Lost in Translation welcomes you to LiTCraft!
LiTPack 1.2.5 is now available for download!!!!
Packcode: litcraft
LiTCraft was developed after being inspired by general packs like FTB's Infinity or The Dark Trilogy. As a community driven modpack with our own servers for game-play, we created this pack with idea that multiplayer servers need to cater to a vast crowd with varying interests. LiTCraft is designed around 3 core playstyles:
- Are you a techie? Maybe more of the engineer or mechanical genius? With mods like AE2 for technological automation, or Mekanisms and IC2 for processing and power generation, we got you covered.
- Maybe you are a wizard?!?! Are you a practitioner of the dark arts? Check out mods like Blood Magic or Thaumcraft, follow the path of the magical artist in battle and crafting.
- Perhaps you are more humble? You just want the quiet life out in the blocky countryside? With magical crops you can put together all your needs, Harvestcraft or Forestry will let you automate bee production and horticulture.
Added the following Mods:
Updated Forge to
Removed the following Mods:
- Removed Treecapitator since you can make lumber axes to fell a tree, but a simple mistake can keep you from having fine grain control because of the mod.
- Added Steve's Factory Manager A93
- Another One Bites the Dust 2.7.1
- Applied Energistics 2 rv2-stable-10
- Aroma1997Core
- BDLib
- Blood Magic 1.3.3-11
- Botania 1.7.204
- Buildcraft 7.0.15
- Buildcraft Compat 7.0.9
- Chisel2 2.4.1
- CoFH-Core
- Computer Craft 1.74
- ExtraCells 2.2.73b129
- ExtraUtilities 1.2.8
- FastLeafDecay 1.1
- Forbidden Magic 0.57
- Forestry 3.6.3
- GalacticraftCore
- GalacticraftPlanets
- Gendustry
- JourneyMap Unlimited 5.1.0
- MalisisCore 0.12.5
- MalisisDoors 1.9.3
- Mekanism
- MekanismGenerators
- MekanismTools
- MicdoodleCore
- NEIAddons
- NEIIntegration 1.0.11
- OpenPeripheral AIO-4b
- PneumaticCraft 1.9.10-98
- RFTools 3.11
- Tainted Magic
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion 4.0.3B1-218
- Thermal Foundation 1.2.0-102
- Removed Blood Arsenal since nothing can seem to fix it.
- Removed MFR Compat Magical Crops since it doesn't work with Magical Crops 4
- Added MFR Compat- Magical Crops 1.2.1
- Added Warp back into Thaumcraft.
- Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.1-14 to fix yet another issue with client crashes.
- Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.1-13 to fix catastrophic crashes
Added the following Mods:
- DecoCraft2 2.0.2
- MoarSigns 1.1.4
- MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod 3.4.7
Updated Forge to
Removed the following Mods:
- Ars Magica
- AsieLib
- IGW-Mod
- IvToolkit
- Mystcraft
- Numina
- OpenEye
- WarpBook
- Blood Arsenal 1.1-12
- Blood Magic 1.3.3-4
- ExtraTiC 1.4.5
- FlatSigns
- Forbidden Magic 0.562
- Guide-API 1.0.1-20
- Immibis Core 59.1.1
- RFTools 3.02
- Sanguimancy 1.1.9-31
- Tainted Magic
- Technomancy 0.11.1
- Thaumcraft Node Tracker 1.1.1
- ThaumcraftNEI 1.7a
- Thaumic Energistics
- Another One Bites the Dust to 2.6.3
- Applied Energistics 2 to rv2.stable-8
- BDLib to
- BiblioCraft to 1.10.4
- Biomes 'O Plenty to
- Buildcraft to 7.0.9
- Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.6
- Chisel2 to 2.3.10
- Draconic Evolution to 1.0.1c
- EnderIO to 2.2.8-381
- EnderTech to
- ExtraUtilities to 1.2.6
- Fastcraft to 1.22-ctest10
- Forestry to 3.5.7
- Funky-Locomotion to Beta-5c
- GalacticraftCore to
- GalacticraftPlanets to
- Gendustry to
- HarvestCraft to 1.7.10i
- IC2NuclearControl to 2.2.5a
- IguanaTinkerTweaks to 2.1.5
- Industrial Craft 2 to 2.2.736
- INpureCore to 1.0.0B9-62
- Magical Crops to 4.0.0-Beta-3
- MalisisCore to 0.12.3
- MalisisDoors to 1.8.1
- Mekanisms to
- MicdoodleCore to
- NEIAddons to
- NEIIntegration to 1.0.9
- NotEnoughItems to
- Open Blocks to 1.4.3
- Open Computers to
- OpenModsLib to 1.3
- PlayerAPI to 1.6.9-73
- PneumaticCraft to
- ProjectRed to
- RenderPlayerAPI to 1.3
- SecretRooms to
- Simply Jetpacks to 1.5.1
- ThaumicTinkerer to 2.5-1.7.10-164
- TiCTooltips to 1.2.4
- Tinkers' Construct to 1.8.5
- WailaPlugins to 0.0.1-15
- Hotfix that added PlayerAPI to fix Galacticraft's blocking Extra Utilities portals from working.
- Updated Galacticraft mods to to fix crashes when people use flight mods on the moon.
- Updated Mekanisms to build 229 to fix issues with fluid handling.
- Added Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10
- OpenBlocks Elevators no longer use XP
- Fixed Biome ID Conflicts
- General Bug fixes.
- Updated Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, and MekanismTools to
- Advanced Machines
- AdvancedSolarPanels
- Animation API
- Another One Bites the Dust
- Applied Energistics 2
- Aroma1997Core
- Aroma1997s Dimension
- Backpack
- Baubles
- BDLib
- BiblioCraft
- BiblioWoods(BoP)
- BiblioWoods(Forestry)
- BiblioWoods(Natura)
- BigReactors
- Biomes 'O Plenty
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- bspkrsCore
- Buildcraft
- Buildcraft Compat
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Chicken Chunks
- Chisel2
- CodeChickenCore
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFH-Core
- Compact Solars
- Computer Craft
- DecoCraft2
- Draconic Evolution
- DynamicLights
- Enchanting Plus
- EnderIO
- EnderStorage
- EnderTech
- ExtraCells
- ExtraTiC
- ExtraUtilities
- Factorization
- Fastcraft
- FastLeafDecay
- FlatSigns
- Forbidden Magic
- Forestry
- Funky-Locomotion
- GalacticraftCore
- GalacticraftPlanets
- Gendustry
- Gravitation Suite
- Guide-API
- HarvestCraft
- IC2NuclearControl
- IchunUtil
- IguanaTinkerTweaks
- Immibis Core
- Industrial Craft 2
- INpureCore
- Inventory Tweaks
- IronChest
- JourneyMap Tools
- JourneyMap Unlimited
- LevelUp!
- Magical Crops
- Magical Crops Compat - MFR
- MalisisCore
- MalisisDoors
- Mantle
- Mekanism
- MekanismGenerators
- MekanismTools
- MicdoodleCore
- MineFactoryReloaded
- MoarSigns
- MobAmputation
- MobDismemberment
- MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
- Natura
- NEIAddons
- NEIIntegration
- NetherOres
- NoMoreRecipeConflict
- NotEnoughItems
- Obsidian Plates
- Open Blocks
- Open Computers
- OpenModsLib
- OpenPeripheral
- PlayerAPI
- PneumaticCraft
- ProjectRed Base
- ProjectRed Compat
- ProjectRed Integration
- ProjectRed Lighting
- ProjectRed Mechanical
- ProjectRed World
- Railcraft
- Reliquary
- RenderPlayerAPI
- Resonant Engine
- RFTools
- Roguelike Dungeons
- Sanguimancy
- SecretRooms
- Simply Jetpacks
- Steve's Factory Manager
- Sync
- Tainted Magic
- Technomancy
- Thaumcraft
- Thaumcraft Node Tracker
- ThaumcraftNEI
- Thaumic Energistics
- ThaumicTinkerer
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- TiCTooltips
- Tinkers' Construct
- Tinkers' Mechworks
- ttCore
- Waila
- WailaHarvestability
- WailaPlugins
Packcode: litcraft
Team: litcraft.net
Team: litcraft.net
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