[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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it is still a very boring work to hit a oil source, making the oil rig multi block for every try is very annoying, you could have created a more basic thing to prospect , like immersive did, i know we have the seismic , but i dont know how that will work out, and we need to make some stuff of oil before we can use that thing.
Yes, without oil from other mods or crops, the first oil for plastic production needs an randomly found oil source. The seismic prospector is meant to be used for scanning a bunch of areas at once, printing the books automated. That way prospecting is not that much work anymore. And as the books contain also the scan coordinates, all informations are there combined into one.

By the way, what is the best power generation until fusion reactor?
You usually change your powergen a few times while progressing.
Starting with Coal and/or Solar boilers.
Many use methan or biogas after coal.
Then nitrofuel and other oil products once you reach the distillation tower.
About the same time is usually the change to large turbines with higher efficiency than single block generators.
Once EV tech is reached nuclear gets added. A thorium reactor should be build by everyone since you need materials from there later for fusiontech and it is slow.
A Uranium or Mox fluid reactor + large heat exchanger can easily reach 6-10k EU/t. That would be the last tier before using fusion.
Yes, without oil from other mods or crops, the first oil for plastic production needs an randomly found oil source. The seismic prospector is meant to be used for scanning a bunch of areas at once, printing the books automated. That way prospecting is not that much work anymore. And as the books contain also the scan coordinates, all informations are there combined into one.

You usually change your powergen a few times while progressing.
Starting with Coal and/or Solar boilers.
Many use methan or biogas after coal.
Then nitrofuel and other oil products once you reach the distillation tower.
About the same time is usually the change to large turbines with higher efficiency than single block generators.
Once EV tech is reached nuclear gets added. A thorium reactor should be build by everyone since you need materials from there later for fusiontech and it is slow.
A Uranium or Mox fluid reactor + large heat exchanger can easily reach 6-10k EU/t. That would be the last tier before using fusion.
I prefer the good old bycicle generated human power. :p
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Tips on finding iron? I see the y-level in the guide book, but I search for veins using the 'digging down on 3n+1 chunk' method. 3 out of 10 starts have had iron within reach of my encampment.

Would I be better served searching horizontally?
I cannot get the ender io farming station to harvest cotton. It harvests the whole plant and just replants it with no cotton yield. Does anyone know a way to automate cotton harvesting without using thaumcraft golems?

Is this cotton from Pam's HarvestCraft or from some other mod that adds in cotton seeds and plants? If the former, it might be that sometimes the plant is only giving one cotton which has to be replanted as a seed. Whilst playing this or any other pack with Pam's HarvestCraft in it, I found this issue quite often. It's because the plants can sometimes only drop a single seed. If what is replanted equals what is harvested the result is that you won't get cotton yielded from it.

Please do some manual testing with a watering can and see if you consistently get only one product, if that is the case, it may be that the plants need their drops adjusted so that there is always two dropped thus yielding a seed and cotton. That is, if Jason is willing or able to adjust the drop rate for this plant.

Most automatic replanting systems usually are capable of converting the product that drops from Pam's HarvestCraft plants into a seed if needed, and I suspect that this is the case for your cotton problem.

Cheers ...

My power progression was like so: one small steam boiler->LV steam turbine->MV steam turbine->tower of 40 lava boilers feeding one large steam turbine with a thamium turbine-> nuclear reactor-> large heat exchanger-> naquadah reactor mk I. My large heat exchanger setup is like this: 2 ender IO tesseracts getting the lava from the nether with ender thermic pump. (by the way, the unkeep cost for the dimensional transceivers is soooooooooo painfull, pls buff them). The LHE is powering 4 large turbines, 2 HP steam and 2 normal steam, all with large turbine rotors made from thamium. One dedicated distilation tower is needen for the distilled water. My "problem" is that these 4 turbines are producing way more power than expected. Then, after some math done, my LHE is producing 7020 EU/t. I also made a master energy absorber for some nice infinite power. Well, i guess the LHE is also free infinite power as long as i keep relocating the lava pump. :P :D Lastly, the naquadah reactor is very powerfull but require alien material, and i don't really like the rockets mod :(
2 ender IO tesseracts getting the lava from the nether with ender thermic pump. (by the way, the unkeep cost for the dimensional transceivers is soooooooooo painfull, pls buff them).
I recommend you to use them more efficient. Build an huge lava tank next to the LHE, transfer lava as fast as possible and turn off the energy supply of the dimensional transceiver when the tank is full. Once the lava tank is almost empty, turn on again the transceivers and fill the tank. That is a bit of redstone logic, but it will likely result in the transceiver only running 1/4 of the time reducing the passive used energy by quite a lot.
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Tips on finding iron? I see the y-level in the guide book, but I search for veins using the 'digging down on 3n+1 chunk' method. 3 out of 10 starts have had iron within reach of my encampment.

Would I be better served searching horizontally?
Iron's one of those ores thats almost easier to find horizontally. Its also extremely prevalent, and spawns in multiple varieties.

I'd probably go down to the chalcopyrite level and dig horizontally there. You're likely to run into a vein of either that or limonite pretty quickly.
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I would always search vertically. Even trough it sometimes takes longer to find the exact ores you are looking for at that time, you can find and mark many other oreveins at that time so you search less later.
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Hello everyone, hello! /c

I've just started a new game (since there wasn't oil rigs, charcoal pits, etc) and I'm confused.
So I started with the questbook and it broughts me to a standstill. I can't get an obsidian to make a macerator because I can't mine it. Magic tech (for crafting pickaxes from shards) requires wood pulp which I also can't get. Someone said I need to find a cobalt but it is a bad idea. There must be an other way.

And one more question. How to break railcraft water tanks? Axe, Saw, Pickaxe, Hammer, crowbars (both gregtech and railcraft) do nothing =/

Only thing I can do is growing crops... But I can't get nothing to solve a problem with an obsidian
Hello everyone, hello! /c

I've just started a new game (since there wasn't oil rigs, charcoal pits, etc) and I'm confused.
So I started with the questbook and it broughts me to a standstill. I can't get an obsidian to make a macerator because I can't mine it. Magic tech (for crafting pickaxes from shards) requires wood pulp which I also can't get. Someone said I need to find a cobalt but it is a bad idea. There must be an other way.

And one more question. How to break railcraft water tanks? Axe, Saw, Pickaxe, Hammer, crowbars (both gregtech and railcraft) do nothing =/

Only thing I can do is growing crops... But I can't get nothing to solve a problem with an obsidian
I didn't need wood pulp for my Aer pickaxe. I just found thaumium in a chest for the handle.
I guess you want obsidian to compress yourself some industrial diamonds from coal?
The steammacerator only needs normal diamonds and there are a few other ways to get them. Personally i usually do some shaftmining on Y 5 for small diamond ores it takes some time since there is only an 1/3 chance for an actual diamond to drop and the small ores are quite rare, but ~30min does the trick usually.
Otherwise yes, look for cobalt. Or be lucky with loot chests.
...and I just figured out that Magnetite doesn't always signify gold veins. Now I gotta recheck all my Magnetite veins for iron. Sigh.
Is it possible to have a chunk on 3n+1 not generate a vein? This is the second one where nothing was in here, except for 4 yellorite ore.
And as the books contain also the scan coordinates
oh that is interesting.

requires wood pulp which I also can't get.
You can actually get wood pulp crafting a log with mortar+knife (M-L-K).
But yeah my first diamond was from a small one.

i got this crash:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Ouch. That hurt :(

Time: 17/08/16 17:49
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
at codechicken.wirelessredstone.addons.WRAddonEventHandler.playerLogout(WRAddonEventHandler.java:30)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_645_WRAddonEventHandler_playerLogout_PlayerLoggedOutEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:140)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.firePlayerLoggedOut(FMLCommonHandler.java:555)
at net.minecraft.server.management.ServerConfigurationManager.func_72367_e(ServerConfigurationManager.java:318)
at net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer.func_147231_a(NetHandlerPlayServer.java:633)
at net.minecraft.network.NetworkSystem.func_151269_c(NetworkSystem.java:158)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:659)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:547)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:186)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:427)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685)
and after that my thaumcraft aspect was messed up ... but with some luck a backup wasnt too far behind.
44 veins later! IRON!

EDIT: It's only Brown Limonite :( No crushed iron ore for quest completion for me.
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I recommend you to use them more efficient. Build an huge lava tank next to the LHE, transfer lava as fast as possible and turn off the energy supply of the dimensional transceiver when the tank is full. Once the lava tank is almost empty, turn on again the transceivers and fill the tank. That is a bit of redstone logic, but it will likely result in the transceiver only running 1/4 of the time reducing the passive used energy by quite a lot.
I'm not concerned about that since my 2 transceivers have one RC boiler with 18 industrial engines + 3 ender IO generators running with lignite coal from my adv miner ( one coal vein give me 24k crushed coal ore and about 17k lignite coal, crazy :) ) The RC boiler has a dedicated forestry farm and pyrolise oven with nitrogen, so basicaly 2 transceivers are free to keep. The real problem is that if i want to add more, my hardware will die off. The world is already lagging because of so many machines. A few more boilers + industrial engines will kill my game and my laptop. If the unkeep was a bit cheaper, i could run more of them with the same boiler.
Dumb Question: Will a lead wrench not work to pick up pipes? I could have sworn I've done it before. Just broke a couple not paying attention.