[1.7.10] LiTCraft [Tech][Magic][Nature]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Lost in Translation welcomes you to LiTCraft!

LiTPack 1.2.5 is now available for download!!!!

Packcode: litcraft

LiTCraft was developed after being inspired by general packs like FTB's Infinity or The Dark Trilogy. As a community driven modpack with our own servers for game-play, we created this pack with idea that multiplayer servers need to cater to a vast crowd with varying interests. LiTCraft is designed around 3 core playstyles:
  • Are you a techie? Maybe more of the engineer or mechanical genius? With mods like AE2 for technological automation, or Mekanisms and IC2 for processing and power generation, we got you covered.
  • Maybe you are a wizard?!?! Are you a practitioner of the dark arts? Check out mods like Blood Magic or Thaumcraft, follow the path of the magical artist in battle and crafting.
  • Perhaps you are more humble? You just want the quiet life out in the blocky countryside? With magical crops you can put together all your needs, Harvestcraft or Forestry will let you automate bee production and horticulture.
In the future we are looking to expand into questing and story lines, battle progression and leveling, and even arena style game-play. Check out LiTCraft, we got your interests covered!

  • Removed Treecapitator since you can make lumber axes to fell a tree, but a simple mistake can keep you from having fine grain control because of the mod.
  • Added Steve's Factory Manager A93
Updated the following mods:
  • Another One Bites the Dust 2.7.1
  • Applied Energistics 2 rv2-stable-10
  • Aroma1997Core
  • BDLib
  • Blood Magic 1.3.3-11
  • Botania 1.7.204
  • Buildcraft 7.0.15
  • Buildcraft Compat 7.0.9
  • Chisel2 2.4.1
  • CoFH-Core
  • Computer Craft 1.74
  • ExtraCells 2.2.73b129
  • ExtraUtilities 1.2.8
  • FastLeafDecay 1.1
  • Forbidden Magic 0.57
  • Forestry 3.6.3
  • GalacticraftCore
  • GalacticraftPlanets
  • Gendustry
  • JourneyMap Unlimited 5.1.0
  • MalisisCore 0.12.5
  • MalisisDoors 1.9.3
  • Mekanism
  • MekanismGenerators
  • MekanismTools
  • MicdoodleCore
  • NEIAddons
  • NEIIntegration 1.0.11
  • OpenPeripheral AIO-4b
  • PneumaticCraft 1.9.10-98
  • RFTools 3.11
  • Tainted Magic
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion 4.0.3B1-218
  • Thermal Foundation 1.2.0-102
  • Removed Blood Arsenal since nothing can seem to fix it.
  • Removed MFR Compat Magical Crops since it doesn't work with Magical Crops 4
  • Added MFR Compat- Magical Crops 1.2.1
  • Added Warp back into Thaumcraft.
  • Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.1-14 to fix yet another issue with client crashes.
  • Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.1-13 to fix catastrophic crashes
Added the following Mods:
  • DecoCraft2 2.0.2
  • MoarSigns 1.1.4
  • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod 3.4.7
Updated Forge to
Removed the following Mods:

  • Ars Magica
  • AsieLib
  • IGW-Mod
  • IvToolkit
  • Mystcraft
  • Numina
  • OpenEye
  • WarpBook
Added the following Mods:
  • Blood Arsenal 1.1-12
  • Blood Magic 1.3.3-4
  • ExtraTiC 1.4.5
  • FlatSigns
  • Forbidden Magic 0.562
  • Guide-API 1.0.1-20
  • Immibis Core 59.1.1
  • RFTools 3.02
  • Sanguimancy 1.1.9-31
  • Tainted Magic
  • Technomancy 0.11.1
  • Thaumcraft Node Tracker 1.1.1
  • ThaumcraftNEI 1.7a
  • Thaumic Energistics
Updated the Following Mods:
  • Another One Bites the Dust to 2.6.3
  • Applied Energistics 2 to rv2.stable-8
  • BDLib to
  • BiblioCraft to 1.10.4
  • Biomes 'O Plenty to
  • Buildcraft to 7.0.9
  • Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.6
  • Chisel2 to 2.3.10
  • Draconic Evolution to 1.0.1c
  • EnderIO to 2.2.8-381
  • EnderTech to
  • ExtraUtilities to 1.2.6
  • Fastcraft to 1.22-ctest10
  • Forestry to 3.5.7
  • Funky-Locomotion to Beta-5c
  • GalacticraftCore to
  • GalacticraftPlanets to
  • Gendustry to
  • HarvestCraft to 1.7.10i
  • IC2NuclearControl to 2.2.5a
  • IguanaTinkerTweaks to 2.1.5
  • Industrial Craft 2 to 2.2.736
  • INpureCore to 1.0.0B9-62
  • Magical Crops to 4.0.0-Beta-3
  • MalisisCore to 0.12.3
  • MalisisDoors to 1.8.1
  • Mekanisms to
  • MicdoodleCore to
  • NEIAddons to
  • NEIIntegration to 1.0.9
  • NotEnoughItems to
  • Open Blocks to 1.4.3
  • Open Computers to
  • OpenModsLib to 1.3
  • PlayerAPI to 1.6.9-73
  • PneumaticCraft to
  • ProjectRed to
  • RenderPlayerAPI to 1.3
  • SecretRooms to
  • Simply Jetpacks to 1.5.1
  • ThaumicTinkerer to 2.5-1.7.10-164
  • TiCTooltips to 1.2.4
  • Tinkers' Construct to 1.8.5
  • WailaPlugins to 0.0.1-15
  • Hotfix that added PlayerAPI to fix Galacticraft's blocking Extra Utilities portals from working.
  • Updated Galacticraft mods to to fix crashes when people use flight mods on the moon.
  • Updated Mekanisms to build 229 to fix issues with fluid handling.
  • Added Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10
  • OpenBlocks Elevators no longer use XP
  • Fixed Biome ID Conflicts
  • General Bug fixes.
  • Updated Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, and MekanismTools to

  1. Advanced Machines
  2. AdvancedSolarPanels
  3. Animation API
  4. Another One Bites the Dust
  5. Applied Energistics 2
  6. Aroma1997Core
  7. Aroma1997s Dimension
  8. Backpack
  9. Baubles
  10. BDLib
  11. BiblioCraft
  12. BiblioWoods(BoP)
  13. BiblioWoods(Forestry)
  14. BiblioWoods(Natura)
  15. BigReactors
  16. Biomes 'O Plenty
  17. Blood Magic
  18. Botania
  19. bspkrsCore
  20. Buildcraft
  21. Buildcraft Compat
  22. Carpenter's Blocks
  23. Chicken Chunks
  24. Chisel2
  25. CodeChickenCore
  26. CodeChickenLib
  27. CoFH-Core
  28. Compact Solars
  29. Computer Craft
  30. DecoCraft2
  31. Draconic Evolution
  32. DynamicLights
  33. Enchanting Plus
  34. EnderIO
  35. EnderStorage
  36. EnderTech
  37. ExtraCells
  38. ExtraTiC
  39. ExtraUtilities
  40. Factorization
  41. Fastcraft
  42. FastLeafDecay
  43. FlatSigns
  44. Forbidden Magic
  45. Forestry
  46. Funky-Locomotion
  47. GalacticraftCore
  48. GalacticraftPlanets
  49. Gendustry
  50. Gravitation Suite
  51. Guide-API
  52. HarvestCraft
  53. IC2NuclearControl
  54. IchunUtil
  55. IguanaTinkerTweaks
  56. Immibis Core
  57. Industrial Craft 2
  58. INpureCore
  59. Inventory Tweaks
  60. IronChest
  61. JABBA
  62. JourneyMap Tools
  63. JourneyMap Unlimited
  64. LevelUp!
  65. Magical Crops
  66. Magical Crops Compat - MFR
  67. MalisisCore
  68. MalisisDoors
  69. Mantle
  70. Mekanism
  71. MekanismGenerators
  72. MekanismTools
  73. MicdoodleCore
  74. MineFactoryReloaded
  75. MoarSigns
  76. MobAmputation
  77. MobDismemberment
  78. MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
  79. Natura
  80. NEIAddons
  81. NEIIntegration
  82. NetherOres
  83. NoMoreRecipeConflict
  84. NotEnoughItems
  85. Obsidian Plates
  86. Open Blocks
  87. Open Computers
  88. OpenModsLib
  89. OpenPeripheral
  90. PlayerAPI
  91. PneumaticCraft
  92. ProjectRed Base
  93. ProjectRed Compat
  94. ProjectRed Integration
  95. ProjectRed Lighting
  96. ProjectRed Mechanical
  97. ProjectRed World
  98. Railcraft
  99. Reliquary
  100. RenderPlayerAPI
  101. Resonant Engine
  102. RFTools
  103. Roguelike Dungeons
  104. Sanguimancy
  105. SecretRooms
  106. Simply Jetpacks
  107. Steve's Factory Manager
  108. Sync
  109. Tainted Magic
  110. Technomancy
  111. Thaumcraft
  112. Thaumcraft Node Tracker
  113. ThaumcraftNEI
  114. Thaumic Energistics
  115. ThaumicTinkerer
  116. Thermal Dynamics
  117. Thermal Expansion
  118. Thermal Foundation
  119. TiCTooltips
  120. Tinkers' Construct
  121. Tinkers' Mechworks
  122. ttCore
  123. Waila
  124. WailaHarvestability
  125. WailaPlugins
  126. WR-CBE

Packcode: litcraft
Team: litcraft.net
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Its a cool pack, maybe ill setup a server for this, you got a public one?
And what about adding BloodMagic, and Thaumic Horizons? Those are some cool mods.

EDIT: Eehm, could you release a server for this? I want to play it with my friends :P
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Yes, we do have a public server set up. Is it ok for me to advertise that here? I don't want to do something I shouldn't lol.

I'll look into those mods you suggested, I'm always looking at what we can include and tweak to make the pack more fun :)
Yes, we do have a public server set up. Is it ok for me to advertise that here? I don't want to do something I shouldn't lol.

I'll look into those mods you suggested, I'm always looking at what we can include and tweak to make the pack more fun :)
Could you send me the IP? Starting pack now ;)
What makes this pack so different from similar packs like the dark trilogy for instance?
No hate, just a question. :P
Ironically enough, when I first started my server and we decided to make a community, we were running the Dark Trilogy. I love that pack, it's a great pack. But as we went along there were things we wanted to change, so I would change this or that, remove a pack we didn't want, add a pack or two that we did. After a month or so of tweaking and pruning packs, adding different packs and updating any packs left over to recent versions, then deciding we wanted the latest FML...

Well, the result was a pack that had less than 30% of the Dark Trilogy still in it lol. And whatever was left of that pack, it got changed when I rewrote some configs or updated mods that came from it. The guys and I talked it over, and we decided we would start our own pack. So I went back to the drawing board, and basically just started from scratch. I ended up with LiTCraft 9 iterations ago, and in the last 9 revisions I got to a stable 1.0 release in the last round. The core members wanted a mod added back in that they had in TDT, so I tossed it it and we ended up with 1.1 lol.

Anyway, the difference is pretty much just direction. I look at a lot of these universal packs as great well rounded packs that are plug and play, but just packs. LiTCraft is developing content for it's pack, so in the next year we will have quest lines and story lines to go with the pack. So you can either do the generalized play that it currently promotes, or follow some story lines and have fun with friends kind of mmo style. I've also kind of looked at a lot of the universal packs as perpetually in development, having that many mods and keeping the pack stable is tough, there are a lot of moving parts. But with LiTCraft, I have a dev sheet and every mod gets tested, along with common interactions between mods. I guess really it's just a matter of preference. We are inspired by packs like TDT, but definitely are not one of them.
Thanks for answering.
Now i understand and I wish you good luck.
I might just convince my brother to play this pack with me sometime. :D
Hey NISagent here (founding member) just checking in on this thread. Wanted to answer any questions you all might have about our pack/server.
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Might I suggest Chromaticraft and Electricraft?
We are always looking to expand our assortment of mods for players enjoyment. Those are very extensive mods to consider adding, but might fit well with what we are trying to do. It will be some time before major mod addition update will happen. In the time being i would encourage you to check out our public server for a better feel of what we currently have to offer.
Absolutely. I do plan to release periodic updates with new mods and config changes to switch things up. And once we add quest-lines and story-lines (which I'm looking for some people interested in helping write these btw..hint hint..) we will do quarterly updates on those as well. The first major revision will come probably around July as the "Wizzard's Tower", which will be centered around some magic stuff as some people have said they would like to see some more magic crafting in the pack. But I'm keeping track of all the suggestions, so feel free to keep them coming!
ip pls. It is ok to include them as long as they are with the pack also you could include the server files with the update
So here is what's planned for the 1.2 update:
Thaumic Energistics
Forbidden Magic
Blood Magic
Flat Signs.

The Reika Mods do look cool, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to respond to permission requests anymore for modpacks, so if/when he gives permission I'll test and include them. But until he does that, not going to bother with even testing them.

Any have any other suggestions or anything they would like to see? I'm focusing on the magic updates for this one, and for 1.3 I'm going to be focusing more on technology. So suggestions for either are fine.