[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Infernal mobs is actually rather annoying imo.
Getting skeletons and zombies that dont damn well die, steal your weapons and set fire to them etc etc ... lol
Does anyone have suggestion for mods to make monsters a bit more difficult, so its scary to go out at night especially in the early/mid game?
Ehm... Infernal mobs, Special mobs, Lycanite Mobs, hmm... let me see what else I inten to put in pure survival magic related modpack.... weeping angels :)
I'd like to pop in and say thanks for making this excellent mod pack. It's nice to have a well balanced and challenging pack to play.

I found initially that I had sever performance issue when attempting to run this pack. I was able to fix them and go from about 14 - 90 fps by changing a few things.
By the far the biggest improvement was achieved by running the client and server separately. This also fixed the annoying NEI slowdown bug (that Jason mentions in his LP videos). I also got a significant improvement by running the game in linux instead of windows.
Other changes (such as java parameters) may have helped slightly too.
I decided to try out infernal mobs and will see how that goes. I am also enjoying this modpack even though it takes me forever to do anything ^^.

Jason McRay:
Is there any chance for you to put your youtube series playlist in order? (right now it plays in reverse.. your oldest episodes should play first and newest last.)
I decided to try out infernal mobs and will see how that goes. I am also enjoying this modpack even though it takes me forever to do anything ^^.

my favourite was:
wither with stoneskin, teleport, regen. i didnt know that those were even able to get infernal stuff, so i summoned it in the overworld... it decided to teleport into blocks and instead of suffocation, it blew up every block. funny game. just lured him away from my base, set up some warnings and left him alone :D
some noobs ignored the warnings though. well, they asked for it :-/

but i would like to suggest: be warry of the combination teleport & fireball throwing mobs. when they notice you (teleport!), keep away from your gregtech machines(fire ->explosions)! Better get yourself an entry hall to take care of those lovely ones without endangering your machines.

you might want to disable those RUSTY effects; they can take out your electric equipment if it is not charged up. also this nasty stupid weapon stealing ability (sticky)...

hope you are prepared for those blood moon nights! :D
currently I am playing with industrialcraft crop breedsystem but I have 2 things I dont understand:
1. I cant find a rose which is compatible with crops. There is also no vanilla rose(NEI), only from Bioms o Plenty.
2. I got stickreed which is nice, but I only have one plant of it. How do I get a second one from the plant I have? tutorials never say something about how to multiply your crops >.<

for 1.: I can breed and have luck. that is one way to get roses
for 2.: I could get a second seed bag and cross them, to get another stickreed. This is working with my wheat, but this means alwas have to get 2 plants for multiplying my crops >.<
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currently I am playing with industrialcraft crop breedsystem but I have 2 things I dont understand:
1. I cant find a rose which is compatible with crops. There is also no vanilla rose(NEI), only from Bioms o Plenty.
2. I got stickreed which is nice, but I only have one plant of it. How do I get a second one from the plant I have? tutorials never say something about how to multiply your crops >.<
Welcome to the pack in general and crops in particular!

Your second point, breeding: to breed crops, you need at least 4 total cropsticks ready.

  • plant two plants of any kind onto its own cropstick with a space between them.
  • Allow the plants to mature a bit; this (I'm told) mitigates weeds
  • place cropsticks in the space between them, and then another cropstick ON that cropstick. It will turn into a double-cropstick.
  • Wait. Eventually something will appear there.

If the "parents" are the same (both stickreeds for instance), there's a strong (~80%) chance you'll get another stickreed. If the parent's are different, it will most likely be one parent(~40%) or the other(~40%). There's also a good chance (~15%) you'll get a Weed. These suck as they can spread and they destroy your other crops. To get another stick reed, plant "something" near the stickreed, with double-crops between them. Eventually you'll get a stickreed. (I don't know if the child-plant is more likely to take after the lower or higher-tier parent, so you may want to plant something of middling tier as the other parent)

There's also a small chance (~5%) that you'll get a mutation of sorts: the new plant may randomly be just about any other kind of plant. Statistically, its most likely to be a plant of approximately the same "tier" (where stuff like wheat is low-tier, and stuff like diareed is high-tier.)

This leads to your first question, roses: if you breed low-level crops long enough you'll eventually get roses, unless they've been removed from the pack. If I recall correctly, all "dye" plants are tier 2. So if you plant enough wheat-on-crops (tier 1), with double-crops between them, you'll eventually get roses.

The most efficient way to do this is a checkerboard pattern of crops:
A small segment of your farming area above, where one symbol represents double-crops, and the other represents your wheat (doesn't matter which).

Edit: Added some ballpark approximations of chances. These are not official, just my general observation.
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Welcome to the pack in general and crops in particular!

Your second point, breeding: to breed crops, you need at least 4 total cropsticks ready.

  • plant two plants of any kind onto its own cropstick with a space between them.
  • Allow the plants to mature a bit; this (I'm told) mitigates weeds
  • place cropsticks in the space between them, and then another cropstick ON that cropstick. It will turn into a double-cropstick.
  • Wait. Eventually something will appear there.

If the "parents" are the same (both stickreeds for instance), there's a strong (~80%) chance you'll get another stickreed. If the parent's are different, it will most likely be one parent(~40%) or the other(~40%). There's also a good chance (~15%) you'll get a Weed. These suck as they can spread and they destroy your other crops. To get another stick reed, plant "something" near the stickreed, with double-crops between them. Eventually you'll get a stickreed. (I don't know if the child-plant is more likely to take after the lower or higher-tier parent, so you may want to plant something of middling tier as the other parent)

There's also a small chance (~5%) that you'll get a mutation of sorts: the new plant may randomly be just about any other kind of plant. Statistically, its most likely to be a plant of approximately the same "tier" (where stuff like wheat is low-tier, and stuff like diareed is high-tier.)

This leads to your first question, roses: if you breed low-level crops long enough you'll eventually get roses, unless they've been removed from the pack. If I recall correctly, all "dye" plants are tier 2. So if you plant enough wheat-on-crops (tier 1), with double-crops between them, you'll eventually get roses.

The most efficient way to do this is a checkerboard pattern of crops:
A small segment of your farming area above, where one symbol represents double-crops, and the other represents your wheat (doesn't matter which).

Edit: Added some ballpark approximations of chances. These are not official, just my general observation.

Thank you a lot! So, my guess is right. I need 2 plants to get another crop/seedbag and for roses I will breed dandelion, which is already tier 2.
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Yep you already had it figured out :)

: As you've probably already surmised, with a single stickreed, you can be trying for 4 new stickreeds at any given time (since you have 4 cardinal directions to work with.)

As you can see, once you get the ball rolling, duplicating your stickreed afterwards will happen at a literally-exponential rate.
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To @Jason McRay or whomever implemented the Gendustry bees for his pack : well done !

It took me a loooong time to get to Iridium, Plutonium, and finally Naquadah, but it was a fun journey and well worth it. The progression and the % breeding chance completely make sense in this pack, as does the steep power requirements for the Mutator and the expensive Mutagen recipe. Basically, one can get started on the custom bees without any fancy breeding other than some decent frames in an Apiary. Then, as one gets into the 2% and 1% bees, the Gendustry machines start to make sense, but their resource and power requirements are not for the feint of heart.

Each mutation takes 5M EU, for instance. Even with 2000 EU/t of production into an HV transformer, it took several minutes to recharge.

Finally, the 'End' requirement for many of the resulting Queens presented an 'interesting' challenge :-) I won't spoil it, but it was quite fun.

I also like how the gems (diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, etc.,.) produce dusts and not the gems directly, thus requiring extensive use of the Implosion Compressor, lots of Industrial TNT, and the production infrastructure to go with it.

Overall, hats to you and/or whomever put the thought and work into these bees. Well done !
I decided to try out infernal mobs and will see how that goes. I am also enjoying this modpack even though it takes me forever to do anything ^^.

Jason McRay:
Is there any chance for you to put your youtube series playlist in order? (right now it plays in reverse.. your oldest episodes should play first and newest last.)

Thanks for reminder :) Changing the playlist right now :)

To @Jason McRay or whomever implemented the Gendustry bees for his pack : well done !

It took me a loooong time to get to Iridium, Plutonium, and finally Naquadah, but it was a fun journey and well worth it. The progression and the % breeding chance completely make sense in this pack, as does the steep power requirements for the Mutator and the expensive Mutagen recipe. Basically, one can get started on the custom bees without any fancy breeding other than some decent frames in an Apiary. Then, as one gets into the 2% and 1% bees, the Gendustry machines start to make sense, but their resource and power requirements are not for the feint of heart.

Each mutation takes 5M EU, for instance. Even with 2000 EU/t of production into an HV transformer, it took several minutes to recharge.

Finally, the 'End' requirement for many of the resulting Queens presented an 'interesting' challenge :) I won't spoil it, but it was quite fun.

I also like how the gems (diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, etc.,.) produce dusts and not the gems directly, thus requiring extensive use of the Implosion Compressor, lots of Industrial TNT, and the production infrastructure to go with it.

Overall, hats to you and/or whomever put the thought and work into these bees. Well done !

I will send your thanks to Dominance from Beyond Reality :)
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Reactions: MigukNamja
I decided to try out infernal mobs and will see how that goes. I am also enjoying this modpack even though it takes me forever to do anything ^^.

I'd suggest disabling the thieving/Sticky mobs as well. They would be fine if they worked only when hit by a hand-to-hand weapon but last I played the even make you drop ranged weapons when you hit them...
could it be that ferru and aurelia need vanilla ores? waiting for almost 3 hours and I have placed one gold and iron gregtech block beneath the plant, it still dont want to grow from 3 to 4 =(
I created several new farms using TC golems, but I encountered a problem- my golems won't replant wheat. They all have required cores and upgrades (harvest + order) and it works fine for all of the Harvestcraft crops, potatoes and carrots. Do I need some other upgrades or is it some kind of bug ? If yes, what are my other options (apart from Ender IO farming station) ? I tried to use IC 'crop sticks', but golems don't seem to recognize them at all.

Also, I updated my pack to 2.0.6 yesterday and it seems that some of my TC progress has been somewhat reset and I have to scan every single item and block once again to see their aspects. Is there any way to fix it ? It isn't really a problem, but feels kinda cheaty, cause I'm getting double research points this way.