add lots more information to the thread I may have missed
- Design signature banners etc. for the pack.
- Source feedback on mods and possibly remove a few if similar to others
- Boost performance

Furthermore this pack has a very "open" development, I am open to all suggestions and will be checking the thread regularly for any feedback include mod additions and/or removals if required. Feedback is of the utmost importance to me to create a stable pack that we all can enjoy together. If I get lots of similar questions I may also compile an FAQ of questions as needed. Stay tuned to the thread as I will also provide updates, change-logs and news on this thread along with any extra feedback such as straw-polls and that type of thing.

Thanks all!

Warp drive for more space :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, Been looking for new pack with Roatery craft. Looking at your pack now.

Will give you some feedback. after i play it and look.

However .. I would remove Ars Magica 2 ASAP... it is now A dead mod. Mithion posted the other day he will no longer work on it and their will be no more updates. He also will not pass it on to anyone. It is unfnished and buggy.


Thanks for the heads up, AM2 will probably be removed in the next update now I know this news, a real shame it has to be said, but I can see it causing trouble with other mods that update in the future, and if no-one is there to fix it, I would have to remove it then when people have built up AM2 in their worlds, so its best to do it now in Beta. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Warp drive for more space :)

Thanks, I'll take a look into Warp Drive, already looked it up on MCF and it seems interesting to me at first glance, so I will spend some further time looking at it. :) Do you know the permissions off hand for mod packs?

I will look at both of these, similarly to the post above with warp drive, they seem interesting at first glance, again do you know the permissions off hand too?


On a side note, I updated the main post with more information regarding suggestions. :) Thanks for the support and ideas so far all! <3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This too plz

Modular powersuits

Modpack Permissions
Yes, you may include this mod in your pack. I will not sign up on your website to give you express written permission. Just link to this page.

Official license is here: license.txt. To spare you the legalese: BSD license, do whatever you want with it, but don't sue me if it wrecks your stuff. I'd also prefer if you host it somewhere that you provide a donation link somewhere visible, but I don't require it.
Thanks for the heads up, AM2 will probably be removed in the next update now I know this news, a real shame it has to be said, but I can see it causing trouble with other mods that update in the future, and if no-one is there to fix it, I would have to remove it then when people have built up AM2 in their worlds, so its best to do it now in Beta. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, I'll take a look into Warp Drive, already looked it up on MCF and it seems interesting to me at first glance, so I will spend some further time looking at it. :) Do you know the permissions off hand for mod packs?

I will look at both of these, similarly to the post above with warp drive, they seem interesting at first glance, again do you know the permissions off hand too?


On a side note, I updated the main post with more information regarding suggestions. :) Thanks for the support and ideas so far all! <3

No restriction concerning modpacks. Feel free to use this mod in your modpacks!.

You're allowed to include PneumaticCraft in modpacks, provided that there's a link to this topic (or my website for that matter). Have fun![DOUBLEPOST=1414365736][/DOUBLEPOST]
EE3 is really WIP so if you want a more complete mod I would look into Project E
Project E / EE2 is Very overpowerd and game breaking. its A neat mod but makes most other mods pointless.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
EE3 is really WIP so if you want a more complete mod I would look into Project E

Thanks! I'll look into that :)

This too plz

Modular powersuits

Modpack Permissions
Yes, you may include this mod in your pack. I will not sign up on your website to give you express written permission. Just link to this page.

Official license is here: license.txt. To spare you the legalese: BSD license, do whatever you want with it, but don't sue me if it wrecks your stuff. I'd also prefer if you host it somewhere that you provide a donation link somewhere visible, but I don't require it.

No restriction concerning modpacks. Feel free to use this mod in your modpacks!.

You're allowed to include PneumaticCraft in modpacks, provided that there's a link to this topic (or my website for that matter). Have fun![DOUBLEPOST=1414365736][/DOUBLEPOST]
Project E / EE2 is Very overpowerd and game breaking. its A neat mod but makes most other mods pointless.

Thanks for this information, I will look into this in more detail, modular powersuits are on my list of certainties when a 1.7.10 release is available along with a few other mods, I am going to update the post above shortly with mods that will be added either in the next release or when a build for 1.7.10 is out.

Hopefully going to start work on v0.1.2 today, plans include:

- rewrite dimension ID's (world breaking no doubt)
- I believe I caught all dimensions, I've ordered GalactiCraft Dimensions, Deep Dark, Twilight Forest and Torment Dimension, let me know if I've missed any.
- rework biome generation (will leave chunk borders)
- remove AM2 and all support (weird things may occur as a result)
- Convert all technology mods to use RF as there base power source.
- installing powerconverters instead
- look over EE3 and possibly remove it, not sure whether I will use Project E or not yet.
- Look into the suggested mods and possibly add a few.
- Update any mods that are outdated now.
- Set up public spreadsheet/bug tracker
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks! I'll look into that :)

- Convert all technology mods to use RF as there base power source.

I think this is A bad idea. Most mods have their own way to convert power. This will be alot of work to keep up and is unneeded.

Might just want to add this mod

PowerConverters mod. (their is a 1.7.10 verson)

I know their are A few packs that use

Power Converters from zerotheliger
it was a mod from the guy who made MFR ... but is now under the contorl of Zerotheliger and Samrg472


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick Update on Mod Changes for v0.1.2 - release still TBA:

+ Pneumaticcraft
+ PowerConverters
+ InfiniBows
+ Carpenters Blocks
+ Zoom Mod

- Ars Magica 2 (Development Ended)
- EE3 (Still very much work in progress)
- ChromatiCraft

Reasons why other suggested mods were not added:

Warp Drive, No 1.7.10 version available
MalisisDoors, Couldn't get it to launch with it installed, I kept getting crashes, will look into adding for a future update when I have some more time to dedicate, perhaps for v0.1.3?
ProjectE/EE2, Looked overpowered to me and seems to take some of the fun of gathering resources away.
Magical Crops (Twitter Suggestion), Again seemed a little overpowered to me, I didn't really feel it was quite right for my pack personally, still a great mod though!

Furthermore, I am now into more of the final phases of v0.1.2, the main job still to be done is I need to give the pack as a whole a big performance boost, I'm getting a lot of lag and the game sometimes hangs for 10-15 seconds while generating new chunks. Afterwards however it stables out to around ~100FPS to me, perhaps a little more, but I have a pretty good PC, for those on mid tier machines performance needs to be enhanced. Any mod suggestions will probably be pushed back into v0.1.3, but more mod removals may occur. If you know of any mods in my pack that are known for causing performance to suffer, let me know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I request for one of these .. both have their pros and cons. Only really need one of them.

Enhanced Portals 3 AND/OR LanteaCraft (Stargate portals).

Enhanced Portals 3

Enhanced Portals 3 is open source, released under the LGPL3 license

AND / Or

LanteaCraft may be distributed by anyone - this includes modpacks - under the following conditions:
  • You don't make money from downloads - be this pay-gating (AdFly) or other revenue;
  • You distribute LanteaCraft un-modified and in whole; and
  • We'd much like it if you linked back to our topic (or the Github repository).

I really like both of these mods and find that some kind of portals are needed. In truth EP3 is the better of the two mods. It is way more Customizable and works with the other mods in the pack (powering). The LanteaCraft is A solo mod and does not need power from the others, has its own power Gen. However this mod looks Amazing.

They way I see if. EP3 is A must for long term play , LanteaCraft is A nice tool for severs to setup for ppl too use.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I request for one of these .. both have their pros and cons. Only really need one of them.

Enhanced Portals 3 AND/OR LanteaCraft (Stargate portals).

Enhanced Portals 3

Enhanced Portals 3 is open source, released under the LGPL3 license

AND / Or

LanteaCraft may be distributed by anyone - this includes modpacks - under the following conditions:
  • You don't make money from downloads - be this pay-gating (AdFly) or other revenue;
  • You distribute LanteaCraft un-modified and in whole; and
  • We'd much like it if you linked back to our topic (or the Github repository).

I really like both of these mods and find that some kind of portals are needed. In truth EP3 is the better of the two mods. It is way more Customizable and works with the other mods in the pack (powering). The LanteaCraft is A solo mod and does not need power from the others, has its own power Gen. However this mod looks Amazing.

They way I see if. EP3 is A must for long term play , LanteaCraft is A nice tool for severs to setup for ppl too use.

Thanks for the info, I will look into these mods for v0.1.3, I've just pretty much finished build 0.1.2 today. I'm now preparing it for release on the launcher hopefully in the next few days, I will also be also overhauling the post at some point soon. Many things will change from v0.1.1 to v0.1.2 and chances are if you have a world created it will not work anymore, that's just part of the beta setup. I'm hoping nothing world breaking will occur again, however there is a good chance things like chunk borders may appear and such. However, we'll see.

Brief Changelog for v0.1.2:

+ Pneumaticcraft
+ PowerConverters
+ InfiniBows
+ Carpenters Blocks
+ Zoom Mod
+ inPureCore

- Ars Magica 2 (Development Ended)
- EE3 (Still very much work in progress)
- ChromatiCraft
- Universal Electricity Core (Now merged in with resonant engine)

* Overhauled Biome Generation
* Tweaked some world generation (blocks etc.)
* Rewrote dimension ID's
* Fixed a number of strange bugs (included on the tracker)
* Boosted performance
* Removed legacy configs from tested attempts.
* Rewrote the launcher information (title etc.) for submission later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea , I just been playing around with the mod pack. Seeing if I can find any bugs or if its missing anything. Thinking about setting up A sever.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
News Update:

v0.1.2 has been released onto the launcher, please allow at least 15m to let it sync to all the servers, let me know if you have any problems after that.

Working on v0.1.3 now, this update focuses on polishing some already existing things as well as including some new mods, so far:

+ enhanced portals 3
+ ModPack Tweaks
* Tweaked a number of configs
* solved some bugs

Still to do:

* Rework biomes again now I understand weights
* Rework legacyCraft config - removed/done
* do some testing with mapwriter - done
* fix some further bugs - fixed everything on the tracker currently that I can
+ Industrialcraft 2 - done
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