[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Deleting the HQM saves in the world ordner worked fine so far, but as u said all progress is lost. :( Hopefully this will never happen again

But anyway i really appreciate the support you do for your fellow gamers and the great work you did in this modpack! And also a special thank to all your "team members" who worked on it. :)
Keep it up guys!
I reported to HQM issue tracker. You are not alone who encountered the issue. Found also some mention about this in Regrowth modpack and couple of other custom ones. Sorry about that, but its really nothing I can do about to 100% prevent this from happening. Beofre the release i run quick local test on my test server (the test server is actually getting pretty old now... it has been created at the begining of 3.0) if everything works. And if it does I have no reason to suspect it crashing. Of course large scale tests could find issues, but its impossible to do that in reasonable time (in time the test would be finished, lot of other mods would be updated, and the testing would need to be done again.... so we would end with not up to date modpack, or nothing at all).
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You guys over there are having lots of fun with wierd stuff i see... Piston trees, crystal growth accelerator veins... :D
I don't think we have had any new crystal growth accelerator veins this server instance :) The piston trees were nice though, saved on iron ingots and redstone.
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Now that Team Tech Rush is a few weeks into the new 3.2.x server and made a LOT of progress there's a couple of balance/progression things that I wish @Jason McRay might consider.

  • IC2 reactors: Historically these are something you could start crafting at MV or maybe even LV stage. That was probably too early, but I can say that nuclear is something I definitely consider to something that should start at HV stage and scale from there. However, in 3.2.x IC2 reactors now require multiple EV machines in order to craft the reactor itself. While I understand that the power output of reactors (and especially 5x5x5 cooled reactors) has been increased significantly, I do question the decision to put these towards the tail end of EV, when in reality it's an appropriate power source for the EV stage. Especially when you consider future enhancements to the pack that are intended to discourage bulk solid fuel power generation, it just makes sense to have reactors as the bridge between liquid fuels and fusion in the HV->EV->IV range, not just EV->IV.
  • Thaumcraft:
    • I absolutely love the new additions to TC, especially all the new alchemy and witching gadgets. I fricking love TC and more TC is great!
    • There are some recipe changes though that seem to have been increased in difficulty or gregified with no thematic reason or logical need. I'm not talking about overpowered golems...we all know those needed to be fixed (and they are, we are at the cusp of EV stage and just making our first golems now). Begrudgingly, I'm even fine with most of the wand foci changes (although I would have not increased those soo much and just made the focal manipulator itself an EV recipe because that's where foci get powerful). I'm specifically talking about things like:
      • bellows - now require hot kanthal ingot. Belows are a basic TC item that doesn't really affect any GT progression, why require an EBF for some low level alchemy stuff
      • warded glass - now require higher tier circuits. Seriously? magic glass with circuits in it?
      • alchemical centrifuge - can't remember the item off the top of my head, and it's only a LV machine, but this is a mainstay of TC alchemy and something you often need many of, not something that ought be gated behind GT machines. A LV motor? Sure, a whole machine? Feh.
Any chance ya'll would reconsider some of these things?
Now that Team Tech Rush is a few weeks into the new 3.2.x server and made a LOT of progress there's a couple of balance/progression things that I wish @Jason McRay might consider.

  • IC2 reactors: Historically these are something you could start crafting at MV or maybe even LV stage. That was probably too early, but I can say that nuclear is something I definitely consider to something that should start at HV stage and scale from there. However, in 3.2.x IC2 reactors now require multiple EV machines in order to craft the reactor itself. While I understand that the power output of reactors (and especially 5x5x5 cooled reactors) has been increased significantly, I do question the decision to put these towards the tail end of EV, when in reality it's an appropriate power source for the EV stage. Especially when you consider future enhancements to the pack that are intended to discourage bulk solid fuel power generation, it just makes sense to have reactors as the bridge between liquid fuels and fusion in the HV->EV->IV range, not just EV->IV.
  • Thaumcraft:
    • I absolutely love the new additions to TC, especially all the new alchemy and witching gadgets. I fricking love TC and more TC is great!
    • There are some recipe changes though that seem to have been increased in difficulty or gregified with no thematic reason or logical need. I'm not talking about overpowered golems...we all know those needed to be fixed (and they are, we are at the cusp of EV stage and just making our first golems now). Begrudgingly, I'm even fine with most of the wand foci changes (although I would have not increased those soo much and just made the focal manipulator itself an EV recipe because that's where foci get powerful). I'm specifically talking about things like:
      • bellows - now require hot kanthal ingot. Belows are a basic TC item that doesn't really affect any GT progression, why require an EBF for some low level alchemy stuff
      • warded glass - now require higher tier circuits. Seriously? magic glass with circuits in it?
      • alchemical centrifuge - can't remember the item off the top of my head, and it's only a LV machine, but this is a mainstay of TC alchemy and something you often need many of, not something that ought be gated behind GT machines. A LV motor? Sure, a whole machine? Feh.
Any chance ya'll would reconsider some of these things?
heh... Both things you want me to look at are not my doing. So I am forwarding this to @Blood Asp (for the IC2 reactors cost, its default GT change) and @Xavion (for Thaumcraft) :P
  • bellows - now require hot kanthal ingot. Belows are a basic TC item that doesn't really affect any GT progression, why require an EBF for some low level alchemy stuff
  • warded glass - now require higher tier circuits. Seriously? magic glass with circuits in it?
  • alchemical centrifuge - can't remember the item off the top of my head, and it's only a LV machine, but this is a mainstay of TC alchemy and something you often need many of, not something that ought be gated behind GT machines. A LV motor? Sure, a whole machine? Feh.
Bellows: Part of a thing to make the infernal furnace a tad less powerful by moving the three levels across three different tiers iirc.

Magic glass with brains in it? And the warded glass has been cheapened in 3.2.3, should be 8 and only a good circuit now, screwed it up originally. But yeah, normally it uses brains, here you're just using the tech version of one.

Centrifuge: The centrifuge is unchanged...

Maybe you mean the crystallizer? In which case I'm not sure where the mainstay of alchemy that you need many of came from, being a purely optional machine that just serves to add an alternate method of storage and transport of essentia, but you can teleport essentia while in essentia form using essentia mirrors so even that's not too much of an argument. The recipe can be lowered, it was one I was less sure of, in the end the fact that it's basically the cheapest machine short of the furnace or polarizer and that the crystalliser itself isn't needed en mass and is severely limited before late MV due to no centi-vis making it one of the more expensive recipes wasn't as horrible. So yeah, you had the normal method of just using essentia which was untouched really, or the more expensive method of using a crystalliser that lets you move it around like items. Once you've got bellows all you need is one more machine and you can start using essentia mirrors to teleport essentia between remote setups anyway.
The infernal furnace almost never gets used. The only reason I built one at all was so I could make a fishing golem core. I visited 90% of the bases on the 3.1.x server and only found 2 infernal furnaces, and of those furnaces only 1 looked like it was actually used for ore processing. Even at its peak operation the infernal furnace is inferior to GT processing of ore in every way unless I'm missing something completely here. The reason people want bellows is to speed up alchemical furnaces for automated alchemy. In order to do that you need a lot of bellows, like stacks of them.

I have a problem with putting a circuit board into magical glass (and other parts of TC) on thematic basis. The zombie brains fit the theme of thaumcraft. You're crafting cognitive abilities into the the glass in order to allow it to ward off attacks and damage. Putting a circuit board in there is just balancing for the sake of balancing. If you want to tier warded glass at MV that's all fine, but why not use some sort of material that's only available at MV. 3 glass on top, 3 glass on bottom, zombie brain center, and 2 aluminum nuggets on each middle side.

Yep, my bad. I meant the crystallizer. I'm at work currently, so can't log in to check the recipes. I agree that the crystallizer is optional. It's not so much about transporting essentia, it's about storing it (prior to getting a full blown AE2 setup). Transporting essentia is easy enough and there are plenty of options for that. Automating essentia and storing enough of it to actually be useful for any large scale operations requires either AE2 or crystalization. If you're going to crystalize essentia, just building 1 crystallizer isn't really a good option. More likely you'd be looking at half a dozen of them to achieve any reliable scale.
Bellows are basically useless for speeding up automated alchemy though, the limit on speed very quickly becomes extraction rate with alembics which bellows don't assist with as they enhance burn time, not extraction rate last I looked into it. The Infernal Furnace has it's primary purpose as a furnace too, the extra stuff is nifty but the whole passively running but still fairly quick furnace is the main use that I see, with bellows and essentia or vis it can get to be a very effective means of smelting items for effectively nothing in running costs, plus the occasional bonus from some items. If you want ore multiplying there are other options like clusters, valid point that the macerator with clusters outstrips the furnace with clusters, that can be altered if wanted though.

We made golems use EEPROM, gears, and cores use motors, why is using a circuit for thinking power instead of a zombified brain so bizarre?

You know you can use jars to store essentia right? and golems to sort it easily into jars, what do you consider a mass operation? Because automation can basically be done on the spot if needed and a repository of jars + essentia mirror as mentioned would let you suck up essentia from the central essentia production facility, particularly when combined with essentia pumps and loci.
There are ways around extraction rate. Primarily this involves never allowing the albemic to be empty through a couple of different methods. The infernal furnace pales in comparison to other smelting options. An upgraded Steve's workshop table is what most folks tend to use in the pack, or an array of them as it were. Until you can make a GT Multi Smelter, this is the way to go. Charcoal and alumentum are cheap/free also.

Didn't say I liked the circuits and motors in the golems either, just that I'm a little more understanding of the thematic issues there because the balance issues were very real. I'm much more in favor of the tiering that was done in wand foci through the use of specific metal rings that are only obtainable with X technology.

Um, yeah I know you can store essentia in jars. I had a great setup for alchemy golems on the 3.1.x server that worked fine for 1 guy doing infusions. But when you have infusions that require multiple jars each, sometimes even multiple jars of each essentia type it gets out of hand quickly. Then combine that with the fact that we have a fairly large group of people at our base. When I make a wand I can't just make 1 wand. I need to make 7 or 8 of them. When we make TC armor we need to make multiple sets. Imagine the fun we're having trying to make multiple Primordial Warhammers. This is a LOT of essentia to manage. There are jars everywhere and there is no viable solution to do this with just golems unless I dedicate a golem to each essentia type. When I produce primal and other common essentia types I'm making 20 jars at a time. Clearly the best way to handle all this essentia is through AE2, but there should be magical solutions as well. The essentia locus is great and it's something I'm interested in looking at, but I don't think it can scale as broadly as running a couple of advanced alchemical furnaces each with 4 crystallizers which get their output picked up by vacuum chests and sorted into JABBA barrels and storage drawers. This lets us dump all sorts of things at the alchemical furnaces and prestage our essentia needs. When it's time to do an infusion you can grab exactly the amount of essentia you need from the labeled barrels and quickly liquify it into jars for infusion. If you need to do alchemy that's quick and easy with crystalized essentia as well.

This week I made 20 stacks of void nuggets. Take a guess how many jars of essentia that would be.
So you dislike the infernal furnace for some of the other automated furnaces, doesn't modify that the furnace is capable. For golems it's just part of the thematics which are different with the scripts than for straight thaumcraft, some things are just more techy.

No idea what you needed 7 stacks of void ingots for, and attempting something like that all at once is a stupid thing anyway that shouldn't be complained about. Like trying to accumulate a hundred million EU and 500 wrought iron along with enough oxygen before starting any of the processing into steel, you do mass production of resources as a system, not trying to deal with thousands of items at a whim. Attempting to handle thousands of essentia at a time won't have crystallizers matter that much anyway, naturally a single crystallizer is unviable, a quick calc puts it at nearly 18 hours for 20 jars, and scaling isn't that useful either, even with 50 crystallizers it'd take 20 mins and a huge amount of infrastructure to even entertain the thought of that much parallelization. So you'd need centivis really, a single terra centivis can triple the speed of a crystallizer after all, those same 50 crystallizers at max speed should take about 30s, of course how you'd get the 1000 terra centivis I've got no clue, centivis is a late MV thing anyway, plenty late enough you should be capable of parallelizing and dealing with the cost of a few basic resources for a dozen crystallizers, if you can casually talk about 20 jars of essentia than you can deal with transmuting up an extra dozen steel or tin.

Primordial gear is hard yes, it's supposed to be, that's part of the point, if you want a dozen sets of primordial gear of course you're going to run into issues, that doesn't make the systems broken just because attempt to produce end-game gear en mass is expensive, the fact you're talking about setups that'd use hundreds of centivis and require solid HV equipment to craft but you complain about crystallizers not being as suited for early game TC makes no sense, you're just not describing those use cases, you're describing extreme edge case stuff. The pack has ways to deal with scale, either with thaumcraft or with thaumic energistics which you should probably be using as a HV faction with masses of resources, yes using golems, loci, and pumps can be more complex than just spamming crystallizers, that doesn't mean crystallizers should be cheaper though, why make the simple slower solution cheap? Pay for a spammable easy to use machine or design something using the other tools given. Or just use Thaumic Energistics.
It's 2.2 stacks of void ingots, not 7. 2 stacks is barely enough voidmetal to produce void caps for everyone in the group and then there still isn't enough to produce even one item of the primordial gear for all due to voidmetal blocks. So yeah, I probably should have made 7 stacks instead. I disagree with saying that it's stupid to go big, push things to excess, or even just simply plan ahead at large scale. Some of us play Minecraft just because we love being able to push things to the extreme. I can't live in a castle in real life, but I damn sure can build one in this game. And accumulating a hundred million EU isn't a stupid idea either when all but 3 fusion recipes require over 100,000,000EU just to turn the fusion reaction on and neutronium requires almost 100,000EU/t. Besides, the modpack encourages things like accumulating 9 sextillion EU: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Ultimate_Battery_(GregTech_5_Unofficial)

Regardless, I respect your commitment to this pack and the community even if we differ significantly in our opinions of how this pack should be or how people should play it. I'm obviously not communicating my concerns in a clear concise manner. Thanks for all your time and hard work.
Are Essentia Phials automable? You could use them in the place of cristalized essence.
They are automatable and they do work. They're a bit harder to automate as of 3.2.3 going forward.

Here's an example of how I used crystalizers on the 3.1.x server. I had a large cursed earth mob spawner that provided many mob drops. Things like ender pearls, arrows, and a few other things were kept and stored in JABBA. Everything else got sent to chain of holding chests prior to going into an alchemical furnace with 3 alembics and a total of 6 essentia crystalizers on it. All of the crystalizers were positioned over a vacuum chest. The vacuum chest fed into eIO conduit and then 1 JABBA for each essentia type. Some JABBA were upgraded significantly (primals and often used), while others were void barrels (telum/iter/arbor). This alchemical furnace would get everything from zombie armor to TC pech drops. Any of those things would be capable of randomly creating essentia in quantities that is not in multiples of 8 or 64. I also dumped things like unwanted ores (almandine for example) into this system. And when I anticipated needing a large batch of essentia for something I'd dump precursors in to this system also (like a JABBA full of trapdoors, charcoal, or wooden hoes). Then I could dedicate 1 furnace/alembic to 1 essentia type when doing alchemy so I didn't have a bunch of void jars slowing things down. And when doing infusion I could just dump the exact amount of crystalized essentia that I needed into an alembic located on the floor above my infusion altar and my alchemy golem would put all of the essentia needed for that infusion run into jars.

Doesn't matter though I suppose we'll have AE2 TC integration up and running in a day or so.
It's 2.2 stacks of void ingots, not 7. 2 stacks is barely enough voidmetal to produce void caps for everyone in the group and then there still isn't enough to produce even one item of the primordial gear for all due to voidmetal blocks. So yeah, I probably should have made 7 stacks instead. I disagree with saying that it's stupid to go big, push things to excess, or even just simply plan ahead at large scale. Some of us play Minecraft just because we love being able to push things to the extreme. I can't live in a castle in real life, but I damn sure can build one in this game. And accumulating a hundred million EU isn't a stupid idea either when all but 3 fusion recipes require over 100,000,000EU just to turn the fusion reaction on and neutronium requires almost 100,000EU/t. Besides, the modpack encourages things like accumulating 9 sextillion EU: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Ultimate_Battery_(GregTech_5_Unofficial)
But 20 stacks / 3 is ~7 stacks, and void seeds are set in the script to give 3 nuggets so you should only need 3 per ingot. If it's actually only producing 1 nugget then that's a bug. I mean it's 3 metallum for 1 nugget, something should've been fishy there, 1 metallum should equal 1 nugget in every time I think.

I didn't say it was stupid to go big and push things to excess, I said it was stupid to accumulate all the resources first when you want to do stuff like produce a thousand of something, accumulating a hundred million EU isn't stupid, accumulating it when EBFs are a relatively new thing for steel when you still need steel? That's a stupid amount of work for no gain compared to just setting up a processing line to turn the resources into steel as they get produced. The Ultimate Battery thing is a joke, as that page says it's impossible to complete within the packs constraints. Maybe if you added chromaticraft and torcherino and started spamming tile accelerators everywhere in huge numbers, and had a terrifyingly powerful computer, it might actually be possible to do.

As mentioned, by the time you've got centivis you should easily be able to deal with the costs of crystallizers, and without centivis a crystallizer should take 50s per crystal from what I can tell so useless for any kind of significant system, just stick to essentia if you're that early, perfectly capable of building large systems with it, particularly with the essentia pumps available now to let you teleport essentia via mirrors. Although that's HV actually so you'd get it at the same time as centivis, or maybe not as the energizer requires naquadah which can be tricky to get.
This week I made 20 stacks of void nuggets. Take a guess how many jars of essentia that would be.

But 20 stacks / 3 is ~7 stacks, and void seeds are set in the script to give 3 nuggets so you should only need 3 per ingot. If it's actually only producing 1 nugget then that's a bug. I mean it's 3 metallum for 1 nugget, something should've been fishy there, 1 metallum should equal 1 nugget in every time I think.
Nuggets, not seeds. No bug.
Maybe if you added chromaticraft and torcherino and started spamming tile accelerators everywhere in huge numbers, and had a terrifyingly powerful computer, it might actually be possible to do.

Chromaticraft is very buggy, because it's not written in code intended for a Java 8 runtime environment and therefore has a lot of GC problems where it doesn't behave properly. If Jason introduces Chromaticraft, I will disable that mod unless it has been recoded to behave properly and is in full compliance with Java 8. I don't care about breakage of progression or recipes, or even anyone else's opinion, I outright intensely dislike that mod.

I really hope Jason doesn't force that mod upon us because it really kills players for no reason at all, which is not how I feel a mod should behave when one finds it's structures in worldgen. I wouldn't have a problem if it spawned mobs from it's structures that killed the player, but the structures themselves kill players, and also any other mobs nearby. I really wouldn't want the Chromaticraft structures to generate anywhere, anyway, as even disabling the structures to stop them from killing you is fraught with dangers.

Lastly, but not least of all, the Chromaticraft structures link together in a network, to provide powers to the player, this not only induces lag as Minecraft has to track more structures, it also makes the player very OP once one gets far enough into Chromaticraft. I don't think it fits into GregTech progression very well at all, either.

Cheers ...

Don't worry, Chromaticraft isn't getting in, I just mentioned it because it has tile accelerators and you'd need those to have a chance of filling an ultimate battery before you die of old age.
When you have like max 2 hours per day of free time you relize it takes a lot of time to progress in infitech :p
Finishing the heat exchanger setup and large turbine is gonna take a while so i might as well do the theory tonight, that i know i can finish fast at least :)

I also managed to make a HV mining drill with HSS-S drilling tip and i have to say it is almost on par in speed with a pickaxe with disintegrate in terms of speed but can mine all things just as fast (mining speed 128). It also has the bonus of being able to mine all blocks. It is rather power hungry thought.

Think im gonna make all the other electric tools as well and se how well they perform as well. I think some of them will actually be better to make with HSS-E rather since it has higher durability and speed really doesnt matter for wrenches for instance. Still really havent found a replacement for the advanced mining drill thought. The lack of enchants on gregtech items is a real bummer. Also is there some kind of batpack solution currently available for GT items?
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