[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Ah, wait. Blade material *totally* matters. Tungestensteel blades with a small rotor is 10,000L/sec. Too much ?
I'd point you to the wiki, but I (re)wrote it and even I don't understand it.
I'm not at home so I apologize if all this is wrong.

For a small rotor, I think you just want to divide that number by 20 to get optimal flow. In this case, 500. Another way to get it is ToolSpeed (10) * SizeMultiplier (1) * 50 = 500.

So this might be an ideal rotor if you're producing 500 L/t steam (although there are probably "regular" rotors that also work at 500 L/t and would gain an efficiency bonus at the cost of durability)
I'd point you to the wiki, but I (re)wrote it and even I don't understand it.
I'm not at home so I apologize if all this is wrong.

For a small rotor, I think you just want to divide that number by 20 to get optimal flow. In this case, 500. Another way to get it is ToolSpeed (10) * SizeMultiplier (1) * 50 = 500.

So this might be an ideal rotor if you're producing 500 L/t steam (although there are probably "regular" rotors that also work at 500 L/t and would gain an efficiency bonus at the cost of durability)

Ah, OK. Thanks. Ye olde /tick vs. /sec multiply/divide by 20 math.

I'll replace that with a regular rotor. And, if I'm *not* supplying it with enough steam, will the rotor even spin/work ? I'm thinking not.

And, is there any way of measuring steam output from the LHE other than glancing at the reactor feeding into it and using 1:1 for HU/t and mB of steam/t ?

I fired it up with the small tungstensteel rotor (500 mB steam/tick optimal flow) and it was indeed spinning and producing power. And, it *seemed* to be a perfectly closed loop for the ~5min I let it run before shutting it down. However, the LHE steam output hatch and the Large Turbine steam input hatch were always full, so I suspect it was 'leaking' steam.

My eIO fluid conduit from the Large Turbine output feeding back into the LHE, however, stayed blue (full ?) and the distilled water input hatch into the LHE stayed full. Yet, when I turned on the reservoir of distilled water, it was very slowly emptying out, making me believe it wasn't a closed loop. Maybe I need to test it longer.
I'll replace that with a regular rotor. And, if I'm *not* supplying it with enough steam, will the rotor even spin/work ? I'm thinking not.
Power output is partly based on variance from the optimal flow of steam. In english, if the rotor wants 400 L/t, and you give it 300 or 500, you'll suffer a 25% penalty on your output. Interesting note: sending it "too much" steam incurs at worst a 25% penalty.

edit: Just more info in case any of this is useful.
Every tick, the turbine does the following:

1) determines its optimal flow (500 in your case we believe)
2) Sums up the flow from its input hatches (multiple possible!)
3) determines steam usage (in your case: ideally 500, maximum 625, minimum 1)
4) consumes that amount of steam from the input hatches as needed
5) calculates and outputs byproducts (steam, distilled water)
6) calculates and outputs power.

And, is there any way of measuring steam output from the LHE other than glancing at the reactor feeding into it and using 1:1 for HU/t and mB of steam/t ?
In my dev environment, I've tweaked the portable scanner to show this value. I should probably submit that to Blood Asp one day :p
Easiest way though: just look at the GUI for the output hatch. Mouse-over the little steam graphic. It tells you the "last" amount of steam in the hatch, which is the rate of output if you're using it all.

I fired it up with the small tungstensteel rotor (500 mB steam/tick optimal flow) and it was indeed spinning and producing power. And, it *seemed* to be a perfectly closed loop for the ~5min I let it run before shutting it down. However, the LHE steam output hatch and the Large Turbine steam input hatch were always full, so I suspect it was 'leaking' steam.
Definitely losing steam. In this case its because you're generating it faster than you're consuming it. I alluded to this above, but a boiler can consume, at most, 125% of its optimal flow, or 625 mb/t in your case.

My eIO fluid conduit from the Large Turbine output feeding back into the LHE, however, stayed blue (full ?) and the distilled water input hatch into the LHE stayed full. Yet, when I turned on the reservoir of distilled water, it was very slowly emptying out, making me believe it wasn't a closed loop. Maybe I need to test it longer.
If steam was backing up somewhere, its definitely not a closed loop anymore. Fix that and see if its still an issue :)
Re: Turbines

I browsed the full list of 90+ regular-sized Turbines to find the 'best' one in terms of:

  • Optimal Flow Rate
  • Durability
  • Scarcity of raw materials

...and found Tungsten meets my need. It's 16000L/s, which is 800 steam/tick (minimum), which fits my single reactor well enough. It's also very durable.

While browsing the list, I noticed some real stinkers in terms of optimal flow rate and/or durability.

Is there a table where all of this is at ? Browsing the list is slightly time-consuming.
Re: Turbines

I browsed the full list of 90+ regular-sized Turbines to find the 'best' one in terms of:

  • Optimal Flow Rate
  • Durability
  • Scarcity of raw materials

...and found Tungsten meets my need. It's 16000L/s, which is 800 steam/tick (minimum), which fits my single reactor well enough. It's also very durable.

While browsing the list, I noticed some real stinkers in terms of optimal flow rate and/or durability.

Is there a table where all of this is at ? Browsing the list is slightly time-consuming.
At 800 mb/t I gotta think there's a "large" turbine for you. The efficiency bonus for Large is amazing.

As far as the list is concerned, I took the gamepedia pickaxe list (which provides tiers, durability and speed) and created my own excel sheet using the rotor math. I doubt its super-complete, but it gets the job done. When my home computer is functional again (currently in the shop) I'll be able to post it here.
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Success !!! The system has been up and stable for 15 minutes now. So far, the steam and distilled water loop are 100% closed / efficient. No loss so far.

Here's a pic of the LHE and the Large Turbine:

I went with a regular-sized Tungsten Turbine (see below). The flow rate is perfect and the durability is around 11 RL days. The Large Turbines that had the same flow rate were all *much* lower in Durability. And, these turbines aren't cheap to make and can't be repaired, AFAIK.


Here's the Thorium (fluid) reactor, ripped off from @Pyure's excellent design. I haven't automated it yet. The fuel rods will last an astounding 13+ hours.

The steam (so far) is stable:

I don't know what the exact power output is, but it's *almost* able to keep up with:

MV EBF + HV EBF + MV Vacuum Freezer + starter AE2 system + power network loss

Nex steps :
1) hookup distilled water input to distillery *just* in case it starts sucking down steam, i.e. needs maintenance
2) put maintenance covers on all the equipment and trigger reactor shutdown if LHE needs maintenance
3) automate the replacement of Thorium fuel rods
4) build 2nd Thorium fluid reactor and start upgrade to SHS !
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Awesome muguk! I won't take credit for that design btw, plus I switched to a five quad design that is slightly less efficient in passive output but outputs more heat.
Warning: when you switch to automation don't forget to fill those empty reactor slots first. You can use reactor plating for that.

If you want to figure out your output you can dump into a pair of mfsus in series and use eu-reader on them. Series is necessary because the reader doesn't pick up the conversion
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What is the intended source of Saltpeter in this pack? In the railcraft configs the spawns are turned off, and as far as I can tell (from looking at the ore guide) Gregtech doesn't spawn it (I may be wrong about this). Is it meant to be available only through combining its chemical constituents? Or is it the byproduct of an ore I haven't found yet?

Edit: I'm aware it spawns as small ores in the nether, but I assumed that wasn't meant to be the only source
I'm actually not aware of any saltpeter sources at all in this pack. A bit of a shame as it would make tnt much easier to mass produce and provide an easier nitrogen source iirc
Hey Guys, i played this awesome modpack a while ago and would like to start again on a new server with some fiends. But befor we can start i´ve got a question and hopefully you can help me :)
Do i have to enable the extrabiomes mod in the server.properties or do all the extra biomes get generated with the "default level-type".
Hey Guys, i played this awesome modpack a while ago and would like to start again on a new server with some fiends. But befor we can start i´ve got a question and hopefully you can help me :)
Do i have to enable the extrabiomes mod in the server.properties or do all the extra biomes get generated with the "default level-type".
EXBL is automaticaly enabled in all worlds.
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What is the intended source of Saltpeter in this pack? In the railcraft configs the spawns are turned off, and as far as I can tell (from looking at the ore guide) Gregtech doesn't spawn it (I may be wrong about this). Is it meant to be available only through combining its chemical constituents? Or is it the byproduct of an ore I haven't found yet?

I'm actually not aware of any saltpeter sources at all in this pack. A bit of a shame as it would make tnt much easier to mass produce and provide an easier nitrogen source iirc
You can make saltpeter with with potassium, oxygen and nitrogen.
Or you can heavily invest on IC2 crops and swim on gunpowder after you get a decent sized (and stat improved) creeperweed field.
This also applies to any other mob drop and even basic metals.
Yeah I had 25+ stat crops on Infitech2 test server. It takes AGES to get there, so yeah, a small disclaimer for those interested - make sure you have a lot of patience :)
You can make saltpeter with with potassium, oxygen and nitrogen.
Which would ruin it as a nitrogen source:p

Or you can heavily invest on IC2 crops and swim on gunpowder after you get a decent sized (and stat improved) creeperweed field.
This also applies to any other mob drop and even basic metals.

Yeah I had 25+ stat crops on Infitech2 test server. It takes AGES to get there, so yeah, a small disclaimer for those interested - make sure you have a lot of patience :)
Fwiw I usually max out stickreed and then cross that with other crops to improve then. That said bees are prolly a much better option
But we already have a good nitrogen source just air into a distiller.
I looked at that, its (relatively) expensive.

(btw I'm talking about making nitrodiesel here, so eu-costs matter. Ultimately, Ender pearls are also a decent source of nitrogen so I went with that and saved a lot of power)