[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Is anyone else getting this crash report right after the logs get to around about where it loads up "Paulscode", on launching the modpack for the first time after a cold boot of the PC?


I don't know why it happens, and it seems to happen every time I cold boot the PC - f.ex after the PC has been turned off for a long time, like overnight - or after a system restart, sometimes.

Very weird, and probably not related to the PC's boot state, but currently the only workaround I have is to launch the modpack again.

The first time, the loading process exits because it hits this crash, and I get sent back to the launcher screen I was on. The second time the loading process completes properly, as it should.

I really hope someone can fix this issue, or point out to me what needs updating - if it even is an update issue - as it is becoming annoying to have to relaunch the modpack twice just to get it running.

It might happen on relaunching the modpack after it's already been loaded, I happen to notice it most often after a cold boot of the PC.

Cheers ...



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am not playing for being as efficient as possible. I just like cool and unecessary complex builds. Thats why :) I had loads of fun building that. And that is what matters to me.

And for glyceryl I am using Charcoal for Carbon. Charcoal -> Macerator -> Electrolyzer.
Actually i decided the other route (distillery for refining oil into gasoline) and i regret it. Turns out that there is an issue with the distillerys that causes massive fps lag. I never played with pneumaticraft before but seems i have to redo my setup xD. Also need to figure out how to get nitrogen since i'm also using the distillerys to get that :S.

Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is anyone else getting this crash report right after the logs get to around about where it loads up "Paulscode", on launching the modpack for the first time after a cold boot of the PC?


I don't know why it happens, and it seems to happen every time I cold boot the PC - f.ex after the PC has been turned off for a long time, like overnight - or after a system restart, sometimes.

Very weird, and probably not related to the PC's boot state, but currently the only workaround I have is to launch the modpack again.

The first time, the loading process exits because it hits this crash, and I get sent back to the launcher screen I was on. The second time the loading process completes properly, as it should.

I really hope someone can fix this issue, or point out to me what needs updating - if it even is an update issue - as it is becoming annoying to have to relaunch the modpack twice just to get it running.

It might happen on relaunching the modpack after it's already been loaded, I happen to notice it most often after a cold boot of the PC.

Cheers ...

The crash report mentions the [OpenAL64.dll]. That is part of the sound driver.


This bug is a bit different, but you can try it anyways. Otherwise try to update/reinstall your sound drivers.

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually i decided the other route (distillery for refining oil into gasoline) and i regret it. Turns out that there is an issue with the distillerys that causes massive fps lag. I never played with pneumaticraft before but seems i have to redo my setup xD. Also need to figure out how to get nitrogen since i'm also using the distillerys to get that :S.
For Nitrogen without distillery: Centrifuge 10000L of Air.
Air: Empty Cell inside Compressor -> Fluid Canning Machine -> 2000L of Air -> Centrifuge


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For Nitrogen without distillery: Centrifuge 10000L of Air.
Air: Empty Cell inside Compressor -> Fluid Canning Machine -> 2000L of Air -> Centrifuge
Please can you tell more details? I not find any recipes of nitrogen from air in a centrifuge, only in a distiller.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
The crash report mentions the [OpenAL64.dll]. That is part of the sound driver.


This bug is a bit different, but you can try it anyways. Otherwise try to update/reinstall your sound drivers.

I'm not sure I want to go messing around with the sound drivers on Windows 10. As of right now, the sounds in the modded Minecraft installations are working just fine. I have a rule: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" :D

Anyway, since this is a different bug, is there anything else that might be the culprit? What exactly does Paulscode do, if anything? Does he know about this problem, or even if it relates to his code? I'm trying to narrow down the faults here, and if I can eliminate the fact that the log happens to stop when it gets to Paulscode, so much the better.

Cheers ...



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For Nitrogen without distillery: Centrifuge 10000L of Air.
Air: Empty Cell inside Compressor -> Fluid Canning Machine -> 2000L of Air -> Centrifuge
Can't seem to find that recipe. I am on the latest version of the pack. Even tried putting the air inside of the centrifuge but it didn't work (the air even wouldn't go in there ). Doesn't seem to be a recipe for nitrogen inside the centrifuge I'm afraid :(

Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That recipe got added to GT only a short time ago in the 5.09 branch. So it will come with InfiTech 3.2. Until then, the only sources for nitrogen is enderpearl dust (if i remember right).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That recipe got added to GT only a short time ago in the 5.09 branch. So it will come with InfiTech 3.2. Until then, the only sources for nitrogen is enderpearl dust (if i remember right).
^^ Jason was teasing me xD
Beter farm some enderpearls then


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
I had a bit of a creepy session with this modpack just now, after around three and a half hours, the recipe for making 2 sticks from 2 planks stopped working, when it had been working just fine earlier. Restarting the modpack fixed this bug, but I'm interested to know if anyone else has experienced recipes that they were using in a session suddenly not working, and if they have any clue as to why this happens.

It certainly sounds like something the modpack devs should try to fix, if possible. :D

Also, on the recipe front, why does there have to be 300+ ways to recycle the different tiers of Gregtech machines into their component materials, stainless steel being one of them? Surely some form of optimization of the recipes could make it easier and shorter to find recipes that have stainless steel ingots in them? NEI for some odd reason also listed all stainless steel plate and nugget recipes, is this supposed to happen? It would help enormously if NEI could just show me the stainless steel ingot, nugget, plate, etc. recipes. *sighs* I think the dictionarying for ingots is flowing over into associated materials, is there a reason for this? If I right-clkick an ingot in a recipe in NEI, in other modpacks, it will correctly only show ingot recipes, I would have to view nugget recipes if I wanted nugget-based recipes in other modpacks.

Cheers ...

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Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a bit of a creepy session with this modpack just now, after around three and a half hours, the recipe for making 2 sticks from 2 planks stopped working, when it had been working just fine earlier. Restarting the modpack fixed this bug, but I'm interested to know if anyone else has experienced recipes that they were using in a session suddenly not working, and if they have any clue as to why this happens.

It certainly sounds like something the modpack devs should try to fix, if possible. :D
This is IC2 related issue, happening since... well since ever and there is no real fix for it it seems. http://bt.industrial-craft.net/view.php?id=1632
Also, on the recipe front, why does there have to be 300+ ways to recycle the different tiers of Gregtech machines into their component materials, stainless steel being one of them? Surely some form of optimization of the recipes could make it easier and shorter to find recipes that have stainless steel ingots in them? NEI for some odd reason also listed all stainless steel plate and nugget recipes, is this supposed to happen? It would help enormously if NEI could just show me the stainless steel ingot, nugget, plate, etc. recipes. *sighs* I think the dictionarying for ingots is flowing over into associated materials, is there a reason for this? If I right-clkick an ingot in a recipe in NEI, in other modpacks, it will correctly only show ingot recipes, I would have to view nugget recipes if I wanted nugget-based recipes in other modpacks.
This would be the question for @Blood Asp.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
^^ Jason was teasing me xD
Beter farm some enderpearls then

I was considering going nitro diesel till I discovered this. Would would be the best way to automate enderpearl farming in this pack? I'm at the MV+ stage with fair progression in Thuamcraft but no EnderIO besides conduits...
Last time I played I used a mod farm with extra utils spikes and fans. Is there currently anything easier to setup?

Edit: I have no end stone... so enderlilies are out even though I have seeds


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I was considering going nitro diesel till I discovered this. Would would be the best way to automate enderpearl farming in this pack? I'm at the MV+ stage with fair progression in Thuamcraft but no EnderIO besides conduits...
Last time I played I used a mod farm with extra utils spikes and fans. Is there currently anything easier to setup?

Edit: I have no end stone... so enderlilies are out even though I have seeds
technically end stone isn't required, just considerably speeds things up.

TC golems work fine as an ender pearl farm.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
we just started a brand new world on a server yesterday running .21.

One problem right off the bat is trying to make a redstone engine. Have all the parts, but it won't craft. Looked at the scripts recipe and it looks fine, but just won't craft. Any ideas about this?

Also, noticed a new 3.2 coming soon. is there a world reset with this?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
This is IC2 related issue, happening since... well since ever and there is no real fix for it it seems. http://bt.industrial-craft.net/view.php?id=1632

Does this bug affect AE2 autocrafting in the same way? In other words, if AE2 asks for the same recipe when it's broken, does AE2 get the item or does some error throw with autocrafting, too? I'll eventually be setting up an autocrafting system, but I'd like to know ahead of time if this is going to be some issue I'd have to deal with.

Would it be possible to reinstate the default recipe for vanilla sticks/planks? I don't care so much about how this makes things less difficult, I just want a recipe that works properly, I go through sticks and planks like there's no tomorrow, anyway! I chopped down an entire Redwood tree from the biomes mod in this modpack, and have tons of wood, so getting wood isn't an issue for me, either. :D

This would be the question for @Blood Asp.

I guess we'll have to wait and see if he responds to this thread. Or do you mean I should forward my issue with the recipes onto him myself?

Cheers ...



Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
we just started a brand new world on a server yesterday running .21.

One problem right off the bat is trying to make a redstone engine. Have all the parts, but it won't craft. Looked at the scripts recipe and it looks fine, but just won't craft. Any ideas about this?

Also, noticed a new 3.2 coming soon. is there a world reset with this?

If you're on 3.1.21, your server admin should probably want to update to 3.1.23 anyway, while they wait for 3.2, in my opinion.

Cheers ...


Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does this bug affect AE2 autocrafting in the same way? In other words, if AE2 asks for the same recipe when it's broken, does AE2 get the item or does some error throw with autocrafting, too? I'll eventually be setting up an autocrafting system, but I'd like to know ahead of time if this is going to be some issue I'd have to deal with.

Would it be possible to reinstate the default recipe for vanilla sticks/planks? I don't care so much about how this makes things less difficult, I just want a recipe that works properly, I go through sticks and planks like there's no tomorrow, anyway! I chopped down an entire Redwood tree from the biomes mod in this modpack, and have tons of wood, so getting wood isn't an issue for me, either. :D
Yes it affects all the crafting. For some reason recipes gets removed until the next restart. To work around this (little bit) is to do not look at USE recipes for wooden planks.

As I said the bug is in IC2 and NEI combination (happens even only with these two mods installed). Yes there is a way to "fix" this, but it would pretty much require writing ALL the recipes containing ANY WOOD PLANKS into minetweaker by HAND.

One problem right off the bat is trying to make a redstone engine. Have all the parts, but it won't craft. Looked at the scripts recipe and it looks fine, but just won't craft. Any ideas about this?
Redstone engine requires Wooden Plates and Soft Hammer, and not planks as you might be used to...

Also, noticed a new 3.2 coming soon. is there a world reset with this?
Not required. But some things might break (pretty much as with every bigger update)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was considering going nitro diesel till I discovered this. Would would be the best way to automate enderpearl farming in this pack? I'm at the MV+ stage with fair progression in Thuamcraft but no EnderIO besides conduits...
Last time I played I used a mod farm with extra utils spikes and fans. Is there currently anything easier to setup?

Edit: I have no end stone... so enderlilies are out even though I have seeds
You not need to build ender pearl farm for nitrogen. Just distill air. It works in GTU 5.08 but in GTU 5.09 air must be centrifuged. It's a little change between 08 and 09 versions of GTU.
Also Farming Station from EIO works fine with Ender Lily seeds.
technically end stone isn't required, just considerably speeds things up.
Not just speed. On End Stone you have chanse (1/50 = 2%) to get two Ender Lily seeds when you crop a mature lily. On Ender Core block this chanse is 1/20 = 5%. So you can breed Ender Lilies.