[1.7.10] M.M.F Mod Pack - YouTube Let's Play and Mixture Themed Pack

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Also would like to request A few more mods. Nothing really big or game changing.

(this is hands down the best map mod I have ever seen.)

As of December 16, 2013, FeedTheBeast is granted permission to include JourneyMap 3.1.0 and later in both public and private Modpacks.
If you’re a Modpack author using the FTB Launcher:

  1. Be sure to use the download of an officialJourneyMap file on CurseForge.
  2. Let me know with a PM, tweet, email, postcard, donation, gift basket, sticky note, help desk ticket, singing telegram, or whatever you prefer. I like hearing from you, and it helps me to know how JourneyMap is being enjoyed.


This mod is licensed under the DBaJ non-commercial open source license


Cant find License / permission .. could be blind.
Further News:

Development Road-map from here:

Hey all, I've decided after giving it some thought to put together a full development road-map for the next few updates about how I want to approach things.

v0.1.3 (next major release)

+ Industrialcraft 2
+ Compact Solars
+ ModPack Tweaks
+ Enhanced Portals 3

* Rewrite Biome Weights
* Fix Bugs on Tracker
* Fix some config issues
* Solve keybind problems

* Review mod suggestions


* Last chance to submit game-changing mod (for example: new dimensions, major ore generation changes, mods would include: ExtraBiomesXL, Twilight Forest, IndustrialCraft etc.


* Last chance to submit any mods at all (for example: decorative, minor tweaks, performance boost etc. mods would include: carpenters blocks, random things, enhanced portals 3.


* Final development version, built for performance, bug fixes, tweaks, final config settings. Considered to be a release candidate.


* Full release (Note at this point the development policy will change and more info will be posted nearer the time about mod suggestions and such, in a nutshell, every month afterwards a patch release will be submitted containing updates to the latest stable versions of all mods, however emergency fixes will still be pushed for duplicate crafting recipes, bugs, crashes, security exploits etc. at any time.
Also would like to request A few more mods. Nothing really big or game changing.

(this is hands down the best map mod I have ever seen.)

As of December 16, 2013, FeedTheBeast is granted permission to include JourneyMap 3.1.0 and later in both public and private Modpacks.
If you’re a Modpack author using the FTB Launcher:

  1. Be sure to use the download of an officialJourneyMap file on CurseForge.
  2. Let me know with a PM, tweet, email, postcard, donation, gift basket, sticky note, help desk ticket, singing telegram, or whatever you prefer. I like hearing from you, and it helps me to know how JourneyMap is being enjoyed.


This mod is licensed under the DBaJ non-commercial open source license


Cant find License / permission .. could be blind.

JourneyMap: I'm thinking about overhauling the mapping system in v0.1.4, I will take this into consideration for then. I do like this mod.
AlchemyPlusPlus: I don't think I will be including this in the mod pack as it is still in Alpha and after reading into it, some of the ingredients cannot be obtained without Multiplayer
SecurityCraft: I need some more time to think on this one, I'm not totally sure if it benefits the pack or not. It would have some server benefits, but some of the features such as the water/lava and the laser could be used to "troll" people.


Still working on build 0.1.3, hoping to have a final version by the end of tonight, no promises but we are getting pretty close now. :)
Rather then CompactSolars, I'd recommend Advanced Solar Panels addon. It's a bit more vanilla-like, and has some other cool stuff :)

Thanks, I will be including this in v0.1.4. :)


v0.1.3 has been submitted, I'll let you all know in the thread when its available on the launcher.

This has been probably by far the biggest and most complex update, here is a changelog:

* solved HUD bug
* researched into redwood tree bug with extrabiomesXL
* rewrote biomes
* solved keybinds being broken upon download.
+ enhanced portals 3
+ ModpackTweaks-MC1.7.10-1.2.0-20
+ industrialcraft2 v2.2.650-experimental
+ qCraft v1.2
+ CreeperCollateral v1.0.0B2-5
- removed LegacyCraft

Already started work on v0.1.4, much more to come, overhaul the mapping system for the better. Re-enabled some disabled mods now bugs have been fixed and will be starting the process of overhauling the ore generation system soon. :)

Thanks, I'll look into these for v0.1.4.


v0.1.3 has now been released onto the FTB launcher, a lot has changed this time around, I apologies for the delay as I had to wait for some important bug-fixes. A change-log is listed above for the changes, the most notable this time around has been the biomes have completely been rewritten, while this is no means final it is something that I would like some feedback on. These may be tweaked going into further updates, if you could create a world and fly around a reasonable distance or set up a server and render the map using a dynmap tool or similar to share with me that would be great. If you choose to fly around the world let me know what biomes you see within a reasonable distance, lets say 2500 blocks from 0 on each direction?

Work on v0.1.4 is going really well, need to look into xBony's suggestions for IC2 and look into Modular Powersuits as well, today I am looking into ore-gen but the mods have been updated and I've added all the mods I desire for now, this is however your last chance to submit game-changing mods to the pack, after 0.1.4 I will be building packs that should enable you to keep the world long-term, there may be a few hiccups such as chunk borders etc. but the world won't be horribly corrupted and broken moving forward.

Thanks for your support guys!
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Happy Monday!

Work continues, I'm pretty much closing out development of 0.1.4, reviewing the last few mods and also working out some bugs, the last day you will be able to submit game-changing mods will be Wednesday. So if you have a suggestion like that, make sure to get it in no later than midnight GMT on Wednesday. I am hoping to submit 0.1.4 on Thursday or Friday of this week, then I will be turning my attention to smaller mods/additions and enhancements as well as further bug fixes.


v0.1.4 is now available on the launcher, let me know if you have any problems downloading it.

As always, a change-log is below to give you an idea of what is going on.

*disabled mapwriter (still in the pack with Opis but no longer usable)
*removed legacy mapwriter keybinds
*solved formatting problems with the in-game changelog

- engineers toolbox
- GasCraft
- Emasher Resource

+ JourneyMap
+ MineTweaker
+ Advanced Solar Panel
+ magic bees
+ translocators
+ iguana's tinker tweaks
+ NotEnoughCodecs
+ OpenBlocks
+ OpenModsLib
+ OpenPeripheralAddons
+ OpenPeripheralCore
+ Advanced Machines
+ Nuclear Control (Your welcome xBony <3)
+ MalasisCore
+ MalasisDoors

*updated many mods
*fixed a number of bugs, available to view on the tracker

Next up is 0.1.5, this update is your last chance to submit any mods at all, a reminder that game changing mods can no longer be submitted, but any smaller mods including addons, performance tweaks etc. are only able to be submitted up until the end of this update cycle. :)

Oh, also if you have a suggestion for a crafting recipe (perhaps something is too hard to make, or too easy, then let me know now I have MineTweaker installed I can do that as well. :)
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I have one last one: Computronics. It's an addon to Computercraft/OpenComputers that adds some groovy stuff :) Also NedoComputers, if you want a computer with an alternate language (FORTH).

Just updated OpenComputers to v1.4 now the API compatibility issue has been fixed. So I definitely want to go for Computronics, it looks like a real neat mod. Not so sure about NedoComputers, 3 mods adding similar content might be a little bit much, plus an addition programming language to learn, not sure people would use it, thanks for the suggestions though, really helped the development of the pack. :)
Figured I'd do another Monday update...

Work has been reasonable on 0.1.5 so far, not a whole lot left to do, those who have played 0.1.4 will probably get the feeling like I do that the pack is reaching completion, I have installed all the mods (aside from Modular Powersuits) that I want and am just awaiting any final suggestions, I have reviewed xBonys suggestion and added Computronics. I will probably try and push the update on Wednesday or Thursday again, I still have an update cycle to do and I may add some custom crafting recipes with MineTweaker again. :)
Why was Chromaticraft removed? A Dye Trees and Ender Forrest were incorporated into Chromaticraft. Just curious. Not a necessity. Looks like a nice pack, good work.
Well, came up with another mod suggestion :rolleyes:

A mod called OpenEye. It collects crashes and such to help mod authors fix bugs. It doesn't cause any lag or anything, and is also handy for analytics. It's completely trustworthy, as it's open sourced so anyone can view the code.
Why was Chromaticraft removed? A Dye Trees and Ender Forrest were incorporated into Chromaticraft. Just curious. Not a necessity. Looks like a nice pack, good work.

ChromatiCraft is an awesome mod, but I felt it didn't fit my particular pack. I didn't like the way the DyeTrees cluttered the landscape in some ways, it had some compatibility issues with other mods. But don't get me wrong, Reika did an awesome job, just not entirely up my street.

Well, came up with another mod suggestion :rolleyes:

A mod called OpenEye. It collects crashes and such to help mod authors fix bugs. It doesn't cause any lag or anything, and is also handy for analytics. It's completely trustworthy, as it's open sourced so anyone can view the code.

I'll look into this one, could be handy to see, particularly the crash collection part. Thanks! :)
Sorry for the lack of information lately, things have been busy and I've had less time than I would have liked to work on the pack, but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things, get the update cycle completed and then submit the pack. In the meantime don't forget to let me know of any bugs you stumble upon, also if you feel an item is really hard to obtain, or unobtainable but you think it should be, let me know as I am adding custom crafting recipes into the next update. For reference some examples I've already made are these:
  • green dye balance
    • helps in early machinery if you don't have a desert near your spawn (2 lapis lazuli, 1 dandelion yellow)
  • rubber tree conversion
    • simply a conversion between MineFactory reloaded rubber trees and IC2 rubber trees, for obtaining the "sticky situation" achievement. (one of either sapling in the grid gives you the opposite)
  • red sand crafting
    • un-craftable normally, mesas are really rare and the block isn't as common as other blocks in a mesa, makes it fair and balanced for servers etc. (1 sand block, 1 copper dust)
  • moss cobblestone crafting
    • hard to find in rare biomes, crafting recipe in 1.8 (1.8 backport; 1 vine and 1 cobblestone)
  • moss stone bricks crafting
    • only found in rouge-like dungeons and strongholds, expensive to craft by other means for a simple block, crafting recipe in 1.8. (1.8 backport; 1 vine and 1 stone brick)
  • acacia sapling tree conversion
    • Two types of acacia tree are found in the pack, when you find a savannah you arguably should have both sapling types, works exactly like the rubber tree.
I really would like to have a big push forward in this update to finish everything off. 0.1.6 will have no mods added AT ALL, and will primarily focus on balancing tweaks, custom crafting recipes and bug fixes over an extended period. Consider 0.1.6 a pre-release or release candidate. Furthermore as a result, this is your last chance to submit a mod to add to the pack for the foreseeable future. So get your suggestions in before its too late!