[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pressure pipes are really cool, would be a challenge to balance them though as the mod has some very powerful features. Used them for steam distribution in Beyond Reality, was very, very clean compared to my current build since they can extract at a much higher rate than Ender I/O. Also handy for moving fluids from one container to another as it can do it instantly, no matter the volume. Used it to instantly dump entire barrels of exp juice into the world via shower for a quick burst of levels.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's the deal with power converters? I set up something in a test worl that worked with 2 power converters hooked up to a pump and ic2 geothermal generator but in survival they don't work. Is there any way to power a pump in the nether without babysitting? I was looking forward to minecarts and lava for my MV power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just placed a top tier Ender IO battery next to it, it runs out of lava before the energy is empty...

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's the deal with power converters? I set up something in a test worl that worked with 2 power converters hooked up to a pump and ic2 geothermal generator but in survival they don't work. Is there any way to power a pump in the nether without babysitting? I was looking forward to minecarts and lava for my MV power.
What i did to pump lava was simple:
Pump, Stirling Generator (eIO), Pressurized Tank (eIO), 1 Fluid Conduit

On the side of the pump put Stirling Generator.
On top of the Generator put Tank
On top of the pump put a conduit to connect to Pressurized tank
Inside the tank put an Empty Bucket and configure the tank on bottom side to Input/Output

As for IC2 Geotherms... Dont use them. They are not efficient at all. You will be better with making Lava Boilers and make steam and use that steam for power. You will get MUCH more EU in total


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right on...thank you for the suggestions! I actually figured out that the dark coloured converter outputs to the bottom and top. So it does work. Also, I am a little surprised about the dependancy on steam right through to HV......I suppose you could be steam dependant right up to nuclear!

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right on...thank you for the suggestions! I actually figured out that the dark coloured converter outputs to the bottom and top. So it does work. Also, I am a little surprised about the dependancy on steam right through to HV......I suppose you could be steam dependant right up to nuclear!
Yes you can. I was personally also going for as long as possible with Steam. But after "pressure" from some of my viewers i decided its time to switch to something far better... Nitro-Diesel. And I am glad i did that. It was a lot of fun building the production line.

So now my base is powered by primary Nitro-Diesel (3x HV Diesel Gens)with suplementary power of Steam (produced by Large Steel and Large Bronze Boiler supplyied with Charcoal from my small golem tree farm, and 24 coke ovens).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So curious what peoples HV/Ev power gen is?

I really want to get rid of the golem tree farm, 36 coke oven, stone dust alumentum generating, lamp of growth accellerated power system ... But a single tungstensteel boiler puts out more steam than 4 mark1 5x5 nuclear reactors. I didn't want to use the Dragon egg generator ... Just feels too cheaty.

Get into radioelectric generators. Get as big energy storage ou may get and build like 10 of these radioelectric generators. they will fill you overnight and you ll have a crapatron of energy.
Plus, fluid reactors produce just about ridiculous amount of energy IF you can get enough titanium to build large heat exchanger and turbine. That is totally HV-EV thing. I think, these are 2 best variants to go. For example, I had a nice investment, got 2 100M storages and build maybe 10 radiogenerators with all the iron I could get in BF. Well, they filled up these 2x100m over several days and I think I can take a piss with energy. IMO, the best thing toto is get a 16 slot battery buffer, place 16 100M storages and well store. Thats as far as you go w\o fusion.
And at that time I asked myself, if I really needed that fusion and became bored of the game because I had no need for it, rly. Still am bored and still dont know why bother. Maybe to get "win minecraft" battery, but I seriously doubt it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wosh I had SLIGHTEST IDEA about these interfaces and pictures above as I used applied to autocraft and store and thats it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I've got my initial attempt of the Mk1 Fusion Reactor up and running (maybe not QUITE "initial"...I've made some tweaks)--seems to be doing mostly fine. Not quite set-and-forget, yet, as there were fluid distribution problems I am trying to fix. Does anyone have any advice on how to best evenly distribute a fluid to multiple locations?


For those that are interested, see imgur link above for my reactor setup. I welcome suggestions for improvements to footprint/efficiency.

To build it, I cranked out 20 processing arrays, in 2 2x5 formations.

First 2x5 hosts 32 MV centrifuges in 2 processing arrays, for converting deuterium to tritium, and 128 LV electrolyzers in 8 processing arrays, for converting water to hydrogen gas.
Second 2x5 hosts 160 LV centrifuges for converting hydrogen gas to deuterium.

For the electrolyzers, I gave each of the 8 processing arrays an LuV input hatch for accepting water. All other inputs/outputs are shared to pairs of processing arrays: 4 ULV input buses and 4 ULV output busses (accepting/ejecting empty cells/oxygen cells); 4 EV energy hatches; 4 EV output hatches (ejecting hydrogen gas). I have 12 thirsty tanks feeding water to the 4 LuV input hatches. I have an HV quick fluid canner that accepts oxygen cells, removes the fluid, and returns the empty cells to be pushed into the ULV import busses. The oxygen is voided via an Ender Fluid IO pipe to a BuildCraft void pipe. I was running into empty cell distribution problems to the ULV import busses. I solved it by simply cranking out a bunch of empty cells and inserting them into the system (so that each import bus will have close to 64 empty cells at all times).

For the LV centrifuges (Hydrogen Gas > Deuterium), every 2 processing arrays share their import, output, and energy hatches (all hatches are EV). The hydrogen gas to input hatches (of which there are 5) is where I ran into distribution problems. Previously, I had a single Ender Fluid IO pipe pushing the gas to the five input hatches, with the drum as a 6th input/output location. I found that over time, some processing array pairs would cease to run for lack of hydrogen. I recently modified this so that the hydrogen gas is exported to the drum, and from there three pipes push the gas to the hatches. Not yet certain how that will play out. I welcome any advice on how to best evenly distribute fluids!

For the MV centrifuges (Deuterium > Tritium), there are only 2 processing arrays of 32 MV centrifuges, and they, also, share import, output, energy hatches (EV).

To power my two rows of arrays, I have a naquadah cable running along the center of the array rows, where I have the energy hatches. That naquadah cable is fed by a 4 slot EV battery buffer. The battery buffer is fed by 2 or 3 plasma reactors (the electrolyzer/MV centrifuge arrays require slightly more power, so they have three plasma reactors; the LV centrifuge arrays only requires 2). I also have two plasma reactors feeding power to two of the LuV energy hatches on my fusion reactor. The helium plasma produced is fed to 9 locations: 2 plasma reactors supporting the fusion reactor itself, 3 plasma reactors supporting the LV electrolyzers/MV centrifuges arrays, 2 plasma reactors supporting the LV centrifuges arrays, 1 plasma reactor supporting the HV quick fluid canner, and 1 bedrockium drum for overflow storage.

I've left this running for a day, and now have 2 million excess helium plasma in a bedrockium drum.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm....when I had logged in, some of my processing arrays had stopped running, so I turned them back on with a soft hammer. That explains much: why the number of electrolyzers I had just weren't producing the amount of hydrogen gas I had expected. As a result I added more electrolyzers and more water sources. Now that everything is running again, I'm observing that I have way too much hydrogen gas getting saved in my bedrockium overflow drum. Guess I can remove some of those extra electrolyzers (I currently have 128, which is way more than I initially calculated I'd need).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ones that stopped running were probably placed over chunk borders. This happens with multiblocks, so it's always necessary to put a multiblock inside 1 chunk.

As for fluid distribution, EnderIO fluid conduits should distribute fluids evenly.
When I made a Mk1 reactor, I separated deuterium required by the reactor from deuterium that was going to be further centrifuged. I suggest you do the same.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the feedback. Definitely not due to chunk border issues, however. I built my base so that each of those white floor sections (plus the purple border) is a chunk.

Also, what are the benefits of separating the deuterium centrifuges in that manner? The way I had thought it through, the input hatch for the pair of MV centrifuges processing deuterium into tritium has a limit on how much it can take (40K L, I believe, in an EV input hatch). Any excess would go to my deuterium overflow drum and the fusion reactor input hatch. If ever there were a lack of deuterium in the MV centrifuge input hatch, the deuterium overflow drum would supply it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm to the point now where I can build Mk1 fusion. I have all the materials for the reactor itself. But as for collecting things to actually run in the fusion reactor I'm way behind it would appear :)

Before I build this thing, if I build it wrong will it blow up?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm to the point now where I can build Mk1 fusion. I have all the materials for the reactor itself. But as for collecting things to actually run in the fusion reactor I'm way behind it would appear :)

Before I build this thing, if I build it wrong will it blow up?

It's as safe as any other gregtech multiblock, which is to say, don't supply the reactor with higher voltage than it can handle, or leave it lying out in the rain. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's as safe as any other gregtech multiblock, which is to say, don't supply the reactor with higher voltage than it can handle, or leave it lying out in the rain. :)

Ok, but not like an IC2 nuke where it can/will leave a chunk sized hole if you screw up? Just a GT sized hole.

Currently, I'm mostly only really interested in Fusion for the making of Europium. Silly OP bees sort of make it so I don't need it for the plasma/EUs atm.

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wierd question for you guys.... Do you want 3.1.18 today, or will you manage to live without it until tomorrow :D

Reason why i ask is that there are two issues, which are not gamebreaking but annoying (one is causing huge spam in logs and second is Graphical glitch). And the fix is being done already, but its not yet out.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi. I've been playing InfiTech for a few days now and I've finally gotten to a point where I can craft a regular jetpack (the kind that uses fuel, not electricity). I'm having a lot of trouble trying to figure out just what sort of fuel it uses and how I can fill it. I've searched all over the ic2 forums and this discussion thread for anything that might help, and I've not had much success. The tooltip on the jetpack mentions biogas, the wiki says it uses coalfuel cells and biofuel cells, the gregtech forum thread doesn't say much at all - in fact i found a few people with the same question and no answers - and I can't seem to get any of the machines to fill it or produce fuel to fill it with. I'm not sure if this modpack makes changes to the recipes or whatever relating to jetpacks, or which machines are enabled that can fill jetpacks, so I figured I ought to ask here before asking on the GT thread in the ic2 forum.

Is there any hope at all here? Or should I just trash my jetpack and build more infrastructure so I can use the electric one? :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi. I've been playing InfiTech for a few days now and I've finally gotten to a point where I can craft a regular jetpack (the kind that uses fuel, not electricity). I'm having a lot of trouble trying to figure out just what sort of fuel it uses and how I can fill it. I've searched all over the ic2 forums and this discussion thread for anything that might help, and I've not had much success. The tooltip on the jetpack mentions biogas, the wiki says it uses coalfuel cells and biofuel cells, the gregtech forum thread doesn't say much at all - in fact i found a few people with the same question and no answers - and I can't seem to get any of the machines to fill it or produce fuel to fill it with. I'm not sure if this modpack makes changes to the recipes or whatever relating to jetpacks, or which machines are enabled that can fill jetpacks, so I figured I ought to ask here before asking on the GT thread in the ic2 forum.

Is there any hope at all here? Or should I just trash my jetpack and build more infrastructure so I can use the electric one? :/

It should work with IC2 biogas.
You just have to produce biochaff. put it in the canning machine with water. pump the biomass into a fermenter --> biogas. The fermenter must be supplied with heat. There are heaters from IC2 with have to be next to the fermenter.
also look here for more information: http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Biogas

Edit: btw the link says you can create energy with IC2 biogas. DON'T! DO! IT! :D you would have to build 100+ fermenters to get a good amount of energy.
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