[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Yes it affects all the crafting. For some reason recipes gets removed until the next restart. To work around this (little bit) is to do not look at USE recipes for wooden planks.

As I said the bug is in IC2 and NEI combination (happens even only with these two mods installed). Yes there is a way to "fix" this, but it would pretty much require writing ALL the recipes containing ANY WOOD PLANKS into minetweaker by HAND.

If there are lots of minetweaker changes needed, wouldn't there be an easy way to specify it for any type of wood plank, equivalent to a wildcard or something similar?

Don't know why you'd do it one at a time by hand if minetweaker could do bulk substitutions, and I think it's capable of doing so. If I get time I'll go investigate that possibility myself.

Is there a reason why the Ender Chests with the multicolored wool aren't in this modpack? it would make sending items back to my base a whole lot simpler. I may even add this mod myself, unless it's not in due to some conflict bug.

If not, I may just turn the AE2 remote access item into something that can send items to my network from anywhere, using the config settings. I play singleplayer almost exclusively nowadays, so I'm not worried about it, either way.

Cheers ...



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a reason why the Ender Chests with the multicolored wool aren't in this modpack? it would make sending items back to my base a whole lot simpler. I may even add this mod myself, unless it's not in due to some conflict bug.

Words 'simply' and 'easy' are usually the key in case of this pack :p

There are other much more interesting (and expensive) ways to transport stuff remotely. Jason is trying to encourage players to try them instead of using regular easy solutions.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
looked at the faq linked in OP and it looks like someone was testing their kb in there. Was wondering if there is a Y level oregen graph for OW and the nether, and poss planets, etc.... can look through configs but wondering if this has already been done.

Newb re: gt here, so prob newb question: so while mining a rather large copper/tetra vein, I noticed that I'd remove a piece of stone and see stone behind it for a microsecond, to have it appear as tetra/copper. Sort of a schrodingers cat kinda question. Does the gt ore-stone BECOME an ore and gen when you reveal it, or was it always what it was intended to be, and is just revealed at that moment.

Question is for in a couple months real time, when I can make a ender quarry, does it get the same amt of ores as if you had mined it manually?

Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Newb re: gt here, so prob newb question: so while mining a rather large copper/tetra vein, I noticed that I'd remove a piece of stone and see stone behind it for a microsecond, to have it appear as tetra/copper. Sort of a schrodingers cat kinda question. Does the gt ore-stone BECOME an ore and gen when you reveal it, or was it always what it was intended to be, and is just revealed at that moment.
That is allready decided at worldgen. The later change is just server/client sync to reduce network and processing work. In case every side of a block is hidden, the client does not know about it. When you remove all stone from the world per /cofh clearblocks, your pc will start lagging a lot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You not need to build ender pearl farm for nitrogen. Just distill air. It works in GTU 5.08 but in GTU 5.09 air must be centrifuged. It's a little change between 08 and 09 versions of GTU.
Also Farming Station from EIO works fine with Ender Lily seeds.

Not just speed. On End Stone you have chanse (1/50 = 2%) to get two Ender Lily seeds when you crop a mature lily. On Ender Core block this chanse is 1/20 = 5%. So you can breed Ender Lilies.
Indeed you can distill air for nitrogen but i found out that the distillerys lagg your world when they are running.
I can run my current base at around 120fps easily yet when i turn on the distillerys (about 10) my fps drops to about 20. I got alot more machines running constantly without problem only the distillerys appear to be laggy client side. Server doesnt have any issues as far as i can tell


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The optimal path for nitro diesel is tin cell in compressor for air -> compressed air in distillery for nitrogen -> water+nitrogen+carbon dust in chemical reactor for glyceryl -> glyceryl + gasoline in the chemical reactor for nitro-diesel. This is half of the equation. Nitro-diesel gets you more bang for your buck than gasoline, but it's very important that you don't waste this bonus producing the nitro-diesel. Do NOT use the distillery recipe to get glyceryl. Use the copious amounts of ash and dark ash you've obtained (you did keep that, right?) in the electrolyzer to get carbon (it's cheap and fast). But most importantly don't fuel your nitro-diesel production with nitro-diesel! Use an energy source that doesn't consume EU to produce, such as biogas (this is what I use) or steam (if you have a ton of solar boilers). Finally, only use LV machines to produce the fuel. If you're not making it fast enough, build more LV, don't upgrade them to MV/HV.

Properly produced nitro-diesel can be a fantastic source of energy, but if you screw up the production you can end up wasting energy.

As a final note I use GT distilleries to produce my gasoline. Others prefer using Pneumaticraft. Unless Pneumaticraft can get you a better than 1:1 ratio of oil to GT gasoline, then it's not as efficient as the GT distilleries. I don't use PC for gasoline, so maybe someone else can confirm this. The PC method is definitely the "cooler" way to produce it :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Indeed you can distill air for nitrogen but i found out that the distillerys lagg your world when they are running.
I can run my current base at around 120fps easily yet when i turn on the distillerys (about 10) my fps drops to about 20. I got alot more machines running constantly without problem only the distillerys appear to be laggy client side. Server doesnt have any issues as far as i can tell

I usually have 7 distilleries running, and I don't have this issue. Do you use optifine? What do you transport the fluids with?

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is allready decided at worldgen. The later change is just server/client sync to reduce network and processing work. In case every side of a block is hidden, the client does not know about it. When you remove all stone from the world per /cofh clearblocks, your pc will start lagging a lot.
Actually its not entirely true... Most of GT ores require block update nearby to "turn" into an ore. I am using clearblocks few times, when I really struggle with finding certain ores.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Netherus, sadly but true. I can confirm this. Earlier my nitro-diesel setup included 5 dislillers and they lags so much...
Solution 1: build Distillation Tower, one or more. As a bonus you will get acid (more EU) and lubricant (very useful in cutting machines).
Solution 2: place yours distillers in other chunks as far as you can. Lags be only on client side so deliver it from them. Not so pretty decision. Of course chunkloader is needed.
Solution 3: oil is not endless, pay your attention to other EU sources. Nuclear power engineering expensive but very efficient.
First I used sol.1. Now I'm using sol.3.
Use an energy source that doesn't consume EU to produce, such as biogas (this is what I use)
I'm too. It's endless cycle for DistTower :) Also I used two RTG gens for production glyceryl and finally nitro-diesel. And I have enough biogas for powering of LV tier machines after I dismantled 15 Lava boilers.
Others prefer using Pneumaticraft. Unless Pneumaticraft can get you a better than 1:1 ratio of oil to GT gasoline, then it's not as efficient as the GT distilleries. I don't use PC for gasoline, so maybe someone else can confirm this. The PC method is definitely the "cooler" way to produce it :)
No way. One day I tried to build and tune refinery... I did not understand how it works, very inefficient thing. I am sure that PC useless with GT.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do NOT use the distillery recipe to get glyceryl. Use the copious amounts of ash and dark ash you've obtained (you did keep that, right?) in the electrolyzer to get carbon (it's cheap and fast).
By "glyceryl" you mean carbon?
But most importantly don't fuel your nitro-diesel production with nitro-diesel! Use an energy source that doesn't consume EU to produce, such as biogas (this is what I use) or steam (if you have a ton of solar boilers). Finally, only use LV machines to produce the fuel. If you're not making it fast enough, build more LV, don't upgrade them to MV/HV.
All this only means you'll be a bit less efficient in terms of EU production. I haven't calculated it but using MV machinery to make it, while increasing EU usage 2x, won't really make a significant dent in the amount of nitrodiesel your production line will make.

As a final note I use GT distilleries to produce my gasoline. Others prefer using Pneumaticraft. Unless Pneumaticraft can get you a better than 1:1 ratio of oil to GT gasoline, then it's not as efficient as the GT distilleries. I don't use PC for gasoline, so maybe someone else can confirm this. The PC method is definitely the "cooler" way to produce it :)
In my current world I started with PC distillery but only because I thought making a (near) fully automated production line with GT machinery would be a bigger hassle than I thought (note - I still don't have GT distillation tower). PC distillery wastes a ton of potential fuel compared to GT stuff and you'll also have quite a bit of leftover LPG that I couldn't find a use for even though the entire PC distillation system was running off from it.

In my current world I have a mix of LV and MV machines for the nitrodiesel production. I have three MV distilleries breaking down BC oil to sulfuric light fuel and MV machines to de-sulfurize it and to mix the light fuel with glycerly. Glyceryl line is fully LV. I *could* make the de-sulfurizing and final mixing of the fuel to be LV as well (I had leftover MV machines so I used them) but as the operations take relatively little EU (~4.8k for de-sulfurizing 6 buckets and 30k for final mixing to get 5 buckets of nitrodiesel), having those operations take twice the EU is neglible in grand scheme of things.

What I should do is to replace my 3 MV distilleries making sulfuric fuel with LV tier stuff as they're the biggest energy consumers in the entire production line (512EU per 25mB, 20k per bucket of sulphuric light fuel).

Using rough napkin math and assuming LV machines, it takes 4 buckets of fuel per one run of final mixing and 6 buckets of sulfuric fuel to make 6 buckets of light fuel per run. In other words, for every bucket of light fuel used to make nitrodiesel, final mixing takes ~7.5k eu per bucket of input, de-sulfurizing takes ~800EU per bucket of input. The initial oil->sulphuric light fuel is 20k eu/bucket, as I said. ~2.7x higher fuel usage than final mixing and 25x higher compared to de-sulfurizing.

Obviously, having everything on LV and just spamming more machines to get higher output would be the most optimal solution. Though that doesn't take into account cable losses. Transferring energy at low voltage to more machines will have higher loss than transferring energy at higher voltage. To get same throughput you'll need more machines, 4x more in fact. Obviously, the amount of total loss will depend on specific setup for the machines and can't be trivially calculated but going from LV to MV will definitely not be 2x increase of energy usage, it'll be less than that due to cable losses. How much less, I'm not sure exactly.

My entire system is bottlenecked by the three MV distilleries converting BC oil to sulphuric light fuel. It's also fueled by very same nitrodiesel made by the system (MV generators for MV machines, LV for the LV ones). It still produces more than enough excess nitrodiesel to have constantly running advanced miner 2 (with 2048 EU input), MV ore washing/centrifuge/universal macerators running constantly and also a 512EU EBF, though that one isn't running constantly as I don't have much to give it. Even having everything run on nitrodiesel I still have a ton of leftover.

"Use some other source of energy to make nitrodiesel" makes no sense in terms of efficiency, really. It makes absolutely no difference in what machines you spend your energy. You could run your nitrodiesel production on the same nitrodiesel you make and use biogas somewhere else. You won't be wasting any more (or any less) fuel by doing so.

Only excuse might be that if you happen to run completely dry of nitrodiesel you'd have to jump-start the production with something else. Using regular diesel generators with their 16 bucket internal tank, it'll take quite a while for them to run out and it's relatively unlikely for that to happen before you manage to feed the system with new raw materials.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
The optimal path for nitro diesel is tin cell in compressor for air -> compressed air in distillery for nitrogen -> water+nitrogen+carbon dust in chemical reactor for glyceryl -> glyceryl + gasoline in the chemical reactor for nitro-diesel.
I think I found processing ender pearls to be a bit cheaper than compressed air for nitrogen. I think.

As a final note I use GT distilleries to produce my gasoline. Others prefer using Pneumaticraft. Unless Pneumaticraft can get you a better than 1:1 ratio of oil to GT gasoline, then it's not as efficient as the GT distilleries. I don't use PC for gasoline, so maybe someone else can confirm this. The PC method is definitely the "cooler" way to produce it :)
They're around equivalent if memory serves. GT has a superior oil->fuel ratio, but it costs energy to produce it. PC has an inferior oil->fuel ratio, but it can convert it for free. It also takes a lot more space. Energy-wise they came out around the same. PC might have been slightly better but not enough to write home about.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
By "glyceryl" you mean carbon?
lolno. You can't get carbon out of a distillery. You can however distill oil into glyceryl trinitrate. This is more expensive than the chemical reactor route in both energy and oil to nitro-diesel ratio.

All this only means you'll be a bit less efficient in terms of EU production. I haven't calculated it but using MV machinery to make it, while increasing EU usage 2x, won't really make a significant dent in the amount of nitrodiesel your production line will make.

"Use some other source of energy to make nitrodiesel" makes no sense in terms of efficiency, really. It makes absolutely no difference in what machines you spend your energy. You could run your nitrodiesel production on the same nitrodiesel you make and use biogas somewhere else. You won't be wasting any more (or any less) fuel by doing so.

The point is both getting the best oil to nitro ratio, and getting the most net EU out of each bucket of nitro. There isn't a huge margin on the benefit of nitro over gasoline (about 30% more energy at optimal production, last we checked). If you aren't going to produce nitro efficiently, then there's no point in going to all the trouble of building the extra machinery - just make gasoline.

You want to use some form of "green" energy to produce the nitro because it doesn't take a huge amount of power to produce. Save the higher density sources of power for the more power hungry machines. It's not hard to power an advanced miner off of a drum of nitro, but you don't want to try doing that with biogas.

As for "sulphuric light fuel", there's no such thing in this pack. Hopefully you're talking about GT 5.09 instead, because sulfuric acid is a pointless fuel source in 5.08. There's no way (short of distillation tower byproduct) to pack it into a battery that doesn't cost as much energy as it provides. It's merely a portable form of storage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I found processing ender pearls to be a bit cheaper than compressed air for nitrogen. I think.
If you're generating the nitrogen as a byproduct of beryllium and saltpeter production, then I agree. However if you're not at least using them for saltpeter then I don't really find it worth it.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
If you're generating the nitrogen as a byproduct of beryllium and saltpeter production, then I agree. However if you're not at least using them for saltpeter then I don't really find it worth it.
I forget the exact process :( I just remember looking at the compressed-air solution and finding that it cut into my energy returns too much and finding ender pearls as an alternative.

What you're describing certainly rings a bell though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lolno. You can't get carbon out of a distillery. You can however distill oil into glyceryl trinitrate.
Ah, right. Forgot that one. I'm kind of pedantic on wasting oil so I ignored that recipe even existed :D

There isn't a huge margin on the benefit of nitro over gasoline (about 30% more energy at optimal production, last we checked).
Just 30%? I'd love to see the math on it. Admittedly, last time I checked the math on it, GT was still 4.something but IIRC, numbers were almost at 100% and there were only two types of fuel in total :D

Going by gut feeling, it seems like turning fuel into nitrofuel wouldn't take that much energy. After all, just the mixing with glyceryl adds 25% energy all by itself (4 buckets of fuel+ 1 bucket of glyceryl->5 buckets of nitrofuel), let alone the fact that nitrofuel has significantly higher EU value. Producing glyceryl costs nearly nothing in terms of energy - i've produced at least 10k buckets of fuel from 9 small lithium batteries and those batteries are still half-full. I'm not specifically producing carbon, it seems to be a byproduct for something I do - I've got thousands of it in my ME storage.
You want to use some form of "green" energy to produce the nitro because it doesn't take a huge amount of power to produce.
Yeah, and? It might matter if you don't produce enough to power whatever you need to power and/or need to transfer energy in some form in long distances :)
Save the higher density sources of power for the more power hungry machines
Why exactly does it matter what source is used for running stuff? Only thing that matters is that you have enough energy. Where it comes from has no importance. Unless, as I said, you need to transfer it long-distance.
As for "sulphuric light fuel", there's no such thing in this pack
Yeah, my bad. I'm using a bastardized version of the beta package - beta configs with stable mods, except GT 5.09. Seems to be working fine so far :)

So, it's entirely possible that we've have been talking about non-comparable things the whole time :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having this rather frustrating issue currently where my industrial steam engines are producing more power than they can output and overheating. I have tried both wooden and emerald kinesis pipes and for some reason the power builds up in machine and doesn't fully enter the pipes! It's not getting jammed up in the pipes either. It's like the engines are only capable of outputting 95% of the power they produce and the remainder builds up slowly till they overhead. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. How can I get this power out of the engines so they don't overheat?

Edit* OPPPS mybad. They seam to stabilizer at 95% and never explode...
I seem to remember this behavior being different in the past.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Words 'simply' and 'easy' are usually the key in case of this pack :p

There are other much more interesting (and expensive) ways to transport stuff remotely. Jason is trying to encourage players to try them instead of using regular easy solutions.

I'm not worried about huge amounts of stuff to transport remotely, I'd probably use a tesseract for that anyway as ender chests would be a bit slow then. What I'm looking for in this modpack is what I could use to remotely send items into my storage network. It's extremely impractical to have to place down and feed a tesseract every time I want to send a couple of items back. That is why I wanted to know why the Ender Chests mod isn't in this modpack, as if used properly, it could make gathering of items like bees much easier as I could then remotely send them into my storage network. If it's just "to make it more interesting" I think I will just drop Ender Chests in myself, and maybe even require the chests to be built with some obscure Gregtech variant of obsidian through Minetweaker scripts.

You have no idea how time-consuming it is to be collecting bee species and have to stop and make a run back to base every time your inventory fills up. While an Apiarist's Backpack is possible, it's not practical if you want to get a large variety of bee species, like me.

I tend to view Ender Chests as more of a utilitarian item which will serve as an input chest to an extensive sorting system. Having them in the modpack wouldn't hurt anything, particularly if not using the normal recipes for them.

If these other methods are interesting (and expensive) please enlighten me on what they are, I'd be very interested to see something that rivals Ender Chests in practical uses.

Cheers ...



Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I'm not worried about huge amounts of stuff to transport remotely, I'd probably use a tesseract for that anyway as ender chests would be a bit slow then. What I'm looking for in this modpack is what I could use to remotely send items into my storage network. It's extremely impractical to have to place down and feed a tesseract every time I want to send a couple of items back. That is why I wanted to know why the Ender Chests mod isn't in this modpack, as if used properly, it could make gathering of items like bees much easier as I could then remotely send them into my storage network. If it's just "to make it more interesting" I think I will just drop Ender Chests in myself, and maybe even require the chests to be built with some obscure Gregtech variant of obsidian through Minetweaker scripts.

You have no idea how time-consuming it is to be collecting bee species and have to stop and make a run back to base every time your inventory fills up. While an Apiarist's Backpack is possible, it's not practical if you want to get a large variety of bee species, like me.

I tend to view Ender Chests as more of a utilitarian item which will serve as an input chest to an extensive sorting system. Having them in the modpack wouldn't hurt anything, particularly if not using the normal recipes for them.

Cheers ...

I don't really see why you shouldn't. Its not like we don't already have this functionality via magic mirrors anyway. If, after the minetweaking you suggest, they're of similar difficulty to acquire, I say go for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have no idea how time-consuming it is to be collecting bee species and have to stop and make a run back to base every time your inventory fills up. While an Apiarist's Backpack is possible, it's not practical if you want to get a large variety of bee species, like me.
How about collect Apiarist's Backpacks in Golden Bag?
Also you can store Golden Bags in each other. It's very big portable storage.