[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Sven "flamestrider"

So basically wondering should I stick with steam? Find a methane or biogas setup? Or move into Nitro diesel (and if so does someone have a decent HV setup for it)
If you want to go steam you might want to look into the super fuels, those allow you to bind in LGP and other liquid fuels into solid fuels and then use them in the large GT boilers as solid fuel.
Going biogas is somewhat of a viable option if you can build a distillery tower for the purpose, have you seen @Joel Falk s post on mid-tier oil refining that's linked through the main post of this thread?
Nitro-diesel is somewhat nice if you have Heavy oil, but if you really want to use most of the energy of Heavy Oil then I'd recommend using a more complicated setup to turn the oil into a mix of Methane/LPG/Naphtha... this would be more streamlined for using a large gas turbine than producing the Nitro-Diesel...

Personally I'd recommend you start thinking of progressing into fluid cooled nuclear power, at this point in time I'd say you have a lot of paths open that you can choose from.

Sven "flamestrider"

wow, i found "basic modular armor" from gregtech. What is that? I Can't find some info about that
What little info there is is on here: GT5u changelog
* Revised the modular armor.
Recipes are now enabled. Basic, non electric, Modular armor should work fine, testing needed. Electric modular armors still with a bunch of strange behaviors, will be fixed in the next updates, helping with testing would be nice. Modular armor now has a config to change its values. Balancing proposals would be nice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow, i found "basic modular armor" from gregtech. What is that? I Can't find some info about that

Yeah I found them in NEI too, since I still don't wear any armor (I've never been able to find any that I like, or that I think is really worth spending the materials). But there's no recipes for them, so I just scratched my head and moved on.

Good job Sven on finding some info, I was also baffled by those items but not so baffled that I'd come here to ask about them - so I'm glad you asked about them, leksdevir!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's amazing what 3 ingots of Manganese can do for your game... with just those 3 ingots I was able to make 27 Stainless Steel ingots which then allowed me to make all the GT power tools - drill, chainsaw, wrench, screwdriver and buzzsaw. And with the power tools, my game suddenly went from the "wow this sux" end of the scale to "wow this is awesome!" :) Especially the Drill and Chainsaw - cutting trees for charcoal no longer takes tons of materials for making axes, and exploring for ore veins has almost become (dare I say it) enjoyable. LOL


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
It's amazing what 3 ingots of Manganese can do for your game... with just those 3 ingots I was able to make 27 Stainless Steel ingots which then allowed me to make all the GT power tools - drill, chainsaw, wrench, screwdriver and buzzsaw. And with the power tools, my game suddenly went from the "wow this sux" end of the scale to "wow this is awesome!" :) Especially the Drill and Chainsaw - cutting trees for charcoal no longer takes tons of materials for making axes, and exploring for ore veins has almost become (dare I say it) enjoyable. LOL
What's nice is you can disassemble those tools when they eventually degrade, and get some parts back (more depending on the tier of disassembler)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's nice is you can disassemble those tools when they eventually degrade, and get some parts back (more depending on the tier of disassembler)

Except I'm out of Manganese now so if the Disassembler "eats" some of the Stainless Steel parts, I'm screwed. haha Still spending entire days digging for Spessartine vein, with zero luck. Found numerous Brown Limonite and Chalcopyrite however, so at least I'll be the richest LV-era player on my server anyways. LOL

It really is as critical as tin is, because without the ability to make Stainless Steel, I can't make things such as the Vacuum Freezer multiblock which is required to make the middle-tier Coils for the EBF. That's called a major roadblock. So back to digging my life away in vein (in vain, get it? That's my GregTech pun of the day. LOL).


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
That pun's been done. Its now, at best, two-thirds of a pun. P-U. (pinch your nose while saying that)

The disassembler WILL eat some parts until you reach highest tier, but you're still ahead, because you were about to lose the ENTIRE thing anyway, right?

The idea is to use the tool until its at the breaking point, and then disassemble it to recover as much stainless (or whatever) as possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
According to my rough calculations, I've explored over 6 million blocks, which is over 25,000 chunks, and still have yet to see a desert biome. I find it rather amazing really.

There has been a report of a desert sighting by a fellow server-mate, however his base is almost 5000 blocks away by overworld, and even tho I know where his nether connecting tunnel is, I've never been there to actually see it and confirm it with my own eyes.

Luckily, the overworld really doesn't suffer for sand, there is a lot of it around shorelines. My problem is (I know I'm nuts) I don't like to go around the world making a total mess of it. LOL I prefer to find a desert where I can dig my sand and not really feel like I've messed up the look of the place. I bet I'm not alone, but it's really the wrong attitude to have I suppose, it's just a game for cripe sakes. haha

Oh, I always forget to mention it... there's an "Eldritch" biome somewhat near to my base location, it's entirely dirt with no grass so it really stands out on Journeymap. I have no idea what the biome is for or how to use it, because I'm really not into the magic side of things very much.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having trouble finding recipes in NEI for Cracked Light or Heavy Oil that don't require the Oil Cracking multiblock. I thought we could use the Distillery to get our first little amount, so we can make that plastic stuff? Did that recipe change, or am I not remembering correctly? I have Silicon plates now, but I need those plastic sheets to make Circuit Boards.

Sven "flamestrider"

That pun's been done. Its now, at best, two-thirds of a pun. P-U. (pinch your nose while saying that)

The disassembler WILL eat some parts until you reach highest tier, but you're still ahead, because you were about to lose the ENTIRE thing anyway, right?

The idea is to use the tool until its at the breaking point, and then disassemble it to recover as much stainless (or whatever) as possible.
I think it would be wiser to use the arc furnace to recycle the tools early on rather than trying, and praying that the odds are in your favour with the dissassembler...
though the arc furnace will only give you some of the metals, you will get all the stainless back, unless that recipe has changed since I last looked it up?
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Sven "flamestrider"

I'm having trouble finding recipes in NEI for Cracked Light or Heavy Oil that don't require the Oil Cracking multiblock. I thought we could use the Distillery to get our first little amount, so we can make that plastic stuff? Did that recipe change, or am I not remembering correctly? I have Silicon plates now, but I need those plastic sheets to make Circuit Boards.
You don't use the cracker unless you want to make cracked fuel... it's possible to get plastics without it. You're probably going wrong somewhere while trying to find the processing-path you want.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't use the cracker unless you want to make cracked fuel... it's possible to get plastics without it. You're probably going wrong somewhere while trying to find the processing-path you want.

It's just an NEI issue then, sometimes I just can't find the correct recipes easily. Thanks for letting me know I won't need cracked fuels to make plastic, I'll find the right recipe eventually. :)


I'm having trouble finding recipes in NEI for Cracked Light or Heavy Oil that don't require the Oil Cracking multiblock. I thought we could use the Distillery to get our first little amount, so we can make that plastic stuff? Did that recipe change, or am I not remembering correctly? I have Silicon plates now, but I need those plastic sheets to make Circuit Boards.

Yeah you can use the distillery to make plastic but you need a chemical reactor too. It takes three steps. You need to Distill it into Sulfuric Naptha, then react it with Hydrogen for Naphtha (And two H2S) and then react Naphtha with Compressed air for Molten Polyethylene.
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Kane Hart

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is generation broken? I'm now trying pre-gen my world and it's going to take days lol...

It has done about 15k chunks in 15 minutes. That does not seem right at all. I wonder if anyone had done a recent game and noticed these issues?

Sven "flamestrider"

Is generation broken? I'm now trying pre-gen my world and it's going to take days lol...

It has done about 15k chunks in 15 minutes. That does not seem right at all. I wonder if anyone had done a recent game and noticed these issues?
I started up a brand new seed in v3.2.16 I have had no issues so far... but maybe it's the pre-gen that's problematic?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
According to my rough calculations, I've explored over 6 million blocks, which is over 25,000 chunks, and still have yet to see a desert biome. I find it rather amazing really.

Thats impressive that you still haven't found one. Strange thing is, on my server we have only found one desert biome and the world is rather large. Its turning out to be quite a rare biome I see.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thats impressive that you still haven't found one. Strange thing is, on my server we have only found one desert biome and the world is rather large. Its turning out to be quite a rare biome I see.

Yeah - thankfully there are no biome-dependent ores in GregTech, altho my experience so far with NOT finding a Grossular vein (I've been exploring at elevation 25 entirely under the ocean areas) makes me wonder about that... lol