Pretty sure this is a noob question. I'm new to GT and only been playing infi2 for a few days. Im at the point where I need to either hunt for diamonds, or farm obsidian to use in a compressor for diamonds. Obsi and Diamond are both mining level 3. What tool material would I use for that? As far as I can tell the iron pick doesn't harvest diamond. I had planned on using TC shards for a mining level 3 pick but that requires me to macerate wood (which quires diamonds)
Am I missing something? Bread crumb pls.
Cobalt is level 3, which is minable by a level one pickaxe. Thaumium is level 3 which you can get from alchemy. Also you may not of seen a recipe for getting wood pulp from wood and a mortar/knife. I think the thaumcraft shard picks require a thaumium rod. Those are the common options for mining your first diamond. Ofcourse you could find a ton of small diamond ores which may drop a diamond and build a diamond pick from there or use explosives to get the ore blocks.