Its only been six months

but it is time for another update! Version 1.1.0 mainly focuses on performance and optimization, but there are a few mod related changes also. This release is "stable" but you may encounter some bugs, crafting recipe conflicts etc. so please let me know if you encounter them, also I am aware of the bug that sometimes causes the game to get stuck while loading ComputerCraft, I'm not sure why it does this but restarting your game and launching again will fix it. When an update for ComputerCraft is released I'll update to it.
Changelog for this version:
- Qcraft
- BetterStorage (replaced with IronChests)
- Thaumcraft Mob Aspects (not really doing anything)
- Backpacks (other mods add backpacks)
+ FPSPlus (improves world generation performance)
+ ET Futurum (a mod that adds 1.8/1.9 features into the game)
+ FastCraft (major performance improvements, finally able to be bundled into my pack)
* Fixed being unable to craft the chisel for the chisel mod in 1.0.0
* This update does update world generation however you shouldn't see any chunk borders, only new structures and ore/stone generation has been implemented.
* This update is backwards compatible with 1.0.0 worlds. However be warned anything you have made with Qcraft, BetterStorage chests, or backpacks will be removed. Make sure to take a backup before upgrading as well as empty out any backpacks/chests.
Many thanks!